Tuesday 5 February 2019


Sony KDL22EX420 – SONY KDL46EX523 – How to enter Service mode – Digital service mode – adjustment details

KDL 22EX420 - KDL 26EX420 - KDL32 EX520 - KDL40EX520 - KDL46EX520
Remote control RM-GD020, CD013
KDL 22 EX423, KDL26 EX423, KDL32EX420, KDL32EX523, KDL40EX523, KDL46EX523 
Remote control RM-GD020
Accessing Self Diagnostic Menu
While LCD TV set is on standby mode, press the following sequence on the Remote Commander key. (RM-GD020)
< i+>  <5>  <Vol Down>  <TV Power>
To Reset Error Count & Error History: Press < 8 >  < 0 > key.
To Reset Panel Operation Time (Applicable Only when Panel is replaced):
Press < 7 >  < 0 > key
To exit, turn the power off using Remote Commander key.
LED Pattern and standby LED Error display
When safety shutdown occurs, Standby LED display reports the cause by using the lighting patterns as indicated below.
Example: The figure  shows LED display when SHUTDOWN is caused by Balancer Error. It repeats flashing for a specified number of times in 0.5sec/cycle and has a 3 seconds interval of lighting off. Please note that a 3 second interval of lighting off is fixed regardless of abnormal state types.
Accessing Service Mode
While LCD TV set is on standby mode, press the following sequence on the Remote Commander key. < Display>  <5>  <Vol Up>  <Power>
Service menu
Transition of each module in service mode
There are 3 modules in Service Mode:
a) Chassis b) VPC: Service Mode 1
c) Digital: Service Mode 2
Digital Service Mode will be appeared first whenever entering Service Mode.
To changed the module, please press either OPTION or JUMP key on the remote commander.
Change data by Service Mode 1 (Chassis and VPC module)
To change category, item and data in CHASSIS or VPC service mode:
a. Press key 2 or 5 on remote commander to select (up or down) category.
b. Press key 1 or 4 on remote commander to select (up or down) Item.
c. Press key 3 or 6 on remote commander to change (up or down) data.
Remote commander key : 1, 2, 3 is for increment
Remote commander key : 4, 5, 6 is for decrement
To save changed data in Service Mode 1
a. Press key Mute on remote commander. It shows green SERVICE changes to green WRITE.
b. Press key 0. Green WRITE changes to red WRITE. It indicates writing is processing.
c. After a while, red WRITE changes to green SERVICE. Writing process is done at this point.
Change data by Service Mode 2 (Digital Service Mode)
Change data for all Except 003 DIG_SRV_MODE
To change category, item and data in DIGITAL service mode (except 003 DIG_SRV_MODE category):
a. Press key 2 or 5 on remote commander to select (up or down) category.
b. Press key 1 or 4 on remote commander to select (up or down) Item.
c. Press key 3 or 6 to change (up or down) data.
Remote commander key : 1, 2, 3 is for increment
Remote commander key : 4, 5, 6 is for decrement
[No need to save for Digital Service Mode (except for 002 MODEL & 005 CHPRESET category)]
Change data for 003 DIG_SRV_MODE
To change item and data in DIGITAL service mode (003 DIG_SRV_MODE category):
Please note because this operation is special.
a. Press key 2 or 5 on remote commander to select 003 DIG_SRV_MODE.
b. Press key 1 or 4 on remote commander to select (up or down) Item.
c. Press key 0 or 10 on remote commander to select item.
d. Press key 1~9 on remote commander directly. Star (*) mark will move accordingly.
e. Press key ENTER or SELECT to decide and advance next step.
Press Remote Commander key RETURN to return to the previous page.
Save changing data by Service Mode 2 (for 002 MODEL category)
This is only required only when B Board is replaced.
Items in Digital service mode for 002 MODEL category.
000 SEG ・・・Select segment information
001 DEST・・・Select destination information
002 MODELNAME ・・・ Select Model Name
003 SERIAL ・・・Can be set Only Once for the new board.
To change category, item and data :
a. Press key 2 or 5 on remote commander to select (up or down) category.
b. Press key 1 or 4 on remote commander to select (up or down) Item.
c. Press key 3 or 6 on remote commander to change (up or down) data.
Remote commander key : 1, 2, 3 is for increment
Remote commander key : 4, 5, 6 is for decrement
Press key mute +0 on remote commander . It shows red WRITE.
After a while, red WRITE dissapears. Green DONE will be displayed.
For the item SEG, DEST MODELNAME, after changing each item, service save(mute+0) is needed. For the item SERIAL, after inputting the serial number, press key 12 or Enter, the serial data will be saved.
Save the item SEG, DEST, MODELNAME sequentially. SEG→ DEST→ MODELNAME
When Saving the item "SEG", sometimes instead of "Writing", word "Pending" will appear. In this case, skip the "SEG", save the "DEST" and "MODELNAME" is OK.
White Balance Adjustment
To access to White Balance Service mode, choose VPC Service Mode.
a. Press key 1 or 4 on remote commander to select WB adjustment menu.  006 WB category will be seen on the menu.
b. Change data by pressing 3 or 6. Each range of these items is 0~255.
c. Press mute + 0 on remote commander to save the data.
