Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

In Brief: On this site you will find pictures and technical information about Service Modes, Circuit Diagrams, Firmware Update procedure, Disassemble procedure, Universal remote control set-up codes, Troubleshooting and more....

If you go into the profession, you will obtain or have access to a variety of tech tips databases HERE IT IS Master Electronics Repair !.

These are an excellent investment where the saying: 'time-is-money' rules. However, to learn, you need to develop a general troubleshooting approach - a logical, methodical, method of narrowing down the problem. A tech tip database might suggest: 'Replace C536' for a particular symptom. This is good advice for a specific problem on one model. However, what you really want to understand is why C536 was the cause and how to pinpoint the culprit in general even if you don't have a service manual or schematic and your tech tip database doesn't have an entry for your sick TV or VCR.

While schematics are nice, you won't always have them or be able to justify the purchase for a one-of repair. Therefore, in many cases, some reverse engineering will be necessary. The time will be well spent since even if you don't see another instance of the same model in your entire lifetime, you will have learned something in the process that can be applied to other equipment problems.
As always, when you get stuck, checking out a tech-tips database may quickly identify your problem and solution.In that case, you can greatly simplify your troubleshooting or at least confirm a diagnosis before ordering parts.

Happy repairing!
Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen sooner, rather than later.

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..............The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of todays funny gadgets low price has faded from memory........ . . . . . .....
Don't forget the past, the end of the world is upon us! Pretty soon it will all turn to dust!

©2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Frank Sharp - You do not have permission to copy photos and words from this blog, and any content may be never used it for auctions or commercial purposes, however feel free to post anything you see here with a courtesy link back, btw a link to the original post here , is mandatory.
All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use. NOTHING HERE IS FOR SALE !

