Thursday 12 November 2020



These adjustments are similar to 42LB7DF

Because this is not a hot chassis, it is not necessary to use an isolation transformer. However, the use of isolation transformer will help protect test instrument.
Adjustment must be done in the correct order. But it is flexible when its factory local problem occurs.
The adjustment must be performed in the circumstance of 25±5ºC of temperature and 65±10% of relative humidity if there is no specific designation.
The input voltage of the receiver must keep 100~220V, 50/60Hz.
Before adjustment, execute Heat-Run for 5 minutes.
After Receive 100% Full white pattern (06CH) then process Heat-run (or "8. Test pattern" condition of Ez-Adjust status)
How to make set white pattern
A. Press Power ON button of Service Remocon
B. Press ADJ button of Service remocon. Select "10.
Test pattern" and, after select "White" using navigation button, and then you can see 100% Full White pattern
* In this status you can maintain Heat-Run useless any pattern generator
Note  If you maintain one picture over 20 minutes (Especially sharp distinction black with white pattern – 13Ch, or Cross hatch pattern – 09Ch) then it can appear image stick near black level.

Factory Adjustment
Auto Adjust Component 480i/1080p RGB 1080p
Summary : Adjustment component 480i/1080i and RGB 1080p is Gain and Black level setting at Analog to Digital converter, and compensate the RGB deviation
Using instrument
- Adjustment remocon, 801GF(802B, 802F, 802R) or MSPG925FA pattern generator
(It can output 480i/1080i horizontal 100% color bar pattern signal, and its output level must setting 0.7V±0.1V p-p correctly)

You must make it sure its resolution and pattern cause every instrument can have different setting
Adjustment method 480i Comp1, Adjust 1080p Comp1/RGB (Factory adjustment)
• ADC 480i Component1 adjustment
- Check connection of Component1
- MSPG-925FA Ë Model: 209, Pattern 65
• Set Component 480i mode and 100% Horizontal Color Bar Pattern(HozTV31Bar), then set TV set to Component1 mode and its screen to "NORMAL"
• After get the signal, wait more a second and enter the "Ez-Adjust" with press ADJ key of Service remocon.
After then select "3.ADC 480i Comp1" with navigator button and press "Enter". It is automatically adjustment.
• You can see "ADC Component1 Success" message after Adjustment success
• Error Messages: When its adjustment is not correct, "ADC Component1 480i Fail" message displayed. If component is not connection "Component1 Not Connected", its format is not 480i then "Not Valid Format", its signal don’t out then "Check Signal Status" message displayed. These messages will be displayed just a second.

Necessary items before Adjustment items
- Pattern Generator : (MSPG-925FA)
- Adjust 480i Comp1 (MSPG-925FA : model :209 , pattern : 65)
- Adjust 1080p Comp1/RGB(MSPG-925FA:model : 225 , pattern : 65)
* If you want more information then see the below Adjustment method (Factory Adjustment)
Adjustment sequence
- ad 00 00 : Enter the ADC Adjustment mode.
- kb 00 04 : Change the mode to Component1 (No actions)
- ad 00 10: Adjust 480i Comp1(Change the mode and adjustment action)
- kb 00 06: Change to RGB-DTV mode(No action)
- ad 00 10: Adjust 1080p Comp1/RGB(Change the mode and adjustment action)
- ad 00 90: End of the adjustment.

ADC 1080p Component1 / RGB adjustment
- Check connection both of Component1 and RGB
- MSPG-925FA Ë Model: 225, Pattern 65
• Set Component 1080p mode and 100% Horizontal Color Bar Pattern(HozTV31Bar), then set TV set to Component1 mode and its screen to "NORMAL"
• After get the signal, wait more a second and enter the "Ez-Adjust" with press ADJ key of Service remocon.
After then select "4.ADC 1080p Comp1/RGB" with navigator button and press "Enter". First, it is automatically adjustment Component1.
• If adjustment is correctly finished, "ADC Component1 Success" message will be displayed. But adjustment is not correctly finished, "ADC Component1 1080p Fail" message will be displayed.
• After adjustment Component1 mode, move to RGBDTV mode automatically and RGB adjustment start.
After RGB Adjustment successfully finished, "ADC RGB 1080P Success" message will be displayed.
• If Adjustment doesn’t success, check conditions all of the adjustment condition and adjustment again. See "Error Messages" sentence.
• After adjustment finished, press "ADJ" key and exit from Adjustment mode.

EDID (The Extended Display Identification Data) / DDC (Display Data Channel) Download.
• It is established in VESA, for communication between PC and Monitor without order from user for building user condition. It helps to make easily use realize "Plug and Play" function.
• For EDID data write, we use DDC2B protocol.

