Saturday 12 September 2020


TCL LEDTVVJG32HH-ZMA 32D3260 MS82S-AP- Alignment Procedure

Factory Main Menu (FMM) is divided into Factory Menu, Design Menu, Service Menu and Hotel Menu. Factory Menu covers all indispensable functions during manufacture such as White Balance Adjustment, ADC Calibration, USB Upgrading e.g., while the items under Design Menu is exclusively used by R&D engineer, anyone else shouldn’t change the settings in the menu. When you wish to learn the product information like project ID, model name, chassis name, software version, release date, you can access to Service Menu. In addition, in Hotel Menu, we also provide a great deal of useful functions for specific applications in hotel.

MS82S-AP/LA is the latest design especially for LCDTV products selling in Asia Pacific (AP) and Latin America (LA) market.

Factory Menu

Accessing way:
a. In the first place, press Menu button of remote control, then select Contrast item of Picture submenu. Finally, press 9, 7, 3, 5 consecutively.
b. When the FAC HOTKEY item of Factory Menu is enabled (ON), press Return button of remote control.

ADC Menu
Press the UP or DN button in remote control to select certain item and Left or Right  to change the value of ADC data or start ADC calibration.
1. Only YPBPR and RGB source should be calibrated.

White Balance menu
Press the UP or Down button in remote control to select certain item and Left or Right  to adjust White Balance

Factory Main Menu

Accessing way:
1. In the first place, press Menu button of remote control, then select Contrast item of Picture submenu. Finally, press 1, 9, 5, 0 consecutively.
2. When the DESIGN HOTKEY item of Design Menu is enabled (ON), press Return button of remote control.

Press the UP or DN button in remote control to select certain item and Left or Right  to toggle among or execute the available options.


Contain many options which can be chosen according to the requirements of customers as default settings when leave factory. Press the Up or Dn button in remote control to select certain item and Right or Left  to toggle among the available options.

Other Menu

Press the Up or Dn button in remote control to select certain item and Left or Right to toggle among the available options.


Press the Up or Dn button in remote control to select certain item and Left or Right to toggle among the available options


Press the Up or Dn button in remote control to select certain item and Left of Right to enter menu


Press the Up or Dn button in remote control to select certain item and Left or Right to enter submenu.

The steps of debugging
Device: Colour Analyzer CA-210. Video Pattern Generator Chroma2329. Colour TV Pattern Generator PM5418, VGA cable, AV cable (RCA),YPBPR(RCA) cable.

According to the requirement of order, we suggest take the below steps to finish the appropriate settings.
A enter the Factory Menu, enable FAC HOTKEY
B Check the version of software, release date displayed at the bottom of Factory Menu. If the information is correct, you can ignore step C and D.
C Enter Factory Main Menu, choose SERVICE MENU->PROJECT ID, choose corresponding Project ID number of the product (Please refer to the description in BOM about Project ID number).
D return to Factory Menu, check the Product model.

E Choose Factory Menu > NVM reset and press Right and wait until prompt OK appears.

F restart the set
G according to the requirement of order, set the items of Shop Menu and Hotel Menu etc.
H After aging under normal temperature, calibrate ADC and adjust white balance.
I choose Factory Menu-> SHOP INIT and press button of remote control to initialize the set.
Note: after step I (execute SHOP INIT), Hotel Menu will be disabled by default.
Therefore, if order requires hotel function, it is necessary to enable hotel function by set Factory Main Menu-> Service Menu->HOTEL ENABLE to ON.


ADC Calibration

signal and generator
VGA: Chroma2329 Pattern42, Timing 14(1024x768@60Hz 5 MOSAIC)
YPBPR: Chroma2329 Pattern103, Timing 79(100% Color Bar, 720p)

Steps of debug:
1) Access to the Factory menu->ADC
2) Select PC source
3) Select AUTO ADC, Press the Right  button in your remote control to calibrate the ADC automatically.
4) Select YPBPR source
5) Repeat step 3.

6) When the OK appears the calibration has been finished successfully.

White Balance adjustment (Manual)

You must ensure Color Analyzer has been calibrated. Only AV1, YPBPR, VGA , HDMI 1 need to be adjusted. It is necessary to adjustment HDMI 1 first.

