Wednesday 29 September 2021


Power Supply (SMPS) Board

49UJ6300 SMPS (Power Supply)

P801- to Panel Backlight Power pin 7.
P801- Pin 1 goes to Backlight Driver
Q801- (Back of SMPS)

You CAN use Smart Test Jig with the MultiGender Board on this model for SMPS test.
You CAN’T use the Smart Test Jig and Vx1 Cable for Panel Test in this model.

P201 Power Supply Connector Voltage and Diode Check

PWR-On Pin 1: Turns on 13.2V to the Main. No backlights at this time.
Backlight Power is 107V~110V

MS (DRV- On) Pin 11: Turns on the Backlights. Backlight power goes to 158V.

Note: During STBY, LED+ will fluctuate 107V-110V.
With Main disconnected 98V

PDIM Pin 12: Will vary according to incoming video IRE level and OSD Backlight setting Output from the Video Processor. And the Backlight settings in the Customer’s Menu 0% TO 100%. It is then routed out P1001 to P201 and sent to the LED Driver IC on the Back of the SMPS.




Applicable to these models

LC-32CHE5111E, LC-32CHE5111K, LC-32CHE5111KW, LC-32CHE5112E, LC-32CHE5112EW, LC-32CHE6131K, LC-32CHE6132E, LC-32CHF5111K, LC-32CFE6132E, LC-32CHE5221E, LC-32CHE6242E, LC-32CFE6241E, LC-32CFE6241K ,LC-32CFE6242E, LC-32CFE6352E, LC-32CFE6452E, LC-40CFE5111E, LC-40CFE5112E, LC-40CFE5111K, LC-40CFE6132E, LC-40CFE5221E, LC-40CFE5221K, LC-40CFE6241K, LC-40CFE6242E, LC-40CFE6351E, LC-40CFE6351K, LC-40CFE6352E, LC-40CFE6452E, LC-43CFF5111K, LC-43CFF6001K, LC-43CFF6002E, LC-43CFE5111E, LC-43CFE5111K, LC-43CFE5112E, LC-43CFE6131E, LC-43CFE6131K, LC-43CFE6132E, LC-43CFE6141EW, LC-43CFE6142EW, LC-43CFE5222E, LC-43CFE6241K, LC-43CFE6242E, LC-43CFE6252EW, LC-32CFE6351K, LC-43CFE6351E, LC-43CFE6352E, LC-43CFE6352K, LC-43CFE6451K, LC-43SFE7332E, LC-43CFE6452E, LC-43SFE7452E

How to enter the factory menu (Service Mode)

Press the RC buttons in this sequence: “Menu 1 1 4 7” to enter the factory menu.

0 Factory Init All

13 6M50 SETTING *
14 SII9679 SETTING *
15 VTV1222 SETTING *

Factory menu Homepage

0 Factory Init All
Initialize TV. Restore to factory configures.
Aging mode. For test panel. If it’s in operation, use key board “power” to quit.

It’s for adjusting the YPBPR and PC color. Press key “right” or “ok” to enter the subpage.
ADC Mode: Display current input source and resolution.
ADC Auto Adjust: Start to auto color to get ADC value.
[ADC]R-Gain: Display current ADC R value.
[ADC]R-Offset: Display current ADC R offset value.
[ADC]G-Gain: Display current ADC G value.
[ADC]G-Offset: Display current ADC G offset value.
[ADC]B-Gain: Display current ADC B value.
[ADC]B-Offset: Display current ADC B offset value.

SOURCE: Current input source. (use for change source)
STANDARD SETTING: Standard analog quality setting (Like contrast ...etc) for different Picture mode. It will change OSD picture menu’s standard picture mode setting.
NONLINE CURVE: The nonlinear curve for picture mode. To set OSD quality setting (like contrast. brightness ...etc) the value 0,25,50.75.100 corresponding actual nonline curve value.
W/B ADJUST: Standard white balance setting. Select warm - cold - normal mode and set its RGB value to change OSD picture menu’s white balance standard value. R-Gain increase red colour, G-Gain increase green colour, B-Gain increase blue colour.
Color Setting, Luma Setting, Peaking Setting, NR Setting, CTI Setting, Gamma, DLC, Film Mode, PQ By Pass: Change these setting will change register for PQ.
Suggest do not change these setting.


SOURCE: Current input source. (use for change source)
SOUND MODE: Standard sound setting (Like EQ treble bass) for different Sound mode .It will change Sound menu’s standard sound mode setting.
EQ: sound in different frequency range value.
VOLUME CURVE: Volume curve. At least ten steps is adjustable. To set sound value from 1 to 100 corresponding actual nonline curve value. It will change current sound actual value. For example, TAB-50 is 925, that’s on the sound OSD page, use key vol+or- to adjust the value to 50, the volume is 925.
VOLUME SETTINGS: setting AVL mode and threshold ...etc. AVD: auto volume control. Vol PreScale DTV... SCART: Set different source’s sound value.
PEQ: Adjust the audio effect by different frequency range. EQ: sound in different frequency range value. PEQ: more frequency range than EQ;

Backlight: It’s for adjusting the non-eco and eco backlight.
Depends on which mode is selected in OSD.
LVDS Map ID: Modify this according to your panel. It is the combination of the TI Mode, Color Bits, Swap Port and Output Bit.
LVDS TI Mode: Have VESA or JEICA mode. It’s related to LVDS Map.
LVDS Color Bits: Set lVDS data interface type. (6bit or 8bit or 10bit).
LVDS Swap Port: LVDS A or B Port data swap.
LVDS Output Bit: Set LVDS data output type. (6bit or 8bit or 10bit).
PWM Freq: Modify PWM frequency
PWM Fraq Step: The speed when you modify PWM Freq value.
Mirror: mirror TV. Switch your screen upside down.

MStar Fac Menu: Show MStar Factory Menu.
Uart Enable: To enable serial port with print debug infomation. If you want to got the debug info by the ISP tool, you can set this item to “ON”.
VIF setting: RF non-standard signal test.
Erase MAC: erase Mac address. The password is “4711”.
Erase HDCP Key: erase HDCP key. Must erase key before upgrade key. The password is “4711”.
Erase HDCP2.0 Key: erase HDCP2.0 key. Must erase key before upgrade key. The password is “4711”.
Erase CIplus Key: erase CIplus key. Must erase key before upgrade key. The password is “4711”.
Erase ADC: Erase ADC value. The password is “4711”.
Erase WB: Erase white balance. The password is “4711”.
Era&Gen NandBin: Erase All and generate Nandbin (Use for production). The password is “4711”. It will erase flash. This function is for CVTE test, Suggest do not erase this.
RB-Time: Suggest do not do this. The password is “4711”.
Format USB device: Format USB, your USB device will be NULL.
Print to USB: debug print information output to USB device. Easy to get print out.
Logo On or Off: have power on logo or not.

