If a fault occurs in the fluorescents in LCD TVs, the inverter control IC cuts the voltage to the fluorescents and therefore the back lights do not work.
How to remove the inverter protection
Several ways to disable protection in popular PWM controllers LCD inverters.
Not all methods are checked by the author of the article, therefore can not be recommended to repairmen who do not have sufficient experience and theoretical knowledge.
For the purpose of fire safety (first of all) and to prevent high voltage supply of lamps to other circuits in the LCD and LED TVs, the inverter (LED driver) protection is provided, which turns off the backlight or the entire TV in emergency modes.
When repairing and diagnosing an LCD TV, it often becomes necessary to check the individual lighting components – lamps, transformers and other power elements, but it is not always easy to diagnose them due to the instantaneous blocking of the operation of the lamp power converter (LED). Sometimes it is impossible even to determine the reason for leaving to the defense.
The backlight often does not even have time to flash, or lights up and immediately goes out. Often even it is not clear – the lamp or the inverter is to blame. It is not possible to carry out the necessary measurements, generation is disrupted for various reasons, for example, due to distortion in the loads. Joint efforts and researches of masters of various repair conferences were options for blocking the protection of inverters in order to obtain the possibility of diagnostics. In such cases, if the inverter can operate in emergency mode, you can already see, which of the lamps does not shine, or identify one of the faulty transformers … or detect a defect in other circuits. The same situation can arise with LED backlighting.
Attention!!! – After repair, it is necessary to restore the efficiency of the protection circuits in order to ensure the safe operation of the TV!
To disable the protection of the SoftStart input (pin 4 of the OZ960), you must force this input (pin 4) to 1.5V – 3.5V, which will control the pulse width of the PWM pulses and adjust the output current in the lamps.
Information was kindly provided by Rottor at the repair forum monitor.net.ru
Another original decision to disable OZ960 protection by pin-10 from AMIT.
0Z960 is a
very simple way to unprotect. put the LED with 10 feet to ground. (6-leg ICs)
From the forum member monitor.net.ru KRAB
Removing the protection for the OZ964:
At pin 4 (SST – Soft-Start Time), at the moment of switching on, you must hold 1.8 – 2V.
OZ964 protection is removed in the same way as the OZ960, LED on 10 output.
In LCD LG 32LK330-ZB Inverter VIT71884.00 REV: 2.LOGAH (OZ964 + LM339) could not be defeate
d, it works, then no, bu
t it was possible to disable the protection only at the same time for 4 and 10 legs. Separately, the protection was not blocked.
Removal of protection for BIT3193:
When the protection is activated, the voltage at terminal 5 is about 3, 5 V.
With the voltage at pin 5, from 0.4 to 2.4V and the command “start”, the PWM works autonomously, the lamps are not switched off.
! Removal of protection for BIT3193:
Option – 1
Through the resistor 2 – 3 kom pin 5 to connect to pin 12 of the chip thus keep the “working” potential of about 1.2 V.
Option – 2
LED as a stabilizer connect to pin 5 on the ground in the direct connection, “stabilize” the voltage on pin 5, to 06 – 08 volts
does not work any option …
I have a second option with LED works. (merkyrio).
Unlock the TL1451 protection:
– The protection lock in the TL1451 chip (analogous to BA9741) is reduced to a simple action by closing pin 15 to ground.
But if you do this after the protection is triggered (for example by tweezers), nothing happens because the trigger protection is already blocked from the feedback sensors.
– To restore functionality, you must reset the protection trigger by turning the inverter off and on again, or by changing the level on pin 9 of the microcircuit.
In the operating mode of the monitor, the reset of the protection trigger is updated automatically.
BN44-00182C with live transformers in the inverter, decided to throw trances on everything known … 123rd block, the primary trance paralleled,
and on the 1st leg FAN7314 put a zener diode on 4.3v with +5v and a resistor 620 ohms per case.
FAN7311 – FAN7314
Controllers FAN7311 – FAN7314
560 Ohm resistor, from pin 1 to the case.
Zener is not needed, in this inclusion it still does not work.
Removing the protection from the MP1008: 10 kΩ from 4 pins MP1008 to the chassis.
… the protection is removed, 10k parallel to the condender for 3 pins OZ9938.
AT1741S – LED with 15 output to ground. I guess you can and resistor.
The LED does not light up.
The BD9897 has 17 pins. … “hang” with it on the mass of the LED in the direct switch and the driver starts to “hammer” regardless.
BD9897F to the 22 pin of SCP chip to hang LED, cathode to ground.
