Tuesday 5 March 2019


SONY HD CAMCORDER - PMW-EX3 - Service mode – White balance adjustments – Black shade adjustment – firmware update - resetting procedure – Digital camera repair and service

Category: Digital Camera Repair and Service 

Contents of this article 

  • How to access service mode 
  • White & black shade adjustment
  • Firmware update procedure 
  • Reset procedure 


SERVICE Menu Description
Basic Menu Operation
Press the MENU button to enter the menu mode.
Press the PICTURE PROFILE button, the MENU button, or the STATUS button while the menu is displayed to close the menu display. The menu display is closed when the power is turned off.
1. Press the MENU button. The system enters the menu mode.
2. Press the arrow key to move the cursor to the desired setting item and press the SEL/SET button.

Exiting the Menu Mode
Press the MENU button again.
The system exits the menu mode to return to the normal camera mode.
SERVICE Menu Structure
The SERVICE menu consists of the three SERVICE dedicated menus and the six ordinary SETUP menus for a total of nine menus.
MAINTENANCE  - Adjustment of parameters
RPN CORRECT -  Operations regarding the RPN correction
INFORMATION - Information display on the particular PMW-EX3 and self-diagnostics.
The MAINTENANCE menu and the RPN CORRECT menu can be operated in the CAMERA mode only.
Displaying the SERVICE Menu
# To display the SERVICE menu, press the CANCEL button, the MENU button, and the JOG dial at the same time.
Pressing the MENU button again closes the SERVICE menu display.
# Once the SERVICE menu has been displayed, simply pressing the MENU button displays the SERVICE menu instead of the normal SETUP menu unless the power is turned off.
SERVICE Menu Description
The MAINTENANCE menu enables setting for image device and setting parameters that must be set uniquely to each PMW-EX3 for correction of non-uniformity between the respective lens characteristics.
1. Test Saw setting
# Test Saw setting enables the operator to select the Test Saw signal instead of the imager output signal when recording or outputting images in CAMERA mode.
2. Executing Auto Black Balance
# Executing the Auto Black Balance triggers the auto black balance adjustment (automatic black level adjustment).
# When the Auto Black Balance menu is selected, the Execute and Cancel choices appear. Selecting Execute starts Auto Black Balance.
# When the Auto Black Balance is executed, the execute RPN automatic detection.
Auto Black Balance cannot be executed from the SERVICE menu under the following settings. Change the settings to execute Auto Black Balance.
# When Video Format other than HQ 1080/60i or HQ 1080/50i is selected.
# When electronic shutter is operating in the SLS mode.
# When the EX Slow Shutter is set to ON.
Black Shading Adjustment
All of the Black Shading correction values have been set to ±0 when shipped from the factory.
(When the Black Shading correction is executed, it results in height difference of black level at the boundary areas between the corrected areas). Do not change the Black Shading correction values to any values other than ±0 unless it is necessary.
# The Black Shading menu enables the H Saw correction level adjustment, V Saw correction level adjustment and parabola correction level adjustment.
# The Black Shading setting menu can be used to turn Black Shading correction On or Off. The Black Shading setting is turned On automatically when the power is turned On.
# The Channel Select menu enables selection of the channel (G-ch or B-ch or R-ch) to execute the H Saw, H Para, V Saw, and V Para black shading adjustments on.
# When the Channel Select menu selects any other channel, the displays of the H Saw, H Para, V Saw, and V Para setup values are changed to the current setup values of the channel selected by the Channel Select menu. The changes are reflected on the H Saw, H Para, V Saw, and V Para setup values.
# The H Saw menu enables the horizontal Saw black shading correction (linear increase and decrease) level.
# The H Para menu enables the horizontal Parabola black shading correction (black level correction at the horizontal center with respect to both ends) level.
# The V Saw menu enables the vertical Saw black shading correction (linear increase and decrease) level.
# The V Para menu enables the vertical Parabola black shading correction (black level correction at the vertical center with respect to both ends) level.
# The Auto BLK Shad menu enables the auto black shading correction (automatic optimization of the respective correction values of the black shading correction).
# When Auto BLK Shad menu is selected, the Execute and Cancel choices appear.
Selecting Execute starts Auto Black Shading.
Black shading adjustment method
3 Connect an HD waveform monitor to the SDI OUT terminal.
3 HD waveform monitor setting: RGB mode
3 Lens iris > CLOSE
Adjustment Procedure
# Adjust GAIN and BLK level for easy viewing to observe.
# Adjust H Saw, H Para, V Saw and V Para for the respective channels of G-ch, B-ch and R-ch until waveform on the waveform monitor becomes flat.

