Wednesday 14 October 2020


This is a simple project using the IC UM66. UM66 has an inbuilt beat and tone generator. This IC, with its three legs, looks like a transistor. This IC has many versions for playing different songs/beats. This project is suitable for beginners as its circuit is very simple.


 The  UM66 series are CMOS IIC’s designed for using in calling bell, phone and toys. It has a built in ROM programs for playing music. The device has very low power consumption. Thanks for the CMOS technology. The melody will be available at pin 3 of UM66 and here it is amplified by using Q1 to drive the speaker. Resistor R1 limits the base current of Q1 within the safe values. Capacitor C1 is meant for noise suppression.

UM66 is a pleasing music generator IC which works on a supply voltage of 3V. the required 3V supply is given through a zener regulator. its out put is taken from the pin no1 and is given to a push pull amplifier to drive the low impedance loud speaker. A class A amplifier before push pull amplifier can be used to decrees the noise and improve out put. UM66 is a 3 pin IC package just looks like a BC 547 transistor.

Music Generator Using UM66 Circuit Diagram

A music - melody generator schematic Circuit Diagram using UM66
A Continuous Music Generator Circuit Diagram


R1 = 4.7K
C1 = 10uF-25v
D1 = 3.3v Zener
Q1 = SK100
Q2 = SL100
IC = UM66
SP = 8 ohm

Pin out of UM66 IC:
  1. Output----Melody Output
  2. +Vdd-----Positive power supply
  3. -Vss------Negative Power supply

Features of UM66T series:
  • 62 Note ROM Memory
  • Voltage rating: 1.3V to 3.3 V
  • Power on reset