Thursday 24 September 2020



Alignment Procedure-MS08GP Series-L32D2700/L40D2700

MS08GP These chassis are designed for Eastern Europe markets Ready for IPTV. The main chip is from Mstar and supports below features matrix:
Factory Menu:  Methods of Entering
Method 1: Using the remote control
Select “Picture” and press “OK” key to enter into Picture Mode press RIGHT” or “LEFT” key Select User Mode
Press the subsequence RCU keys “
9”, “7”, “3 and 5 will appear in the left top of screen In case of “Factory hotKey” is enabled On , just press RCU “Return” key to pop-up again the Factory menu.
The status of “Factory Key” can be changed in Factory Menu->Hotkey.
Press RCU “OK” key or “RIGHT” key to enter the submenu.
Press RCU “Menu” key to go back to the root menu.
Press RCU “RIGHT” or “LEFT” key to change the values.
Press RCU “OK” key run the function.
Press RCU “Exit” key exit the Factory menu.

Design Menu

Methods of Entering
Method 1: Using the remote, enter the “Picture” submenu in the OSD; choosing the “contrast” item and press the 1,9,5,and 0 in series ,Design Menu will appear in the left top of screen.
Method 2: Press RETURN button when DESIGN HOTKEY is enabled (ON).

Hotel menu

Service Menu
1.Methods of Entering
Using the remote, enter the “Picture” submenu in the OSD; choosing the “contrast” item and press the 9,7,0 and 5 in series, Service Menu will appear in the left top of screen.

5.1. General Steps of debugging
According to the requirement of the order, below steps are needed for appropriate setting.
1) Enter the Factory Menu, enable FAC HOTKEY.
2) Check Project ID and the version of software, release date displayed at the bottom of Factory Menu.
3) Enter Design Menu, choose SERVICE MENU
èProject ID, choose corresponding Project ID number of the product (Refer to the “V6-PROJECT -ID0**”in the BOM list).
4) Return to Factory Menu, check the Product model.
5) Choose Factory Menu->NVM RESET and press the right button of the remote and wait until prompt OK appears.
6) Restart the set
7) According to the requirement of the order, Set the items of SHOP INIT and Hotel Menu etc.

8) After aging under normal temperature, calibrate ADC and adjust white balance.

9) Choose Factory Menu ->SHOP and press the button of remote to initialize the set.
Note: After step 9, Hotel Menu will be disabled by default. Therefore, if the order requires hotel function, it is necessary to enable hotel function by set Design MENU->Service Menu->HOTEL ENABLE to ON.
·Color Analyzer CA-210.
·Video Pattern Generator Chroma2329.
·Color TV Pattern Generator PM5418/Fluke5418.
·VGA cable , AV(RCA) cable , HDMI cable etc.

5.3. ADC Function

not Calibration


5.4. White Balance adjustments (Manual)


Before adjustment ,you must make sure the ADC status(only PC and YPbPr)










AV1,YPbPr,PC,HDMI1 need to be adjusted. HDMI1 should be the first.
Signal and generator
The pattern of the signal should be used are White (Chroma2329 pattern 113) and Grey (pattern 114).
The format of signal are respectively 720P for HDMI1 (Chroma2329 Timing 69),PAL (Chroma2329 Timing38) for AV1,1024X768@60Hz(Chroma2329 Timing14) for VGA

Steps of adjustment
1).Enter the factory menu-> White Balance, select source HDMI 1 and Normal Temperature.
2).Input grey signal in 720p format.
3).Change R-OFFSET and B-OFFSET to make sure the value of color coordination equal to (X=0.270 +/-0.015;Y=0.290 +/-0.015).
4).Input white signal in 720p format.
5).Change R-GAIN and B-GAIN to make sure the value of color coordination equal to (X=0.270 +/-0.015;Y=0.290 +/-0.015).

