Monday 1 April 2019



How to enter Service Mode & Adjustments _ Thomson 32WSC910 - 32" Colour  TV.
To enter service menu; open the "OVERVIEW" menu (keep the menu item cursor on the “Exit” item) and press “ 1 9 2 3 ” 
* Sw version
* Setup
* Geometry
* Video
* Sound
* Pip Service
* EEPROM Reset
Service Version : It shows software version.
Setup : It includes CRT, OSD, TXT,Tuner,Scart, No Signal adjustmens-options.
Geometry :All geometry adjustments can be done via this menu.
Video : Video adjustments (white point,Black level etc.)
Sound : This submenu includes sound adjustmens and options like Prescale values of FM,NICAM,Scart,LL’. Also tv systems can be chosen in this menu.
Pip Service :With this menu, Some Pip adjustments can be done. Pip frame color, frame width etc.
EEPROM Reset :This is used for reset the TV. All geometry, sound, setup, pip values are set the default values.
Setup Menu
* CRT Type
* Translucency
* TXT Language
* Main Tuner Selection
* Pip Tuner Selection
* Main Tuner AGC
* OSD Brightness
* TXT Brightness
* OSD Contrast
* TXT Contrast
* Scart3 Option
* SVHS Option
* No Signal Status.
CRT Type
Options : 16/9 Tube – 4/3 Tube_ This item is for tube type selection.
Translucency :Adjustments : 0 … 128 step._ This is related to OSD visibility. At 0, it is hardly visible, at 128 OSD is solid.
TXT Language
Options : East – West_This is Teletext language option.
Main Tuner Selection
Option : orega – samsung – philips – alps.  After replacing the main tuner with the new one listed above, this option must be set.
Pip Tuner Selection.
Option : orega – samsung – philips – alps. After replacing the pip tuner with the new one listed above, this option must be set.
Main Tuner AGC
Adjustment : -15 … 15. Default Tuner AGC value is “0” . (Pip AGC adjustment is in “Pip service” menu)
OSD Brightness : Adjustment : 0 … 255.  Default value is 50. Low values make the OSD dark.
TXT Brightness
Adjustment : 0 … 255.  Default value is 20. Low values make the Teletext dark.
OSD Contrast : Adjustment : 0 … 64.  Default value is 8. Low values make the OSD Black.
TXT Contrast : Adjustment : 0 … 64.  Default value is 7. Low values make the TXT Black.
Scart 3 Option
Option : on – off.  It should be off if the third scart is not available on the hardware.
SVHS Option
Option : on – dvd – dvd logo – off.  It configures the SVHS input. If DVD available on the hardware, then it can be set dvd. DVD logo option is for starting-up with DVD logo on the screen. If there is no SVHS input, it should be set to “off”.
No Signal Status
Option : on – off.  If this option set to off, TV never shuts down in case of no signal available. It should be use at the time of production. Default value is “on”
Geometry Menu
* V-Slope
* V-Position
* V-Amplitude
* V-S correction
* H-Blanking
* H-Shift
* EW- Width
* EW- Pin cushion
* EW- Trapezium
* EW- Upper Corner
* EW- Lower Corner
* H-Parallelogram
* H-Bow
* EW-EHT compensation.
* Restore Default.
This menu is for tube geometry adjustments.
Video Menu
*  G2 Alignment
* White Point R
*  White Point G
* White Point B
* Peak White Limiter
* Black Level Offset R
* Black Level Offset G
* Gain Pre-scale RGB
* Fast Blanking Delay
* Luma Chroma Delay
* Restore Default
* Brightness Offset.
G2 Alignment
To adjust G2, press left or right navigation key on the RC. There is a message box at the bottom of the screen. Increase or decrease the G2 until “G2 is OK.”
Message appear in the message box.
White Point R :
White Point G:
White Point B :
Adjustment : 0 … 63
Black Level Offset R
Black Level Offset G
Adjustment : 0 … 15.
These are for white balance adjustments. This adjustment is done automatically at the factory. If it is have to do with manually, these items can be used.
Peak White Limiter
Adjustment : 0 … 15.  It puts a limit for white points in dark scenes. Default value is “0”
Gain Pre-Scale RGB
Adjustment : -32 … 32.  It adjust the scart input RGB level. Default value is 0.
Fast Blanking Delay
Adjustment :-8 … 7.  Default value is “0”.
Luma Chroma Delay
Adjustment :-8 … 7.  Default value is “0”.
Restore Default : Reset values.
Brightness Offset : Adjustment : -5 … 5.  This is an offset value for OSD brightness. Default value is -2.
Sound Menu
* L/L’ AGC Adj.
* PreSclScart
* PreSclFM
* ResvSndTh
* PreSclMONO
* TR
* BG
* DK
* I
* MN
* Default System.
L/L’ AGC Adj.
Adjustment : 0 … 20.  Default value is 7. Adjust the L/L’ Agc level.
PreSclScart : Adjustment : -24 … 24.  This is for scart input sound level scale. Default value is “0”.
PreSclFM : Adjustment : -24 … 48.  Front End sound input level scaler. Default value is 19.
PreSclNICAM : Adjustment : -12 … 48.  Front End NICAM sound input level scaler.
Resv Snd Th Should be “0”
PreSclMONO : Adjustment : -24 … 24.  Front End MONO sound input level scaler. Default value is 5
TR : Option : on – off.  This is for Turkey. It should be “off” in Europe.
BG :
I :
MN :
Option : on – off
These are TV systems. If multi-system TV feature is available on the TV set, all systems should be “on” except “MN”. MN system never is “on”.
Default System: Option : BG – DK – I
Pip Service
* Frame Color
* Frame Width Vert.
* Frame Width Hor.
* Pip Tuner AGC.
This service is available if required hardware is mounted.
Frame Color : Option : 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7.  [0 : Black, 1 : Red, 2: Green, 3: Blue 4: Yellow, 5: Dark Gray, 6: Light Gray, 7: White.]
Pip frame color can be chosen one of them above.
Frame Width Vert. : Option : 0 … 6.  Frame vertical thickness is getting thick from 0 to 6. Default value is 3.
Frame Width Hor. : Option : 0 … 4.  Frame Horizontal thickness is getting thick from 0 to 4. Default value is 3.
Pip Tuner AGC : Adjusts Pip tuner AGC value.
Warning : This is available if a Pip tuner mounted to the chassis. If any adjustment attempt without Pip tuner causes the software crash and restart the TV set.