Adjustment Color Temperature(White balance)
Using Instruments
• Color Analyzer: CA-210 (CH 9)
- Using LCD color temperature, Color Analyzer (CA-210) must use CH 9, which Matrix compensated (White, Red, Green, Blue compensation) with CS-2100. See the Coordination bellowed one.
• Auto-adjustment Equipment (It needs when Autoadjustment – It is availed communicate with RS-232C : Baud rate: 115200)
• Video Signal Generator MSPG-925F 720p, 216Gray (Model: 217, Pattern 78)
Connection Diagram (Auto Adjustment)
• Using Inner Pattern

Write HDMI EDID data
• Using instruments
- Jig. (PC Serial to D-Sub connection) for PC, DDC adjustment.
- S/W for DDC recording (EDID data write and read)
- D-sub jack
- Additional HDMI cable connection Jig.
• Preparing and setting.
- Set instruments and Jig. Like pic.5), then turn on PC and Jig.
- Operate DDC write S/W (EDID write & read)
- It will operate in the DOS mode.

For write EDID data, setting Jig and another instruments

White Balance Adjustment
If you can’t adjust with inner pattern, then you can adjust it using HDMI pattern. You can select option at "Ez-Adjust Menu – 7. White Balance" there items "NONE, INNER, HDMI". It is normally setting at inner basically. If you can’t adjust using inner pattern you can select HDMI item, and you can adjust.
In manual Adjust case, if you press ADJ button of service remocon, and enter "Ez-Adjust Menu – 7. White Balance", then automatically inner pattern operates. (In case of "Inner" originally "Inner" will be selected.
• Connect all cables and equipments.
• Set Baud Rate of RS-232C to 115200. It may set 115200 orignally.
• Connect RS-232C cable to set
• Connect HDMI cable to set
• Select LA75A Chassis at Adjustment equipment, and adjust.

RS-232C Command (Commonly apply)

White Balance Adjustment (Manual adjustment)
• Test Equipment: CA-210
- Using LCD color temperature, Color Analyzer (CA-210) must use CH 9, which Matrix compensated (White, Red, Green, Blue compensation) with CS-2100. See the Coordination bellowed one.
• Manual adjustment sequence is like bellowed one.
- Turn to "Ez-Adjust" mode with press ADJ button of service remocon.
- Select "10.Test Pattern" with CH+/- button and press enter. Then set will go on Heat-run mode. Over 30 minutes set let on Heat-run mode.
- Let CA-210 to zero calibration and must has gap more 10cm from centre of LCD module when adjustment.
- Press "ADJ" button of service remocon and select "7.White-Balance" in "Ez-Adjust" then press "▶ " button of navigation key.
(When press "▶ " button then set will go to full white mode)
- Adjust at three mode (Cool, Medium, Warm)
- If "cool" mode (42LB7DF-SB)
Let B-Gain to 192 and R, G, B-Cut to 64 and then control R, G gain adjustment High Light adjustment.
- If "Medium" and "Warm" mode (42LB7DF-SB) Let R-Gain to 192 and R, G, B-Cut to 64 and then control G, B gain adjustment High Light adjustment.
- All of the three mode (47LB7DF-SB)
Let R-Gain to 192 and R, G, B-Cut to 64 and then control G, B gain adjustment High Light adjustment.
- With volume button (+/-) you can adjust.
- After all adjustment finished, with Enter (■ key) turn to Ez-Adjust mode. Then with ADJ button, exit from adjustment mode.

Attachment: White Balance adjustment coordination and color temperature.

Test of RS-232C control.
Press In-Start button of Service Remocon then set the "4.Baud Rate" to 115200. Then check RS-232C control and
Selection of Country option.
Selection of country option is allowed only North American model (Not allowed Korean model). It is selection of Country about Rating and Time Zone
• Models : All models which use LA75A Chassis (See the first page.)
• Press "In-Start" button of Service Remocon, then enter the "Option" Menu with "PIP CH-" Button
• Select one of these three (USA, CANADA, MEXICO) defends on its market using "Vol. +/-"button.
GND and ESD Testing
Prepare GND and ESD Testing.
• Check the connection between set and power cord
Operate GND and ESD auto-test
• Fully connected (Between set and power cord) set enter the Auto-test sequence.
• Connect D-Jack AV jack test equipment.
• Turn on Auto-controller (GWS103-4)
• Start Auto GND test.
• If its result is NG, then notice with buzzer.
• If its result is OK, then automatically it turns to ESD Test.
• Operate ESD test
• If its result is NG, then notice with buzzer.
• If its result is OK, then process next steps. Notice it with Good lamp and STOPER Down.
Check Items.
• Test Voltage
- GND: 1.5KV/min at 100mA
- Signal: 3KV/min at 100mA
• Test time: just 1 second.
• Test point
- GND test: Test between Power cord GND and Signal cable metal GND.
- ESD test: Test between Power cord GND and Live and neutral.
• Leakage current: Set to 0.5mA(rms)

Default Service option

• R-Gain adjustment Value (default 128)
• G-Gain adjustment Value (default 128)
• B-Gain adjustment Value (default 128)
• R-Offset adjustment Value (default 64 )
• G-Offset adjustment Value (default 64 )
• B-Offset adjustment Value (default 64 )

White balance. Value.