Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

In Brief: On this site you will find pictures and technical information about Service Modes, Circuit Diagrams, Firmware Update procedure, Disassemble procedure, Universal remote control set-up codes, Troubleshooting and more....

If you go into the profession, you will obtain or have access to a variety of tech tips databases HERE IT IS Master Electronics Repair !.

These are an excellent investment where the saying: 'time-is-money' rules. However, to learn, you need to develop a general troubleshooting approach - a logical, methodical, method of narrowing down the problem. A tech tip database might suggest: 'Replace C536' for a particular symptom. This is good advice for a specific problem on one model. However, what you really want to understand is why C536 was the cause and how to pinpoint the culprit in general even if you don't have a service manual or schematic and your tech tip database doesn't have an entry for your sick TV or VCR.

While schematics are nice, you won't always have them or be able to justify the purchase for a one-of repair. Therefore, in many cases, some reverse engineering will be necessary. The time will be well spent since even if you don't see another instance of the same model in your entire lifetime, you will have learned something in the process that can be applied to other equipment problems.
As always, when you get stuck, checking out a tech-tips database may quickly identify your problem and solution.In that case, you can greatly simplify your troubleshooting or at least confirm a diagnosis before ordering parts.

Happy repairing!
Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen sooner, rather than later.

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You can even visit all posts, time to time, when reaching the bottom end of each page and click on the Older Post button.

- If you arrived here at the main page via bookmark you can visit all the site scrolling the left blog archive of all posts of the month/year pointing were you want , or more simple You can even visit all blog posts, from newer to older, clicking at the end of each bottom page on the Older Post button.
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- The search this blog feature provided by Google is a real search engine. If you're pointing particular things it will search IT for you; or you can place a brand name in the search query at your choice and visit all results page by page. It's useful since the content of the site is very large.

Note that if you don't find what you searched for, try it after a period of time; the site is a never ending job !

..............The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of todays funny gadgets low price has faded from memory........ . . . . . .....
Don't forget the past, the end of the world is upon us! Pretty soon it will all turn to dust!

©2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Frank Sharp - You do not have permission to copy photos and words from this blog, and any content may be never used it for auctions or commercial purposes, however feel free to post anything you see here with a courtesy link back, btw a link to the original post here , is mandatory.
All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use. NOTHING HERE IS FOR SALE !

