Friday 1 February 2019


TCL L32P60 – How to enter service mode, service adjustments

How to enter the factory mode, P Mode, software update TCL L32P60/MT10L-LA/SS8P
Factory Menu [Service mode]
Follow the below steps to pop-up the Factory Menu in case of “Factory Key” is disable:
- press Remote Control key “MENU” to display main menu
- Select “Picture” and press “OK” key to enter the picture sub-menu
- Select “Contrast” item
- press the sub-sequence Remote Control keys “9”, “7”, “3” and “5
Press Remote Control key “Return” To pop-up the Factory Menu in case of “Factory Key” is enable.
The status of “Factory Key” can be changed in Factory Menu->Hotkey
Press Remote Control “OK” key or “RIGHT” key to enter the sub-menu.
Press Remote Control “Menu” key to go back to the root menu.
Press Remote Control “RIGHT “or “LEFT” key to change the values.
Press Remote Control “OK” key run the function.
Press Remote Control “Exit” key exit the factory menu.
Entering to “P” Mode
Turned on the factory key to enter into “P” mode. The TV will display the following info in bottom left corner in “P” mode.
-main version ***
-project ID ***
-P/PS/D ***
White Balance Alignment
Make sure that the picture mode is “vivid”, enter to “P” mode(turned on the factory key) and switch off “Pic. Enhance” in Factory Menu-> White Balance before white balance alignment .
VGA,CMP, DTV,CVBS_PAL Color Coordinates are relative to HDMI.
CVBS_SECAM and CVBS_NTSC Color Coordinates are relative to CVBS_PAL.
Warm and Cool Color Coordinates are relatives to Normal mode.
Only HDMI(YUV 720p@60Hz) input requires color temperature adjustment. All the Relative Matrix Offsets should be set while doing alignment.
Each panel has its own color coordinates, refer to the following table.
Expected Targets and Tolerances
The measured parameters should be “x, y” coordinates.
The White Balance alignment should be performed using a contact less analyzer (ei: Minolta CA-210). The analyzer may not touch the screen surface, and measurement must be performed in a dark environment keeping the probe(s) at 90+/-2° from the panel.
The result should measure up the relevant spec.
High Pot: Tests
At the end of the process, a High Pot. and an Insulating Resistance tests are required for matching Safety Electrical requirements (ei: xxxx)
High Voltage Withstanding requirements
“Voltage” > 3500 VAC
“Max Leakage Current” > 10 mA
“Test Time” > 5 sec
DC/DC Check
Before power on, please check the board according to the relevant block diagram and circuit diagram, and make sure that no serious error should destroy the board.
For example, the output of DC/DC and LDO should not shorted to ground.
Supply a suited voltage and power on, then check the voltage according to the relevant block diagram , circuit diagram and voltage spec . the error should less than 5% .
For example, the voltage for main chip(DV33, AV33, VCCK,etc.), the voltage for DDR (DDRV) , the voltage for amplifier(AUDIO_PWR),etc. Only the standby voltage is necessary if there is no software in the flash.
[Different model may have different configuration of DC/DC circuit.]
Download the latest release MT10_SW into the flash using MTK SW tool Or upgrade the SW from USB port.
Upgrade FLASH SW from USB”.
Remember to do “Reset all” after upgrade the SW.
Project ID check and modify
There is different ID stored in the NVM depended on different Panels. Modify it with Hyper terminal if the initial ID or a wrong ID make the set cannot display clearly.  It can be checked and modified in Factory menu->Project info->Project ID if the set can display clearly. The set should be restart if the project ID is changed.
Once the boards (chassis, KB, IR, PSU…) and the panel are well interconnected, connect all external generator devices to relevant inputs/outputs below according to their respective test patterns format and check picture content and sound quality accordingly.
Audio tones can be defined by the factory (ie: 1KHz & 3KHz, sweep,).
Picture video formats can be changed by the factory according to their own standard.
DDC and EDID Test
The E-EDID data structure are according to VESA Enhanced EDID 1.3 (and EIA/CEA-861B for HDMI).
HDMI have their own separate bin files:
For EDID check, it’s needed to check whether the correct EDID is downloaded by checking corresponding EDID NVM Checksum or read them out to check bit by bit if it is in line with the released EDID bin file.
[For HDCP compliancy, it’s needed to check whether the HDCP key has been well set.]
How to download FLASH SW
Prepare MTK SW tool for update.
1. Connect the PC to the serial connector on board using a special serial device (USB or COMx).
2. Provide the a correct voltage to the board
3. Start “MTKTOOL.exe” application under MTKxx folder, and set the parameters as below picture (notice: select MT536X chassis)
4. Press “Browse” button to select the corresponding SW bin file to upload
5. Press “Upgrade” button then press “NOR” button to start downloading the SW and wait the gauge displayed “100%” that means the SW has been successfully downloaded.
In the meanwhile, all operations such erasing flash and so… are parsed into the debug window script.
6. Once the SW is downloaded, switch-off/on the chassis board and wait few seconds for EEPROM update.
How to upgrade FLASH SW from USB
Upgrade with loader
1. Save the new software file(*.pkg) in the root directory of USB, and modify its name as upgrade.pkg.
2. Plug in the USB when TV set is “power off” or “standby” (TV set should be on “standby” status if using a touch sensing keyboard).
3. Press down “power” key on keyboard, power on if it is on “power off” status , release the “power” key 2~5 second later , the LED on IR board will flash after upgrade begin, the TV set will start up if upgrade succeed. The LED is on but no flash if upgrade fails, check the set and try again.
Upgrade without loader(The TV set should be able to display normally)
1. Save the new software file(*.pkg) in the root directory of USB, and modify it’s name as a software number, such as “V8-0MT1006-LF1V017.pkg”.
2. Plug in the USB.
3. Upgrade the SW follow the indication display on the screen
Modify panel ID with RC
“Modify panel ID without panel but via a RC”
062598+MENU+xxx (xxx:Panel ID)