Wednesday 10 April 2019


Apple iPhone 5C – How to replace the battery

Remove the two 3.8 mm Pentalobe screws next to the Lightning connector.

Press a suction cup onto the screen, just above the home button.
Be sure the cup is completely on the screen to get a tight seal.
Make sure the suction cup is firmly attached to the front panel assembly.
While holding the iPhone down with one hand, pull up on the suction cup to slightly separate the front panel assembly from the rear case.
Take your time and apply firm, constant force. The display assembly is a much tighter fit than most devices.
With a plastic opening tool, begin to gently pry the rear case down, away from the display assembly, while you pull up with the suction cup.
There are several clips attaching the front panel assembly to the rear case, so you may need to use a combination of the suction cup and plastic opening tool to free the front panel assembly.
Pull the plastic nub to release the vacuum seal on the suction cup.
Remove the suction cup from the display assembly.
Lift the home button end of the front panel up to gain access to the connectors near the top of the phone.
Open the display to about a 90º angle, and lean it against something to keep it propped up while you're working on the phone.
In a pinch, you can use an unopened canned beverage to hold the display.
Add a rubber band to keep the display securely in place while you work. This prevents undue strain on the display cables
Remove the two 1.6 mm Phillips #000 screws securing the metal battery connector bracket to the logic board.
Remove the metal battery connector bracket from the iPhone.
Use the flat edge of a spudger to pry the battery connector up off the logic board.
Remove the following Phillips #000 screws securing the front panel assembly cable bracket to the logic board:
Two 1.3 mm screws
One 1.7 mm screw
One 3.25 mm screw
It is especially important to keep track of your screws in this step for reassembly. Accidentally using the 3.25 mm screw or the 1.7 mm screw in the bottom right hole will result in significant damage to the logic board causing the phone to no longer boot properly.
Be careful not to over-tighten the screws. If they don't fit easily when you are securing them, they may be the wrong size, don't force them.
Remove the front panel assembly cable bracket from the logic board.
Use a plastic opening tool to disconnect the front-facing camera and sensor cable connector.
Be sure to only pry up on the connector, and not on the socket on the logic board.
Use a plastic opening tool to disconnect the LCD cable connector.
The LCD and Digitizer connectors are on the same cable assembly, so prying the LCD connector up should disconnect both connectors. Double check that the two cables are fully disconnected before removing the display.
When reassembling your phone, the LCD cable may pop off its connector. A blank screen, or white lines on the display could be caused by a loose connection. Should this happen, reconnect the cable and power cycle your phone. The best way to power cycle your phone is to disconnect and reconnect the battery.
Remove the front panel assembly from the rear case.
Run the tip of a spudger between the battery and the headphone jack to unfold the battery adhesive tab.
Pull the battery adhesive tab away from the phone.
Cut the black battery adhesive tab between the two white adhesive strips, separating them.
Try to keep the strips flat and unwrinkled during this procedure; wrinkled strips will stick together and break instead of pulling out cleanly.
Slowly pull one of the battery adhesive strips away from the battery, toward the bottom of the iPhone.
Pull steadily, maintaining constant tension on the strip as it slips out from between the battery and the rear case. For best results, pull the strip at a 60º angle or less.
Guide the strip carefully around the corner and up the side of the battery. Be careful not to snag it on any of the other internal iPhone components.
The strip will stretch to many times its original length. Continue pulling, re-grabbing the strip near the battery if necessary, until the entire strip comes free.
Repeat to remove the second strip.

Remove the battery from your iPhone.