Thursday, 7 February 2019


LG 47LB5610 47LB5610-CD - CHASSIS LC43B Adjustments - Firmware update - EDID data

LG 47LB5610 47LB5610-CD - LED LCD TV - Adjustments
North/Latin America, Europe/Africa' Asia/Oceania
ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTION - To all of the LG LED TV with LC43B chassis.
(1) The adjustment is according to the order which is designated and which must be followed, according to the plan which can be changed only on agreeing.
(2) Power adjustment : Free Voltage.
(3) Magnetic Field Condition: Nil.
(4) Input signal Unit: Product Specification Standard.
(5) Reserve after operation: Above 5 Minutes (Heat Run)
Temperature : at 25 °C ± 5 °C
Relative humidity : 65 ± 10 %
Input voltage : 220 V~, 60 Hz
(6) Adjustment equipments
Colour Analyser(CA-210 or CA-110), Service remote control.
(7) Push the “IN STOP" key - For memory initialization.
You should have the service remote control to enter the service mode to adjust the parameters. This remote control can be bought from the authorized service centre for LG.
Case-1: Software version up
1. After downloading S/W by USB , TV set will reboot automatically.
2. Push “In-stop” key.
3. Push “Power on” key.
4. Function inspection
5. After function inspection, Push “In-stop” key.
Case-2: Function check at the assembly line
1. When TV set is entering on the assembly line, Push “In-stop” key at first.
2. Push “Power on” key for turning it on.
=> If you push “Power on” key, TV set will recover channel information by itself.
3. After function inspection, Push “In-stop” key.
Boot file Download 
(1) Execute ISP program "Mstar ISP Utility" and then click "Config" tab.
(2) Set as below, and then click "Auto Detect" and check "OK" message.
If "Error" is displayed, check connection between computer, jig, and set.
(3) Click "Read" tab, and then load download file(XXXX.bin) by clicking "Read"
(4) Click "Connect" tab. If "Can't" is displayed, check connection between computer, jig and set.
(5) Click "Auto" tab and set as below.
(6) Click "Run".
(7) After downloading, check "OK" message.
USB DOWNLOAD(*.epk file download)
(1) Put the USB Stick to the USB socket.
(2) Automatically detecting update file in USB Stick.
If version of update file in USB Stick is lower, it will not work. But version of update file is higher; USB data will be detected automatically.
(3) Show the message "Copying files from memory".
(4) Updating is starting  (5) Updating Completed, The TV will restart automatically.
(6) If your TV is turned on, check your updated version and Tool option. (explain the Tool option, next stage)
* If updated version is higher than what TV has, the TV can lost all channel data. In this case, you have to channel recover. If all channel data is cleared, you didn’t have a DTV/ATV test on production line.
After downloading, have to adjust Tool Option again.
(1) Push "IN-START" key in service remote control.
(2) Select "Tool Option 1" and push "OK" key.
(3) Punch in the number. (Each model has their number)
(4) Completed selecting Tool option.
ADC Process
=> Enter Service Mode by pushing "ADJ" key.
=> Enter Internal ADC mode by pushing key at "8. ADC Calibration"
Caution: Using "P-ONLY" key of the Adjustment remote control, power on TV.
ADC Calibration Protocol (RS232)
Adjust Sequence
# aa 00 00 [Enter Adjust Mode]
# xb 00 40 [Component1 Input (480i)]
# ad 00 10 [Adjust 480i Comp1]
# xb 00 60 [RGB Input (1024*768)]
# ad 00 10 [Adjust 1024*768 RGB]
# aa 00 90 End Adjust mode
* Required equipment : Adjustment remote control.
Check display and sound
Check Input and Signal items.
(1) TV
(2) AV (CVBS)
(3) COMPONENT (480i)
(4) HDMI
* Display and Sound check is executed by Remote control.
Caution: Not to push the "INSTOP" key after completion if the function inspection.
Total Assembly line process
Adjustment Preparation
# W/B Equipment condition
CA210: LED → CH14, Test signal: Inner pattern (80IRE)
# Above 5 minutes H/run in the inner pattern. ("Power on" key of Adjustment remote control)
W/B adj. Objective & How-it-works
(1) Objective: To reduce each Panel’s W/B deviation
(2) How-it-works: When R/G/B gain in the OSD is at 192, it means the panel is at its Full Dynamic Range.
In order to prevent saturation of Full Dynamic range and data, one of R/G/B is fixed at 192, and the other two is lowered to find the desired value.
