Wednesday 10 April 2019


LG Chocolate 3 – Disassembling procedure – How to remove the case – How to remove the keypad – How to remove the motherboard

LG Chocolate 3 
Turn the phone off before starting the replacement process.
Place the phone face down.
Press your finger down on the indentation and slide the back plate off.
Using your index finger lift and remove the battery from the phone.
Use the pointed end of the spudger to pull out the plastic inserts that are located on the left and right-hand corners.
If needed, use the tip of a push pin instead of the spudger to remove the plastic inserts.
Using a Phillips #00 screwdriver, remove the six 3mm long screws found along the edges of the phone.
If needed, use tweezers to remove loose screws from the recessed holes.
Screws are small, therefore, they should be placed in a secure location to prevent misplacement.
Pull the rear case up using the spudger.
The rear case is connected to the right side of the phone via red and blue cables, be careful not to pull these cables out.
The volume control buttons on the side might fall out of their sockets. Carefully replace them with a pair of tweezers before you reassemble the rear case.
Use tweezers to pull the clear end of the red and blue speaker cables away from motherboard.
Carefully remove the rear case from the phone.
Use tweezers to remove the music button found on the side of the phone.
Use tweezers to remove the volume control buttons on the opposite side of the phone.
Use the flat end of the spudger to lift the orange display data cable.
Carefully insert the plastic opening tool between the motherboard and the back of the phone.
Use your thumb and index finger to carefully lift and separate the motherboard from the back of the phone.
Be cautious of the orange display data cable, it may stick to the motherboard.
To avoid this, lift the data cable away from the motherboard before removal.
Open the phone.
Keep the phone open by keeping a firm grip on the hinges to avoid any damages to the phone.
Lift the orange data cable up so that it is elevated.
Gently use a finger to lift the keypad out.
Insert the spudger in between the keypad and the phone.
Lift the keypad to seperate it from the phone.
Remove the damaged keypad.
Insert the replacement keypad.
Reassemble the phone after the broken keypad is replaced.