Test Pattern: Display test picture to check panel.
OVERSCAN: It’s for adjusting the over scan of picture.
Timer Test: To speed up the time. Only for QC test.
WDT: Watch dog on or off
Power On Mode: After power on state. It’s for setting power state when power on. There are three option off or on or last. ‘off’ means it’ll enter standby state; ’on’ means it’ll power on directly without standby; ‘last’ means it’ll enter the last state : standby or power on. It decided by the state when you turn off the power.
EN ADC Value: Use for keypad test. Get keypad ADC value.
ADC Value: The ADC value of current press key. Use this need EN ADC Value turn to on.
CI+ Version Switch: Switch CI+ Version both 1.2 and 1.3. It will lead TV restart.
Hotel Mode: Enter Hotel mode setting.
Capture Screen: If set to ON, we can capture screen when press setup key.

It’s for adjusting some parameters about EMC.
CH Table import: import channel table from USB, need channel table in USB that export before.
CH Table export: export channel table to USB.
CH Table Init: Initial Channel Table, It will be NULL.

10 Software Upgrade
Upgrade TV: For upgrade Software. Need UBS device and. bin file.
Bin name: .bin name for upgrade

Mantis or OCS: The model of software.
Main board: The main board of software to use.
Panel Name: The panel of software to use.
AT version: The version of factory auto test.
Build Time: The build time of software. (ID of software)
Operation Time: The time of TV total operation time counter.

12 Shipment (keey ADC WB)
Initialize TV. Restore to factory configures. But keep ADC and WB configure.
6M50, SII9679 and VTV1222 setting item is used to boot or upgrade other chips in board. Only for 4K2K board.


MSD6308 Upgrade Instruction
6308 including 6308RT, 6308RTE, 6308RTEB and 6308RTEC, you should make sure the main chipset correspond to the upgrade program before upgrading. This manual provides 3 upgrading methods with 6308RT as the example, the three methods are: User menu upgrade, Power on upgrade, TFTP (network) upgrade.

At the beginning of upgrading, if prompt “PWM-REF doesn’t match”, please make sure the new software PWM-REF won’t damage the panel, and then change the file name into AllUpgrade-6308-SOS.bin and power on to upgrade.

User Menu Upgrade
A Operation Procedure
• Turn on the TV set
• Copy the bin file to the root directory of USB device
• Plug the USB device to the USB port
• Select “Software Update (USB)” on the OSD and follow the instructions. TV will switch-off automatically after upgrading finished.
The upgrade process prompts as follows:

B Upgrade Prompt
When upgrading, the TV set will light panel according to the panel parameter, and display the progress bar. If the panel parameter of board matches the panel, you will see the following image:

C Upgrade Flashing Status
You can judge the upgrade progress by flashing of the remote control LED light.
Red 1000ms Green1000ms alternates, the TV set will turn to Upgrade succeed or Upgrade Failed status after the upgrading process.
Main program upgrade succeed
Red 250ms Green 250ms alternates, flashing before power off.
Main program upgrade Failed
Red 1750ms Green 250ms alternates, flashing before power off.
• Notes:
• In the upgrade process, as timer software is used to control flashing, situations such as LED light stuck when creating partition of flash, is normal phenomenon.
6.3 Power On Upgrade
A Operation Procedure
• Power Off the TV set
• Copy AllUpgrade-6308XXX.bin to the root directory of your USB memory stick
• Plug the USB device to the USB port
• Power on the TV, if the upgrade file name matches the main chipset, the LED light will flashing and the upgrade process starting. The TV set won’t auto reboot after finishing the upgrade process, customer should pull the USB out and power off the TV set manually.

TFTP (network) Upgrade
A Upgrade Tools

C Upgrade Process
• Connect serial port tools
• Connect the PC and main board with network cable, connect the serial port. Set the cable adapter IP as

Connect the serial port, enter the following command to set main board and tftp server IP. setenv ipaddr setenv serverip saveenves

Direct Connect network cable between PC and MB To Upgrade is available in the version higher than svn5215.
• Run the tftpd32.exe in your upgrading folder.

After setting IP, enter the following command to upgrade the corresponding program.
Upgrade Mboot: mstar upgrade-mboot.txt
Reboot: reset
Re-enter command to set IP.
Upgrade main program: mstar mscript/auto-update.txt
auto-update.txt will clear factory burning parameter of KEY/MAC, please use it cautiously.
upgrade-mboot.txt and auto-update.txt are text files, engineer can refer to the two text files when entering corresponding upgrade command.


White Balance
• Change source to HDMI
• Load 80% White pattern from signal generator
• Enter Factory Menu by pressing MENU + 1147
• Choose 3 Picture
• Choose 3 W/B Adjust
• In 0 WB Mode choose Warm or Normal or Cold
• Change R-Gain or G-Gain or B-Grain to meet specification


To enter Hotel mode you need press buttons on RC in following sequence: MENU 7 9 0 6.
Structure of Hotel menu:
1. Hotel Mode – on or off hotel mode
2. Source Lock – you can lock any source
3. Default Source – source which appears after turn on TV
4. Default Prog – channel which appears after turn on TV
5. DTV channel type – type of channel which appears after turn on TV
6. Default volume – volume which will be set itself after turn on TV
7. Max volume – maximum volume which can be set
8. CH Table Import – import all channels and settings from USB
9. CH Table Export – export all channels and setting to USB
10. Clear Lock – reset all hotel mode settings.


TV cant connect to wi-fi network
Steps to fix this issue:
• Set on your wi-fi router/access point WPA or WPA2 encryption. WEP is not supported.
• Set on your wi-fi router DNS to (Google DNS server)
• If above does not help, try to upgrade software again
2. Entering AQUOS NET+ is not possible
• Most probable cause may be missing or wrong MAC address
Steps of test validity of MAC address:
1. Press MENU + 1147 to enter factory menu
2. Go to 11 SW Information and press OK (Pic.1)
3. Check item 10 Sraf Valid MAC
4. If there is (OK), it means everything is ok (Pic. 2)
Note: It may take few seconds until “OK” shows after turning TV on.
5. If there is (NG), means either MAC address is missing or is not supported by current SDK (Pic.3).
In case of NG test result:
1. Check 7 Mac Addr
2. If value is FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF – this means MAC was not added during production of mainboard.
Solution to fix this issue: Request new MAC addresses from TV manufacturer.
3. If value is different than FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF – Means current address is not supported by software.
Solution to fix this issue: Upgrade TV software to the latest version.