(3) Adj. condition: normal temperature
> Surrounding Temperature: 25 ± 5 °C
> Warm-up time: About 5 Min
> Surrounding Humidity: 20% ~ 80%
> Before White balance adjustment, Keep power on status, don’t power off.
If Model is POLA model:
Case: Cool Mode
# Purpose: Adjust the color temperature to reduce the deviation of the module color temperature.
# Principle: To adjust the white balance without the saturation, Fix the G gain to 172 (default data) and change the others ( R/B Gain ).
# Adjustment mode: mode - Cool
Case : Medium / Warm Mode
# Purpose : Adjust the color temperature to reduce the deviation of the module color temperature.
# Principle: To adjust the white balance without the saturation, Fix the one of R/G/B gain to 192 (default data) and decrease the others.
# Adjustment mode: Two modes - Medium / Warm.
Manual W/B process using adjusts Remote control.> Colour Temperature: COOL, Medium, Warm> One of R Gain/ G Gain/ B Gain should be kept on 0xC0, and adjust other two lower than C0. (When R/G/B Gain are all C0, it is the FULL Dynamic Range of Module)> after enter Service Mode by pushing “ADJ” key,
> Enter White Balance by pushing key at “9. White Balance”.
> For manual adjustment, it is also possible by the following sequence
(1) Set TV in Adj. mode using POWER ON
(2) Zero Calibrate the probe of Colour Analyser, then place it on the centre of LCD module within 10cm of the surface
(3) Press ADJ key => EZ adjust using adj. R/C => 8. White Balance then press the cursor to the right (KEY).   When KEYis pressed 206 Gray internal pattern will be displayed.
(4) Adjust Cool modes
1) Fix the one of R/G/B gain to 192 (default data) and decrease the others. (If G gain is adjusted over 172 and R and B gain less than 192 , Adjust is O.K.)
2) If G gain is less than 172, Increase G gain by up to 172, and then increase R gain and G gain same amount of increasing G gain.
3) If R gain or B gain is over 255, readjust G gain less than 172, Conform to R gain is 255 or B gain is 255
(5) Adjust two modes (Medium/Warm) 
Fix the one of R/G/B gain to 192 (default data) and decrease the others.
(6) Adj. is completed, Exit adjust mode using “EXIT” key on Remote control.
# If internal pattern is not available, use RF input In EZ Adj. menu
9. White Balance, you can select one of 2 Test-pattern: ON, OFF. Default is inner (ON).  
By selecting OFF, you can adjust using RF signal in 206 Gray pattern Balance by pushing key at “9. White Balance”
First adjust the coordinate far away from the target value(x, y).
1) x, y > target
i) Decrease the R, G.
2) x, y < target
i) First decrease the B gain,
ii) Decrease the one of the others.
3) x > target, y < target
i) First decrease B, so make y a little more than the target.
ii) Adjust x value by decreasing the R.
4) x < target, y > target
i) First decrease B, so make x a little more than the target.
ii) Adjust x value by decreasing the G.
How to adjust
1) If G gain is adjusted over 172 and R gain and B gain less than 192, Adjust is O.K.
2) If G gain is less than 172, increase G gain by up to 172, and then increase R gain and B gain same amount of increasing G gain.
3) If R gain or B gain is over 255, Readjust G gain less than 172, Conform to R gain is 255 or B gain is 255.
CASE Medium / Warm
First adjust the coordinate far away from the target value(x, y).
1) x, y > target
i) Decrease the R, G.
2) x, y < target
i) First decrease the B gain,
ii) Decrease the one of the others.
3) x > target, y < target
i) First decrease B, so make y a little more than the target.
ii) Adjust x value by decreasing the R
4) x < target, y > target
i) First decrease B, so make x a little more than the target.
ii) Adjust x value by decreasing the G
* After You finish all adjustments, Press “In-start” button and compare Tool option and Area option value with its BOM, if it is correctly same then unplug the AC cable.  If it is not same, then correct it same with BOM and unplug AC cable.  For correct it to the model’s module from factory JIG model.
* Push the “IN-STOP KEY” after completing the function inspection.
DDC EDID Write (RGB 128Byte)> Connect D-sub Signal Cable to D-Sub Jack.> Write EDID DATA to EEPROM(24C02) by using DDC2B protocol.> Check whether written EDID data is correct or not.
* For SVC main Assembly, EDID have to be downloaded to Insert Process in advance.
DDC EDID Write (HDMI 256Byte)> Connect HDMI Signal Cable to HDMI Jack.> Write EDID DATA to EEPROM(24C02) by using DDC2B protocol.> Check whether written EDID data is correct or not.
