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Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

In Brief: On this site you will find pictures and technical information about Service Modes, Circuit Diagrams, Firmware Update procedure, Disassemble procedure, Universal remote control set-up codes, Troubleshooting and more....

If you go into the profession, you will obtain or have access to a variety of tech tips databases HERE IT IS Master Electronics Repair !.

These are an excellent investment where the saying: 'time-is-money' rules. However, to learn, you need to develop a general troubleshooting approach - a logical, methodical, method of narrowing down the problem. A tech tip database might suggest: 'Replace C536' for a particular symptom. This is good advice for a specific problem on one model. However, what you really want to understand is why C536 was the cause and how to pinpoint the culprit in general even if you don't have a service manual or schematic and your tech tip database doesn't have an entry for your sick TV or VCR.

While schematics are nice, you won't always have them or be able to justify the purchase for a one-of repair. Therefore, in many cases, some reverse engineering will be necessary. The time will be well spent since even if you don't see another instance of the same model in your entire lifetime, you will have learned something in the process that can be applied to other equipment problems.
As always, when you get stuck, checking out a tech-tips database may quickly identify your problem and solution.In that case, you can greatly simplify your troubleshooting or at least confirm a diagnosis before ordering parts.

Happy repairing!
Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen sooner, rather than later.

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..............The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of todays funny gadgets low price has faded from memory........ . . . . . .....
Don't forget the past, the end of the world is upon us! Pretty soon it will all turn to dust!

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Wednesday 11 December 2019


Common fault of LCD screen
  Bright line or bright belt (BL): 
Constant longitudinal or transverse illuminating line or belt due to non-conformed connection between IC and glass.
Dark line (DL): 
Constant longitudinal or transverse illuminating line due to non-conformed connection between IC and glass.
  White panel (WP): 
Only light tube illuminates owing to non-conformed drive plate of the LCD, without any display signal in the display area, and the whole screen is white.
Screen breaking: 
(overflow of LCD): with damage or invisible damage of the liquid crystal glass, irregular black defect occurs from liquid crystal body to glass and polarizer, which cannot be seen at any image. The overflow portion can not form image and does not display.
  Pressing Scrape (PS): 
After local display area at the front of LCD is heavily pressed, lass of the pressed portion is not damaged, the liquid crystal body can not display normally, with spot or block black defect.
Screen mess: 
Irregular color display arising from damage of driving plate in LCD.
Net Work TV MSD6A628 software upgrading (After service)
* PC (WINDOWS XP system, USB2.0)
* AC100 ~ 240V power supply and power cord
* ISP programming board and cable
* ISP programming board driver
* USB flash drive (version 2.0, the capacity is not more than 2G)
* Upgrade software and boot files
Preparation before upgrade.
Write down all signal ADC and white balance data in factory menu before upgrading (FLASH initialization may occur after upgrade, color calibration data erased, and then revert to the written down data):
Under YPbPb signal source, 
press the MENU key to pop up the main menu, and then press 8202 by number keys to enter the factory menu,
 select ADC ADJUST item, press the OK button to enter the next menu, 
move the cursor to the MODE key, press the left / right cursor keys to select YPbPr (SD) items, recorded R-GAIN / G-GAIN / B-GAIN value and R-OFFSET / G-OFFSET / B-OFFSET value.
 Under ADC ADJUST item and press OK to enter the next menu move the cursor to the MODE key, 
press the left /right keys to move the cursor to select YPbPr (HD) items, recorded R-GAIN / G-GAIN / B- GAIN value and R-OFFSET / G-OFFSET / B-OFFSET value.
Under VGA signal source, 
press MENU in the main menu pops up, then press 8202 by number keys to enter the factory menu,
 select ADC ADJUST item and press OK to enter the next menu, 
move the cursor to the MODE key, press the left / right cursor keys to select YPbPr (SD) items, recorded R-GAIN / G-GAIN / B-GAIN value and R-OFFSET /G-OFFSET / B-OFFSET value.
 Write down YPbPr(SD)and YPbPr(HD)value before upgrade and wite down VGA mode R/G/B-GAIN and R/B/G-OFFSET value ,change back to original value after software upgrade finished.
In Android system main interface, move cursor to “network”--“Ethernet”item, click mouse left button to get into  record MAC address.
The software upgrade content and procedures:
1. U disk formatted as FAT32 format, and then upgrade the software ( software name and case is MstarUpgrade, suffix bin) put in the U disk .
There are two ways for software upgrade, recommended mode 1.

