Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

In Brief: On this site you will find pictures and technical information about Service Modes, Circuit Diagrams, Firmware Update procedure, Disassemble procedure, Universal remote control set-up codes, Troubleshooting and more....

If you go into the profession, you will obtain or have access to a variety of tech tips databases HERE IT IS Master Electronics Repair !.

These are an excellent investment where the saying: 'time-is-money' rules. However, to learn, you need to develop a general troubleshooting approach - a logical, methodical, method of narrowing down the problem. A tech tip database might suggest: 'Replace C536' for a particular symptom. This is good advice for a specific problem on one model. However, what you really want to understand is why C536 was the cause and how to pinpoint the culprit in general even if you don't have a service manual or schematic and your tech tip database doesn't have an entry for your sick TV or VCR.

While schematics are nice, you won't always have them or be able to justify the purchase for a one-of repair. Therefore, in many cases, some reverse engineering will be necessary. The time will be well spent since even if you don't see another instance of the same model in your entire lifetime, you will have learned something in the process that can be applied to other equipment problems.
As always, when you get stuck, checking out a tech-tips database may quickly identify your problem and solution.In that case, you can greatly simplify your troubleshooting or at least confirm a diagnosis before ordering parts.

Happy repairing!
Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen sooner, rather than later.

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..............The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of todays funny gadgets low price has faded from memory........ . . . . . .....
Don't forget the past, the end of the world is upon us! Pretty soon it will all turn to dust!

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Friday, 29 March 2019



EWM2100 – EWFH 12280W  Front-loader Electrolux Washing machine _ Troubleshooting _ Disassembly _ Wiring Diagram.

Access to diagnostics

Switch off the appliance removing the plug from the socket.
Insert the plug into the socket and within two seconds push the buttons simultaneously. PL2 and PL4.

The diagnostic cycle starts:
checking all LEDs (switching on each LED for 0.5”)
checking the buzzer with a long BEEP

If the diagnostic cycle does not identify any faulty component, all LEDs light up till the end of the test and the buttons and the relays are now checked.  If some faults are identified, all LEDs flash (and the check of the buttons and relays cannot be executed).
checking the buttons and the relative relays:
* Push button PL4 (START/PAUSE) and the relay which powers the drying top activates.
* Push button PL3 (TIME) and the relay which powers the fan activates.
* Push button PL2 (TEMPERATURE) and the relay which powers the heater activates (during this check the temperature control is active in order to avoid the damages caused by the too high temperature).
* Push button PL1 (ON/OFF) and the relay which powers the drying top deactivates, the appliance switches off.

To exit the diagnostic system, switch off the appliance.

The appliance is normally supplied by the factory with the buzzer deactivated.  The activation/deactivation can be carried out only during the setting phase.

Switch off the appliance

Push ON/OFF button

Push buttons PL2 and PL3 simultaneously

After some seconds, the buzzer emits a “beep” which indicates that it is activated.  To deactivate the buzzer, repeat the same operations till a “beep” is heard.

Buzzer signal
A short “beep” is generated when a button is pushed.
A longer “beep” is generated at the start of the programme or when the ON/OFF button is pressed to interrupt a drying cycle.
Three “beeps” are generated at the end of a drying cycle.


3.NTC sensor

The air enters the slots located in the rear part of the drying top, sucked by the tangential fan (1) and pushed towards the heater (2) which heats it up.
The heated air flows inside the top and exits through the holes of the top to dry the cloth placed above.
The air temperature is controlled by a NTC sensor that varies its ohmic value depending on the heat degree.
The electronic circuit, reading these variations, powers or not the heater so as to maintain the temperature within the limits in order not to damage the cloth.
Besides the NTC sensor, there are two thermostats with Manual Reset, which intervene if for any reason the temperature reaches excessive values, cutting power to the heater.


Drain hose of drying top

The drying top features a drain hose (1) connected to the pump body, which allows draining the water collected at the bottom of the top, due to a too humid cloth, or by an accidental spilling of a liquid over the top.
Start the DRAIN program of the washing machine before every drying cycle.

Drying heater

The drying heater is armored, inserted in a watertight stainless steel tubular casing.  Its electric power is 800W.

Checking the efficiency

Check if the heating element is interrupted, measure is the value between the two terminals is 65 Ohm.


Check with an ohmeter if the heating element is not connected to mass and check for current leakage (40MOhm).

Tangential fan

The tangential fans are used where the space is limited and a big air mass, a low noise level and at the same time a regular flow are needed.

Checking the efficiency [IT DOES NOT WORK]
Check if the motor is jammed.
Measure if between the terminals the value of the stator winding resistance is 190 Ohm.

Manual reset thermostat

Some appliances feature safety thermostats with manual reset.
Inside there is a bi-metal disk, which if the temperature is higher than the one set for this thermostat, switches on and opens the contacts. For a correct operation, it is necessary to push manually the relative button placed between the terminals, to set the bi-metal to the initial position.
In case of intervention of the thermostats, after resetting or replacing them, verify the causes that provoked it (such as: no ventilation, fan jammed, etc.)