The device is a LCD Sharp LC-32A47l, a 6-lamp inverter for BD9897FS. It was necessary to bypass the protection of BD9897FS, in a trance one of the secondarys was shortened – the winding was removed. For a long time I tried to do something on the reverse link, nothing happened. As a result, I put the LED on 17 pins BD9897 and the case on, which immediately disconnected the protection. The device has earned, successfully passed the run and issued.
TA9687GN —- connect 12 terminal TIMER through 47com with the copse (parallel to C818). Checked.
Information provided by the participant serge fetjunin:
TA9687GN instead of the resistor is put light-diodes and the adjustable brightness remains.
any LED, 13 leg-SS, BD9883 chips, — anode, body —- 7, cathode
or just put 12 feet on the ground is suitable .
just put 12 feet on the ground.
recommendation from sharp.
Disabling protection in the OZ99361
… by the controller set the voltage on pin 1 of the chip within the stable start 1.85 – 1.98V
I will complement and I on the LG 26LC2RA ….. panel LC260WX2, inverter master slave, assembled the master on OZ99361 ….. can be changed and to 9936, but it’s not in it …. the inverter is chopped after turning on after three seconds …… disabling its protection is invented and there is in the internet: see the photo below ….. (disabling protection in this case is not dangerous because the inverter is chopped due to the paused lamps) …. but! works, it’s all right, but in modes like “standard” and on AV1 the inverter starts to twist like a cut dog, while working ……. my rework is a bit different – we hang in the air 1 paws ry, and connect it through a 100k ohm resistor to 5 volts …. in the figure it’s clay, going to the 6th leg of the mikro …. well, between 1 foot of the mikro and the ground – the konderkik at 0.15 mikrofad, and everything works fine silently in all modes
Controller QZ9910 GN protection disconnected: LED with 3 feet of stabilizer. Works with a single lamp, only contrast is adjustable. Monitor Asher al1716.
More options from other forums:
For inverters on the BIT3102A, disabling the protection = the setting on terminal 6 of the voltage is 2.5V.
Disabling protection on ms BIT3102A. Protection disconnects if the 6 feet are planted on the ground through R = 40kΩ. Verified personally. It was necessary to do this when installing in Samsung N920 instead of MT2-17 REV0.2 block BN44-00082C
The LCD TV inverter on the OZ9966SN is a way to disable the protection.
I want to share the removal of protection from the inverter on the IC of the LX1691A type: the 14th pin of this chip is referred to as the OP-SNS grounded to the chassis. Works OK.
Disable MP1009 protection – Short out pin 5 to the chassis.
OZT1060GN – di.diode pin1
QZ9938GN – LED pin3 … as for bit3193
Removal of protection in the MPI type MP10072E: 3 pin – LED on the housing.
INL837GL Stabilize the power supply at the output of 12 – 1,7 – 2 V. Connect the stabilizer (LED) from pin 12 to ground, there also supply power from the 5 V source through the resistor 470 – 510 Ohm.
I will complement and I on the LG 26LC2RA ….. panel LC260WX2, inverter master slave, assembled the master on OZ99361 ….. can be changed and to 9936, but it’s not in it …. the inverter is chopped after turning on after three seconds …… disabling its protection is invented and there is in the internet: see the photo below ….. (disabling protection in this case is not dangerous because the inverter is chopped due to the paused lamps) …. but! works, it’s all right, but in modes like “standard” and on AV1 the inverter starts to twist like a cut dog, while working ……. my rework is a bit different – we hang in the air 1 paws ry, and connect it through a 100k ohm resistor to 5 volts …. in the figure it’s clay, going to the 6th leg of the mikro …. well, between 1 foot of the mikro and the ground – the konderkik at 0.15 mikrofad, and everything works fine silently in all modes
… deprotection with the MP1038 – the 6th driver leg (FT) through 10kΩ on the chassis. (By analogy with MP1008, only there is FT – 4th leg).
MP1038EY – LED on the 6th pin Fault Timing.
BIT3713 – LED with 5 outputs on the ground TIMER. The LED does not light up.
BA9741 F 15 pin – SCP connect to ground. This blocks the protection of both driver channels. (LCD CAMERON 1501SP)
SEM2105 – for locking, put the LED on 1 pin of the IC.
max8722 – to lock, put 4 pins on the ground.
SEM2006 – The protection is removed by the LED from 2 pins per case.
MSC1692 – with 4 pins a 220kΩ resistor per case.
KH0803A – LED or R 390 – 820 kOm with 5 pins per case. (parallel to C125).
SP5005 – (sop16 4ccfl) LED with 5 (timer) pin per case. OZ9910 in my case disconnected the protection LED from 10 pin (and not from the 9th)
Microcircuit SP 5001Q. LED from 19 feet to the common wire cathode.