Wednesday 11 December 2019


Light Engine : DLP® (1080p) 
Power Input : AC 120V, 60Hz - 
Tuning : 1 NTSC/ATSC/QAM
Service procedures
Many service functions and adjustments are accessed using the Remote Control.
Option menu
1. Press the <MENU> button on the remote control.
2. Press the buttons <2-4-7-0>. The screen will display the Option Menu. [Service Mode]
Service level initialization.
Service Level Initialization is used to restore all customer menu, video and audio settings to the original factory default condition.
1. Enter the Option Menu <MENU><2-4-7-0>
2. Select “Initialize” and <ENTER>
Deactivate VUDU.
This feature will deactivate the customer’s VUDU on-line subscription. It should be used before TV ownership is changed. NOTE: This feature is independent of the Initialize function.
1. Enter the Option Menu <MENU><2-4-7-0>.
2. Select “Deactivate VUDU” and <ENTER>.
3. The “VUDU Reset” text will momentarily turn red.
4. Press <EXIT> to quit.
5. The TV will register as deactivated the next time it is connected to the internet.
Digital signal strength.
1. Tune to a Digital Channel.
2. From the Option Menu, scroll down and highlight “Digital Signal Strength.”
3. Press <ENTER>. The screen will display the Digital Signal Strength Menu.
SNR Recommended Levels:
8VSB = 16 to 33
64 QAM = 22 to 35
256 QAM = 27 to 38
Reset / Initialization.
Many symptoms that are customer generated, intermittent or cannot be verified can be resolved by using the various Reset and Initialization options. Before visiting the customer’s home ask the customer to 1st perform a System Reset by pressing the <POWER> button on the side panel and holding it for 8 seconds.
 If this does not resolve the issue, they can perform an A/V Reset by pressing the side panel <INPUT> + <VOL UP > buttons at the same time and holding for 10 seconds. Then, if necessary, perform a user level Initialization by pressing <MENU><1-2-3> <ENTER> with the remote.
The customer should be made aware when settings and/or options will be reset.
LED indications and self diagnostics
The front panel Power LED provides an indication of the set’s operation and the possible cause of a malfunction.
Self diagnostics
A blinking red and yellow Status LED will indicate an Error Code that can help determine the cause of a circuit failure.
 The number of Red blinks indicates the value of the MSD (tens digit) of the Error Code.
 The number of Yellow blinks indicates the value of the LSD (ones digit) of the Error Code.
Example: If the Error Code is “37”, the LED will continuously blink Red three times, followed by blinking Yellow seven times.
To perform a System Reset, press and hold the Power button for 10 seconds. Or, unplug the set for 10 seconds then restore power.
After 3 occurrences, the TV will be locked out and will not respond to Power On commands. After repair, use the following procedure to unlock the TV.
1. Perform a System Reset by removing and re-applying AC.
2. Press and hold the side panel <INPUT> + <VOL Dn> buttons at the same time until the Status LED returns to normal (about 5 seconds).
Error code log.
The Error Code Log may be helpful to retrieve the code for an error that occurred in the past.
To access the Error Code Log: Press <MENU> <3-5-6-4>
Code Log Definitions
 PAGE - Current page number
 CURRENT TIME - total hours of operational use.
 USAGE TIME - usage hours when the error occurred.
 CODE - the specific Error Code that occurred.
 STATUS: HAPPENED - Indicates an error was recorded.
Press <CANCEL> to erase the Log.
[The Error Code Log is intended as a reference tool and is not meant to be used as a final determination of a defective part].
Service adjustments.
There are 2 Types of Service Adjustments, electrical and mechanical:
Electrical Adjustments.
  Horizontal and Vertical Centering Adjustment.
  Index Delay Adjustment.
  Geometry Alignment.
  Data Transfer Functions.
Mechanical Adjustment.
  Top Mirror Adjustment.
Electrical adjustments
Specific Adjust Procedures follow
 Service adjustments are performed using the remote control.
 The Service Menu is used for all service adjustments.
 Test Patterns are generated internally.
Activating the Service Menu
1. Press the <MENU> button on a remote control. (The “MENU” display will appear.)
2. Press the buttons <2-4-5-7>. (The Service Menu On Screen Display will appear.)
If no display appears, press <EXIT> and repeat steps 1 and 2.
Test Pattern Activation
1. When in the Service Menu, press Play  to activate the internal test patterns (no indication will be displayed initially). Use FWD and RWD to toggle between patterns.
2. Press Play a second time and use FWD and RWD to access additional patterns.
3. Press Play  again to toggle back to the previous patterns.
Adjustment Selection
When in the Service Menu use the <VIDEO> button to toggle to the adjustment desired as indicated by the number and abbreviation displayed on screen, i.e. “1.HVPOS.”
Adjusting Data
After selecting an adjustment item, use the Navigation UP/DN, LEFT/RIGHT buttons to perform the adjustment.
Saving Data
Press <ENTER> to save the adjustment data. The menu display will turn red for approximately one second. Note: If the circuit adjustment mode is terminated without pressing <ENTER>, changes in adjustment data are not saved.
Data Transfer & Geometry Menu
While in the Service Menu, press the <0> button to activate the Data Transfer & Geometry Menu.
Exiting the Service Menu
Press <EXIT> to quit.
Horizontal and Vertical Position Adjustment
1. Enter the Service Menu <MENU><2-4-5-7> .
2. Select the Geometry Test Pattern shown Play Rewind x2.
3. If necessary, select the adjustment, “1.HVPOS” <VIDEO>.
4. After selecting the HVPOS adjustment item, use the Navigation UP/DN, LEFT/RIGHT buttons to center the display.
  If a Up/Down button is pressed, the vertical position and VPOS adjustment data changes.
  If a Left/Right button is pressed, the horizontal position and HPOS adjustment data changes.
5. Press <ENTER> to save the adjustment data.
TSP Alignment (after Optical Engine replacement)
1. Enter the Service Menu <MENU-<2-4-5-7>.
2. Select the TSP Test Pattern by pressing PLAY once, then FAST FORWARD  or REWIND  until the pattern shown appears.
3. Use the <VIDEO> button to select “2.TSP”.
4. Use the DIRECTION buttons to straighten the horizontal lines, see example.
5. Press <ENTER> to save the adjustment.
Select Calibration Table (after Light Source Unit replacement)
1. In the Customer’s Video Settings Menu select COLOR TEMP: HIGH
2. Enter the Service Menu <MENU-<2-4-5-7>.
3. Use the <VIDEO> button to select the adjustment, “61.BCMH” and note the data value (0, 1, 2, 3 or 4).
