Tuesday 5 March 2019


ONKYO AVR Remote control code list for television – How to program onkiyo remote – Universal remote codes and programming

                                              Category: Universal remote codes and programming 

Contents of this article 

  • How to program the remote 
  • 5 digit codes for television 


1. While holding down the REMOTE MODE button to which you want to enter a code, press and hold down the [DISPLAY] button until the Remote indicator lights (about 3 seconds).
On Integra products, button names are capitalized. For example, “Remote Mode” button and “Display” button.
2. Within 30 seconds, use the number buttons to enter the 5-digit remote control code. The Remote indicator flashes twice.
# Remote control codes cannot be entered for the [RECEIVER] and [ZONE 2] REMOTE MODE buttons.
# Only TV remote control codes can be entered for the [TV] REMOTE MODE button.
A.R. Systems 10556, 10037
Accent 10037
Acer 11339
Acoustic Solutions 11037, 11523, 11667
Action 10650
Addison 10653
AEG 11037, 11324
Aiko 10037
Aim 10037, 10499
Akai10812, 10178,10556, 10037,10714, 10715,10208, 11675
Akiba 10037
Akito 10037Akura10171, 10037,10714, 10668,11037, 11363,11667, 11709
Alba 10037, 10714,10668, 11037
Alien 11037
Allstar 10037
Amstrad 10171, 10037,11037
Anam 10037
Anam National 10037, 10650
Andersson 11585
Anitech 10037
Ansonic 10037, 10668
AOC 10178, 10625,11365
Ardem 10037, 10714
Arena 10037
Aristona 10556, 10037
ART 11037
Art Mito 11585
Asberg 10037
Astra 10037
ATD 10698
Atlantic 10037
Audiosonic 10037, 10714,10715, 11675
Audioworld 10698
Aventura 10171
Axxon 10714
Baird 10208
Bang & Olufsen 10565
Barco 10556
Basic Line 10556, 10037,10668, 11037
Baur 10037, 10195,10512
BBK 11523
Beaumark 10178
Beijing 10812, 10226,10208
Beko 10037, 10714,10715, 11652
Belson 10698
Belstar 11037
Beon 10037
Berthen 10556, 10668
Bestar 10037
Bexa 12493
Black Diamond 11037
Blaupunkt 10195
Blue Sky10556, 10037,10625, 10714,10668, 11037,10715, 10499,11363, 11652,11709
Boca 11652
Boman 11324
Bork 11363
BPL 10037, 10208
Brandt 10625, 10714,10560
Brimax 11709
Brinkmann 10037, 10668
Brionvega 10037
Bush10556, 10037,10714, 10668,11037, 10698,10208, 11585,11652, 11667
Byd:sign 12140, 12209
Cameron 11523
Camper 10037
Carad 10668, 11037
Carena 10037
Carrefour 10037
Cascade 10037
Casio 10037
Cathay 10037
CCE 10037
Centrum 11037
Centurion 10037
Changhong 10508
Clarivox 10037
Classic 10499
Clatronic 10037, 10714,11324
Clayton 11037
Condor 10037
Conia 11523
Conrowa 10698
Contec 10037
Cosmel 10037
CPTEC 10625, 11363
Crown10037, 10714,10668, 11037,10715, 10208,11652
Curtis Mathes 11661
Cyberpix 11667
D-Vision 10556, 10037
Daewoo10178, 11661,10556, 10037,10634, 10499,12098
Dansai 10037, 10208
Dantax 10714, 11037,10715, 11652
Datsura 10208
Dawa 10037
Daytron 10037
De Graaf 10208
DEC 11709
Decca 10037
Denver 10037, 11709
Desmet 10037
Diamant 10037
Diamond 10698
Dick Smith
Electronics 10698
Digatron 10037
Digihome 11667
Digiline 10037, 10668
