Friday 8 February 2019


PC Won't Boot - How To Diagnose

Hi, here is the simple steps you can use to diagnose your PC
  1. If the CPU (Central Process Unit) is heated or too much dirt: => Your PC will turn off immediately or you will hear the CPU Fan spinning very loud and very fast but this problem can be fixed by just clean up the CPU Fan, change thermal paste if you can.
  2. If the CPU (Central Process Unit) is dead => your PC won't be able to boot and you won't see the POST Screen. Example: When you press the power button the power light is on and the CPU Fan is spinning for a few seconds then off. And your monitor didn't detect any signal from your PC.
  3. If your PC Power Supply is dead or the wire is broken => Your PC will completely dark and it's like dead but not dead just because no electric power supply. Example: You press the power button and nothing happen, no power light, CPU Fan isn't spinning.
  4. If your PC Power Supply is fired and almost dead => Your PC still be able to boot normally, but after a few new minutes you will hear some noise and burning smell from the Power Supply. So the best way just turn off your PC and change your Power Supply.
  5. If your PC Power Supply Wattage isn't enough => Your PC won't be able to boot but this only happened when you upgraded your hardware such as Video Card, Hard Drive, CPU ... and this problem can be fixed by just change the power supply with higher wattage or just unplug the Video Card if you don't want to buy a new power supply.
  6. If your PC RAM is bad => You'll see Blue Screen, PC turn off suddenly and sometimes, PC won't boot, you'll hear sound (beat) but you still see the POST Screen on your monitor and this problem can be fixed by just replace the RAM.
  7. If your PC RAM is dead => Your PC will boot and passed the POST Screen then off or stuck, for some PCs you'll hear sound (beat). And this problem can be fixed by just replace with new RAM.
  8. If your PC Hard Drive is bad => Your PC will boot and passed only the POST Screen then off or stuck (replace it might fix) or if your PC shutdown immediately while you are installing a program or loading something to your Hard Drive and your PC won't boot but you still see the POST Screen but some hard drives you can't format it when reinstall Windows. Write Zero to your Hard drive might fix the problem but you will lose all of your DATA.
  9. If your PC Hard Drive is dead => Your PC will boot and passed the POST Screen then off, for some PCs you'll hear sound (beat) if you've replaced but the problem still persist. And this problem can be fixed by just replace with new Hard Drive.
  10. If your PC Motherboard is bad => Some parts of your peripheral don't work, example: Your sound card doesn't work correctly. Or you may see the blue screen.
  11. If your PC Motherboard is dead => Your PC will boot and passed the POST Screen then off or stuck, for some PCs you'll hear sound (beat) and after you've replaced RAM, Hard drive but the problem still persist this means your motherboard is dead. Replace with new mainboard to fix it. 
  12. If your PC Video Card is bad (Laptop Only) => Your PC will boot normally, you can hear windows log on sound, all lights are on and CPU Fan is spinning but your screen is black. This problem can be fixed by REFLOWING your video card