Tuesday 18 February 2020


All the chassis that come with the TVs assembled in China or in the CIS from Chinese components never corresponded not only to the circuit diagram, but often even to the internal composition. This is due to the fact that these chassis are unified (universal), produced in factories that do not directly assemble televisions, and they go on sale (for assembly) to other enterprises. To use them, just insert the chassis into the chassis and connect the main components. The manufacturer constantly makes changes to the chassis, without bothering to notify the consumer about this and make changes to the circuit diagram.
Therefore, you need to look for schemes not only by the name of the TV model, but also by its main components (for example, the processor). Using this approach when searching for information greatly simplifies the search process during repair and work in the service menu, and also makes it easy to draw an analogy in the diagnosis and repair of TVs of various brands. So, for example, after searching the Internet [1], the types of processor used in the Bravis CRT-211F TV were immediately established: 8896CSNG7E18 or 8895CSNG7E15. They are well known to repairmen on the chassis M28, M36, M113A, TD173, PAEX, where TOSHIBA microcircuits of the TMPA88xx family are used.
The Bravis CRT-211F TV circuit is known on the Internet as the “Supra Chassis ETA-5”.
On the web page [2] for the Bravis CRT-211F TV, the composition and photo of the ETA-5 chassis were found, as well as “clones” of TVs on this chassis were installed, including Durabrand TV-DB21 SLIM, Electron 54 TK-703, Erisson 21SF40, Panavox SS21500, Ranser TV-RA21, Shivaki CRT-2186UX and Thomson 21U18.
The composition of the chassis ETA-5:
- main board - JUG7.820.515-3;
- processor (MCP) - CH-C05-A-V01 / 00 8896-CSNG7E18, 8895CSNG7E15;
- memory (EEPROM) - CW24C16A;
- PWM chip - UPS STR-G5653;
- pulse transformer UPS - BCK-01-EC35, BCK-23519L, BCK-35-0318;
- microcircuit UMZCH - TFA9842AJ;
- frame scan chip - D78040;
- TDKS - BSC25-T1087N, BSC25-T1091A;
- output stage of horizontal scanning - 2SD5023;
- output WU on the tube of the picture tube - BF422;
- remote control - RC26-301;
When repairing such televisions, I strongly recommend that you look not for specific TVs or chassis schemes (this often takes much more time than the repair itself), but for datasheets for the types of MCs used, since (in understanding the principles of the TV's operation) the switching circuits listed in them quite enough for repairs. In addition, this further develops the skills of repairing other equipment without circuit diagrams, which is especially important now when the market is filled with equipment of nameless manufacturers (“no name”). It is also advisable to analyze the circuits of other devices on the processor used during the repair, since the circuit solutions of the UPS, СР, КР, PC, and ULF units used in them are often identical.
Features of television chassis on the processor family TMPA 88 xx company Toshiba
TVs based on TMPA88xx (chassis M28, M36, M113A, TD173, PAEX, etc.) appeared on the market about 9 ... 10 years ago [3] with the start of production of the TMPA8801 processor. Based on these microcircuits, devices of such well-known brands are produced: SONY, PANASONIC, SAMSUNG, as a rule, with a diagonal of 14 ... 17 inches.
Microprocessors are manufactured in a P-SDIP64 package. Table 1 shows their labeling and functional features, such as the availability of processing capabilities of the SECAM system, distortion correction "East-West" (E / W-correction), etc.
Table 1.
Type of chip OTP version Functional features (processed color systems, presence and type of delay line, construction of an audio section, the presence of E / W correction)
PAL / NTSC, 1HDL, CCD, Mono, E / W 
Repair statistics, according to the materials of the forum [3], indicate that the processors of this family are rather unreliable and often fail for no apparent reason. In addition, it should be noted that in retail sales the price of these processors is quite high ($ 20 ... 40) and comparable to the cost of a new chassis, so replacing them during repair is in most cases economically justified only for televisions with a diagonal of more than 21 inches. So, for example, the processor for the BRAVIS CRT-211F TV (CH-CO5-A-V01 / 00 8896CSNG7E18) is offered on the Internet at a price of 200 UAH. Although at first some of these processors were shipped to authorized service centers (ASCs) for as low as $ 4.
Circuit solutions of a pulsed power supply (UPS), lowercase (SR) and personnel (KR) scans for TVs with diagonals of 14 ... 21 inches are considered in detail by the author in articles [4, 5]. The construction of these nodes is identical, and many of their malfunctions are manifested and eliminated in a similar way. Below we consider only the malfunctions characteristic of the chassis under consideration. For repairs it is convenient to use the circuit diagram of the chassis and / or the TD-173 chassis - these are perhaps the most common chassis on the TMPA88xx family of processors.
Release locks and remove child protection

