Sunday 3 May 2020


Technical description and composition of the IZUMI TLE15H310B TV, type of panel and applicable modules. The composition of the modules.
Model: TLE15H310B
Chassis / Version: HK-11020016
Panel: CLAA156WB11A
T-CON: 156WB11S
Power Supply (PSU): HY120200 Adapter 12V
MainBoard: HK-T.SP7050V29 HK-11020016
IC MainBoard: 24C32, EN25T80, TDA9885TS
Tuner: TNF931D-BFR1
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
Repair of the IZUMI TLE15H310B TV should begin with a fault diagnosis, which involves a careful examination of the external and internal elements of the device. Often, based on certain external signs, it may be possible to draw certain conclusions about the reasons for the failure of certain elements of the circuit even before the necessary measurements are made, which will determine the further algorithm for troubleshooting and localizing the defect. In some cases, faulty elements can be seen with the naked eye, for example, charred resistors or swollen metal-ceramic capacitors, or electrolytic in rectifier filters. Ring cracks formed in the soldered terminals of transformers or heating elements of the circuit are also frequent sources of many malfunctions with a variety of external manifestations.
Malfunctions of the power module can be expressed in different ways, for example, the IZUMI TLE15H310B does not turn on at all and the control lamps on its front panel do not light up and do not blink, and there are no signs of operability. It should be noted that with the same external manifestations, the processor power regulator (converter) may be faulty. In the absence of swollen filter capacitors of the secondary rectifiers, the diagnostics of the power supply should be started by checking the fuse and, if it is broken, it is first necessary to check all the power semiconductor elements of the primary circuit - diodes and transistors for the possibility of an avalanche or thermal breakdown.
As a rule, the keys in switching power supplies (SMPS) are reliable enough and rarely fail for no reason to be looked for by checking other components of the circuit - electrolytic capacitors, resistors and semiconductor elements of the primary circuit. The PWM chip is verified by replacing it with a known good one.
In cases where the IZUMI TLE15H310B TV has lost an image, and the sound is there and all other functions are operational, there is a possibility of a malfunction of the LED driver (a converter for powering the panel backlight LEDs). When you turn on the TV, the image may appear briefly and disappear immediately. It must be borne in mind that with such manifestations the LEDs themselves also fail.
A malfunction in the backlight circuits often occurs due to an open in the power circuit of the LED lines. It is necessary to disassemble the panel and check the LEDs themselves, the soldering of their conclusions, as well as the reliability of the connections in the connectors and the soldering of the conclusions of the connectors.
To check the LED lines for breaks without disassembling the panel, for example, a current source will help. It is impossible to open series-connected PN junctions with a simple multimeter, a voltage of the order of several tens of volts is required.
In cases of attempts to repair the motherboard HK-11020016 HK-T.SP7050V29, it is necessary to check the performance of the stabilizers or power converters of its microcircuits and, if possible, update the software (software). BGA chips can in most cases be diagnosed by local heating.
When repairing an MB board, it is necessary to check its components 24C32, EN25T80, TDA9885TS. Defective items should be replaced. If BGA chips are installed, their malfunction is usually localized by heating. If chips with BGA soldering technology are used, a problem in its implementation is detected by the local heating of the chip.
In cases where there is no tuning to the local television channels, you should make sure that the varicaps supply voltage (30-33V) and other supply voltages are available at the terminals of the TNF931D-BFR1 tuner.
We recommend the owners of the TLE15H310B TV for repair only to qualified specialists with experience! Self-repair attempts without the appropriate knowledge and skills can lead to serious negative consequences!

FIRMWARE FOR SPI FLASH  ----------->   IZUMI TLE15H310B, Main: HK-T.SP7050V29 HK-11020016, Panel: CLAA156WB11A

 The appearance of the MainBoard HK-T.SP7050V29 is shown in the figure below:
HK-T.SP7050V29 can be used in TVs:
IZUMI TLE15H310B (Panel CLAA156WB11A), IZUMI TLE19H300B (Panel CLAA185WA 04).
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the IZUMI TLE15H310B device:
Installed matrix (LED panel) CLAA156WB11A.
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON) 156WB11S.
An external source of the type HY120200 Adapter 12V is used to power all internal nodes of the IZUMI TLE15H310B TV.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a HK-T.SP7050V29 module, using 24C32, EN25T80, TDA9885TS chips and others.
The TNF931D-BFR1 tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.