Method 1: In the case of TV normally boot, enter the factory menu upgrade: power on machine, insert disk into the TV USB interface, and then enter the factory menu, move the cursor to the Other Option Press OK to enter , and then move the cursor to Upgrade Main options , press OK to upgrade.
Method 2: Insert U disk into TV main board or programming fixture board USB interface , long press VOL + key, then power on TV ( main board ) , after about five seconds the TV ( remote control panel ) indicator fast when flashing , indicating that the TV is being upgraded , after the light is not blinking on and off ( this process is time-consuming depending on the size of the main board software , the greater the file the longer the software upgrade , the upgrade takes roughly three minutes when the board software has 270M , 500M needs four minutes ) , means upgrade is complete .
a. the file name and the case cannot be wrong , otherwise it will not be upgraded .
b. When using the U disk upgrade, sometimes light will no longer flashing after a TV remote control panel lights flickering flashes ten seconds, this is upgrade failure. Normal upgrade remote panel lights flashing to be more than two minutes, in this case upgrade again by powering off main board.
c. after powering off, if main board cannot upgrade normally , programming again the boot file (Mboot.bin or MbootUprade.bin).
e. If the operator of this program is not familiar with the software, under the condition the can see factory menu recommended upgrading the operating menu to enter the factory to prevent misuse.
  When the above third step cannot be upgraded, upgrade the boot file first; please refer to the following specific operating instructions.
MSD6A628 Network TV main board related upgrade packages with mboot.bin and MbootUpgrade.bin equipped with two boot files. Both boot files function are the same, but there are differences between upgrade methods, only one upgrade one of them. If the current TV main board can work properly, copy the boot files to the U disk after formatted FAT32, then follow the instructions below to upgrade:
Method 1 : first MbootUpgrade.bin boot files, stored in the U disk, and then insert U disk in TV main board USB port, press and hold the VOL + button on the TV control panel and hold, then power on TV ( main board), approximately after five seconds the TV ( remote control panel ) indicator flashes rapidly , indicating that the TV is being upgraded , after the light is not blinking on and off (time-consuming of this process approximately 60 seconds ) , indicating that the upgrade is complete .
Method 2 : first Mboot.bin boot files stored in the U disk, then U disk inserted in the TV main board USB interface to power on TV, and then press the MENU button on the remote control and then followed by 8202 the number keys to enter the factory menu, move cursor to Other Option press OK to enter , and then move the cursor to upgrade mboot option , press OK to upgrade ( this time-consuming of this process is about 15 seconds ) .
1.mboot.bin and MbootUpgrade.bin files can be put together in a U- disk, but no matter what methods to upgrade, all operating according to operation instructions, control time to upgrade, ensure that the upgrade completed before power failure, otherwise upgrade fails.
2. Because the boot files related to the TV's screen resolution and other relevant parameters, so before the software upgrade boot files of each board must be upgrade first.
3. If the above two methods cannot upgrade, using programming board online upgrade following the instructions:
5, Programming board driver installation.
Use programming board online upgrade, programming board driver program has to be installed to PC, see the following operation instructions.
1.Use USB connecting wire to connect programming board and personal PC.
2. PC identify new device, choose to install from list or specified location and appoint driver file position as shown.
After PC finds driver file, below information will be prompted during installation, click on , remains can be installed, the system will install the driver process three times , namely : Mstar USB Debug Tool A; Mstar USB Debug Tool B; Mstar USB SerialPort , install the three drives in order.
Use programming board online upgrade boot file.
1. Use a USB cable and VGA cable to connect the programming board and TV main board , computer main bard and then powering on main board.
2. Double-click to run MStar ISP Utility v4.6.t2.exe, click the "Auto" icon on the main toolbar under the type selected for eMMC.
3. Click the "Read" button in the main toolbar under load in EISP Loader File1 munim_EISP_boot _ ** _ **. Bin, in EISP Read File1 load rom_emmc_boot.bin, in EISP Loader File2 load munim_EISP_user _ ** _ **. Bin, load mboot.bin in EISP Read File2.
4. Click on the main toolbar "Config" button , the interface is set up according to the pictures of their respective settings.
5. Click on the main toolbar "Connet" button at the top of the tab bar to run the program will display [ Device Type eMMC ] .
