Thursday 15 October 2020



Blowing a fuse or tripping a circuit breaker is a relatively common issue, especially if you like to vacuum, listen to music and microwave popcorn at the same time.

 Most people probably have experienced a blown fuse at one time or another. Someone always knows what to do when this happens. If you’re a homeowner, that person probably is you. Blown fuses are a common occurrence.
But how often do you actually think about what might have caused the fuse to blow, much less called an electrician to make sure everything’s OK? If you’re like most people, the answer to that is probably “Never.”


Here is a simple scheme for adding a blown fuse indicator to your existing power supply circuit. This is done by just adding a resistor and LED to the existing circuit. The LED and resistor are connected in series and this combination is connected in parallel to the existing fuse. When the fuse is intact, it offers a low resistance and so the voltage drop across it will be not sufficient enough to glow the LED. When the fuse is blown off, it is equivalent to infinite resistance and so the entire power supply will drop across the resistor LED series combination and makes the LED glow. The resistance R1 is used to limit the current through LED.

Blown Fuse Indicator Circuit Diagram

 Blown Fuse Indicator

 The component values of other components are not given in the diagram because it depends on your specific power supply requirements. Any way for a conventional 12V power supply the component values are as follows: 1N4007 for D1,D2,D3 and D4; 230V primary,12V secondary ,2A step-down transformer for T1, 2A fuse and a 1000uF/25V capacitor for C1.


  • Assemble the circuit on a general purpose PCB.
  • The circuit will not work if the load is not connected.
  • A highly resistive load may also impart the working of the circuit.
  • The components for this circuit can easily obtained from your electronic junk box.


If you continually have blown fuses, you should have a professional electrician perform an inspection of your home to pinpoint the problem. Electrical wiring problems can potentially cause serious fire and electrocution hazards, so it’s better not to take a chance if there is any question in your mind about safety.