White Shading Adjustment
The White Shading menu enables the adjustment of the horizontal and vertical Saw correction level and parabola correction level.
The White Shading adjustment cannot be executed for the correct adjustment values if the object pattern has non-uniformity or if other conditions such as lens iris setting and zoom setting are not correctly satisfied. .
# Use a full white pattern for the White Shading adjustment having uniform brightness over the entire area.
# If a full white pattern having uniform brightness over the entire area is not available, do not execute the G-channel White Balance adjustment. Instead of it, execute the White Balance adjustment in the way of aligning the Rchannel waveform and the B-channel waveform to the waveform of G-channel.
# The White Shading setting menu can be used to turn White Shading correction On or Off. The White Shading setting is turned On automatically when the power is turned On.
# The Channel Select menu enables selection of the channel (G-ch or B-ch or R-ch) to execute the H Saw, H Para, V Saw, and V Para white shading adjustments on.
# When the Channel Select menu selects any other channel, the displays of the H Saw, H Para, V Saw, and V Para setup values are changed to the current setup values of the channel selected by the Channel Select menu. The changes are reflected on the H Saw, H Para, V Saw, and V Para setup values.
# The H Saw menu enables the horizontal Saw white shading correction (linear increase and decrease) level.
# The H Para menu enables the horizontal Parabola white shading correction (sensitivity correction at the horizontal center with respect to both ends) level.
# The V Saw menu enables the vertical Saw black shading correction (linear increase and decrease) level.
# The V Para menu enables the vertical Parabola white shading correction (sensitivity correction at the vertical center with respect to both ends) level.
White shading adjustment method
# Connect an HD waveform monitor to the SDI OUT terminal.
# HD waveform monitor setting: RGB mode
# Focus > infinity
# Shoot an all white pattern over the entire frame of monitor screen.
Adjustment Procedure
# Adjust lens iris until white level becomes approximately 80%. If the lens iris value is larger than F5.6, adjust the incoming light intensity by using electronic shutter for the lens iris setting of smaller than F5.6.
# Adjust H Saw, H Para, V Saw and V Para for the respective channels of G-ch, B-ch and R-ch until waveform on the waveform monitor becomes flat.
Flare Adjustment
The Flare Adjustment menu enables flare compensation for the respective channels of G-channel, B-channel and Rchannel.
Flare adjustment method
# Connect an HD waveform monitor to the SDI OUT terminal.
# HD waveform monitor setting: RGB mode
# Shoot a gray-scale chart to fill the entire screen of the picture frame and execute the white balance.
# Set the Knee to the Auto or Off.
Adjustment Procedure
# Adjust lens iris until white level becomes approximately 100%. After that, open the lens iris by two stops.
# Select waveform of the signal at the center of grayscale signal on a waveform monitor.
Adjust R Flare, G Flare and B Flare until the black levels on both sides of the center white in all of the R, G and B channels to a unity level. (Align black level all channels to that of the channel having the lowest black level.)
The flare adjustment can be performed only when there is a correct grayscale chart.
# When there is no correct grayscale chart, adjust the values of R Flare, G Flare and B Flare to ±0.

Firmware Upgrade
Upgrade the firmware for the PMW-EX1 through a USB connection to a computer. For detailed information about the upgrade procedure, check the readme file that comes with the upgrade software.
Firmware Upgrade Procedure
Download the software for the new firmware upgrade onto the computer before starting these operations.
1. Check that the power switch on the PMW-EX3 is turned OFF.
2. Remove the pad sub assembly and pad center cover.

3. Use the USB connector that comes with the PMW-EX3 to connect the computer and the USB maintenance connector.
4. Switch the power switch to CAMERA and turn the power ON.
5. Run the software for the firmware upgrade on the computer.
6. When the upgrade is complete, turn OFF the power and remove the USB cable.
7. Attach the pad sub assembly and pad center cover. When the PMW-EX3 is connected to the computer for the first time, the driver software will need to be installed into the computer. For more details, check the readme file that comes with the upgrade software.
Lithium Battery Replacement Procedures
1. Loosen the screw, and remove the button battery lid.
2. Remove the lithium battery.
3. Reinstall the lithium battery by reversing the steps of removal.

Executing Reset
# The Reset menu enables the user to delete the RPN correction point data that is registered by Auto Detect and Auto Black Balance after the equipment is shipped from the factory.
# The RPN data that is registered at the factory and the RPN data is manually registered cannot be deleted by the Reset.
# When the Reset menu is selected, the Execute and Cancel choices appear. In addition, selecting Execute starts reset of RPN.