Saturday 14 December 2019



B+ Voltage Alignment
Set and connected all the points.
Locate the RP551 alignment VR location.
Use digital multi-meter to measure the B+ voltage.
Switch on the TV chassis and connect by Philips pattern for alignment.
Align the Rp551 VR with the digital multi-meter to the required spec voltage110 Volt +/- 0.5V,(14”&21”) and 129.5Volt +/- 0.5V (25”/29”/34”).
Alignment finished, apply glue onto RP551 VR. After glue re-check the B+ voltage to ensure the B+ voltage is within spec of 110V(14”&21”) and 129.5Volt(25”/29”/34”).
Alignment Mode and Factory Setting
Switch on the TV chassis and change to AV mode position.
Press “Factory mode” key to enter “ factory alignment mode”. Use “CH +/-“ to select the alignment item, and use “V +/-“ keys to do adjustment to you requirement.
IF Voltage Adjustment
Setting-up – set-up the Philips 5418/5518 pattern generator, AV out frequency to 38MHz, signal level to 70dB +/- 2 dB.
IF set-up 38MHz signal connected with coaxial cable with 1 capacitor of “0.01uF” and connect to main chassis IF” / ground points.
Tuner must not insert with the antenna.
Switch on TV chassis, adjust the IF coil “T110” and check the Ch 2 brightness line for the range change from 0 to 5V. Readjust the voltage to meet Ch 1 position.
Note: LA76810A alignment only on VCO (T110) not others.
Vertical Line – Pin–Cushion Adjustment
Receive Channel 7 colour bar.Adjust the PR301 for vertical lines pin-cushion to 1 straight line, adjust the PR302 for horizontal phase to spec requirement.

Vertical Line and Size Adjustment:
Receive crosshatch pattern, use factory mode remote control to press “factory mode” key for adjustment. Using CH +/- keys for V. Size and V. Line selection.
Use V +/- keys to adjust the picture line requirement and the size to spec.
RF AGC Adjustment
Receive channel 13 of picture pattern. Adjust the AGC at 60 dB for no picture noise. 100 dB picture should not be distorted and the VOS do not have unstable condition
Checking the Electrical Function
Connect the power cord and connect the signal to RF input.
 Check the power supply whether OK or not. Switch on the TV set and the LED is on. Switch off the TV screen and should not have CRT spot within 3 sec.
Receive the channel 1 for mono-scope pattern to check the picture focus and the round circle should not be distorted. The Center position, and VOS line/size are within spec. Check the brightness, contrast and color condition. Check the convergence, picture must be clear, focus OK and white balance are OK. Also check the complete screen picture quality. High voltage condition OK and the Screen picture must be OK.
Check all the functional keys must be working well.
Receive color pattern signal and the system color. (PAL/SECAM/NTSC) Check the power main on/off switch, brightness, volume, color, contrast and tint. The picture quality must not have color noise, unbalance size and distorted condition.
Check the sound quality standards, Volume up/down are OK to spec, and sound output.
Ensure the sound output is not distorted and noisy. No interference for DK/BG/I/M.
Use remote Control Unit for all types of function check and ensure OK.
Check the words display condition.
Shock test and make sure the picture and sound are not distorted and shifted
Use strong and weak signal to check the color picture condition. After adjust the signal level to 35-40 dB and the color should not gone. The picture and sound must be OK. At 60 dB the picture should not have snow noise.
Ensure the factory mode setting are set. Set-off the factory mode function and last switch off the TV set.
All the “NG” sets must send for repairing and recording for reference.
Check the AV input and output the picture and sound must be OK
Reliability Aging Test:1st lot of production sets. Sampling 20 sets for aging 7 days continues test with color signal in. Normal production sets must be age for 1 day.
Mechanical Inspection
Inspect all glue are firmly placed.
Check all screws are tightened, no missing and loose.
Check all the connectors are fully located onto the chassis base.
Check all the safety components are firmly located onto the chassis and no damage.
The TV internal side should not see any excess metal materials.
Check all the cable and wire are OK in-used.
Check the FBT and switching transformers not high mounting. The big capacitors are not slanting and high mounting.
High Potential Testing:
Set the mega-meter is set in position.(Insulation tester)
Set the meter to DC500V.
Use the meter probe onto the tuner body and the power cord on connector socket.
Switch on the button and test the insulation performance and the reading at 2/3 position.
Insulation spec must over 9.0 Mohm. if not reject.
Note: Everyday work check the high pot. Condition as 3100V, 10 mA, 5 sec are OK.
Safety Check
High voltage checking. Use high pot tester and set the tester to 3100V, 10mA and ensure the AC/DC switch is in AC position. Set the tester to 10mA and timer to 5 sec.
Checking methods.
connect the power cord into power socket.
the high pot tester gun pointed at metal part of TV set body.
switch on the switch to test the high electric power.
connect with high voltage within 5 second and remove the tester gun point.
“Enter” and “Leave” the Factory mode adjustment methods:
 Enter factory password: (use normal Remote control unit)
Set TV as RF condition and press remote control “PROG” key and follow by “6”, “4”, “8”,“3”
Repeat the same step of “1.1.1.” to enter into “White Balance” adjustment condition
Repeat the same step of “1.1.1.” to enter into “Factory mode” adjustment condition
Repeat the same step of “1.1.1.” to enter into “Factory mode” setting c
Repeat the same step of “1.1.1” to leave the factory mode function
Direct Enter:
Use Factory mode Remote control unit, press the “factory” key to enter into “factory mode” function. Press one more time “factory” key to enter “White balance” adjustment condition, press one more time to enter the adjustment condition. Press One “factory” key to setting up our requirement spec. Last press once “factory” key to leave factory mode function.
Use “factory mode” for TV ageing, 2nd step is to align the White Balance in good condition. 3rd step adjust the required electrical specification. (The function adjustment are 20 selection) Others function of adjustment are 39 items, and you can use “P+/P-“ key and “V+/V-“ key for selection and adjustment.
Setting of company logo:
Switch on the TV set and set the TV in AV mode, Press Remote control “DISP” key and the TV screen will display “AV” and follow by presetting the Numeric key “6”, “4”, “8”, “3” to enter the company logo setting.
Press the “P+/P-“ key for selection of function and press “V+/V-“ key for adjustment. Press “>*<-“ key to change or select your requirement.
Logo setting 1st row that come with 4 kinds of setting:
Logo setting 2nd row that come with 2 kinds of setting:
1st turn off the display, 2nd turn on the display (display the word setting of maximum 10 words).
When the 2 rows of words are display on the TV screen, and you can check the words positioning. Not too lose to each other or the words are not clear to display on the screen. Reset the logo words from the logo setting factory mode.
Factory default data
Full schematic