Another way to disable the protection of the PWM controller MP1027EF. A rare controller, mainly installed on industrial monoblocks by ADVANTECH. PWM controller with 20 pins, it is necessary to connect 16 pins to GND via a red LED.
BD9240 You can remove the protection by putting 15 foot (CP) in 10 kOhms on the case. The panel backlight adjustment will not work.
OB3316QP to remove the protection can be as follows: putting the LED from 5pms on weight.
Removal of protection checked on Erisson 26LH01 — 17 pin IC connected to the voltage divider – cut off the track after the divider that goes to the op-amp – the error amplifier.
To remove the protection, it is enough to install the LED with 3pin IC for weight.
Resistor 10k, with pin 3 per weight. The native condender for this pin is evaporated, in its place-a resistor. Favorite inverter TV3203-ZC02-02 (A)
Disable protection in the BI3101 chip
Pin 16 of the IC is connected to the common wire by a resistor of 220 – 470 Ohm
LED from the 14th output to ground.
LED from the 20th output to ground.
According to datasheet OB3309 on 15pin STIME should be + 2V. I put the LED 15pin on the chassis with a voltage of 1.7V. The backlight does not work. In the strapping of the shim, all the resistors are normal, the image parameters are adjusted.
LED on the 17th output.
The backlight turned off, installed a 4.7k ohm resistor on the output and body.
The protection is blocked by installing the st. diode between 27 (6) terminal m / s and the body.
To block the protection, it is enough to solder the 1MΩ resistor from +12 Volts (inverter power supply) to the 7 pin SAO8818. SAQ8818 is set to TL494 with a rotation of 180 degrees.
MP1006 remove the protection by setting the resistance 10 Kom with 6 outputs “FT” on the chassis.
SEM2107 TV set KTC, inverter
SSI_400_14A01 rev 0.1.
On the 21 output of the IC (SDT) solder the LED.
Monitor Viewsonic-VA712B. Bypass protection of the inverter on FAN7547 – we short-circuit the 7th leg of the chip.
OB3302CP protection was removed by installing a 2-pin LED to 3 volts.
status DNA
BD9777 14 pin (SS) – microcircuits through the resistor 10кOHM on weight.
OZL68GN the protection by the white LED on the output of SST 4pin was removed.
BIT3105 deprotection of the SST (19) terminal with a white three-volt light-emitting diode on the ground. The brightness is good, at the output with this LED is kept 2.3V.
BD9222FV – LED with 13 outputs to ground. LED does not light
DT8211 9 foot on the body through a kilo-ohm resistor, for example 47k.
OZ9972. Option with 24 pins. Output 20 (prot) through 1 kOhm on the chassis. The output from the circuit did not turn off. (rz6anh)
OZ9972ASN 24-pin chassis, 19 output 10 kOhm to ground (there are 28-pin cases there 23 pin performs this function) (KAP1 monitor.net.ru).
UBA2070 – the first leg on the mass.
BD9896 you hang from the 3rd pin on the mass of the LED in the direct connection and the inverter works regardless of anything.
BD9215AFV put a 10 kΩ resistor with 15 pins of IMS per weight.
ILN816GN – Disable protection on the BENQ E2420HD. The protection was removed by installing a 10kΩ resistor on the eighth pin, parallel to the capacitor C3.
UBA2074 for deprotection – 20k ohms per case from pin 6. (6pin – CT – fault timing capacitor).
OZ9919GN 8pin after 10com to the ground.
SEM2005 – The protection is removed by the LED from 1 pin to the housing.
MP1007ES 4pin per weight.
… removed the protection of the LED by 35 pins (softstart).
BIT3251, BIT3252, BIT3267
… the protection was removed by closing 5 pins on the ground.
BIT3267 is similar (shamrin monitor.net.ru).
… BIT3267 turned out only with 4 on the ground (ovp), 5 pin is inn, unlike BIT3251.
OZ9643n – 1st pin after 20 kΩ to ground.
. On pin 18 (VCOMP) apply 3v., in my case, the protection was disconnected by the 6 pin of the IC on the case (plazmoid monitor.net.ru).
OZ5508G – OZ5508GN
OZ5508G / N – 3 pin kr. LED on the body. Backlight adjustment works.
BD9275F – 11 pins (CP External capacitor from CP to GND for Timer Latch) 1 kΩ per case (parallel to the condenser). At first it completely closed on the case – the protection disconnected. I tried with a resistor – the protection turned off. Backlight adjustment works. Checked.
OZ972GN c 8 output LED per weight. Disconnected on the inverter V370H-L01.
OZ9976 (similar to OZ9966) – 10 kΩ per case from the
TIMER pin, in this case pin 11
of the chip.
BD9270F – 13 (cp) a pin 10kΩ resistor per case.