SERVICE comment is changed to WRITE, indicating writing process.
d. After a while, WRITE comment returns to SERVICE, which means writing process is done. (takes about a couple of seconds)
Restore WB / Gamma adj-data to B board
In VPC service mode:
a. Select 000 DATA_COPY category by pressing key 2 or 5 on remote commander.
b. Change data from 0 to 1 by pressing key 3 or 6 on remote commander.
c. Wait until data is changed from 1 to 3.
d. When data is changed from 1 to 3, restoring process is finished.
e. In case data is changed from 1 to 2, keeps default setting. (No more process is needed.)
1. This restoration should be applied after USB-DL being assembled when B Board is replaced.
2. This process only applicable for 120Hz / 240Hz models only.
Change the emitter output level (Applicable only for TD model)
Purpose to reduce the emitter LED output power strength.
Select VPC service mode and then press:
a. Select 005 TD category by pressing key 2 or 5 on remote commander.
b. Select 000 EMIT_STR item by pressing key 1 or 4 on remote commander.
c. Change data from 0 to 1 by pressing key 3 or 6 on remote commander.
0: Strong (Default).  1: Weak
d. Save by pressing Mute & 0 or 10 & Reboot.
Viewing VCOM Test Pattern
Step 1
To access VCOM Step 1, please select Digital Service Mode first
a. Select 003 DIG_SRV_MODE category by pressing key 2 or 5 on remote commander.
b. Press key 0 on remote commander to go to TEST PATTERN Mode.
c. Press key Enter or 1 or 2 on remote commmander to go into Video TEST PATTERN.
d. Press key 7 or 8 on remote commander to select the test pattern
e. Press key Enter or Select on remote commander twice to show the VCOM TEST PATTERN
Step 2
To access VCOM Step 2, please select VPCService Mode first.
Select 002 VCOM category by pressing key 2 or 5 on remote commander.
b. Select 000 ENABLE item by pressing key 1 or 4 on remote commander.
c. Change ENABLE from 0 to 1 to enable VCOM adjustment
Step 3
To access VCOM Step 3, please select VPC Service Mode.
a. Select 002 VCOM category by pressing key 2 or 5 on remote commander.
b. Select 001 ADJUST item by pressing key 1 or 4 on remote commander.
c. Change data by pressing key 3 or 6 on remote commander.
d. Finish the adjustment when the picture seems OK.
Step 4
To access VCOM Step 4, please select Digital Service .
a. Select 007 VCOM category by pressing key 2 or 5 on remote commander.
b. Change data from 1 to 0 by pressing key 3 or 6 on remote commander.
c. Confirm the final result of the VCOM adjustment.
d. If OK, Finish the VCOM adjustment. If NG, pressing key 3 or 6 to show the OSD again and go back to VCOM adjustment STEP3.
Set to Shipping Condition
Option 1 (By Accessing to Service Mode)
a. Move to Digital service mode.
b. Press 8 on remote.
It shows green color letter SERVICE changes to green color letter RST-.
c. Press mute on remote.
Added green color letter EXE after green color letter RST- .
d. Press 0 on remote. Green color letter RST-EXE changes to red color letter RST-EXE. It indicated writing is in process.
e. After a while, red color letter RST –EXE changes to green color letter SERVICE. And all LED lights.
Writing process is done at this point.
Option 2 (Without accessing to Service Mode)
Without accessing to Service Mode, shipping condition still can
be set by pressing remote commander key:
[Cursor Up on remote + Power Key on Front panel]
Index Flow of Service Control in Digital Service Mode
001 OP
000 VERS…………………….Software version
000 SEG ……………………..Select segment information
001 DEST…………………….Select destination information
002 MODELNAME …………..Select Model Name
004 SERIAL ………………….Can be set Only Once for the new board
000 TEST_PATTERN……….EMMA Test Pattern
001 MONITOR_MODE………Tuner Monitor
002 FACT_SETTING………..Factory shipment settings
000 A_NOSIG_DET………….Analog-RF No signal detection
001 SCAN_COPY……………Copy the scan data to USB.
005 CHPRSET…………………………For factory use only.
006 RFRC Mode……………………. Service item for RF Remote Commander
007 VCOM…………………………… Service item for VCOM Adjustment
008 WIFI …………………………….…Service item for WIFI (only WIFI model)
VPC Service Mode
000 DATA_COPY………………WB Data Save Function
001 DATABACKUP…………….No use for Service.
002 VCOM ………………………VCOM Adjustment Function.
003 SG_EP …………… ………..No use for Service.
004 MEASURE …………… ……No use for Service.
005 …………… ……….……….. Emitter Strength setting Function.
006 WB …………… …………… W/B adjustment
007 GAISO …………… .. …….. Change RGB sensor setting by bezel color.
Chassis Service Mode
002 D_DEMOD  
004 HDMI
No use for Service.
000 MPEG_LV …Level OFFSET for MPEG1-L1/L2.
001 HEAAC_LV …Level OFFSET for HE-AAC.
005 TEMPSEN …………….. No Use for Service