Friday 17 September 2021


 Technical description and composition of the SAMSUNG UE49NU7120U TV, type of panel and modules used. Module composition.
LCD TV LED Smart UHD UE49NU7120U | Year of manufacture: 2018
Screen diagonal: 48.5" (123 cm)
Screen Format: 16:9
Resolution: 3840x2160
Frequency of refreshment: 100 Hz
LED backlight: yes, Edge LED
Smart: yes. Wi-Fi support: yes
Operating system: Tizen
HD support: 4K UHD, HDR
Progressive scan: Yes
Digital tuner: DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-S
Teletext: Yes
Multimedia: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), DivX, MKV, JPEG
Sound stereo: there is
Sound power: 20W (2x10W)
Acoustics: two speakers
Interface: AV, component, HDMI x3, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Miracast
TV weight: with stand: 13.5 kg
Without stand: 13.2 kg
Dimensions: with stand 1103x716x261mm
without stand 1103x638x60mm
Mains consumption: 140W

Model: UE49NU7120U

Chassis/Version: FA01

Panel: CY-NN049HGLV2V

LED backlight: AOT_49_NU7300_2X38 JLE490K2300-408BS-R7P-M-HF

LED driver (backlight): integrated into PSU

PWM LED driver: SLM4283A SOP-20 StepDown

MOSFET LED driver: N-FET TO-220F

Power Supply (PSU): BN44-00932B L55E6_NSM PSLF171301A



MainBoard: BN41-02635B BN94-13268E

IC MainBoard: CPU, eMMC: KLM4G1FEPD, SPI 25Q40, EEPROM: 24C512, DRAM, AUDIO: TAS5749M

TGENT: BN40-00331A

Control: IR: Y18 VNB V0.7 (CT171124) 45912A
General advice about LCD LED TV repair
Possible defects

- SAMSUNG UE49NU7120U TV does not turn on at all. No reaction to remote control and control buttons on the front panel. Indicator lights are not lit or blinking.

In such cases the power supply unit BN44-00932B is usually the defective one. Its output voltages should be measured and if they are not, the power switches (N-FET TO-220F) and the rectifier diodes should be checked for possible short circuits in the converters.
At breakdown of semiconductors in the secondary circuits of any converter, as a rule, it can work in the emergency short-circuit mode without output voltages, and at short circuit in the elements of the primary circuit most often the mains fuse and more rarely the current sensor at the source of the switch break down at once.
Mos-Fet switches used in switched-mode power supplies usually fail due to the failure of other elements, which can take it out of key mode, or cause it to exceed the maximum current or voltage. These may be the circuits feeding the PWM controller, the damping or frequency-retaining circuits, or the negative feedback elements in the stabilization circuit. PWM controllers (PFC) PFC, PWM, if there is no external damage and short circuit between the pins, are checked by replacing with known good ones.

- No picture, but there is sound and all other functions work. Sometimes at switching on the image appears for a second and then disappears.

Often in such cases there is no backlight of the LED panel. The cause can be found in the failure of the LEDs, in violation of the contact connections of the LED strips AOT_49_NU7300_2X38 JLE490K2300-408BS-R7P-M-HF, or in their power supply (LED-driver).
When trying to identify breaks in the lines of LEDs, keep in mind that it is difficult to do without disassembling the panel. For example, a current source is needed to open the PN-junctions connected in series.

If the SAMSUNG UE49NU7120U has no picture but sound, often the CY-NN049HGLV2V display backlight simply does not work. Moreover, in LED TVs usually fail LEDs inside the panel, less often the LED-driver.
In such cases you can see faintly visible image when external light hits the screen.


To replace the LEDs requires disassembly of the LCD panel CY-NN049HGLV2V - a process which requires a master of experience and skill. We do not recommend to perform such works by yourself to owners of TV sets and craftsmen who have no experience in LCD panel repair

If there is no image, but backlighting works - the screen becomes slightly lighter when the TV is turned on, and in the open TV you can see the light through the holes in the body of the panel.
In this case the panel may be defective - damage to the strips, cables, for example, as a consequence of moisture after an unsuccessful washing of the screen, the T-CON board (Timing Controller) may be defective. But quite often the MainBoard BN41-02635B is defective and so is the software.

Then first it is necessary to check the panel power supply voltage, fuses on the T-CON board, as well as the supply and reference voltages of the column and line drivers - VGH, VGL, Vcom.
If these measurements are within normal limits, you need to trace with an oscilloscope the LVDS signals from MainBoard BN41-02635B, as well as synchronizing signals to the driver stubs.

Filled or unsuccessfully washed LED TV screens can be restored in about half of the cases, usually, if there is no significant damage in the cables and panel bars.

- The LED on the front panel is blinking, the TV set does not turn on, and the remote control is unresponsive.

Repair or diagnosis of the motherboard BN41-02635B should begin with checking the stabilizers and power converters needed to power the chips and matrix. If necessary, update or replace the software (firmware). Board repair and chip replacement CPU, eMMC: KLM4G1FEPD, SPI 25Q40, EEPROM: 24C512, DRAM, AUDIO: TAS5749M are made with the necessary equipment and the appropriate element base. Malfunctions associated with the use of BGA processor soldering techniques can be localized by the heating method.

Before replacing the BN40-00331A tuner, if you cannot tune to the TV channels, make sure that the supply voltages are available and measure them on the respective pins of the tuner and check the software for correctness. The tuner-to-processor communication pulses can be checked with an oscilloscope

Once again, users must be reminded! The attempts to repair the SAMSUNG UE49NU7120U TV without the appropriate qualification and necessary experience can lead to its complete unrepairability!


Driver current limitation. BN44-00932B, SLM4283A. General information.

To decrease the backlight current you can proportionally increase the total resistance of the resistors R9101, R9201 (current sensor) at the source of the converter working switch on the BN44-00932B board or you can remove one of the resistors. Note that there are two more SMD resistors in parallel on the back side of the board.
BN44-00932B current backlight
More on MainBoard Repair

The MainBoard BN41-02635B is shown in the picture below:


MainBoard Appearance

The main features of the SAMSUNG UE49NU7120U:

A matrix (LED panel) CY-NN049HGLV2V is installed.
To power the backlight LEDs used converter, combined with a power supply, controlled by PWM controller SLM4283A SOP-20 StepDown. N-FET TO-220F switches are used as power elements of LED-driver.
The power supply module BN44-00932B or its analogues with the use of PFC, PWM and power switches of N-FET TO-220F type performs the formation of the necessary supply voltages for all the components of SAMSUNG UE49NU7120U.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a module BN41-02635B, using CPU, eMMC: KLM4G1FEPD, SPI 25Q40, EEPROM: 24C512, DRAM, AUDIO: TAS5749M and others.
The BN40-00331A tuner provides TV program reception and channel tuning.

Instructions and updates

There are download files for the model UE49NU7120UXRU from the manufacturer:

Latest software updates, firmwares (latest firmwares):
File type File name Version Date Size
Update instructions 2018_TV_Firmware_Upgrade_Instruction_T-KTM2LDEUC.pdf 1.0 23.06.2020 0.5 Mb
Update file (USB) 1310.4 02.11.2020 1117.74 Mb
Update file (USB) T-KTM2LDEUC_1310.4.exe 1310.4 02.11.2020 1117.49 Mb
Update file (USB) T-KTM2LDEUC_1310.4_RU.exe 1310.4 02.11.2020 1117.49 Mb

Instruction manuals and User Manuals:
File Type File Name Version Date Size
User manual BN68-08987G-02_UNU7100X_RU_L02_180710.1.pdf 02 13.07.2018 1.22 Mb
BN68-08995L-01_QSG_UNU7100X_CIS_180314.0.pdf 01 23.05.2018 0.3 Mb
Instruction PDF ENG_KM2DVBEUN-3.0.2_181205.0.0.pdf 3.0.2 02.01.2019 11.33 Mb
Instructions PDF RUS_KM2DVBEUN-3.0.2_181205.0.0.pdf 3.0.2 02.01.2019 11.42 Mb

You can download the files from the manufacturer's website for the model UE49NU7120UXRU.

