Sunday 2 August 2020


Always respect voltages. It makes sense to avoid exposure to electrical shock.  While some sources are expected to have a possible dangerous impact, others of quite high potential are of limited current and are sometimes held in less regard.

These chassis are designed for Latin America (LA) markets ready for IPTV. The main chip is from Mstar and supports below features matrix.

All tests and measurements mentioned hereafter have to be carried out at a normal mains voltage (100 ~ 240 VAC)
All voltages have to be measured with respect to ground, unless otherwise stated
All final tests have to be done on a complete set including LCD panel in a room with temperature of 25+/-7°C

The Picture Performance assessment such as White Balance (luminance and colour temperature) has to be performed into subdued lighted room after at least 45min of warm-up in order to avoid any temperature drift influence (colorimetry vs time)

Pre-Conditions and DC/DC Check
Before power-on, please check the board according to the relevant block diagram and circuit diagram, and make sure that no serious issue or mistake can destroy the board. 

For example, the output of DC/DC and LDO should not be shorted to ground.
Supply a suited voltage and power-on, then check the voltage according to the relevant block diagram, circuit diagram and voltage spec. The error should less than 5%. 

For example, the voltage for main chip (+3V3, AV3.3, +1V2, CORE1V, etc.), the voltage for DDR (DDRV), the voltage for amplifier (AMP_VCC), etc...

Project ID Modification
There are different ID stored into the NVM depending on different Panels settings and Models features, but there’s only one key branching Project ID that includes all. So, it’s not recommended to modify Panel ID with Hyper terminal as other ID features may not change.
To modify Project ID, you need to go through “Design menu Service menu Project ID”, then spin left or right with RCU “Zoom±” keys to suitable ID (Project name is dynamically refreshed).
 “How to change Project ID with RCU”

Process following subsequence IR codes to change project ID: 062598+MENU+xxx (xxx:Project ID, ex: 003) with TV automatic restart”

Once the boards (chassis, KB, IR, PSU…) and the panel are well interconnected, plug all external generator devices to relevant inputs/outputs below according to their respective test patterns format and check picture content and sound quality accordingly:

Audio tones can be defined by the factory (i.e. 1 KHz & 3 KHz sweep).
Picture video formats can be changed by the factory according to their own standard.

AD Calibration Test

As SoC is built-in an A/D self-calibration mechanism, ADC need not to be performed any more.

DDC & EDID & T-Link Test

The E-EDID data structures are according to VESA Enhanced EDID 1.3 (and EIA/CEA-861B for HDMI). CEA Timing Extension structure has been extended to support all 3D capable timings.
All VGA and HDMI structures have their own BIN profile which are part of main SW and uploaded at power-on into HDMI switch chipset.
For EDID check, it’s needed to check whether the correct EDID is downloaded by checking corresponding EDID NVM Checksum or read them out to check bit by bit if it is in line with the released EDID bin file.


For HDCP compliancy, it’s needed to check whether the HDCP key has been well set.

Factory Menu 0r (The service mode menu)

Follow the below steps to pop-up the Factory menu in case of “Factory Key” is disabled:
- Press RCU “MENU” key to display main menu
- Select “Setting” and press “OK” key to enter into setting submenu
- Select “Picture” and press “OK” key to enter into picture submenu
- Scroll down to “Contrast” item
- Press the subsequence RCU keys “
9”, “7”, “3” and “5
In case of “Factory Key” is enabled, just press RCU “Return” key to pop-up again the Factory menu.
The status of “Factory Key” can be changed in Factory Menu->Hotkey.
Press RCU “OK” key or “RIGHT” key to enter the submenu.
Press RCU “Menu” key to go back to the root menu.
Press RCU “RIGHT” or “LEFT” key to change the values.
Press RCU “OK” key run the function.
Press RCU “Exit” key exit the Factory menu.

Factory Menu Description


Following TCL standard and practices, it’s required minimum 15min of Warm-Up that can be considered as Burn-In.
Additional Aging for White Balance alignment is no more necessary due to consistent Picture Performance with Cloning usage.
This function is accessible by selecting “Factory menu WARM-UP”, pressing RCU “Zoom+” key and then leaving Factory menu. Other faster methods are available on above enclosed SIACP requirements.

SHOP-END initial

At final process stage, it’s necessary to perform “Reset shop” before any packing to leave
Factory mode and restore User default presets.  This function is accessible by selecting “Factory menu SHOP init”, then pressing RCU “OK” key. Other faster methods are available on above enclosed SIACP requirements

“How to upgrade FLASH SW using USB”

Copy the SW BIN image “V8-S68AT03-LF1VXXX.bin” into USB stick root path.
 “How to upgrade FLASH SW using USB”
Note: If there’s already other “V8-S68AT03-LF1VXXX.bin” into USB root, it needs to be deleted or renamed

Plug USB stick to the TV USB slot.
Press RCU MENUSetting Software upgradeBy USBConfirm.
Or, turn off the TV press and hold the power key of key board before reconnect AC cord to restart TV for 5-8seconds (Forced Upgrade).
When the "UPGRADING SOFTWARE" picture appears, it means TV is uploading SW BIN image. Waiting a few minutes.

When updating is successful, TV should restart automatically.

“How to upgrade MAC Address

Upgrading MAC address need to use the tool in factory and through serial command, the specific methods according to the operation of the factory guidance.

Factory hotkey submenu and Warm-Up Mode submenu

White Balance submenu, Shop init submenu, NVM Reset submenu

Power On Mode submenu, USB UPDATE submenu, Device ID test submenu

“Instructions of Updating SW”

Audio amplifier schematic