" Polar CE- 5427 "(8821 CPNG 4 N 30). The TV is not included in the settings menu, the digital buttons 0 ... 9 on the remote control do not work
The location of the cells responsible for LOCK OFF and PASS OFF is 005 and 083; the three-digit password is explicitly located in cells 024C, 024D, 024E. Using the programmer, you can read it and enter the security code.
" Trony 21 TS 89" (8821 CPNG 4 RJ 1). The message “Protection” is displayed on the screen in the lower left corner, the device does not respond to the remote control button and front panel
This protection was invented so that no one except the owner could not use the device, for example, when it is stolen. User protection is removed only with the remote control by pressing the POWER button - it must be pressed once. The TV will turn on in normal mode, but this will solve the problem: if you do not remove the power supply, the unit will function normally, turn off the remote control, but if you turn it off from the network, the message “Protection” will appear again after turning on. To solve the problem, it is necessary to turn off the “Protection” option in the last submenu of the user menu (submenu with two “faces”). In the absence of a standard remote control (or universal remote control), the "Protection" option can be turned off by changing the contents of the EEPROM. The protection bit is turned on and off in a byte (more precisely, in the third bit of the right nibble) at address 0003h. When protection is activated, the right nibble has a value of C4, to remove protection you need to set its value to C0. The value of the left nibble may be different.

Akira 21 FES 1 BN (8821 CPNG 4 RJ 1). When you turn on the TV with the network button, the message “PROTECTION” appears on a blue background. The device does not respond to the buttons on the local keyboard and remote control.
To remove protection from children without a remote control, using the programmer, it is necessary in EEPROM at 0003h to change the least significant bit of the content to 1 (it was 84), i.e. set 81, after which the protection is removed. In different firmware, this cell may contain A1, C1, etc. (see above).
To control this TV, you can use the universal Mak Maxim remote control made in Poland, configured to transmit codes 1377 or 1397, however, the menu will have to be switched from the device’s local keyboard, since there are no cursor keys (joystick) on the Mak Maxim remote control.
" Sitronics STV 2160 F "(8821 CPNG 5 EE 1). Installed a "castle" from children
To remove the “lock” using the programmer, you need to write the value 91 to the EEPROM at 0003h.
"Topfield CE-6432" (8827CPNG4RV8). From the user menu is not possible in the channel settings menu
The digital buttons for direct selection of channels 0 ... 9 do not work on the remote control, while the CH + and CH– buttons are operational. When entering the “FUNCTION.” Menu 4 lines are displayed:
In the line SENIOR after pressing the V + button, a message appears: "Input cipher: _ _". The TV is in the "hotel" mode, to exit it you must enter the code 505.
TV with 8821 CSNG 5 BE 5 and 8827 CSNG 5 BK 0 processors
To release the lock after pressing KEY on the remote control, you must enter the universal code 8888.
Codes for unlocking in various models
  1. “Hisense 21” (TMPA8823, TMPA8803) - universal code 3088.
  2. “Hisense 25/34” ”(TMPA8829, TMPA8809) - set the 186 channel, select the AV1 mode and enter the code 88090916.
  3. "Haier" (8803? 8823? 8829, ST720P, manufactured in China or Asia) - universal code 9443.
EEPROM corruption issues