SAMSUNG UE49NU7120U LCD TV CY-NN049HGLV2V, measuring 48.5" (123 cm) diagonally in 16:9 aspect ratio. This model uses a panel with an end arrangement of LEDs in the display backlight - Edge LED.
Matrix CY-NN049HGLV2V and MainBoard software BN41-02635B able to realize the image in the highest quality UHD at 3840x2160 pixels in 4K UHD, HDR. Image processing is made by modern technology High Dynamic Range (HDR) with an extended range of brightness gradation.

The UE49NU7120U has built-in SMART software and Tizen Operating System. Connection to the network can be made via Wi-Fi wireless connection. Supported media formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), DivX, MKV, JPEG.
The sound speaker system has a capacity of 20 W (2x10 W) and is equipped with two loudspeakers. NICAM stereo sound processing system and Sound Surround surround function are used.

Communication with other devices via an external interface is supported by standard inputs and outputs: antenna input (RF), AV, component, HDMI x3, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Miracast. The digital tuner is capable of receiving DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-S, DVB-S2 TV channels.

The power consumption of the worker in mains mode is 140 W. Power supply BN44-00932B.

Overall dimensions: with stand 1103x716x261 mm, without stand 1103x638x60 mm.

TV weight: with stand 13.5 kg, without stand 13.2 kg.

Warning. The panel CY-NN049HGLV2V of the SAMSUNG UE49NU7120U LED TV is an expensive and unreliable part of it.
Do not allow any impact on the glass and pressure on the screen surface to avoid damaging the LED panel!

It is also not safe to get liquid on the screen. Sometimes one drop is enough if it drips down the glass onto the cables and the TV becomes unrepairable.


 Technical description and composition of SAMSUNG UE50J5500AU TV, type of panel and modules used. Module

LCD TV LED Smart TV UE50J5500AU | Year of manufacture: 2015
Screen diagonal: 50" (127 cm)
Display format: 16:9
Resolution: 1920x1080
LCD panel type: CY-GJ050BGNV1V / T500HVF06.C
LED backlight: Yes
Smart: there is. Quad-core processor. Wi-Fi support: yes
Picture in Picture (PIP): yes
Support HD: 1080p Full HD
Dynamic Contrast: Mega Contrast
Progressive scan: Yes
TV Standards: PAL, SECAM, NTSC
Digital tuner: DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-S2
Teletext: there is
DTV formats: 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
Multimedia: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, DivX, MKV, JPEG
Sound stereo: there is
Sound Power: 20W (2x10W)
Acoustics: two speakers
Interface: AV, component, HDMI x3, MHL, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11n
Headphone jack: yes
TV weight: with stand: 13.4 kg
Without stand: 12.4 kg
Dimensions: with stand 1117x704x310 mm
without stand 1117x648x67 mm
Model: UE50J5500AU

Chassis/Version: DH02

Panel: T500HVF06.D

LED backlight: 2014SVS50_3228

LED driver (backlight): integrated into PSU

PWM LED driver: SLC7014X StepDown


Power Supply (PSU): BN44-00704E

PWM Power: FA5695N, PWM FA6A20N

MOSFET Power: MMF60R360P, MMD50R380

MainBoard: BN41-02353B BN94-09121B


CPU: BN40-00318B

Control: IR: BN41-02150A, WI-FI: WIDT30Q BN59-01174D
General recommendations for LCD LED TV repair
Possible defects

- SAMSUNG UE50J5500AU TV does not turn on at all. Control lights do not light or blink. TV on the remote control and the control panel buttons do not respond.

With this kind of manifestation the fault is most likely in the power supply module BN44-00704E. Then you should measure its output voltages and in case of their full or partial absence you need to check the serviceability of the power switches (TO-220, TO252) and the inverter rectifier diodes for possible short circuit.
If there is a breakdown in the secondary circuits of the inverter, it can usually fail in the short-circuit mode, and if there is a short circuit in the power elements of the primary circuit, the mains fuse or the current sensor in the source of the key most often breaks down.
Mos-Fet power switches used in switching power supplies sometimes fail due to the failure of some other element that can take it out of key mode, or cause the switch to exceed its maximum allowable parameters. These can be the elements that feed the PWM controller, the frequency or damping circuits, or the negative feedback elements in the stabilization circuit. PFC, PWM FA6A01 PWM controllers, if there is no visible damage or obvious short circuit between the pins are checked by replacing with the new ones or known good ones.

- No picture, sound is present, the remote control responds, the channels are switched. In some cases the picture appears when you switch on and immediately disappears.

Usually in such cases the fault is detected in the nodes of LED panel backlighting. Often the cause of failure is the lack of current in the circuit of LEDs, such as their breakage or short circuit, or violation of contact connections of connectors 2014SVS50_3228 slats.
It should be remembered that it is not possible to determine the breakage in the LED lines without disassembling the panel, using a tester or multimeter without an additional device, such as a current source. To open all the PN-junctions connected in series at once a voltage of several tens of volts may be required. Then you have to open the panel and check each LED separately with a multimeter. If the capabilities of your multimeter do not allow to open the LED in the forward direction or twin LEd's are used, then the PN junction of the faulty stabilizer can indirectly serve as an indication of serviceability. If the LED is faulty, the PN junction of the stabilizer will either be open or shorted.

If the SAMSUNG UE50J5500AU has no picture but has sound, often the CY-GJ050BGNV1V display backlight simply does not work. Moreover, in LED TVs usually fail LEDs inside the panel, less often the LED-driver.
In such cases you can see faintly visible image when external light hits the screen.

To replace the LEDs requires disassembly of the LCD panel CY-GJ050BGNV1V - a process which requires a master of experience and expertise. We do not recommend to perform such works by yourself to owners of TV sets and craftsmen who have no experience in LCD panel repair.


If there is no image, but backlighting works - the screen becomes slightly lighter when the TV is switched on, and in the open TV you can see the light through the holes in the body of the panel.
In this case the panel may be defective - damage to the strips, cables, for example, as a consequence of moisture after an unsuccessful washing of the screen, the T-CON board (Timing Controller) may be defective. But quite often the MainBoard BN41-02353B is defective and so is the software.
Then first it is necessary to check the panel power supply voltage, fuses on the T-CON board, as well as the supply and reference voltages of the column and line drivers - VGH, VGL, Vcom.
If these measurements are within normal limits, it is necessary to trace by oscilloscope the LVDS signals from MainBoard BN41-02353B, as well as synchronizing signals to driver stubs.

Filled or unsuccessfully washed LED TV screens can be restored in about half of the cases, usually, if there is no significant damage in the cables and panel bars.


- The TV set does not turn on, the remote control does not respond. LED blinks or indicates standby mode.