Digitek 11709
Digitor 10037, 10698
Dixi 10037
DL 11363
DMTech 12001
Domeos 10668
Drean 10037
DSE 10698
Dual 10037, 11037
Durabrand 10178, 10171,11037, 11652
Dux 10037
DX Antenna 11817, 13817
Dynatron 10037
Dynex 12049
e-motion 11709
E:max 11324
Easy Living 11666, 11709
ECE 10037
Elbe 10556, 10037
Electrograph 11755
Elektra 11661
Element 11886
Elfunk 11037
ELG 10037
Elin 10037
Elite 10037
Emerson10178, 10171,11661, 10037,10714, 10668,11394, 11864
Envision 11365, 11506
Epson 11379
Erres 10037
ESA 10812, 10171
ESC 10037
Euroman 10037
Europa 10037
Europhon 10037
Evesham 11248, 11667
Excello 11037
Exquisit 10037
Ferguson10037, 10625,10560, 10195,11037, 11585
Fidelity 10171, 10037,10512
Finlandia 10208
Finlux10556, 10037,10714, 10715,11248, 11667
Firstline10556, 10037,10714, 10668,11037, 10208,11363
Fisher 10208
Flint 10037
Formenti 10037
Fraba 10037
Friac 10037, 10499
Fujicom 11709
Fujitsu 10809
Fujitsu Siemens 10809, 11248,11666
Funai10171, 10714,10668, 11037,11394, 11666,11817
G-Hanz 11363
Gaba 11037
Galaxi 10037
Galaxis 10037
Gateway 11755
GE 10178, 11454,10625, 10560
GEC 10037
Genesis 10037
Genexxa 10037
GFM 10171, 11864
Goldfunk 10668
GoldStar 10178, 10037,10714, 10715
Goodmans10556, 10037,10625, 10714,10560, 10668,10634, 11037,10499, 11667
Gradiente 10037
Graetz 10714
Granada 10037, 10560,10226, 10208
Grandin10556, 10037,10714, 10668,11037, 10715,11652
Grundig10556, 10037,10195, 11223,11667, 12625
GVA 11363, 12098
H & B 12001
Haier 10037, 10698,10508
Hallmark 10178
Hankook 10178
Hanseatic10556, 10037,10625, 10714,10634, 10499,12001
Hantarex 10037
Hantor 10037
Harwood 10037
Hauppauge 10037
HB 11324
HCM 10037
Highline 10037
Hinari 10037, 10208
Hisawa 10714
Hisense10556, 10508,10208, 11363,12098
Hitachi10150, 10178,10037, 10634,11037, 10508,10499, 10578,11576, 11585,11643, 11667,11691, 12433
Hitachi Fujian 10150
Hitec 10698
Hoeher 10714
Hornyphon 10037
Hugoson 11666
Humax 11295
Hypson10556, 10037,10714, 10668,11037, 10715
Hyundai 11037, 10698,11523
Iberia 10037
ICE 10037
iLo 11394
Imperial 10037
Indiana 10037
Ingelen 10714
Inno Hit 11037, 11585
Innova 10037
Insignia 10171, 11423,11564, 12049
Integra 11807, 13100,13500
Interbuy 10037
Interfunk 10037, 10512
Internal 10556
Intervision 10037
Irradio 10037
IRT 11661, 10698
Isukai 10037
ITS 10037
ITT 10208, 11523
ITT Nokia 10208
ITV 10037
JGC 11709
Jinfeng 10226, 10208
Jinxing 10556, 10037,10698
JMB 10556, 10634,10499
Jubilee 10556
JVC10650, 10653,10508, 11428,11601, 12271
Kaisui 10037
Karcher 10714, 11324
Kathrein 10556
Kendo 10037, 11037,11585
Kennex 11037
Kioto 10556
Kiton 10037, 10668
KLL 10037
Kneissel 10556, 10037,10499
Koenig 10037
Kolin 10150, 10037,11610, 11755
Kolster 10037
Konka 10037, 10714
Korpel 10037
Kosmos 10037
Kunlun 10226, 10208
L&S Electronic 10714
Lavic 11363
Lavis 11037
Lecson 10037
Lenco 10037, 11037
Leyco 10037
LG10178, 10556,10037, 10714,10715, 10698,11423, 11768,11840, 12182,12358, 12424,12834
Liesenkoetter 10037
Lifetec10037, 10714,10668, 11037,12001
Local India TV 10208
