Monday 8 April 2019


Sony Digital Motion Picture Camera - Sony F65 – Error indication and fault – How to mount SR-R4 – How to attach filter

Sony F65:  Error Messages and causes 
If the battery voltage drops or an error is detected when power is applied or during operation, the corresponding indicator lights up/flashes and a message appears on the subdisplay. The error details are displayed in the selfdiagnostics on settings page 3 on the subdisplay and in the viewfinder.
Warnings and error messages occurring on the SR-R4 are also displayed in the self-diagnostics field.
A message prompt is also displayed in the viewfinder/ monitor to execute the APR function if a defect is detected in the image sensor when the camera powers on or if the APR function is not executed regularly. If prompted, execute Automatic Pixel Noise Reduction
Self diagnostics field indication

REC: Flashing red

12 V power supply voltage indicator flashing

12V Battery (Near End)

The voltage of the 12 V power supply has fallen to the
Near End value setting.

REC: Flashing red rapidly

12 V power supply voltage indicator flashing   rapidly

12V Battery (End)

The voltage of the 12 V power supply has fallen to the
End value setting.

REC: Flashing red

24 V power supply voltage indicator flashing

24V Battery (Near End)

The voltage of the 24 V power supply has fallen to the
Near End value setting.

REC: Flashing red rapidly

24 V power supply voltage indicator flashing   rapidly

24V Battery (End)
The voltage of the 24 V power supply has fallen to the
End value setting.

REC: Flashing when synced with SR-R4.

Media remaining indicator flashing

Media Remain (Near End)

The remaining media on the SR-R4 has reduced to the
Near End value setting.

REC: Flashing when synced with SR-R4.

Media remaining indicator flashing   rapidly

Media Remain (End)

The remaining media on the SR-R4 has reduced to the
End value setting.

DIAGNOSIS: Flashing red rapidly

Displays same message as self diagnostics field in a dialog.

Temperature NG!
Shutdown Camera

The internal camera temperature has reached its limit.
Turn off the camera power supply.
DIAGNOSIS: Flashing red rapidly

Fan1 NG!

Fan1 NG!

Fan 1 near the top panel stopped.
DIAGNOSIS: Flashing red rapidly

Fan2 NG!

Fan2 NG!

Fan 2 near the top panel stopped.

DIAGNOSIS: Flashing red

Sync Error

Sync Error

A sync error occurred.

DIAGNOSIS: Lit red DOCK: Lit yellow

Optical Level Care

Optical Level Care

The optical level of the Recorder connector has reduced
to caution level.
Clean the Recorder connector or replace the optical

DIAGNOSIS: Lit red DOCK: Lit red

Optical Level NG

Optical Level NG

A light reception error occurred with the Recorder
Immediately, clean the Recorder connector or replace
the optical module.

DIAGNOSIS: Lit red DOCK: Not lit

Optical Level No Input

Optical Level No Input

No signal is input on the Recorder connector.


CRCC Error occurred

CRCC Error occurred

A Cyclic Redundancy Check Code (CRCC) error
occurred with the Recorder connector. Clean the
recorder connector.

Mounting the SR-R4
Always turn off the camera power supply when mounting the SR-R4.
The recorder connector for connecting the SR-R4 is an optical connector. Attach the connector cap on the optical connector when not connected to an SR-R4 to protect the connector. After removing the cap, store it in the position shown in the following figure for safekeeping.
When mounting the SR-R4, fix the camera head on a tripod in advance to keep the camera head stable.
When the camera is used with the SR-R4 docked, make sure that the camera is securely fixed and stable so that it will not fall over.
Attaching a Filter
1. Place the filter template (metallic disc) on the gel filter, then trim the filter around the edge of the filter template.
2. Remove the ring from the filter holder, place the filter on the ring, and then attach the holder.
3. Align the protrusion on the mounting tool with the notch on the filter holder, then insert the holder into the tool.
4. Align the notch on the filter mount with the protrusion on the filter holder, insert the mounting tool onto the filter mount, and then turn clockwise until it clicks into place.
5. Pull the mounting tool straight off. The mounting tool separates from the camera, and the filter is mounted in place.
To remove the filter
1. Align the protrusion on the mounting tool with the notch on the filter holder, then press the tool onto the filter mount. Press the tool until it clicks into place.
2. Rotate the mounting tool counterclockwise, then lift the tool off the camera.
The filter holder is removed with the mounting tool.