Saturday 21 December 2019


Technical description and composition of the SAMSUNG LE19C350D1W TV, panel type and applicable modules. The composition of the modules.
Model: LE19C350D1W
Chassis / Version: PY02
Panel: H185WA01
Inverter (backlight): integrated into PSU
PWM Inverter: FAN7318A (PA38P)
Power Supply (PSU): FSP035-2PI10
PWM Power: GM0465R
MainBoard: BN41-01338B
IC MainBoard: Cpu - SETD-10 Samsung Flash - 25L4005AM2C Eeprom - ATMLH020
Tuner: DTOS40CVL081A
Specifications LE19C350
General repair guidelines for TV LCD

It is advisable to start the repair of the SAMSUNG LE19C350D1W TV with a careful external examination of all its constituent elements, both internal and external. Inspection is also subject to body elements, control buttons, screen, connectors and cords. Often, based on certain external signs, it is possible to draw some conclusions about the reasons for the failure of certain circuit elements even before the necessary measurements are made, which will determine the further algorithm for troubleshooting and localizing the defect. Swollen electrolytic or cermet capacitors, charred resistors, ring cracks in the soldered terminals of the elements - all this can significantly help the master to determine the causes and consequences of the malfunction of the TV.
In the case when the LE19C350D1W does not turn on, does not respond to the remote control and buttons on the front panel, does not blink lights and does not show any signs of operability, most likely in this case the FSP035-2PI10 power supply module is faulty. It is advisable to start the troubleshooting of the power supply module by checking the mains fuse. If it is torn, it is necessary to check first of all the power semiconductor elements - rectifier diodes and the power switch of the converter, which are often found in breakdown conditions in such situations.
As a rule, the keys of flyback converters, which use an N-Fet field effect transistor on a separate radiator, or integrated with a GM0465R PWM controller in a single chip, are reliable enough and rarely fail for no reason. The reasons for the breakdown of the key should be sought by checking other components of the circuit - electrolytic capacitors, resistors and semiconductor elements of the primary circuit. The PWM chip is checked by replacing it with a known good one.
Diagnostics of power modules with a Power Factor Corrector (CMC) is somewhat more complicated and requires a more detailed approach.

Sometimes the TV SAMSUNG LE19C350D1W does not have an image, but there is sound, or the image will appear and immediately disappear. In this case, there is a high probability of a malfunction of the converter of the backlight lamps, or of the lamps themselves, which can be checked by replacement. In such cases, it is necessary to verify the serviceability of all electrolytic capacitors of the filter according to the power supply of the inverter itself, including the power supply unit (power supply unit).
Diagnostics of the inverter can be difficult due to the operation of the protection, which is organized by the designers to prevent negative consequences or fires in emergency cases, for example, during short circuits or breaks in the lamp power supply circuit, as well as their possible depressurization. To make the necessary measurements at control points or to take the necessary waveforms, repairmen have to block the protection circuits in order to be able to diagnose.
It should be remembered that in such cases there is a risk of failure of the power elements of the inverter and to take special care. After carrying out repairs, the protection circuit must be restored for further safe operation of the TV.
In cases of attempts to repair the motherboard, it is necessary to check the operability of the power stabilizers of the microcircuits and, if possible, update the software (software).
Attention to the owners! Attempts to repair the TV SAMSUNG LE19C350D1W on its own are not recommended by the manufacturer and can lead to serious negative consequences!

 Main features of the SAMSUNG LE19C350D1W device:
Installed matrix (LCD panel) H185WA01.
To power the backlight lamps, a converter is used, combined with a power supply unit, controlled by a FAN7318A PWM controller (PA38P).
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the TV SAMSUNG LE19C350D1W are generated by the power module FSP035-2PI10, or its analogs using microcircuits GM0465R.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a BN41-01338B module, using Cpu chipsets - SETD-10 Samsung Flash - 25L4005AM2C Eeprom - ATMLH020 and others.
The DTOS40CVL081A tuner provides television reception and channel tuning