Kelvinator split AC - Communication Fault – error code E6 – Checking procedure
Electrolux - Kelvinator split AC - Communication Fault
– error code E6 – Checking procedure.
E6, Indoor unit.
Green LED, Outdoor unit on.
Green LED, Outdoor unit on.
Check for DC voltage at the following points:
• Turn the power off at the isolation switch then disconnect the
Signal Wire off the indoor terminal block.
• With the Signal Wire disconnected, turn the unit back on and
leave it in “standby mode”.
• With a multimeter, test the DC output from the signal wire
connecting to the indoor unit & earth.
• If the meter reads a low stable voltage, the indoor PCB should be
• Then by using the same method, test the output signal on the
terminal block from the outdoor PCB & earth.
• If the meter reads a pulsing voltage in the low 50's, the
outdoor PCB should be okay.
• If the meter reads 0 DC volts, this would indicate the PCB in
question is faulty.
Note: If both indoor & outdoor PCB’s appear okay, continue to the following page.
Note: If both indoor & outdoor PCB’s appear okay, continue to the following page.
Disconnect the main power supply to the indoor unit by
means of the isolation switch. After approximately one minute, turn the power
supply back on & attempt to operate the unit in “Auto” mode with a set
temperature of two degrees above or below the ambient temperature.
If the Communication fault has not cleared:
If the Communication fault has not cleared:
Check for supply voltage at the following points.
• Between the Active -Out & Neutral points on the indoor PCB.
• Between the Active & Neutral points on the indoor terminal
• Between the Active & Neutral points on the outdoor terminal
• Between the Active & Neutral points on the outdoor PCB.
Note: If all the above checks relating to the supply voltage points have been completed, yet the error code still exists, continue.
Note: If all the above checks relating to the supply voltage points have been completed, yet the error code still exists, continue.
Active - Out & Neutral supply voltage points on indoor
Active & Neutral points on outdoor terminal block.
Active & Neutral supply voltage points on indoor
terminal block.
Active & Neutral supply voltage points on outdoor PCB.
Disconnect the supply power &
check the continuity of the COM-U wire from the following points:
• COM-U terminal point on the
indoor PCB.
• To the communication terminal
points on the indoor terminal block.
• To the communication terminal
points on the outdoor terminal block.
Note: When checking the continuity between the indoor terminal block & the outdoor terminal block, disconnect the COM-U & Active wires on the indoor terminal block, and then attach them together. This will create a circuit that can then be tested between the COM-U & Active terminal points on the outdoor terminal block.
Note: If all the above checks relating to the COM-U points have been completed, yet the error code still exists, continue.
Note: When checking the continuity between the indoor terminal block & the outdoor terminal block, disconnect the COM-U & Active wires on the indoor terminal block, and then attach them together. This will create a circuit that can then be tested between the COM-U & Active terminal points on the outdoor terminal block.
Note: If all the above checks relating to the COM-U points have been completed, yet the error code still exists, continue.
Check the continuity of the
reactor. If open circuit, change it.
If the reactor is okay, replace the outdoor PCB assembly.
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