Repair or diagnostic of the motherboard BN41-02353B should begin with checking the stabilizers and power converters necessary to power the microchips and matrix. If necessary, the software (software) should be updated or replaced. Often the MB board (SSB) needs to be replaced if it has complex faults, which are difficult to detect. If you're trying to repair it, check its elements - CPU: SDP1415, EMMC: THGBMBG5D1KBAIT, RAM: K4B4G16460-BCMA and replace faulty chips with new ones. Some failures may be associated with the use of modern Main Board BGA soldering technology. Usually such defects are detected by local heating of the chip.

Before replacing the tuner BN40-00318B, if there is no tuning to the channels, you must first check the software and the power supply voltages on its pins. Also make sure that the tuner and the processor can exchange data via the I2C bus

Remember! Attempts to repair TV SAMSUNG UE50J5500AU by yourself, in the absence of the necessary skills and experience, strongly not recommended and are fraught with negative consequences, up to the complete unrepairable device!

DOWNLOAD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM  -------------> BN44-00704E Power supply.

Driver current limitation. BN44-00704E. General information.

To reduce the backlight current in televisions with the BN44-00704E power supply you can use the standard trimmer resistor to change the adjustment range. To do this you must lower the resistance of the resistor R9007 in series with the trimmer, for example by soldering another 10-15kOhm resistor in parallel from above.
BN44-00704E current backlight.

More on MainBoard repairs

The MainBoard BN41-02353B is shown on the picture below:


The BN41-02353B can be used in televisions:

SAMSUNG UE40J6390 (Panel CY-GH040CSLV1V), SAMSUNG UE40J5530AU UE40J5530 (Panel CY-GJ040BGSV5V), SAMSUNG UE40J5500AU (Panel CY-GJ040BGSV5V), SAMSUNG UE40J5550 UE40J5550AU (Panel CY-GJ040BGSV1V), SAMSUNG UE40J6330AU (Panel CY-GH040CSLVFV), SAMSUNG UE32J6300 UE32J6300AU (Panel CY-GH032CSLV5V), SAMSUNG UE48J6200AU (Panel CY-GH048CSLVAV), SAMSUNG UE48J5510AU (Panel CY-GJ048BGLV3V), SAMSUNG UE32J6500AU UE32J6500 (Panel CY-WJ032CGLV2V), SAMSUNG UE40J5520AU UE40J5520 (Panel CY-GJ040BGSV5V), SAMSUNG UE43J5500 UE43J5500AU (Panel T430HVF01.0), SAMSUNG UE40J6200AU UE40J6200 (Panel CY-GH040CSLV8V), SAMSUNG UE32J5550AU UE32J5550 (Panel CY-GJ032BGAB3V), SAMSUNG UE32J5500AU (Panel T320HVF05.5), SAMSUNG UE40J6590 UE40J6590AU (Panel CY-WJ040CGLV1V), SAMSUNG UE40J5510AU (Panel CY-GJ040BGSV3V).

Appearance of the power supply

The main features of the device SAMSUNG UE50J5500AU:

A matrix (LED panel) T500HVF06.D is installed.
The converter combined with the power supply is used to power the LED backlight, it is controlled by PWM controller SLC7014X StepDown. FDPF3N50NZ-type switches are used as power elements of LED-driver.
Required supply voltages for all SAMSUNG UE50J5500AU components are generated by the power supply module BN44-00704E or its analogues using FA5695N, PWM FA6A20N chips and power switches like MMF60R360P, MMD50R380.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a module BN41-02353B, with the use of chips CPU: SDP1415, EMMC: THGBMBG5D1KBAIT, RAM: K4B4G16460-BCMA and others.
The BN40-00318B tuner allows you to receive TV programs and tune to channels.

Instructions and updates

There are download files for the model UE50J5500AUXRU from the manufacturer:

Latest software updates, firmwares (latest firmwares):
File type File name Version date Size
Update file (USB) 1550.0 31.01.2020 1180.22 Mb
Firmware Update User Manual 2015_TV_Firmware_Upgrade_Instruction_T-HKMFDEUC.pdf 1.0 14.04.2015 0.36 Mb
Update file (USB) T-HKMFDEUC_1550.0.exe 1550.0 03.12.2019 1179.95 Mb
Update file (USB) T-HKMFDEUC_1550.0_RU.exe 1550.0 31.01.2020 1179.95 Mb

User Manuals (User Manuals):
File Type File Name Version Date Size
e-Manual ENG_HMFDVBEUJ-1.308.pdf - 06/30/2015 6.28 Mb
e-Manual RUS_HMFDVBEUJ-1.308.pdf - 30.06.2015 6.19 Mb
UJ5500-RU_BN68-07047H-02L04-0327-1.pdf 1.0 03.04.2015 14.9 Mb
Installation Guide UJ5500-QSGBN68-07063A-02-0527.pdf - 08/25/2015 2.21 Mb

You can download the files from the manufacturer's website for the model UE50J5500AUXRU.

SAMSUNG UE50J5500AU TV with CY-GJ050BGNV1V LCD display, measuring 50" (127 cm) diagonally in 16:9 aspect ratio. Dynamic Contrast Mega Contrast is achieved by a special control of the LEDs depending on the brightness of the scene. In the manufacturing technology of the display of this model is implemented LED backlighting.
Matrix CY-GJ050BGNV1V and MainBoard software BN41-02353B provide for viewing shows and movies in high quality HD at a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels in 1080p (Full HD).

UE50J5500AU TV is equipped with SMART software, built-in applications and Internet capabilities. Connection to the network can be made through Wi-Fi wireless communication. Input analog video signal is decoded in PAL, SECAM, NTSC systems. Graphical processing of a digital signal is done in 480i, 480p, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p. Supported media file formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, DivX, MKV, JPEG.

The sound system capacity of 20 W (2x10 W) is provided by two speakers. It uses NICAM stereo sound processing and Sound Surround surround function.
Communication with other devices via an external interface is supported by standard input and output connectors: Antenna input (RF), AV, component, HDMI x3, MHL, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11n. There is a headphone jack. A VGA (D-Sub 15) connector is provided to connect a computer or laptop to this TV model. This interface supports standard resolutions: 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1360x768, 1920x1080. The digital tuner is able to receive DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-S2 TV channels.

The power supply BN44-00704E is used.

Dimensions: with stand 1117x704x310 mm, without stand 1117x648x67 mm.

TV weight: with stand 13.4 kg, without stand 12.4 kg.

Warning. The panel CY-GJ050BGNV1V of the SAMSUNG UE50J5500AU LED TV is an expensive and unreliable part of it.
Do not allow any impact on the glass and pressure on the surface of the screen to avoid damage to the LED-panel!
It is also not safe to get liquid on the screen. Sometimes one drop is enough if it drips down the glass onto the cables and the TV becomes unrepairable.