Checking the efficiency
Check with a tester if there is a resistance of zero Ohm between the contacts.
Heat the thermostat bulb and check that the contacts commutate.

NTC temperature sensor (General characteristics)
The NTC sensor is used to check the drying temperature. It is made in a way so that its internal heater decreases while the temperature increases. The decrease of the heater is detected by the electronic control, which, when the desired temperature is reached, switches off the heating element.

Check with a tester if there is a resistance of 20KOhm at room temperature (25°C) between the contacts.


The removable top slides on two rails provided with a safety device with double protection, in order to avoid that the user slides off the top.

Extract the removable top. [Use a screwdriver]

Operate on both guides.

Inside each rail there is the safety device. The arrow indicates the lever to block the device.

Only one rail is considered hereafter, but the operations are the same for both.

Release the first safety catch.  Move the lever with a screwdriver as indicated by the arrow and simultaneously extract the top (a little).

Repeat the same operation for the other rail. When the le Release the second safety catch
Repeat the same operations carried out at step 1, so the top will slide more.
Follow the same procedure for the other rail.
At this point the safety catches have been released and it is possible to remove the top from the rails completely. 

Fixed top
Proceed carefully in order to avoid breaking or cracking the material which the frame is made of

The 3 left hooks are symmetrical to the right ones.

Insert the screwdriver into area 1 and slightly bending, lift the frame upwards.

Insert the screwdriver into area 2 and slightly bending, lift the frame upwards.

Insert the screwdriver into area 3 and slightly bending, lift the frame upwards.

Insert the screwdriver into area 4 and slightly bending, lift the frame upwards.

Insert the screwdriver into area 5 and slightly bending, lift the frame upwards.

Insert the screwdriver into area 6 and slightly bending, lift the frame upwards.

Lift the frame up, paying attention not to damage the flat cable connected to the display board.



 Electrolux EWFH12280 – EWM2100HEC Front-loader Washing Machine – Disassembly

Reassembling the frame and removable top, Heater, Fan, Thermostats, Power board & Display board 

After the intervention, position the upper frame parallel to the base as represented in figure, paying attention that the joints in the front part are perfectly aligned.

Push downwards the upper frame till the “clack” of each hook that enters its seat is heard.

Insert the removable top guides into those of the base.

Push the removable top inside the drying top.  Extract it again and check that the slipping is regular and it stops when it reaches the limit stop.

Lift the top.

Pay attention not to damage the wiring of the display board

Extract the wiring from the hook.

Place the top on the right side of the top.

Rotate the top and position it on the removable top, putting some protections to avoid scratching the varnished parts.


After removing the fixed top, remove the wiring.

Remove the three screws which secure the conveyor.

Move it inside the drying top.

Lift the front part of the conveyor.

Lift and rotate outwards.

Detach the connectors and the ground wire.

Remove the screws which fit the heater to the conveyor and remove it.

While reassembling, repeat the same operations in opposite order.


After removing: The fixed top & The heater

Detach the connectors of the stator and the ground wire.

Remove the screw which fits it at the bottom (note the position of the catch on the fan).

Move the fan following the direction of the arrow (see the movement of the fan compared to the catch).

Lift the fan from the motor part and remove it (see the arrow direction).

While reassembling repeat the same operations in opposite order.

Thermostats & NTC
The intervention to the thermostats can be divided in two operations:

For the replacement it is necessary to carry out the two phases below described.
If it is necessary only to push the button to activate them again, see the second phase.

First phase: inside the drying top
After removing:
The fixed top
The heater

Remove the four screws which secure the lower display.

To replace the thermostat, unscrew the relative screws which secure it to the bottom.

Second phase: inside the drying top
To remove the top, unscrew the two screws which secure it to the washing machine and push the top towards the rear part, as a normal work top.

Lift the top, so it is possible to remove the connectors from the thermostat.

To remove the top, unscrew the two screws which secure it to the washing machine and push it towards the rear part, as a normal work top.

Lift the top, so it is possible to unscrew the screws which secure it to the bottom and extract the connectors from the terminals.

Power board

The power board is inserted in a casing fixed with screws to the external part of the bottom.
Remove the two screws which secure the top to the washing machine, push it towards the rear part.

Lift the top, so it is possible to remove the connector which powers the top and to slide off the dra in hose.

Remove the two screws which secure the cover.

[Before operating on the electronic board, discharge yourself from the electrostatic electricity, so as not to damage the electronic components.]

Release the two hooks which secure the board to the casing.
Remove it.

Rotate it on itself.

Position it as in figure
While removing the connectors from the wiring pay attention:
To the connector of the flat cable of the display board, for its dimensions.
For the connector of the NTC sensor, push the lever which secures it to the board.

Display board

Remove the wiring from the power board and extract it.
Remove the hooks which secure it to the
frame, paying attention not to break them.

Remove the three screws which secure it to the frame.