Thursday, 7 February 2019


Philips FM23 Plasma TV - Service Mode and Error code Details - LED blinking codes

Service Alignment Mode (SAM)
There is also the option of using ComPair, a hardware interface between a computer and the FTV chassis.  It offers the ability of structured trouble shooting, test pattern generation, error code reading, software version readout and software upgrading.  Minimum requirements: a Pentium Processor, Windows 9x/NT/ 2000/XP, and a CD-ROM drive.
SAM - Flowchart
How to enter
Use one of the following methods:
• Use a standard RC-transmitter and key in the code 0 6 2 5 9 6 directly followed by the OSD (i+) button.
Note: the OSD (i+) is not available on the original FM23 remote control, therefore use another Philips remote control (e.g. MG, EMG or A10).
• Short jumpers 3 and 4 of connector 0382 on the SCAVIO panel.
Service Mode Screen
Service mode Screen details
Type Nr. Gives the commercial type number of the monitor, e.g. 32FD9944/01S.
2. AG Code. Is not implemented.
3. SW Version OTC (AAAABC-X.Y-xxxxx). 
Note: You will find details of the latest software versions in the chapter 'Software Survey' of the 'Product Survey - Colour Television' publication, which is published four times each year.
• A = the chassis name (FM23 for 32" displays or FM24 for 42" displays).
• B = the region (E= Europe, A= Asia Pacific, U= NAFTA,
L= LATAM or G = Global).
• C = the configuration name (B= Basic, E= Enhanced).
• X = the main software version number.
• Y = the sub software version number.
• x = last five digits of 12nc code.
4. SW Version PW (AAAABC-X.Y-xxxxx). See description above.
5. SW Version EPLD (AAAABC-X.Y-xxxxx). See description above.
6. Errors 1. Gives the last five errors of the error buffer. The last detected error is displayed at the most left position.  The errors are displayed as 2 digit numbers and separated by a space. When less than 10 errors occurred, the rest of the line(s) is empty. In case of no errors the text 'No Errors' is displayed behind menu item 'Errors 1'
7. Errors 2. Gives the first five errors of the error buffer. The last detected error is displayed at the most left position.
8. Operational hours. The Operations Hours indicate the time that the display was active with half an hour resolution.  It represents the system hours (OTC), not the PDP hours.
9. Reset error buffer. Erase the contents of the error buffer.  Press 'OK' on your remote control to activate. The content of the error buffer is cleared.
10. Store. This will store the performed alignments. Press 'OK' on your remote control to activate.
Note: if you do not want to store the performed alignments, leave the SAM mode via code 0 0 on your remote control.  Do not activate the 'store' item.
How to navigate
Use one of the following methods:
• Select the sub-menu's (upper line) with the CURSOR LEFT/RIGHT keys on the remote control transmitter.
• Select the menu items with the CURSOR UP/DOWN keys.  With the CURSOR LEFT/RIGHT keys it is possible to:
– Activate the selected menu item.
– Change the value of the selected menu item.
• To toggle to the SDM mode, use the standard customer RC-transmitter and key in the code 0 6 2 5 9 6, directly followed by the MENU key.
How to exit
Use one of the following methods:
• Switch the set 'off' (with the Mains switch or by pulling the Mains cord).
Note: new alignment settings are always stored, even when item 'store' was not activated.
• Switch the set to 'standby' by pressing the power button on the remote control transmitter.
Note: new alignment settings are always stored, even when item 'store' was not activated.
• Use the standard RC-transmitter and key in the code 0 0.
Note: new alignment settings are not stored (except when item 'store' was activated).
Error Codes
Error Buffer
The error code buffer contains all detected errors since the last time the buffer was erased. The buffer is written from left to right. When an error occurs that is not yet in the error code buffer, it is written at the left side and all other errors shift one position to the right.
How to Read the Error Buffer
Use one of the following methods:
• On screen via the SAM (only if you have a picture).
– Errors: 6 0 0 0 0, error code 6 is the last and only detected error.
– Errors: 9 6 0 0 0, error code 6 was first detected and error code 9 is the last detected (newest) error.
• Via the blinking LED procedure (when you have no picture). 
• Via ComPair.