 Technical description and composition of SAMSUNG UE55J5500AU TV, type of panel and modules used. Module composition.
LCD TV LED Smart TV UE55J5500AU | Year of manufacture: 2015
Screen diagonal: 55" (140 cm)
Screen format: 16:9
Resolution: 1920x1080
LCD panel type: T550HVF07.0
LED backlight: Yes
Smart: Yes. Wi-Fi support: yes
Picture-in-Picture (PIP): Yes
Support HD: 1080p Full HD
Progressive scan: yes
TV standards: PAL, SECAM, NTSC
Digital tuner: DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C
Teletext: Yes
DTV formats: 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
Multimedia: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, DivX, MKV, JPEG
Sound stereo: there is
Sound Power: 20W (2x10W)
Acoustics: two speakers
Interface: AV, component, HDMI x3, MHL, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11n
Headphone jack: yes
TV weight: with stand: 14.6 kg
Without stand: 13.6 kg
Dimensions: with stand 1232x770x310mm

Model: UE55J5500AU

Chassis/Version: DH01

Panel: T55HVF07.0 GJ055BGA-B1

LED backlight: 2014SVS55_3228_R05_REV1.1_140111, 2014SVS55_3228_L07_REV1.1_140111

T-CON: T550HVN08.3 Ctrl BD 55T23-08

LED driver (backlight): integrated into PSU

PWM LED driver: SLC7014X


Power Supply (PSU): BN44-00704E L55S1_FHS

PWM Power: FA5695N, PWM FA6A20N

MOSFET Power: MMF60R360P, MMD50R380

MainBoard: BN41-02353B BN94-09122F


CPU: BN40-00318B

Control: IR: BN41-02150A, WI-FI: WIDT30Q BN59-01174D
General advice about LCD LED TV repair
Possible problems

- SAMSUNG UE55J5500AU TV does not turn on, does not respond to the remote and control panel buttons, does not shine or blink indicators.

In this case the main switching power supply (PMS) BN44-00704E is most likely defective. Make sure there are no output voltages and if not check the power switches (MMF60R360P, MMD50R380) and rectifier diodes for possible short circuits.
At breakdown of semiconductors in the secondary circuits of any converter, as a rule, it can work in the short-circuit emergency mode without output voltages, and at short circuit in the primary circuit elements the mains fuse and more rarely the current sensor at the source of the key most often break down at once.
Breakdown of Mos-Fet switches, used in pulse sources, is often caused by failure of other elements, for example, in PWM regulator supply circuit, in frequency-retaining or damping circuits, as well as in the Negative Feedback Stabilization. PWM chips FA5695N, PWM FA6A20N are usually checked by replacement with new or known good ones.

- No picture, but there is sound and reaction to the remote control. Or the image may appear for a second right after turning on.

In these cases the defect in the backlighting of the LED panel is the most probable. Often the cause of the malfunction is the lack of current in the circuit of the LEDs, for example, their breakage or short circuit, or violation of the contact connections of the connectors 2014SVS55_3228_R05_REV1.1_140111, 2014SVS55_3228_L07_REV1.1_140111.
To test LED strips to open all LED junctions, several tens of volts or more are needed, it is best to use a current source for such purposes. Breakage of several PN-junctions connected in series cannot be detected with a multimeter or a tester. In such cases, you need to open the panel and check each LED. If your multimeter can't open the transitions of the LEDs in forward bias, you can sometimes detect the PN junction of a protective stabilizer by connecting the probes in the opposite direction. If the regulator is open or broken in K/Z, then the LED is faulty and needs to be replaced.

If the SAMSUNG UE55J5500AU has no picture but there is sound, often the display backlight of the T550HVF07.0 simply does not work. Moreover, in LED TVs usually fail the LEDs inside the panel, less often the LED-driver.
In such cases you can see a faintly visible image when external light hits the screen.

To replace the LEDs requires disassembly of the LCD panel T550HVF07.0 - the process requiring the master of experience and skill. We do not recommend to make such repairs by yourself to owners of TV sets and craftsmen without any experience in LCD panel repair


If there is no image, but backlighting works - the screen becomes a little lighter when turned on, and in the open TV you can see the light through the holes in the body of the panel.
In this case the panel may be defective - damage to the strips, cables, for example, as a consequence of moisture after an unsuccessful washing of the screen, the T-CON board (Timing Controller) may be defective. But quite often the MainBoard BN41-02353B is defective and so is the software.
Then first it is necessary to check the panel power supply voltage, fuses on the T-CON board, as well as the supply and reference voltages of the column and line drivers - VGH, VGL, Vcom.
If these measurements are within normal limits, it is necessary to trace by oscilloscope the LVDS signals from MainBoard BN41-02353B, as well as synchronizing signals to driver stubs.

Filled or unsuccessfully washed LED TV screens can be restored in about half of the cases, usually, if there is no significant damage in the cables and panel bars.
- TV does not go into operating mode, remote control does not respond. Front panel LED is either on all the time or is blinking.

Repair or diagnostic of the motherboard BN41-02353B should begin with checking the stabilizers and power converters necessary to power the microchips and matrix. If necessary, software (software) should be updated or replaced. Complex repair of MB (SSB) is possible only in the conditions of the service center with the necessary equipment. Check or replacement of elements CPU: SDP1415, EMMC: THGBMBG5D1KBAIT, RAM: K4B4G16460-BCMA requires the necessary training and professional skills to repair modules at the component level. Problems associated with the use of BGA soldering technology can sometimes be diagnosed by the heating method.

If you cannot tune to the on-air or cable TV channels make sure that the software is correct, and also that the supply voltages on the tuner BN40-00318B outputs correspond to the nominal ones. Also it is necessary to supervise with the help of an oscilloscope the presence of the tuner data exchange pulses with a processor via the I2C bus.

Warning. Users and owners of TV sets UE55J5500AU, not having the appropriate qualifications, knowledge and experience, strongly advise against trying to repair yourself to avoid the negative consequences that can lead to total unrepairable device.

DOWNLOAD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM  ------------->    BN44-00704E Power supply.

More on MainBoard repair

The MainBoard BN41-02353B is shown in the picture below:


The BN41-02353B can be used in televisions:


SAMSUNG UE40J6390 (Panel CY-GH040CSLV1V), SAMSUNG UE40J5530AU UE40J5530 (Panel CY-GJ040BGSV5V), SAMSUNG UE40J5500AU (Panel CY-GJ040BGSV5V), SAMSUNG UE40J5550 UE40J5550AU (Panel CY-GJ040BGSV1V), SAMSUNG UE40J6330AU (Panel CY-GH040CSLVFV), SAMSUNG UE32J6300 UE32J6300AU (Panel CY-GH032CSLV5V), SAMSUNG UE48J6200AU (Panel CY-GH048CSLVAV), SAMSUNG UE48J5510AU (Panel CY-GJ048BGLV3V), SAMSUNG UE32J6500AU UE32J6500 (Panel CY-WJ032CGLV2V), SAMSUNG UE40J5520AU UE40J5520 (Panel CY-GJ040BGSV5V), SAMSUNG UE43J5500 UE43J5500AU (Panel T430HVF01.0), SAMSUNG UE40J6200AU UE40J6200 (Panel CY-GH040CSLV8V), SAMSUNG UE32J5550AU UE32J5550 (Panel CY-GJ032BGAB3V), SAMSUNG UE32J5500AU (Panel T320HVF05.5), SAMSUNG UE40J6590 UE40J6590AU (Panel CY-WJ040CGLV1V), SAMSUNG UE40J5510AU (Panel CY-GJ040BGSV3V).