If the information in the EEPROM is distorted for various reasons, the following possible manifestations of malfunctions are possible:
  1. The function of the control buttons on the local keyboard of the TV changes.
  2. The commands from the remote control included with this TV are not accepted. He can begin to execute commands from the remote control with the RC-5 or MAC system with code 1377.
  3. The TV does not exit standby mode.
  4. On a blue background there is a LOCK message (an indication option is the message “Protection” in the lower left corner of the screen), there is no reaction to remote control commands and buttons on the local keyboard.
" Shivaki STV - 1463 "(8891 CPBNG 6 NA 3). When you turn on the TV, the service menu is immediately displayed, the channels are not tuned
The reason is the distortion of information in the EEPROM, which must be programmed with working firmware. In this model, changing the contents of the EEPROM is sometimes accompanied by “snow” on the screen and / or doubling of the image.
" Panasonic 14" " Chinese production (8891 CSCNG 6 V 12). The device turns on, a high voltage is formed (a characteristic “rustle” is heard), but the raster does not glow
Supply voltage is normal. The cause of the malfunction is a distortion of information in the EEPROM. It is enough to install a “clean” memory chip like 24C08 and edit the options in the service mode in accordance with the TV model.
"Toshiba 21CS2RU" (8801CPCNG5HE5, chassis S2E). When switching the TV to operating mode, there is no image
When the user menu is called up, the image is barely visible, the raster is narrowed vertically, when the auto-search starts, the channels are not found, when the brightness is added, the raster turns red-brown. After turning the unit on and on again, the user settings are not remembered. With subsequent on / off, the malfunction manifests itself in various ways. The cause of the malfunction is a distortion of the contents of the EEPROM, usually due to its hardware malfunction. To fix the problem, it is enough to install a “clean” microcircuit, turn on the device with a network button and after initialization within 10 ... 15 s put it in working mode. After installing clean memory, you may need to adjust the vertical size and white balance to a small extent.
Note: V + supply voltage when the SR is off is: in standby mode 100V, and in operating mode - 115V. The UPS starts up in operation with the equivalent load (60 W, 220 V lamp connected to the B + output) only after 2-3 attempts after a “wink” the lamp is steady on.
" Sitronics STV- 1441 N " ( TMPA 8821 CPNG 4 RJ 1). No color image in SECAM color system
The message SECURITY is displayed on the TV screen. After installing a clean EEPROM and correcting the geometry of the raster in the service mode, it turned out that there is no color in the SECAM system, although this system can be installed forcibly in the user menu. In the PAL system, there is a color image. After entering the extended service menu D and changing the value of the SECD option from 18 to 08, a color image appeared in SECAM.
" West PF 21 E 91 "(8821 CSNG 5 BE 5). When adjusting the volume from 00 to 01, the maximum volume is immediately set
Editing the parameters V01, V25, V50, V100 in the service mode does not solve the problem. The malfunction is eliminated by programming the EEPROM with good firmware or by changing the MODE3 option in the service mode. Using the 2nd bit, the microprocessor port is programmed to adjust the volume, since a separate TA1343NG sound processor can be installed in the device. In the described case, MODE3 was equal to 10, when it was changed to 1C, the volume control was restored.
1.Http: //remont-aud.net \ board \ crt_tv \ tmpa88xx \ bravis_crt_211f_shassi_sh10278 \ 304-1-0-3083 - the page is available for downloading the BRAVIS CRT-211F TV firmware.
2. http://monitor.espec.ws/section1/topic196233.html - page of the BRAVIS CRT-211F TV (photo of the chassis, composition).
3. http://monitor.net.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=150988 - forum site Monitor, topic "Processors family TMPA88xx".
4. Kornienko R. V. From the experience of repairing televisions with SANYO microcontrollers of the LC863xxx family // Repair & Service. 2007. - No. 9.
5. Kornienko RV. The experience of repairing TVs with microcontrollers SANYO LC863xxx family // Repair & Service. - 2009. - No. 5.

Author: Ruslan Kornienko, Kharkov