The Blinking LED Procedure
Via this procedure, you can make the contents of the error buffer visible via the front LED (orange colour).This is especially useful when there is no picture. When no errors are present, the LED will stay green.  When the SDM is entered, or when code 0 6 2 5 0 0 is entered with the remote contNotes:
• In case of non-intermittent faults, clear the error buffer before you begin the repair. This to ensure that old error codes are no longer present.
• If possible, check the entire contents of the error buffer. In some situations, an error code is only the result of another error code and not the actual cause (e.g., a fault in the protection detection circuitry can also lead to a protection).rol, the LED will blink the contents of the error-buffer.
Error-codes ≥ 10 are shown as follows:
1. n long blinks of 750 ms, which is/are an indication of the decimal digit,
2. a pause of 1.5 s,
3. n short blinks (n = 1-9),
4. when all the error-codes are displayed, the sequence finishes with a LED blink of 3 s,
5. the sequence starts again.
Example of error buffer: 12 9 6 0 0
After entering SDM:
1. 1 long blink of 750 ms followed by a pause of 1.5 s,
2. 2 short blinks followed by a pause of 3 s,
3. 9 short blinks followed by a pause of 3 s,
4. 6 short blinks followed by a pause of 3 s,
5. 1 long blink of 3 s to finish the sequence,
6. the sequence starts again.
You can read the error codes of the error buffer via the service menu (SAM), the blinking LED procedure, or via ComPair. If a  fault situation is detected an error code will be generated and if necessary, the set will be put in the protection mode. Blinking of the red LED at a frequency of 5 Hz indicates the protection mode.  In some error cases, the microprocessor does not put the set in the protection mode. The error codes are indicated by an orange front LED.
To get a quick diagnosis the chassis has three service modes implemented:
• The Customer Service Mode (CSM): easy way to read out the status of the set.
• The Service Default Mode (SDM): start-up of the set in a predefined way.
• The Service Alignment Mode (SAM): adjustment of the set via a menu and with the help of test patterns.
When a customer is having problems with his TV-set, he can call his dealer or helpdesk. The service technician can than ask the customer to activate the CSM, in order to identify the status of the set. Now, the service technician can judge the severeness of the complaint. In many cases, he can advise the customer how to solve the problem, or he can decide if it is necessary to visit the customer.
The CSM is a read only mode, therefore modifications in this mode are not possible.
How to enter
Use the standard customer RC-transmitter and key in the code 1 2 3 6 5 4.
When CSM is entered, the values of brightness, contrast, etc. are set to 50% (of max. value), and volume is set to 25%, to ensure that you always have a picture and sound.
CSM Flowchart
After switching 'on' the Customer Service Mode, the following screen will appear:
CSM Menu
1. Type Nr. - AG Code. Gives the commercial type number of the monitor, e.g. 32FD9944/01S. AG Code is not implemented.
2. SW Version OTC (AAAABC-X.Y-xxxxx)
Note: You will find details of the latest software versions in the chapter 'Software Survey' of the 'Product Survey - Colour Television' publication, which is published four times each year.
• A = the chassis name (FM23 for 32" displays or FM24 for 42" displays).
• B = the region (E= Europe, A= Asia Pacific, U= NAFTA, L= LATAM or G = Global).
• C = the configuration name (B= Basic, E= Enhanced).
Problems and Solving Tips [Related to CSM]
Picture Problems
Note: Below described problems are all related to the monitor settings. The procedures to change the value (or status) of the different settings are described.
Picture too dark or too bright
Increase/decrease the BRIGHTNESS and/or the CONTRAST value when the picture improves after you have switched on the Customer Service Mode. The new value is automatically stored.
White line around picture elements and text
Decrease the SHARPNESS value when the picture improves after you have switched on the Customer Service Mode. The new value is automatically stored.
Snowy picture and/or unstable picture
A scrambled or decoded signal is received.
Black and white picture
Increase the COLOUR value when the picture improves after you have switched on the Customer Service Mode. The new value is automatically stored.
Menu text not sharp enough
Decrease the CONTRAST value when the picture improves after you have switched on the Customer Service Mode. The new value is automatically stored.
Sound Problems
No sound from left or right speaker
Check item 'Volume' in the CSM mode. If value is low, increase the volume level. The new value is automatically stored.
No sound or sound too loud (after channel change/switching on)
Increase/decrease the VOLUME level when the volume is OK after you switched on the CSM. The new value is automatically stored.