Appearance of the power supply

The main features of the device SAMSUNG UE55J5500AU:

A matrix (LED panel) T55HVF07.0 GJ055BGA-B1 is installed.
The matrix is controlled by the Timing Controller (T-CON) T550HVN08.3.
A converter combined with a power supply is used to power the backlight LEDs and is controlled by the SLC7014X PWM controller. FDPF3N50NZ type switches are used as power elements of LED-driver.
Required supply voltages for all SAMSUNG UE55J5500AU components are generated by the power supply module BN44-00704E or its analogues using FA5695N, PWM FA6A20N chips and power switches like MMF60R360P, MMD50R380.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a module BN41-02353B, with the use of chips CPU: SDP1415, EMMC: THGBMBG5D1KBAIT, RAM: K4B4G16460-BCMA and others.
The BN40-00318B tuner allows you to receive TV programs and tune to channels.

Instructions and updates

There are downloadable files for the model UE55J5500AUXRU from the manufacturer:

Latest software updates, firmwares (latest firmwares):
File type File name Version date Size
Update file (USB) 1550.0 31.01.2020 1180.22 Mb
Firmware Update User Manual 2015_TV_Firmware_Upgrade_Instruction_T-HKMFDEUC.pdf 1.0 14.04.2015 0.36 Mb
Update file (USB) T-HKMFDEUC_1550.0.exe 1550.0 03.12.2019 1179.95 Mb
Update file (USB) T-HKMFDEUC_1550.0_RU.exe 1550.0 31.01.2020 1179.95 Mb

User Manuals (User Manuals):
File Type File Name Version Date Size
e-Manual ENG_HMFDVBEUJ-1.308.pdf - 06/30/2015 6.28 Mb
e-Manual RUS_HMFDVBEUJ-1.308.pdf - 30.06.2015 6.19 Mb
UJ5500-RU_BN68-07047H-02L04-0327-1.pdf 1.0 03.04.2015 14.9 Mb
Installation Guide UJ5500-QSGBN68-07063A-02-0527.pdf - 08/25/2015 2.21 Mb

You can download the files from the manufacturer's website for the model UE55J5500AUXRU.

SAMSUNG UE55J5500AU TV with LCD display T550HVF07.0, size diagonally 55" (140 cm) format 16:9. In the manufacturing technology of the display of this model is implemented LED backlight.
Matrix T550HVF07.0 and MainBoard software provide for viewing shows and movies in high quality HD resolution 1920x1080 pixels in 1080p (Full HD).
The UE55J5500AU features SMART software, built-in applications and Internet connectivity. Connection to the network can be made through Wi-Fi wireless communication. Input analog video signal is decoded in PAL, SECAM, NTSC systems. Graphical processing of a digital signal is done in 480i, 480p, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p. Supported media file formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, DivX, MKV, JPEG.
The sound system capacity of 20 W (2x10 W) is provided by two speakers. It uses NICAM stereo sound processing and Sound Surround surround function.
Communication with other devices via an external interface is supported by standard input and output connectors: Antenna input (RF), AV, component, HDMI x3, MHL, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11n. There is a headphone jack. A VGA (D-Sub 15) connector is provided to connect a computer or laptop to this TV model. This interface supports standard resolutions: 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1360x768, 1920x1080. The digital tuner is capable of receiving DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C TV channels.

Overall dimensions: with stand 1232x770x310 mm, without stand 1231x712x68 mm.

TV weight: with stand 14.6 kg, without stand 13.6 kg.

Warning. The panel T550HVF07.0 of SAMSUNG UE55J5500AU LED TV is an expensive and unreliable part of it.
Do not allow any impact on the glass and pressure on the surface of the screen to avoid damage to the LED panel!
It is also not safe to get liquid on the screen. Sometimes one drop is enough if it drips down the glass onto the cables and the TV becomes unrepairable.



Technical description and composition of the TV SONY KDL-43WF804, type of panel and modules used. Module composition.
LCD TV LED Smart KDL-43WF804 | Year of manufacture: 2018
Screen diagonal: 42.5" (108 cm)
Display format: 16:9
Resolution: 1920x1080
Refresh rate:     50Hz
LED backlight: yes, Edge LED
Smart: yes. Wi-Fi support: yes
Operating system: Android
Support HD: 1080p Full HD, HDR
Viewing Angle: 178 °
Progressive scan: Yes
Digital tuner: DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-S
Teletext: Yes
Multimedia: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), Xvid, DivX, MKV, JPEG
Stereo sound: there is
Sound Power: 10W (2x5W)
Acoustics: two speakers
Interface: AV, HDMI x4, USB x3, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Miracast
Headphone jack: yes
TV weight: with stand: 9.9 kg
Without stand: 9.4 kg
Dimensions: with stand 970x631x268mm
without stand 970x571x57mm
AC Consumption: 85W

Model: KDL-43WF804

Chassis/Version: BCX

Panel: T430HVF03.2

LED backlight: 74.43T08.004-00-FC1 LB43044 V1_00_R, LB43044 V1_00_L

T-CON: T430HVN01.9 Ctrl 43T01-C0G

LED driver (backlight): 1-982-630-11 (173684611) A2201000A

PWM LED driver: BD9423EFV

MOSFET LED driver: D2910

Power Supply (PSU): Adapter 19.5V 4.36A 85W

MainBoard: 1-982-626-21 (173684221) A2199475A

IC MainBoard: CPU: MT5832 DGI J, eMMC H26M52208FRP, DRAM, AUDIO, DC/DC

Tag: CE251ZP.JPG

Control: IR: 1-982-772-11 (173690111), WiFi J20H088 1-458-998-11
General advice about LCD LED TV repair
Possible problems

- SONY KDL-43WF804 TV does not turn on, does not respond to the remote control and control panel buttons, does not shine or blink indicators.

With such manifestations, in some cases the Adapter power module is defective.
External power supply of Adapter 19.5V 4.36A 85W type the owner of the TV usually buys himself, it often happens that its repair is not expedient, but the simplest defects typical of the power supply can be seen and easily eliminated after opening it. It is necessary to measure its output voltages, and in case of their absence (complete or partial), you should check the serviceability of power converter keys and rectifier diodes for possible short circuits.
If the semiconductors in the secondary circuits breakdown, the inverter can usually fail in the short-circuit mode, and the mains fuse is often blown when there is a short circuit in the primary circuit power elements.
Breakdown of the Mos-Fet switches used in switching sources is often caused by faults in other elements, such as in the PWM controller supply circuit, in the frequency-retaining or damping circuits, and in the Negative Feedback Stabilization circuit. PWM microcircuits are usually checked by replacing them with new ones or with ones known to be in good working order.