Local Malaysia TV 10698
Lodos 11037
Loewe 10037, 10512,11884
Logik 11037, 10698
Logix 10668
Luma 11037
Lumatron 10037
Lux May 10037
Luxor 11037, 10208
LXI 10178
M Electronic10037, 10714,10634, 10195,10512, 11652
Madison 10037
Magnavox10171, 11454,11365, 11506,11755, 12372
Magnum 10037, 10714,10715
Manesth 10037
Manhattan 10037, 10668,11037
Marantz 11454, 10556,10037
Mark 10037, 10714,10715
Master's 10499
Mastro 10698
Masuda 10037
Matsui10556, 10037,10714, 10195,11037, 10208,11666, 11667
Matsushita 10650
Maxent 11755
Maxess 12493
Meck 10698
Mediator 10556, 10037
Medion10556, 10037,10714, 10668,11037, 10698,10512, 11248,11585, 11667,12001, 12719
Megatron 10178
MEI 11037
Memorex 10150, 10178,11037
Mercury 10037
Mermaid 10037
Metronic 10625
Metz 10037, 10668,10195, 11533
Micromaxx10037, 10714,10668, 11037,11324, 12001
Microspot 11614
Mikomi 11037
Minato 10037
Minerva 10195, 11248
Ministry Of Sound 11667
Minoka 10037
Mirai 11666
Mitsubishi10150, 11250,10178, 10556,10037, 11037,10512, 11171
Mivar 10609
Moree 10037
Morgan's 10037
Moserbaer 11585
MTC 10512
MTlogic 10714
Mudan 10226, 10208
Multitec 10037, 10668,11037
Multitech 10037
Myrica 11666
Myryad 10556
NAD 10178, 10037
Naiko 10037
Nakimura 10037
NAT 10226
National 10226, 10508,10208
NEC 10178, 10653,10508, 10499
Neckermann 10556, 10037
NEI 10037, 11037
NEO 11324
Netsat 10037
NetTV 11755
Neufunk 10556, 10037,10714
New Tech 10556, 10037
Newave 10178
Nikkai 10037
Nikkei 10714
Nikko 10178
Nokia 10208
Norcent 11365
Nordmende10037, 10714,10560, 10195,11585, 11667,12001
Normerel 10037
Nortek 10668
Novatronic 10037
Novex 11523
Novita 11585
Nu-Tec 10698
O.K.Line 11037, 11324
Oceanic 10208
Okano 10037
Olevia 11610, 12124
Omni 10698
Onei 11667
Onida 10653
Onimax 10714
Onix 10698
Onkyo 11807, 13100,13500
Onn 11667, 11709
Onyx 11709
Opera 10037, 10714
Optimus 10650
Orbit 10037
Orion10556, 10037,10714, 11037,12001
Orline 10037
Ormond 10668, 11037
Osaki 10556, 10037
Osio 10037
Osume 10037
Otto Versand10556, 10037,10195, 10226,10512
Pacific 10556, 10714,11037, 11324
Palladium 10556, 10037,10714
Palsonic 10037, 10698
Panama 10037
Panasonic11480, 10037,10650, 10226,10508, 10208,11457, 11636,12170
Panavision 10037
Panda 10698, 10226,10508, 10208
Penney 10178
Perdio 10037
Perfekt 10037
Petters 10037, 11523
Philco 10178, 10171,11661, 10037,11394
Philips 10178, 11454,10556, 10037,10512, 10605, 10690, 10810,11394, 11506,11744, 12372
Phocus 10714, 11652
Phoenix 10037
Phonola 10556, 10037
Pioneer 10037, 10698,10512, 11457,11636, 12171
Plantron 10037
Playsonic 10037, 10714, 10715, 11652
Polaroid 11523
Portland 11661
Powerpoint 10037, 10698
Prinston 11037, 10715
Profitronic 10037
Proline 10037, 10625,10634, 11037
Schaub Lorenz 10714, 11324,11667, 12001
Schneider10556, 10037,10714, 10668,11037
Schoentech 11037
Scotch 10178
Scott 10178
Sears 10178, 10171
Seaway 10634
Seelver 11037
SEG 10037, 10668,11037
SEI 10037
Sei-Sinudyne 10037
Serie Dorada 10178
Shanghai 10226, 10208
Sharp 10650, 10653,10818, 11165,11659