To remove the protection on the SS1091asn on the 19 output solder the LED
SS1091 – two types of 24 feet and 28 legs
24 feet —- 19 through the LED to the body
28 feet — 23 through the LED to the body
anode – the leg, the cathode – the body (bonatelo).
MP1010 (MP1010B, MP1010BEF, MP1010BEM) – 17 feet closed on the body. If the connection scheme is 19 + 17, then 19 is separated from 17 and still 17 is hard on the case!
The OZ971SN can be removed by pulling up 20 feet through 100 kΩ from 3.3 volts from the on-off command. … 28 feet of the chip is in the CL200WX PHILIPS LCD inverter … the power supply of the lamp was cut off … The truncated trance was dropped and the second one, which with him in pair, threw away one pair of lamps. The jumpers connected the error sensors to the working trances. Time did not have enough to look for the best option, saved the supply of 3.3 volts by 20 feet through 100 kOhm.
Disabling the protection of bit3102b sot-14 5-pin by the mass via a 47 kΩ resistor.
! … you need to 4-pin and not to 5-pin! (vadim1234s monitor.net.ru).
! … 4-pin sst it on the mass through the resistor! (nikolay7816 monitor.net.ru).
To remove the protection on the OZ9939GN 3pin by the mass through a 100-110kΩ resistor.
POLAR 38LTV4105, inverter on the chip UBA2071AT + two field STP60N06. It is forced to obey by grounding pin 5 of the microcircuit.
PHILIPS chassis TPM4.1e, inverter on chip UBA2071AT + two field 8N60 5 Output to ground did not help. But the LED from the 6 output to the mass has perfectly helped and the telly has taken the other’s lamps.
With the Supra STV-LC2615VD, then it turned out.
Remove the OB3362RP protection. 16 pin – a resistor to the mass of 20-24kom. of the value depends on the brightness of the backlight. .
disable protection QZ9902CGN – 8 PIN 10kms per weight.
Toshiba 40HL933RK … protection disabled LED-ohm on the 28th leg (timer) the benefit of the control points on the board are signed.
To remove the protection, hang the LED on the 12th leg.
BD9397EFV is a 32-pin LED.
32 -SS OUT Connecting terminal for soft-start time setting capacitor-foot via LED to housing. (ANDOR1l monitor.net.ru)
! … I have not done this way … in a parallel branch where I read about a resistor for 31 feet. I put 1Com parallel to the condender … the adjustment of the backlight is left … SONY KDL-32R433B !! (alexey1976 monitor.net.ru).
BD9470efv remove the protection by closing the 7 pins of the SS to ground via an LED or a resistor of 470 kΩ.
LED driver max16814b. 8, the RSDT pin in this case is closed by a jumper on the VCC 20 pin for de-protection.
At pin 7, increase the resistance, thereby reducing the current through the rulers.
BD9828 Disconnected the protection of the LED from the 13 output to ground.
SSL100SN The SSL320 0E2A inverter has disabled the protection of 19 pin-22kΩ to the case (Untitled).
SSL100SN The SSL320_0E2A inverter has disabled the protection of 19 legs through 8.2km
s to the ground
Remove the protection (MAP-3202) by just 5 pin anode of the LED, 4 pins cathode LED, removed to detect the broken light-emitting diodes in the matrix …
Remove the protection from the PWM OZ9937GN, from 14 pins (Timer) to the housing, put a resistance of 10k. Protection does not work when removing the lamps. Inverter Darfon 4H + V2988.051 / B (In this inverter shunt capacitor C221 this resistance).
OZ9937 disable protection. Connect the 14pin with a 15pin resistor of 470 kΩ (timofey68).
To remove protection from the MP10073ES, you need to solder a 10kΩ resistor with a 4n. to the ground. For lack of near at hand, this soldered 11 kOhm. Working!
shim ssi091sn did not find the datasheet – the protection is removed 23 pin LED on the mass.
OZ9925GN – disabling protection. On the 13th foot solder the LED. Protection is disabled. The first element with 13 legs is the condenser. That’s parallel to him and solder. Proven.
Samsung LE46B530P7W BN44-00265B LX6503IDW
To remove the protection, we do an ordinary pull-up with a 12 volt resistor (5.1 … 6.8com) + LED on the 3-leg chip.
OZ9928SN. On SHARP LC52X20RU disconnected the protection by installing two resistors of 200K from 28 and 29 feet per case.
PANASONIC TX-LR32X20 STR-H3475 two-time backlighting and protection protection with error 1 (inverter error). When the trench windings are tampered, a small spread is observed in the resistance of the secondary windings within 10 ohms. The lamps are in order (tested on another inverter). The protection was removed by connecting the LED to 18 pins on the ground