- No picture, sound is there, remote responds. Or the image can appear for a second and then disappear at once.

In these cases the LED panel backlight failure is the most probable. Usually the cause of the trouble is the breakage of the LEDs or in the connectors of the LED strips 74.43T08.004-00-FC1 LB43044 V1_00_R, LB43044 V1_00_L, but sometimes the LEDdriver is also at fault.
It is impossible to detect a breakage in the line of LEDs without disassembling the panel with a simple multimeter. The LEDs are connected in series and to open their junctions you will need several tens of volts. Ideally a current source would be suitable for this purpose. You can open up the panel and check each LED separately. Usually, Chinese multimeters will light up one 3 volt LED slightly if you connect the probes to it in the forward direction (red probe to the anode, black probe to the cathode). For twin 6-volt LEDs, the PN junction of its faulty stabilizer can be used as an indicator of the health of the LED. If the LED is faulty, it will either be open or shorted.


- The TV set will not turn on, the LED will indicate standby or operation mode, or it will blink.

Repair or diagnosis of the motherboard 1-982-626-21 should begin with checking the stabilizers and power converters needed to power the chips and matrix. If necessary, update or replace the software (firmware). Repair and replacement of CPU: MT5832 DGI J, eMMC H26M52208FRP, DRAM, AUDIO, DC/DC chips are made with the necessary equipment and the appropriate component base. Malfunctions associated with the use of soldering technology BGA processor can be localized by the method of heating.

If there is no TV channel reception, but the TV set is working properly from external devices, you must first check the CE251ZP.JPG tuner supply voltage and update the software. It is necessary to check the I2C communication pulses with an oscilloscope.

We would like to remind the TV users once again: Do not try to repair yourself without the appropriate knowledge, experience and necessary qualification!

More on MainBoard repair

An exterior view of the MainBoard 1-982-626-21 is shown in the illustration below:


The main features of the SONY KDL-43WF804:

A matrix (LED panel) T430HVF03.2 is installed.
Timing Controller (T-CON) T430HVN01.9 is used to control the matrix.
LED Driver 1-982-630-11, controlled by BD9423EFV PWM controller, is used to power the backlight LEDs. D2910 type switches are used as power elements of the LED driver.
To power all the internal components of the TV SONY KDL-43WF804 uses an external power supply of Adapter 19.5V 4.36A 85W.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a module 1-982-626-21, with the application of CPU chips: MT5832 DGI J, eMMC H26M52208FRP, DRAM, AUDIO, DC/DC and others.
The CE251ZP.JPG tuner allows you to receive TV programs and tune to channels.

Instructions and updates

Upgrade firmware to v6.6555:

File, version 6.6555 of April 22, 2020 (1,886,350,011 bytes).

For models: KD43XG8305, KD49XG8305, KD49XG8377, KD43XG8388, KD49XG8388, KD43XG8396, KD49XG8396, KD43XG8399, KD49XG8399, KD49XG9005, KD55AG8, KD65AG8, KD43XG8096, KD49XG8096, KD55XG8096, KD65XG8096, KD75XG8096, KD43XG8196, KD49XG8196, KD55XG8196, KD65XG8196, KD65AF8, KD55AF8, KD75XF9005, KD65XF9005, KD55XF9005, KD49XF9005, KD65XF8796, KD55XF8796, KD49XF8796, KD43XF8796, KD65XF8599, KD55XF8599, KD49XF8599, KD43XF8599, KD85XF8596, KD75XF8596, KD65XF8596, KD55XF8596, KD49XF8596, KD43XF8596, KD65XF8588, KD55XF8588, KD49XF8588, KD43XF8588, KD65XF8577, KD55XF8577, KD49XF8577, KD43XF8577, KD65XF8505, KD55XF8505, KD49XF8505, KD43XF8505, KD70XF8305, KD60XF8305, KD55XF8096, KD49XF8096, KD43XF8096, KD65XF7596, KD55XF7596, KD49XF7596, KD43XF7596, KDL49WF805, KDL43WF805, KDL49WF804, KDL43WF804, KD77A1, KD65A1, KD55A1, KD75XE9405, KD65XE9305, KD55XE9305, KD75XE9005, KD65XE9005, KD55XE9005, KD49XE9005, KD75XE8596, KD65XE8599, KD65XE8596, KD65XE8588, KD65XE8577, KD65XE8505, KD55XE8599, KD55XE8596, KD55XE8588, KD55XE8577, KD55XE8505, KD55XE8396, KD55XE8096, KD49XE8396, KD49XE8099, KD49XE8096, KD49XE8088, KD49XE8077, KD49XE8005, KD49XE8004, KD43XE8396, KD43XE8099, KD43XE8096, KD43XE8077, KD43XE8005, KD43XE8004, KD100ZD9, KD75ZD9, KD65ZD9, KD49XD8305, KD43XD8305, KD55XD8005, KD49XD8005, KD43XD8005, KD49XD8077, KD43XD8077, KD49XD8088, KD43XD8088, KD49XD8099, KD43XD8099, KD65XD7504, KD65XD7505, KD55XD7004, KD49XD7004, KD55XD7005, KD49XD7005, KD50SD8005.

The update file and instructions can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website for the KDL-43WF804 model.

Benefits and improvements of the latest update:

Improved power-on time of the TV when it comes out of standby mode.

Manuals and instructions are also available for this model:

Reference Manual (Web Manual). Published Feb 13, 2019.
Reference Manual. Published 28 Nov 2019, size 942 KB.
Other. Published May 09, 2018, size 13.76 MB.
Quick start guide and quick start guide. Published 07 May 2018, size 337 KB.

SONY KDL-43WF804 LCD TV with a 42.5" (108 cm) diagonal 16:9 aspect ratio. This model uses Edge LED side illumination.
The design and technical capabilities of the TV provide for viewing shows and movies in HD quality at a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels in 1080p (Full HD). Image processing is made by modern technology High Dynamic Range (HDR) with an extended range of brightness gradation.
The KDL-43WF804 has built-in SMART Software and pre-installed Android OS. Internet connection can be made via Wi-Fi wireless connection. Video processor supported multimedia file formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), Xvid, DivX, MKV, JPEG.
The sound system has a capacity of 10 W (2x5 W) and is equipped with two loudspeakers. NICAM stereo signal processing system and Sound Surround surround sound function are used.
External interface (connection to other devices) is supported by standard input and output connectors: antenna input (RF), AV, HDMI x4, USB x3, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Miracast. There is a headphone output. The digital tuner is capable of receiving DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-S, DVB-S2 TV channels.

Power consumption in mains mode is 85 W.

Dimensions: with stand 970x631x268 mm, without stand 970x571x57 mm.

TV weight: with stand 9.9 kg, without stand 9.4 kg.

Warning. The SONY KDL-43WF804 LED TV panel is the most expensive part of the TV.
Avoid hitting the glass and excessive pressure on the screen surface to prevent damage to the LED panel!
It is not safe to get any liquid on the screen. Sometimes a single drop of water is enough, if it drips down the glass onto the stubs, the TV may become unrepairable.