Signal and generator

The pattern of the signal should be used are White (Chroma2329 pattern113) and Grey (pattern 114).The format of signal are respectively 720p for HDMI1
(Chroma2329 Timing 69), NTSC for AV1 (Chroma2329 Timing 37),1024×768@60Hz
(Chroma2329 Timing 14) for VGA and 720p (Chroma2329 Timing 79)for YPBPR

Steps of adjustment
1) enter the factory menu->WHITE BALANCE, select source HDMI 1 and COLORTEMP normal.
2) Input grey signal in 720p format
3) changes R OFFSET and B OFFSET to make sure the value of color coordination equal to the value required by enterprise standard (x, y).

4) input white signal in 720p format
5) change R Gain and B Gain to make sure the value of color coordination equal to (x, y).
6) Repeat step 2~5 until both of the value of color coordination of white and grey equal to (x, y).
In addition to select COLORTEMP COOL/WARM, the adjustment method of COOL and WARM color temperature is same with that of NORMAL.

ADC Calibration and White Balance Adjustment (automatic)
The process of adjusting ADC and White Balance automatically is out of the range of this file. Please refer to the relevant technical file of HuiZhou factory of TCL
5. Chip list of software programming before SMT
Following chips must be programmed before SMT by ALL-11 or other tools.

1) The software for U502 and U503 can be program using ISP tool.
2) Every set has its unique HDCP key which is purchased from suppliers or HDCP certification authority. Please check HDCP function in the process of production.
3) Once in a while, the software of main board may be upgraded. Please pay attention to use the latest software before production

Software upgrade through USB disk
1) Please ensure the software you are using has a correct file name TCL_MS82_UPDATE.bin, then copy it to the root directory of a USB disk.
2) Insert the USB disk to the USB socket of the set for which you are going to upgrade program.
3) Enter the Factory Menu (you can choose either a or b way below)
a. In the first place, press Menu button of remote control, then select Contrast item of Picture submenu. Finally, press 9, 7, 3, 5 consecutively.
b. When the Factory hotkey item of Factory Menu is enabled (ON), press Return button of remote control

4) Select USB UPDATE, press Right button of remote control, a pop menu will appear prompting whether start upgradeor not. Press Yes to start upgrade, press No to cancel. Please wait patiently until the set restart automatically after upgrade. Do not cut off the power supply during the process

Check software version, release date and Project ID
After upgrading, sometimes you may not certain whether the new software has been successfully updated or not. In this case, you can check the software version and release date in Factory Main Menu to make sure the success of upgrading.
In addition, for the convenience of software management, many models of same chassis may share a same software, but are allocated with different Project ID.
In another words, every model has its unique Project ID. Obviously, Both software version and Project ID are highly critical to ensure the set work properly. Therefore, after upgrading software, we suggest you check these information by following method.
1) Enter the Factory Main Menu (you can choose either a or b way below a In the first place, press Menu button of remote control, then select Contrast item of Picture submenu. Finally, press 1, 9 5, 0 consecutively.
b. When the DESIGN HOTKEY item of Factory Main Menu is enabled (ON), press Return button of remote control.
2) Check the version of software, release date displayed at the bottom of Factory Main Menu. If the information is correct, you can ignore step C and D.
3) choose SERVICE MENU->PROJECT ID, choose corresponding Project ID number of the product (Please refer to the description in BOM about Project ID number).
4) choose Factory Menu and press OK button of the remote. Next, select NVM RESET and press the Right Button and wait until prompt OK appears.
5) choose SHOP INIT and press the Right Button  of remote control to initialize the set.
Note: after step I (execute SHOP INIT), Hotel Menu will be disabled by default.
Therefore, if order requires hotel function, it is necessary to enable hotel function by set Factory Main Menu-> Service Menu->HOTEL ENABLE to ON.
6) Restart the set.

Why there is no picture after upgrading software or changing project ID
It may be caused by fault of project ID. You can try below method to fix the problem.
a. If the resolution of the panel of your set is 1366×768(HD panel), you can press Menu,  RIGHT  and 4976 of remote control in series after turning on.
b. If the resolution of the panel of your set is 1920×1080(FHD panel), you can press Menu, RIGHT and 4973 in series after turning on.
c. If you can see the picture at this time, please recheck the project ID again. If the project ID is still wrong, correct it reference to above description.