Tuesday 4 February 2020


Technical description and composition of the PHILIPS 39PFL4208T TV, panel type and applicable modules. The composition of the modules.
Model: 39PFL4208T / 60
Chassis / Version: TPM10.1E LA
Panel: TPT390J1-HJ1L02 code 199
LED driver (backlight): 715G5792-P03-000-002M 996590003958
PWM LED driver: PF7900 (8), PE7700A (8), NR111D (8)
MOSFET LED driver: AO TF4126 BV221Y
Power Supply (PSU): 715G5792-P03-000-002M 996590003958
PWM Power: SC1S311 (8), LD7591TGS (PFC), PF8200S (8), CAP004DG (X-Capacitor Discharge IC)
MOSFET Power: K15A60U, AO TF11N70, P1604ETF,
MainBoard: 715G5713-M0E-000-005K
IC MainBoard: STA3818W, 54518
Tuner: TDSY-G230D
Specifications 39PFL4208T
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
PHILIPS 39PFL4208T / 60 TV, like many other electronic devices, it is advisable to start repairing by inspecting all external and internal elements. Often, based on certain external signs, it may be possible to draw certain conclusions about the reasons for the failure of certain elements of the circuit even before the necessary measurements are made, which will determine the further algorithm for troubleshooting and localizing the defect. Electrolytic capacitors of filters with a swollen casing, as well as ring cracks formed in the soldered leads of heating elements, or a layer of coal on burnt resistors sometimes tell the repairman the causes of the malfunction and possible consequences.
Faults in the 715G5792-P03-000-002M 996590003958 power supply module can be expressed in different ways, for example, the PHILIPS 39PFL4208T does not turn on at all and the control lamps on its front panel do not light up and do not blink, and there are no signs of operability. It should be noted that with the same external manifestations, the processor power regulator (converter) may be faulty. When repairing the power supply, it is advisable to start the diagnostics by checking the mains fuse and the electrolytic capacitors of the filters of the converter secondary rectifiers. In the event of a fuse breaking, the reason should be sought in the power semiconductor elements of the pulse converter of the main power supply. First of all, it is necessary to check the diodes of the bridge of the rectifier of the mains voltage and the power switch (s) of the converter K15A60U, AO TF11N70, P1604ETF,.
Mos-Fet keys used in switching power supplies (SMPS) rarely fail for no reason to look for when checking other circuit elements. Often the breakdown is caused by malfunctions of electrolytic capacitors or semiconductor elements in the primary circuit, or by a break in the resistors in the stabilization circuits. The PWM controller microcircuit SC1S311 (8) SSC1S311, LD7591TGS (8), PF8200S (8), CAP004DG-TL (8) can also cause a breakdown of the power switch of the converter.
If the PHILIPS 39PFL4208T does not have an image, but there is sound and the TV is controlled by the remote control, there may be a malfunction in the backlight circuits of the TPT390J1 Rev000D code 199. The LEDs or the power converter, the LED driver, may be malfunctioning. Often in such cases, when you turn on the TV, an image appears and immediately disappears. First of all, it is necessary to verify the operability of the electrolytic capacitors of the rectifier filter supplying the LED driver, and check the LEDs, connecting obviously known good diagnostics.
Often there is a need for disassembling the panel to check the health of the LEDs, as well as contact connections in the connectors and soldering.
It should be remembered that it is not possible to determine the open circuit in the LED lines without disassembling the panels with a tester or multimeter without an additional device, for example, a current source. To open all PN junctions connected in series at once, a voltage of several tens of volts may be required.
Diagnostics and repair of the motherboard 715G5713-M0E-000-005K is carried out by checking the performance of the stabilizers or power converters of the module chips. In some cases, a software update is required.
Attention to the owners! Attempts at self-repair of the PHILIPS 39PFL4208T TV are not recommended by the manufacturer and can lead to serious negative consequences!

SCHEMATIC MANUAL -------------> 39PFL4208T/60 Chassis TPM10.1E LA part1, part2, part3

 The appearance of the MainBoard 715G5713-M0E-000-005K is shown in the figure below:
715G5713-M0E-000-005K can be used in TVs:
PHILIPS 39PFL4208T/60 (Panel TPT390J1-HJ1L02 code 199), PHILIPS 42PFL3008T/60 (Panel TPT420H2-HVN04 code 194), PHILIPS 42PFL3208T/60 (Panel TPT420H2-HVN04 Rev080C code 194), PHILIPS 42PFL5028T/60 (Panel LC420EUE (FF)(F1) code 190), PHILIPS 50PFL5038T/60 (Panel LC500EUE FFF1).
PSU Advanced
The 39PFL4208T / 60 TV is equipped with a 715G5792-P03-000-002M power module using the PFC (Power Factor Correction) circuitry acting as an active filter to eliminate the higher harmonic components of the current consumption. The boost converter based on the LD7591TGS PWM controller does not allow the input rectifier filter's electrolytic capacitor to be connected to the network directly through open diodes when the charge current determines its reactance (about 15-30 ohms at a frequency of 50 Hz). As a result of the conversion, the charging current of the capacitor will be determined in such a way that the envelope of the high-frequency pulses of the input current will repeat the phase and shape of the sine wave of the input voltage. The health check of the PFC unit is carried out by measuring the DC voltage on the capacitor of the rectifier network. In operating mode, it should be around 380V, in standby approximately 300V.
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the PHILIPS 39PFL4208T device:
The matrix (LED panel) TPT390J1-HJ1L02 code 199 is installed.
The LED driver 715G5792-P03-000-002M is used to power the backlight LEDs, it is controlled by the PF7900 (8), PE7700A (8) PWM controller, NR111D (8). As the power elements of the LED driver, keys of the type AO TF4126 BV221Y are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the PHILIPS 39PFL4208T TV are generated by the 715G5792-P03-000-002M power supply module or its analogs using SC1S311 (8), LD7591TGS (PFC), PF8200S (8), CAP004DG (X-Capacitor Discharge IC) microcircuits and power switches type K15A60U, AO TF11N70, P1604ETF,.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a module 715G5713-M0E-000-005K, using microchips STA3818W, 54518 and others.
The TDSY-G230D tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.