Saturday 9 March 2019





Service Mode
To start Service Mode, while the AC power is off, turn on the AC power while holding down a specific key (PLAY key, STOP key, or OPEN/CLOSE key) on the front panel of the unit. Release the key when “SERVICE” appears on the front display panel. Startup is
completed when the Service Mode screen is displayed on the monitor. Use the remote control to perform operation.
# View ErrorLog/CommandLog
This displays the error log or command log. The displayed information can also be saved to a USB memory device.
# Diag (Diagnostics)
This performs individual tests on devices installed on the board.
# Drive (Drive-related diagnostics and tools)
These are tools for performing diagnostics on the BD-Drive and writing of operation data. (For details on the menu options, refer to the
separate documentation.)
# Factory Initialize (Factory default settings)
This returns the set to the factory default settings.
# Network
This checks the network connection.
1. “Ifconfig” is used to display the network settings of the set unit.
When this is executed, the #ifconfig command is executed, and the command execution results are displayed.
2. “Ping” is used to check network connectivity with the terminal specified by the IP address.
When this is executed, the #ping command is executed, and the command execution results are displayed.
# Version Up (Version update)
This updates the version using an update disc. For details on version updating, refer to the separate documentation.
# System Information
This displays the system information of this set. Information about the software version and drive is displayed.
Service Mode Menu
Top menu of the Service Mode
The various functions are accessed from this menu.
[1] DiagMenu (Diagnostics)
[2] DriveMenu (Drive-related diagnostics & tools)
[3] LogMenu (View ErrorLog/CommandLog)
[4] Factory Initialize (Factory default settings)
[5] Network
[6] VersionUp (Version update by disc)
[7] SystemInformation (View system information)
[UP][DOWN] Move the cursor up or down
[ENT] Open the selected cursor item
The cursor is not displayed initially.
Display panel:
When a cursor key or selected menu key is used, text is output to the display panel.
Initially, “SERVICE” is displayed.
Character strings shown on the display panel
DiagMenu: S-DIAG
DriveMenu: S-DRIVE
LogMenu: S-LOG
FactoryInitialize: S-FINIT
Network: S-NET
VersionUp: S-VUP
SystemInformation: S-INFO
DiagMenu (Diagnostics: Device Test: Basic Model)
This menu is used to conduct tests on devices installed on the board for the basic model.
Screen 1: Selecting the test category
[LEFT] [RIGHT] Select the category
[DOWN] [ENT] Open the selected category
Screen 2: Device test
After Device Test is selected in Screen 1, the device to be tested is selected.
[LEFT] [RIGHT] Select the device to be tested
[ENT] Execute the test
[UP] Return to the test category selection
Move the cursor up
[DOWN] Move the cursor down
>Test category list
Device Test
Video Test
Audio Test
>Device Test: Device list
USB Host (1) :USB Media Check, Register Read Check
D/A Converter (2) :DAC write check (non-verification)
Ifcon <- Check visually :IFCON-related test
1) No USB hub ID check in basic model
2) No 8[ch] D/A converter test in basic model
For information about the device tests, refer to the diagnostics documentation.
Display panel:
When Category is selected: Device Test :D-DEV
Video Test :D-VIDEO
Audio Test :D-AUDIO
When Device is selected: USB Host :D-USB
D/A Converter :D-DAC
D Terminal :D-TERM
During USB Host Check: :USB CHK
All items are OK :USB OK
Some items are not OK :USB NG
During D/A Converter Check: :DAC CHK
All items are OK :DAC OK
Some items are not OK :DAC NG
DiagMenu (Diagnostics: Video/Audio Tests)
This menu is used to conduct the video test and audio test.
Screen 1: When the Video Test category is selected
[ENT] Show/Hide color bar
[UP][RET] Return to test category selection
Screen 2: When the Audio Test category is selected
[ENT] Play/stop audio tone
[UP][RET] Return to test category selection
>Video Test:
Color bars are output to all output pins.
>Audio Test
An audio tone is output to all output pins.
Display panel:
During Video Test: D-VIDEO
During Audio Test: D-AUDIO
DriveMenu (Drive-related Diagnostics & Tools)
This menu is used to operate the drive using drive-related diagnostics and tools.
Screen 1: Selecting items
[UP] [DOWN] Move the cursor up or down
[ENT] Open the selected cursor item
[RET] Return to the top menu
> Test item list
1. Open/close the drive tray
2. Perform JT check
3. Write OP data to drive
4. Perform aging by opening and closing the drive tray
5. Perform device diagnostics for drive
6. Acquire and display LD time from drive
7. Check
ӠIOP and display the results
Display Panel:
TrayOpen/Close: DV-O/C
JTCheck: DV-JT
RewriteOPData: DV-WOP
TrayAging: DV-AGN
DriveDeviceDiag: DV-DIAG
DriveLDTime: DV-LDTM
DeltaIOPCheck: DV-DIOP
- TrayOpen/Close (Screen 2)
[UP][DOWN] Move the cursor up or down (Open/Close)
[ENT] Execute the selected cursor item
[RET] Return to the drive menu
- DriveDeviceDiag (Screen 3)
[ENT] Execute DriveDeviceDiag
[RET] Return to the drive menu
- DriveLDTime (Screen 4)
[ENT] Display the LD time of the drive
[RET] Return to the drive menu
- DeltaIOPCheck (Screen 5)
[ENT] Display the IOP of the drive
[RET] Return to the drive menu
- JT Check (Screen 6)
[UP][DOWN] Move the cursor up or down(Tray Open/Tray Close/PSN/START)
[ENT] Select and execute the selected cursor item
[RET] Return to drive menu
PSN input(PSN):
[(NUM)] Number input
[CLEAR] Backspace
[RET][ENT] Return
- TrayAging (Screen 7)
[UP][DOWN] Move the cursor up or down (Times/START)
[ENT] Select and execute the selected cursor item
[RET] Return to drive menu
Drive tray open/close count input (Times):
[(NUM)] Number of times drive tray is opened and closed
[CLEAR] Backspace
[RET][ENT] Return
- ReWriteOPData (Screen 8)
[ENT] Read, register, and write drive operation data
Before executing the above operation, a USB memory device
with OP data must be inserted
[RET] Return to drive menu
3/4 Drive operation data
The operation data is read from the USB memory device. The device that is
read(loaded device) is located in /dev/sda1. (In the Setup/ES model, the storage device loaded in one of the two USB ports that is recognized first is designated as /dev/sda1.)
The data in BuData.txt in the USB memory device (route) is read.
For details on the above drive tools, refer to the separate documentation.
Factory Initialize (Factory Default Settings)
This is used to return the set to the factory default settings. This returns all modified settings to the factory default settings. However, the initialization process is not complete by only performing this operation. After this operation, the set must be rebooted to complete the initialization process. A normal restart is used to reboot. Initialization is not completed by restarting in Service Mode or other special mode.
Screen 1
To return the set to the factory default settings, press [ENT] in this screen.
All saved titles are erased.
[ENT] Initialize the set to the factory default state
[RET] Return to Service Mode top menu
Screen 2
This is the screen displayed after initialization is executed.
Initialization is completed by rebooting the set.
Turn the AC power supply off and then on again.
You can continue to perform other Service Menu operations before rebooting.
Display panel:
During initialization: SETTING
When initialization was successful: INIT-OK (Screen 2)
When initialization failed: INIT-NG