If there is no showing of [ Device Type eMMC ] upgrade cannot be conducted , if so check the programming board is properly connected and if main board can boot (main board can boot normally not display [ Device Type eMMC ,] need to upgrade the software, copying it into U disk, press and hold the button panel VOL + button first and powering on main board, wait for LED indicator on the machine flashes for about five seconds and then unplug the U disk and re- power main board to display ) .
7. Check "Auto" icon in the menu settings are consistent with the figure below, and then click "Run" button to boot file to program.
Programming progress bar will scroll now, after programming is finished, it will show “Pass
Main board driver upgrade.
1. U disk formatted as FAT32 format, and then upgrade the software ( software name is MstarUpgrade, suffix is bin) put in U disk .
2. Insert U disk into main board or programming TV fixture USB port , press VOL + key, then power on TV ( main board) after about five seconds the TV ( remote control panel ) indicator flashes rapidly , indicating the TV is being upgraded , when the light stops blinking and goes out ( this process time-consuming is depending on the size of the main board software , the greater the file the longer the software upgrade time , when the board is 270M, upgrade software takes roughly three minutes ,when 500M , it is about four minutes ) , indicating that the upgrade is complete .
3. Notes:
a. the file name and case cannot be wrong , otherwise it will not be upgraded .
b. When using U disk to upgrade, sometimes after light does not flat after a TV remote control panel lights flickering flashes ten seconds, this is upgrade failure. Normal upgrade remote panel lights flashing more than two minutes , place the board in case of power failure in this case re- board software upgrade.
c.main board cannot be upgraded after powering on , please programming boot file again (Mboot.bin or MbootUprade.bin).
8, after the upgrade is complete, install machine cover, before delivery, factory adjustment must be carried out :
1. powering on machine, press the MENU button on the remote control to the main menu pops up, then press 8202 followed by the number key to enter the factory menu , press the up / down keys to move the cursor to the "Other Options" option Press the Up / Down keys move the cursor to the "Restore To Default" option by right the reset command , a black screen for about 8 seconds and the machine automatically re- power on reset operation is completed .
2. Completed initialization within three minutes after inserting VGA signal wire and powering on machine (automatically initializes started after factory menu reset is ) switch to VGA signal source . Press the MENU key to pop up the main menu, and then followed by 8202 the number keys to enter the factory menu, press the Shift key to "ADC ADJUST" and press the OK button to enter the next menu, press the left / right keys to move the cursor to select VGA item, then press shift keys to move the cursor to the AUTO TUNE key and press the OK button to execute the self-adjusting command. There is a corresponding entry in the AUTO TUNE Tip: SUCCESS, means self-adjusting qualified, FAILS, means self-tuning failure, need to self adjusting again.
3. Under YPbPb source ,input 480i 100% color bar signal to machine . after press NEMU popping-up main menu , then followed by 8202 the number keys to enter the factory menu , select ADC ADJUST item , press the OK button to enter the next menu , press the left / right keys to move the cursor to select YPbPr (SD) item , press down keys to move the cursor to the AUTO TUNE key and press the OK button to execute the self-adjusting color commands. There is a corresponding entry in the AUTO TUNE Tip : SUCCESS , means self-adjusting qualified , FAIL , means self-adjusting is filed, needed to adjust again.
5. about white balance adjustment:
* need to input standard graphics to TV during auto white balance self adjusting, recommended instrument is CHROMA222293.
* In case not plugging signal line, in the factory menu of ADC Adjust, change the source value of VGA, YPBPR (HD), R-GAIN YPBPR (SD) for each mode / G-GAIN / B -GAIN value and R- OFFSET / G-OFFSET / B-OFFSET to the original value before upgrade.
9 , MAC address programming refers to "MSD6A628 Msd6a608 MSD6A818 smart network TV MAC address code programming Guide" , in general, just use U disk to upgrade ( do not use programming board burn boot files MAC in machine, will not erased , if using programming board to re- burn the boot files , MAC address programming is needed ) .
10, after ADC ADJUST debugging finished, press the MENU button several times to exit the factory menu to save the data , turn the machine off and then restore the original packaging.
Troubleshooting Procedure: No power
Protection or without light (refers to the disappearance of image several seconds after the emergence of image, white panel
White screen  after power-off (work normally when power on, but when power-off or no signal input, the screen shows a white screen), V without channel or with color cast
Poor soundNo VGA input signal
Poor embedded power supply of TV