* For SVC main Assembly, EDID have to be downloaded to Insert Process in advance.
1) All Data : HEXA Value
2) Changeable Data :
*: Serial No : Controlled / Data:01
**: Month : Controlled / Data:00
***: Year : Controlled
****: Check sum.
Auto Download> After enter Service Mode by pushing “ADJ” key,> Enter EDID D/L mode.> Enter “START” by pushing “OK” key. Caution: Never connect HDMI & D-sub Cable when EDID downloaded.
EDID data and Model option download (RS232)
Manual Download
Caution: Use the proper signal cable for EDID Download* Analog EDID : Pin3 exists
* Digital EDID : Pin3 exists
* Never connect HDMI & D-sub Cable at the same time.
* Use the proper cables below for EDID Writing.
* Download HDMI1/2/3 separately because each EDID data is different.
Detail EDID Options are below
a. Product ID
Model Name: HD/FHD Model
HEX: 0001
EDID Table: 01 00
DDC Function: Analog/Digital
b. Serial No: Controlled on production line.
c. Month, Year: Controlled on production line:ex)  Week : '01' > '01'
Year : '2012' > '16' fix
d. Model Name(Hex):cf)  TV set’s model name in EDID data is below.
MODEL NAME(HEX): 00 00 00 FC 00 4C 47 20 54 56 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 (LG TV)
e. Checksum: Changeable by total EDID data.
Fig-5 Outgoing condition Configuration
> when pressing IN-STOP key by Service remote control, Red LED are blinked alternatively. And then automatically turn off. (Must not AC power OFF during blinking).
GND and HI-POT Test
GND & HI-POT auto-check preparation
(1) Check the POWER CABLE and SIGNAL CABE insertion condition.
GND & HI-POT auto-check
(1) Pallet moves in the station.(POWER CORD / AV CORD is tightly inserted)
(2) Connect the AV JACK Tester.
(3) Controller (GWS103-4) on.
(4) GND Test (Auto)
* If Test is failed, Buzzer operates.
* If Test is passed, execute next process(Hi-pot test).
(Remove A/V CORD from A/V JACK BOX)
(5) HI-POT test (Auto)
* If Test is failed, Buzzer operates.
* If Test is passed, GOOD Lamp on and move to next process automatically.
(1) Test voltage
1) 3 Poles
* GND: 1.5 KV/min at 100 mA
* SIGNAL: 3 KV/min at 100 mA
2) 2 Poles
* SIGNAL: 3 KV/min at 100 mA
(2) TEST time: 1 second
1) 3 Poles
* Hi-pot Test = POWER CORD GND and LIVE & NEUTRAL.
2) 2 Poles
* Hi-pot Test = Accessible Metal and LIVE & NEUTRAL.
(4) LEAKAGE CURRENT: A Model name & Serial No. download
> Press “Power on” key of service remote control (Baud rate : 115200 bps)
> Connect USB to RS232 cable at USB Jack.
> Write model name and serial number.
> Must check the model name and serial number at the Product/Service Info. (menu key → red key → select Product/Service info)t 0.5 mArms.
Signal TABLE
CMD : A0h
LENGTH : 85~94h (1~16 bytes)
ADH : EEPROM Sub Address high (00~1F)
ADL : EEPROM Sub Address low (00~FF)
Data : Write data
CS : CMD + LENGTH + ADH + ADL + Data_1 +...+ Data_n
Delay : 20ms.
Command Set
Adjust mode: EEPROM WRITE
CMD(hex): A0h
LENGTH(hex): 84h+n
Description: n-bytes Write (n = 1~16)
FOS Default write : <7mode data> write
Vtotal, V_Frequency, Sync_Polarity, Htotal, Hstart, Vstart, 0, Phase
Data write : Model Name and Serial Number write in EEPROM,
Method & notice
(1) Serial number D/L is using of scan equipment.
(2) Setting of scan equipment operated by Manufacturing Technology Group.
(3) Serial number D/L must be conformed when it is produced in production line, because serial number D/L is mandatory by D-book 4.0.
Manual Download(Model Name and Serial Number)
If the TV set is downloaded by OTA or Service man, sometimes model name or serial number is initialized.(Not always)
There is impossible to download by bar code scan, so It need Manual download.
1) Press the "Instart" key of Adjustment remote control.
2) Go to the menu "6.Model Number D/L" like below photo.
3) Input the Factory model name or Serial number like photo.
4) Check the model name Instart menu. → Factory name displayed.
5) Check the Product/Service Info.(Menu Key → Red Key → Select Product/Service Info.) → Buyer model displayed.
Click on the pictures to magnify