Monday 9 March 2020


Technical description and composition of the SONY KDL-46W2000 TV, panel type and applicable modules. The composition of the modules.
Model: KDL-46W2000
Chassis / Version: WAX2F
Panel: LTZ460HA04
T-CON: 4046HAC2L V0.4
Inverter (backlight): PCB2700 A06-126438 D, PCB2701 A06-126439 D
Power Supply (PSU): 1-871-504-12 6202 G2A
PWM Power: CXD9841P, MIP2H2, FA5501AN (PFC)
MOSFET Power: 2SK3568, 2SK2158
MainBoard: 1-871-232-11, 1-869-656-21, 1-869-657-12 - AE, BE, TUE
IC MainBoard: MB91305PMC, M24256,
Tuner: BTD-HF431Z
Control: RM-ED008
Technical Specifications KDL-46W2000
SONY KDL-46W2000
General recommendations for repairing TV LCD
Diagnostics of the malfunction of the TV SONY KDL-46W2000, like all others, it is advisable to start with an external examination of possible changes, both external and internal elements. In some cases, visible external damage to the elements can suggest directions for troubleshooting and localizing the defect before starting the necessary measurements at the control points of the electronic circuit nodes. In some cases, faulty elements can be seen with the naked eye, for example, charred resistors or swollen metal-ceramic capacitors, or electrolytic in rectifier filters. Ring cracks formed in the soldered terminals of transformers or heating elements of the circuit are also frequent sources of many malfunctions with a variety of external manifestations.
If the SONY KDL-46W2000 does not turn on, no control lights on the front panel light up or blink, therefore, there is a very high probability of a G2A power supply module malfunctioning. When diagnosing and repairing the power supply, first of all, it is necessary to check the fuse and, if it is broken, it is necessary to identify the cause. Often in such cases, an avalanche (thermal) breakdown is detected in the power semiconductor elements of the module - rectifier diodes or power switch 2SK3568, 2SK2158.
As a rule, the keys of flyback converters, which use an N-Fet field effect transistor on a separate radiator, or integrated with a CXD9841P, MIP2H2, FA5501AN PWM controller in a single chip, are quite reliable and rarely fail for no reason. The reasons for the breakdown of the key should be sought by checking other components of the circuit - electrolytic capacitors, resistors and semiconductor elements of the primary circuit. The PWM chip is verified by replacing it with a known good one.
In cases using a power module with an active KKM, troubleshooting is sometimes somewhat more complicated.
If, when you turn on the TV, the image appears and immediately disappears, or is initially absent when you turn on, but there is sound and other functions work, there is a high probability of a malfunction of the inverter (power converter for the backlight). In such cases, the lamps, the inverter and the common power module are subject to verification, in which the electrolytic capacitors of the rectifier filter feeding the inverter should be checked.
Repairing the inverter is difficult because in case of any malfunction or emergency, even with uneven wear of the lamps, a protection is triggered, which turns it off for fire safety. Diagnostics become impossible and protection needs to be disabled.
In these cases, special care must be taken in view of the risk of failure of the power elements. After completing all repair work, it is imperative to restore the protection circuits for full and safe further operation of the TV by the user.
If the BE, TUE motherboard is faulty, first of all it is necessary to check all the linear power regulators of its chips and, if necessary, update the software. Sometimes you can check the health of MB only by replacement. When repairing an MB board, you must check its components MB91305PMC, M24256,. Defective items should be replaced.
We recommend the owners of the KDL-46W2000 TV for repair only to qualified specialists with experience! Self-repair attempts without the appropriate knowledge and skills can lead to serious negative consequences!

Service manual / schematic diagram ------------->  Sony KDL-40W2000, KDL-46W2000 chassis WAX2F

  According to the conditions of compliance with modern world standards for household switching power supplies, the G2A module provides for the use of a Power Factor Correction unit. The PFC circuit is a flyback converter based on the FA5501AN PWM controller. The reactance of an electrolytic capacitor of a line filter at a frequency of 50-60 Hz is usually not more than 20-30 ohms and its charge directly from the network through open diodes could reach tens of amperes per pulse if no filtering were applied.

As a result of the PFC conversion, an increased voltage on the capacitor (about 380V) cannot directly open the rectifier diodes, on the anode of which the voltage will always be slightly less (about 300V) and then its charging current will always be limited by the elements of the PWM controller. As a result, the envelope of the high-frequency pulses of the consumed current will repeat the shape and phase of the input sinusoidal voltage. The presence of an increased voltage (+ 380V) on the network capacitor indicates the serviceability of the PFC node.

The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the device SONY KDL-46W2000:
Installed matrix (LCD panel) LTZ460HA04.
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON) 4046HAC2L.
A PCB2700 inverter is used to power the backlight.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the SONY KDL-46W2000 TV are generated by the power module 1-871-504-12, or its analogs using microcircuits CXD9841P, MIP2H2, FA5501AN (PFC) and power switches of the type 2SK3568, 2SK2158.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a module 1-871-232-11, using microchips MB91305PMC, M24256, and others.
The BTD-HF431Z tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.