Tuesday 18 August 2020


NA01E NA01F NA01H ⇒ BC337 BC635 BC637
NA02E NA02F NA02H ⇒ BC327 BC636 BC638
NA11E NA11F NA11H ⇒ BC337 BC635 BC637
NA12E NA12F NA12H ⇒ BC327 BC636 BC638
NA21E NA21F NA21H ⇒ 2SC2236 2SD1207 MPS650
NA21X NA21Y NA21Z ⇒ 2SD1801 BD515 BD525
NA22E NA22F NA22H ⇒ 2SA1382 2SA966 MPS750
NA22X NA22Y NA22Z ⇒ 2SB1201-S BD516 BD526
NA3 ⇒ 2SK1473
NA31K ⇒ BC365 BD505 BD515
NA31L ⇒ BD429 BD813 BD815
NA31M ⇒ 2SC1226
NA31X NA31Y ⇒ 2SD1801 BD515 BD525
NA31Z ⇒ 2SD1380 2SD1801 BD375
NA32K ⇒ BD506 BD516 BD526
NA32L ⇒ BD430 BD616 BD814
NA32M ⇒ 2SA699
NA32X NA32Y ⇒ 2SB1201-S BD516 BD526
NA32Z ⇒ 2SB1009 2SD1201 BD376
NA41U ⇒ BD175 BD185 BD233
NA41W ⇒ BD241 BD243 BD533
NA42U ⇒ BD176 BD186 BD234
NA42W ⇒ BD242 BD244 BD534
NA51U ⇒ BD177 BD187 BD439
NA51W ⇒ BD243 BD535 BD539A
NA52U ⇒ BD178 BD188 BD440
NA52W ⇒ BD244 BD536 BD540A
NA61U ⇒ 2N5191 BD187 BD439
NA61W ⇒ BD243 BD543A BD949
NA62U ⇒ 2N5194 BD188 BD440
NA62W ⇒ BD244 BD540A BD544A
NA71U ⇒ 2N5192 BD189 BD441
NA71W ⇒ BD243A BD537 BD539B
NA72U ⇒ 2N5195 BD190 BD442
NA72W ⇒ BD538 BD540B BD952
NAS29 ⇒ BD241 BD539A BD935
NAS30 ⇒ BD242 BD244 BD540A
NAS31 ⇒ BD243 BD539A BD543A
NAS32 ⇒ BD244 BD540A BD544A
NAS41 ⇒ BD543A BD797 BD805
NAS42 ⇒ BD544A BD798 BD808
NB011E NB011F NB011H NB012E NB012F NB012H ⇒ BC182 BC237 BC547
NB013E NB013F NB013H ⇒ BC184 BC413 BC550
NB014E NB014F NB014H ⇒ 2SC2240 2SC2459 BC550
NB021E NB021F NB021H NB022E NB022F NB022H NB023E NB023F NB023H ⇒ BC212 BC307 BC557
NB024E NB024F NB024H ⇒ 2SA1049 2SA970 BC560
NB111E NB111F NB111H NB112E NB112F NB112H ⇒ BC182 BC237 BC547
NB113E NB113F NB113H ⇒ 2SC2240 2SC2459 BC546
NB121E NB121F NB121H NB122E NB122F NB122H ⇒ BC212 BC307 BC557
NB123E NB123F NB123H ⇒ 2SA1049 2SA1285 2SA970
NB211E NB211F NB211H ⇒ BC337 BC635 BC637
NB211X NB211Y NB211Z ⇒ BC365 BC515 BD525
NB212E NB212F NB212H NB213E NB213F NB213H ⇒ 2SD667 BC637 BC639
NB212X NB212Y NB212Z ⇒ BC366 BD517 BD525
NB213X NB213Y NB213Z ⇒ BC367 BD519 BD527
NB221E NB221F NB221H ⇒ BC327 BC636 BC638
NB221X NB221Y NB221Z ⇒ BD508 BD516 BD526
NB222E NB222F NB222H ⇒ BC327A BC638 BC640
NB222X NB222Y NB222Z ⇒ BC363 BD518 BD526
NB223E NB223F NB223H ⇒ 2SB647 BC640
NB223X NB223Y NB223Z ⇒ BD520 BD528 BD530
NB311E NB311F NB311H ⇒ 2SC3328 MPS650 MPS651
NB311K ⇒ BC365 BD507 BD515
NB311L ⇒ BD813 BD815 BD817
NB311M ⇒ 2SC1226 2SC1848
NB311X NB311Y NB311Z ⇒ BC365 BD507 BD515
NB312E NB312F NB312H NB313E NB313F NB313H ⇒ 2SC3328 MPS650 MPS651
NB312K NB312X NB312Y NB312Z ⇒ BC366 BD517 BD525
NB312L ⇒ BD815 BD817 2SC1848
NB313K ⇒ BC367 BD519 BD527
NB313L ⇒ BD817
NB313M ⇒ 2SC1848
NB313X NB313Y NB313Z ⇒ BC367 D519 BD527
NB321E NB321F NB321H ⇒ 2SA1315 2SA1382 MPS750
NB321K ⇒ BD508 BD516 BD526
NB321L ⇒ BD814 BD816 BD818
NB321M ⇒ 2SA699 2SA887
NB321X NB321Y NB321Z ⇒ BD508 BD516 BD526
NB322E NB322F NB322H ⇒ 2SA1315 MPS750
NB322K ⇒ BC363 BD518 BD526
NB322L ⇒ BD816 BD818
NB322M ⇒ 2SA887
NB322X NB322Y NB322Z ⇒ BC363 BD518 BD526
NB323E NB323F NB323H ⇒ 2SA1315 MPS751
NB323K NB323X NB323Y NB323Z ⇒ BD520 BD528 BD530
NB323L ⇒ BD818 2SA887
NBD517 ⇒ BD525 BD841
NBD518 ⇒ BD526 BD842
NDB4050 NDB4060 ⇒ 2SK1416 2SK919 IRF530
NDB506 NDP506A NDP506AL NDP506B NDP506BL NDB603 ⇒ 2SK1291 2SK1296 2SK2411
NDF0610 ⇒ BST100
NDp ⇒ BF554 BFS18
NDP4050 NDP4060 ⇒ 2SK1416 2SK673 IRF530
NDP4050L NDP4060L ⇒ 2SK1301 2SK971 BUK552
NDP6030L ⇒ BUK556-60
NDP603AL ⇒ 2SK1291 2SK1296 2SK2411
NDP6050 NDP6050L NDP6051 ⇒ BUK456-50 BUZ100 PRFZ40
NDP6060 NDP6060L ⇒ BUK556-60
NDS0605 NDS0610 ⇒ 2SJ210 2SJ211
NDS7002A ⇒ BSS145 BST82
NM400 ⇒ 2SC1025 2SC825 2SD610
NO5 NO8 ⇒ 2SC3323 BC850
NR001E NR071E ⇒ BC168 BC183 BC238
NR041E NR041F NR041H ⇒ BC184 BC239 BC549
NR421D NR421F NR431E NR431F NR431H ⇒ BF225 BF314 BF496
NR461E NR461F NR461H ⇒ BF240 BF254 BF594
NR601E ⇒ 2SB647 BC636 BC638
NS3903 NS3904 ⇒ BC182 BC190 BC546
NTM2222 ⇒ BSR14 PMBT2222 SMBT2222
NTM2369 ⇒ 2SC4168 FMMT2369 PMBT2369
NTM2907 ⇒ BSR16 BSS80 SMBT2907
NTM3904 ⇒ 2SC4209 BCV70 PMBT3904
NTM3906 ⇒ 2SA1520 BC857 BCX71