4. Select the Green Double Ramp Pattern by pressing PLAY <w> twice, then FAST FORWARD or REWIND  until the pattern below appears.
5. Check the pattern for smoothness of graduation from dark to light and for the presence any vertical contour lines.
6. Use the DIRECTION  buttons to alternately change the Data Value of “61.BCMH” to 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4.
As necessary, press PLAY once to observe the Service Menu on screen display and press PLAY twice to return to the pattern.
7. Select the data value 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 that gives the best results. No higher data value should be used.
8. Press <ENTER> to save the adjustment.
Manual Geometry Alignment
1. Activate the Service Mode <MENU><2-4-5-7>. From the Service Menu, press the <0> button. The Data Transfer & Geometry Menu will appear.
2. Use the Up/Dn buttons to select “MANUAL GEOMETRY ALIGNMENT” and press <ENTER>.
3. The Manual Geometry Alignment Pattern will appear. See below.
4. Prepare for the alignment by resetting the geometry data. Press <1> then <ENTER>. The previous menu will be displayed. Select “MANUAL GEOMETRY ALIGNMENT” and press <ENTER> again to proceed.
Note 1: Upon entering the Manual Geometry Alignment Mode the first time, the geometry may appear distorted because all factory geometry correction is automatically disabled. Press <EXIT> to quit and re-enable the factory geometry correction. Pressing <1> <ENTER> and <EXIT> will cause the TV to operate with out factory geometry correction (distortion will be present).
[At any time the original factory geometry data can be restored from backup:  
 From the Data Transfer & Geometry Menu <MENU><2-4-5-7><0>, select “RESTORE GEOMETRY DATA FROM BACKUP” <ENTER>.
Phase 1 - 20 Point Geometry Alignment
1. 20 Adjustment Points are indicated by white dots around the edge of the raster. The adjustment position is indicated by a + cursor.
2. Starting from the upper left corner, use the buttons to align the + at each point in a straight line, flush with the bezel as a reference.
Note: Only the cursor will move. The Geometry Pattern will not change.
3. After adjusting each point, use the <uu> button to shift the cursor to the next point clockwise and repeat until all 20 points have been adjusted.
4. After all 20 points are adjusted and the cursor is returned to the original starting point, press <ENTER>.
Correction will be automatically calculated and saved and the Manual Geometry Alignment will be terminated.
5. Press <ENTER> to re-activate the Manual Geometry Alignment. The geometry pattern will appear with the corrections applied.
Phase 3 - 4:3 and 16:9 Alignment
1. With the Manual Geometry Alignment activated, press <VIDEO> to enter the Left 4:3 Alignment Mode. The pattern below will be displayed.
Note: Pressing <VIDEO> will toggle between the Left 4:3, Right 4:3, Top 16:9, Bottom 16:9 and the 20 Point Geometry Alignment modes.
2. In the Left 4:3 Alignment Mode, pressing << or >> will cause the geometry pattern to be displayed with 12 preset amounts of correction. Toggle through them until you find the one with the straightest Blue 4:3 Line.
It may help to count the patterns as you cycle through them. When you find the pattern with the straightest Blue 4:3 Line, press <VIDEO>. The pattern will be displayed with a Right Blue 4:3 Line.
3. In the Right 4:3 Alignment Mode, pressing <<or >> will cause the geometry pattern to be displayed with 12 preset amounts of correction. Toggle through them until you find the one with the straightest Blue 4:3 Line. Again, count the patterns as you cycle through them. When you find the pattern with the straightest line, press <VIDEO>. The Top Red Line will be displayed in the pattern.
4. In the Top 16:9 Alignment Mode, pressing << or >> will cause the geometry pattern to be displayed
with 30 different preset amounts of correction to the Top Red Line. Toggle through them until you find the one with the straightest Red Line. Again, count the patterns as you cycle through them. When you find the pattern with the straightest line, press <VIDEO>. The Center Red Line will be displayed in the pattern.
5. In the Center 16:9 Alignment Mode, pressing <<or >> will cause the geometry pattern to be displayed with 30 different preset amounts of correction to the Center Red Line. Toggle through them until you find the one with the straightest Red Line. Again, count the patterns as you cycle through them. When you find the pattern with the straightest line, press <VIDEO>. The Bottom Red Line will be displayed in the pattern.
6. In the Bottom 16:9 Alignment Mode, pressing <tt> or <uu> will cause the geometry pattern to be displayed with 30 different preset amounts of correction to the Bottom Red Line. Toggle through them until you find the one with the straightest Red Line. When you find the pattern with the straightest line, press <VIDEO>. Press <ENTER> then <EXIT> to exit and save the 4:3 and 16:9 data.
7. Select the Geometry Test Pattern (See HVPOS). If Geometry is acceptable, press <EXIT> to quit.
Data Transfer
Service Data is duplicated and stored in separate EEPROMs in two locations.
  PWB-MAIN - Working data for TV operation
  OPTICAL ENGINE - Backup data
Enter the Service Mode <MENU><2-4-5-7> Select the Data Transfer & Geometry Menu <0>
[[Warning - Only use "SAVE ENGINE AND GEOMETRY SETTING TO BACKUP" after Optical Engine replacement]]
Note: Besides MANUAL GEOMETRY ALIGNMENT, six data transfer choices are listed on screen.
  RESTORE ENGINE DATA FROM BACKUP - copies backup factory adjustments HVPOS, White Balance and Index Delay from the Optical Engine to the PWB-MAIN.
  RESTORE GEOMETRY DATA FROM BACKUP - copies backup factory Geometry Alignment data from the Optical Engine to the PWB-MAIN.
  SAVE ENGINE AND GEOMETRY SETTING TO BACKUP - copies all working data from the PWB-MAIN into backup memory on the Optical Engine.
  BACKUP AND RESTORE ISF SETTINGS - allows the ISF (ADV) video settings to be backed up and restored using an external USB memory device.
  RED ONLY AND GREEN ONLY - displays the video in red or green only.
2. Use the UP/DN buttons to select the item and press <ENTER>.
3. Follow on-screen instructions if given.
4. Press <EXIT> to quit.
After Optical Engine Replacement:
1. Save Engine and Geometry Setting to Backup
After Electrical Chassis (PWB-MAIN) Replacement:
1. Restore Engine Data From Backup
2. Restore Geometry Data From Backup.
3. Restore ISF Settings From Backup (Only if backup USB memory device is available).
V46 SMPS [Power supply] Schematic