Shintoshi 10037
Shivaki 10178, 10037
Siam 10037
Siemens 10037, 10195
Siera 10556, 10037
Silva 10037
Silva Schneider 10037
Silver 10715
SilverCrest 11037
Sinudyne 10037
SKY 10037, 11614,11775
Skyworth 10037, 10698
Sliding 11324
SLX 10668
Solavox 10037
Soniko 10037
Soniq 12493
Sonitron 10208
Sonneclair 10037
Sonoko 10037
Sonolor 10208
Sontec 10037
Sony 10810, 11505,10650, 11167,11651, 11825
Soundesign 10178
Soundwave 10037, 11037,10715
Sowa 10178, 10226
Squareview 10171
Standard 10037, 11037,11709
Starlite 10037
Strato 10037
Sungoo 11248
Sunny 10037
Sunstar 10037
Sunstech 12001
Sunwood 10037
Superscan 10864
Supersonic 10208
SuperTech 10556, 10037
Supra 10178
Svasa 10208
Swisstec 11614, 11775
Sylvania 10171, 11394,11864, 11886
Symphonic 10171, 11394
Synco 10178, 11755
Syntax 11610
Sysline 10037
Tacico 10178
Talent 10178
Tashiko 10650
Tatung 10037, 11248,11324
TCL 10698, 12403,12429
TCM 10714, 12001
Teac 10178, 10171,10037, 10714,10668, 11037,10698, 10512,11248, 11363,11709, 11755
Tec 10037
Tech Line 10037, 10668
Technica 11037
Technics 10556, 10650
Technika 11667
TechniSat 10556
Technisson 10714, 11652
Techno 11585
Technosonic 10556, 10625,10499, 11324
Techvision 11709
Techwood 11037, 11667
Tecnimagen 10556
Teco 10178, 10653,11523
Tedelex 10208, 11709
Teknika 10150
TELE System 11585
Telecor 10037
Telefunken 10037, 10625,10714, 10560,10698, 11585
Telefusion 10037
Telegazi 10037
Telemeister 10037
Telesonic 10037
Telestar 10556, 10037
Teletech 10037, 10668,11037
Teleview 10037
Tennessee 10037
Tensai 10037, 11037,10715
Tesla 10556, 10037,10714, 11037,11652
Tevion 10556, 10037,10714, 10668,11037, 11248,11585, 11667
Thomson 10037, 10625,10560
Thorn 10037, 10499,10512
Thorn-Ferguson 10499
TMK 10178
Tokai 10037, 10668,11037
Tokaido 11037
Topline 10668, 11037
Toshiba 10195, 11037,10618, 10650,10508, 11169,11508, 11524,12203
Toyoda 11709
TRANS-continents 10556, 10037,10668, 11037
Transonic 10037, 10698,10512, 11363
Triad 10556
Trio 11248
Triumph 10556, 10037
TVTEXT 95 10556
Uher 10037
Ultravox 10037
UMC 11614, 11775
Unic Line 10037
Uniden 12122
United 10556, 10037,10714, 11037,10715, 11652
Universal 10037, 10714
Universum 10037, 10668,10195, 11037,10618, 10512
Univox 10037
V7 Videoseven 11666, 11755
Vestel 10037, 10668,11037, 11585,11667
Vexa 10037
Victor 10650, 10653,11428
Videocon 10037, 10508
VideoSystem 10037
Vidtech 10178
Viewsonic 10864, 11365,11755
Vision 10037
Vistron 11363
Vivax 11709
Vizio 10864, 11758,12209
Vortec 10037
Voxson 10178, 10037
VU 12098
Walker 11667
Waltham 10037, 10668,11037
Wansa 12098
Wards 10178
Watson 10037, 10714,10668, 11037
Wega 10037
Welltech 10714, 11652
Weltstar 11037
Wharfedale 10556, 10037,11324, 11667
Westinghouse 11661, 10037
Wilson 10556
Windsor 10668, 11037
Windy Sam 10556
Wintel 10714
World-of-Vision 12001
Wyse 11365
Xenius 10634
Xiahua 10698
XLogic 10698
Xrypton 10037
Yamaha 10650, 11576
Yamishi 10037
Yokan 10037
Yoko 10037
YU-MA-TU 10037
Zenith 10178, 11661,10037, 11365, 11423
Zepto 11585
Zonda 10698