Monday 1 April 2019


WD-52525 _ WD-52725 _ WD-52825 _ WD-62525 _ WD-62725 _ WD-62825 DIGITAL LIGHT PROCESSING™ PROJECTION TVs Universal Remote Control Set-up Codes

The front panel LEDs provide an indication of the sets operation, and the possible cause of a malfunction. There are three front panel LEDs, “Power”, “Status” and “Lamp”. Which LED is lit, the colour, and whether it is blinking or steady indicate the current status, or a possible malfunction.

Error Code Operational Check
Note: The TV must be in “Shut Down” and not manually switched Off, to perform the Error Code Operational Check. When the TV is switched Off, the code automatically resets to “12” No Error.
Press the front panel “DEVICE” and “MENU” buttons at the same time, and hold for 5 seconds to activate the Error Code Operational Check. The LED will then flash denoting a two digit Code.
Note: The front panel buttons must be used, NOT those on the Remote Control. • The number of flashes indicates the value of the MSD (tens digit) of the Error Code.

* The flashing then pauses for approximately 1/2 second.

* The LED then flashes indicating the value of the LSD (ones digit) of the Error Code.
Example: If the Error Code is “32”, the LED will flash three times, pause, and then flash two times.

The Error Code is repeated a total of 5 times.The Error Code designations are:


There are only 5 Service Adjustments required:
Two Electrical Adjustments
1. Horizontal Centering
2. Vertical Centering
Three Mechanical Adjustments
1. Picture Rotation
2. Horizontal Keystone Distortion
3. Vertical Keyst

Circuit Adjustment Mode
On these models, the Circuit Adjustment Mode is used only for:
* Test Signal activation
* Horizontal Cantering
* Vertical Cantering one Distortion.

Activating the Circuit Adjustment mode

1) Press the “TV MENU” button on the remote control. (The Customer Menu will appear.)
2) Press the buttons “2”, “4”, “5” and “7” in that order.  (The screen will change to the adjustment mode.)
If unsuccessful, repeat steps 1 and 2.

Test Signal Activation
When in the Circuit Adjustment mode, press “REWIND” once on the remote control to activate the test pattern.  This pattern is used for both electrical and mechanical adjustments.

Adjustment Function Selection
Use the “AUDIO” button to select a specific Adjustment Function.

Adjusting Data
After selecting an adjustment item, use the UP and DOWN cursor buttons to change adjustment data.
* If the UP button is pressed, the adjustment data increases.
* If the DOWN button is pressed, the adjustment data decreases.

Saving data
* Press “ENTER” to save the adjustment data in memory.  The display characters go red for about one second in this step.  [If the circuit adjustment mode is terminated without pressing
“ENTER”, changes in adjustment data are not saved.

Terminating the circuit adjustment mode
Press the “HOME button or the “MENU” button twice on the remote to terminate the adjustment mode. [The adjustment mode can be also terminated by turning the power off.]

Resetting Data to Factory Values
1. Enter the Service Adjustment Mode ... Press “TV MENU” “2-4-5-7
2. Press “0” when in the Service Mode ... Three choices appear at the top of the screen.

Use UP & DOWN keys to highlight the desired choice, then Press “ENTER”
* Copy Light Engine EEPROM to DM ... required after replacing the Light Engine or Electrical Chassis.
Restore Back Up ... resets Service Mode data back to factory values. Use this feature if service adjustment data has been corrupted or improper adjustments have been performed.

* Up Load Terminal Board Data ... uploads White Balance data from PWB-SIGNAL. (Do Not Select. This option is for depot level service only.) Universal Remote Control Set-up codes to Mitsubishi brand TVs
0007 0013 0018 0049 0065 0101 0105 0119 0131 0152 0154 0161 0190 0209 0221 0247 0324 0454