LG37LB1R – LG42LB1RN –[Xcute 125] Hurricane 3 - Gprobe 5 How to Install
& Downlaod procedure
- Install the GProbe Software from the Desktop using the GProbe file.
- After installing GProbe install the CGProbe from CGProbe Redistributable as shown in the figure.
- Select the I con named GProbe 5 Tool for downloading the software in T.V. from the desktop.
- Verify the GProbe UI Version: 5.2.02 and CGProbe Version: from the Help menu under About GProbe.
- Choose the appropriate chip from Select Chip: FLI 8638
- Check Connection settings.
- Device: Serial
- Protocols: SERI AL1
- Scheme: Serial connection for all Genesis Chips.
- Port: COM1 Data Bits: 8
- Baud Rate: 115200 Parity: None
- Stop Bits: 1
- Port: 0x378
- Clock Frequency: 60000 Hz
- Scheme: Standard Speed LPT1(0x378).
{Click on Pictures to Zoom}
Set the Connections as shown in figure:
I/p Pin: 15(active high) O/p Pin: 17(active high)
SDA Signal I/p Pin: 11(active high) SDA Signal O/p Pin: 9
(active high)
Scheme: Default Pin Assignments
Set the Connections as shown in figure:
Scheme: Default USB Setting
Set the Connections as shown in figure:
Short Timeout: 1000 ms Long Timeout: 15000 ms
Address: 4096 Size: 4096
Scheme: Default Setting.
Select the “Commands” Option and then select the “Batch”
option to locate the Path from where
the “.text file” has to be downloaded which contains the information regarding
the location of final “.hex file”.
Browse the .txt file from its specified location in the
directory such as:
After selecting the Appropriate Batch file Check that the
T.V is in GProbe Mode for downloading the software other wise it generate an
RS232 Host: Gprobe.
Baud Rate: 115200bps(T.V in Power on state)/9600bps (T.V in
stand by Power off).
After selecting the Appropriate Batch file Check that the
T.V is in GProbe Mode for downloading the software other wise it generate an
Error: Timeout while waiting for Response.
If the connections between T.V Board and C.P.U are not
proper or T.V is not in the Gprobe mode
it will give “Error Message” as shown in figure.
Error Message: Timeout while waiting for Response.
So Check the connection properly and GProbe condition &
again Start Downloading.
After Downloading complete its shows :
Execution time:
XXX.XX second (~~Approx)
Batch: Command Successful.