6).Repeat step 2—5 until both of the value of color coordination of white and grey equal to (X=0.270 +/-0.015;Y=0.290 +/-0.015).
For COOL and WARM color temperature, just repeat step 2—5.The color coordination we recommend for COOL and WARM color temperature is respectively(X=0.270 +/-0.015;Y=0.270 +/-0.015) and (X=0.300 +/-0.015;Y=0.305 +/-0.015).
After the adjustment of HDMI1, you can switch to other source AV, PC and YPbPr and repeat step 1—6 to do the WB adjustment.
Note: For some small size LED panel,the color coordination of specifications is not X=0.270/Y=0.290,and we recommend you adopt the values from panel specifications.
 ADC Calibration and White Balance Adjustment (automatic)
The process of adjusting White Balance automatically is out of the range of this file, Please refer to the relevant technical file of HuiZhou factory of TCL.
6.Chip list of software programming before SMT
Following chips must be programmed before SMT by tools


Chip type

Software description



HDMI HDCP Key, System Software etc.

Software update: Method of SW update:
1.Download the bin file to the root directory of your USB device (Do not change the file name); Then insert the USB device to USB interface of TV set.
MS08GPSeries with its upgrade file corresponding relation as the table below show:

Chassis Name


Upgrade filename






How to upgrade FLASH SW using USB

Copy the SW BIN image MS08GP_MBOOT.bin” into USB stick root path.
Note: If there’s already other “MS08GP_MBOOT.bin” into USB root, it needs to be deleted or renamed.

Plug USB stick to the TV USB slot.
èOptionèSoftware upgradeèBy USBèConfirm.
Or, turn off the TV press and hold the power key of key board before reconnect AC cord to restart TV for 5-8seconds (Forced Upgrade).
When the "UPGRADING SOFTWARE" picture appears as below, it means TV is uploading SW BIN image. Waiting a few minutes.

When updating is successful, TV should restart automatically.
There are two methods to upgrade SW using USB, the first one like below
In the previous of upgrade SW using USB, should program mboot bin file
MS08GP_MBOOT.binby ISP_Tool or by USB. .
Then switch off TV by removing AC cord.
Copy the SW BIN image
MS08GP_MAIN.bin” for MS08GP into USB stick (pen
drive) root path
Note: If there’s already other The same name into USB root, it needs to be deleted or renamed
Plug USB stick to the TV
Press and hold the power key of key board before reconnect AC cord to restart TV for 5-8seconds.
Once USB stick starts blinking, TV is uploading SW BIN image.
When update is successful, TV should restart automatically.
Remember to perform “Factory menuÆNVM reset“ and then press RCU “OK” key
Switch off TV by removing AC cord
Reconnect AC cord to restart TV and wait few seconds for Eeprom update.

The second method
To use this method, there should be SW in mainboard to ensure TV can display normally.
Copy the SW BIN image
MS08GP_MAIN.binand into USB stick (pen drive) root path
èOptionèSoftware upgradeèBy USèConfirm
TV display warning information, that means it is upgrading, almost 3minutes later, when upgrade successful, TV should restart automatically.

How to change Project ID with Remote Control Unit (RCU)

Process following subsequence IR codes to change project ID:
062598+MENU+xxx (xxx: Project ID, ex: 001)
Restart TV

How to upgrade MAC Address

Upgrading MAC address need to use the tool in factory and through serial command, the specific methods according to the operation of the factory guidance.

Instructions of Updating SW”
1. The following IC should be pre-copied before SMT process



Part Number





Mboot, Main Software

2.The MAC Address, HDCP KEY, Device ID must be upgrade by debug port into U301.

Project ID selecting
1)Press the Menu button of remote control, then select Contrast item of Picture submenu; press 1,9,5,0 consecutively, there you go the Design Menu.
2) Select the SERVICE MENU item, press OK and RIGHT button of the remote to enter submenu,
3)Select the PROJECT ID item, press OK or RIGHT button of the remote to enter the submenu;
4)Press the right or left button of the remote to select the ID you want;
5)After ID selection, press MENU button of the remote to exit DESIGN MENU.
6)Finally, do AC power on/off.

Schematic diagrams

Power supply (SMPS) schematic

Power distribution circuit

Power amplifier schematic– TPA3113D2