Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

In Brief: On this site you will find pictures and technical information about Service Modes, Circuit Diagrams, Firmware Update procedure, Disassemble procedure, Universal remote control set-up codes, Troubleshooting and more....

If you go into the profession, you will obtain or have access to a variety of tech tips databases HERE IT IS Master Electronics Repair !.

These are an excellent investment where the saying: 'time-is-money' rules. However, to learn, you need to develop a general troubleshooting approach - a logical, methodical, method of narrowing down the problem. A tech tip database might suggest: 'Replace C536' for a particular symptom. This is good advice for a specific problem on one model. However, what you really want to understand is why C536 was the cause and how to pinpoint the culprit in general even if you don't have a service manual or schematic and your tech tip database doesn't have an entry for your sick TV or VCR.

While schematics are nice, you won't always have them or be able to justify the purchase for a one-of repair. Therefore, in many cases, some reverse engineering will be necessary. The time will be well spent since even if you don't see another instance of the same model in your entire lifetime, you will have learned something in the process that can be applied to other equipment problems.
As always, when you get stuck, checking out a tech-tips database may quickly identify your problem and solution.In that case, you can greatly simplify your troubleshooting or at least confirm a diagnosis before ordering parts.

Happy repairing!
Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen sooner, rather than later.

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..............The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of todays funny gadgets low price has faded from memory........ . . . . . .....
Don't forget the past, the end of the world is upon us! Pretty soon it will all turn to dust!

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Wednesday, 13 March 2019




Text the 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. I.e. If you see fault code CH07 on your indoor unit or R/Controller, only type 7 or 07 in your text message.

Indoor unit return air sensor fault. Disconnect sensor from PCB and measure resistance. 8 kOhm at 30C and 13 kOhm at 20C if not replace sensor

Indoor unit return air sensor fault. Disconnect sensor from PCB and measure resistance. 8 kOhm at 30C and 13 kOhm at 20C if not replace sensor

 Indoor Pipe Sensor or Outdoor Sensor Assy fault, Open or Short. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. Air sensor = 10 kOhm at 25C, Pipe sensor = kOhm at 25C. If not replace sensor.

Indoor Pipe Sensor or Outdoor Sensor Assy fault, Open or Short. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. Air sensor = 10 kOhm at 25C, Pipe sensor = kOhm at 25C. If not replace sensor.

 Remote controller comms error. Check wired correctly, if so check dipswitch in RC. Set to Sg for 1 unit, or Gr for group then reset power

Remote controller comms error. Check wired correctly, if so check dipswitch in RC. Set to Sg for 1 unit, or Gr for group then reset power

RAC Product = Heat Sink Sensor Error, Open/Short Cct or over 95C. Commercial Product = Condensate pump float switch risen. Check drain pan is empty, check pump is working OK. If no pump check blue jumper plug is inserted in socket CN Float.

RAC Product = Heat Sink Sensor Error, Open/Short Cct or over 95C. Commercial Product = Condensate pump float switch risen. Check drain pan is empty, check pump is working OK. If no pump check blue jumper plug is inserted in socket CN Float.

Comms Error, check your wiring, remove external pumps. Split/Multi - check volts from terminal N to 3 = 0 - 65 Vdc, Multi V - 4 Vdc terminals 3 and 4.
Comms Error, check your wiring, remove external pumps. Split/Multi - check volts from terminal N to 3 = 0 - 65 Vdc, Multi V - 4 Vdc terminals 3 and 4

 Indoor unit coil sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10C and 4 kOhm at 30C. if not replace sensor. Split = text 21

Indoor unit coil sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10C and 4 kOhm at 30C. if not replace sensor. Split = text 21

Multi Splits and Multi V = indoor unit is set to run in a different mode from the master indoor unit. Set ALL indoor units to cooling or ALL to heating to clear.
Splits = Compressor Over Current (CT2), also see Code 06.

 Multi Splits and Multi V = indoor unit is set to run in a different mode from the master indoor unit. Set ALL indoor units to cooling or ALL to heating to clear.
Splits = Compressor Over Current (CT2), also see Code 06.

RAC Indoor unit BLDC Fan problem. This is caused by the Indoor fan being locked. Check fan motor is plugged in correctly, Electrically & Mechanically sound. Check the fan motor turns freely, check the AC Voltage supplied to the fan motor, this will vary from 120 V ac at low speed to 170V AC at high speed. If no Voltage is present the the PCB is faulty, if Voltage is present the fan motor will be Faulty.

RAC Indoor unit BLDC Fan problem. This is caused by the Indoor fan being locked. Check fan motor is plugged in correctly, Electrically & Mechanically sound. Check the fan motor turns freely, check the AC Voltage supplied to the fan motor, this will vary from 120 V ac at low speed to 170V AC at high speed. If no Voltage is present the the PCB is faulty, if Voltage is present the fan motor will be Faulty.

Split = Outdoor unit fan problem. Check Outdoor fan motor is plugged in, Electrically & Mechanically sound, if not replace motor, otherwise replace PCB. Multi V = Indoor unit EEPROM error - Replace the indoor unit PCB, and then make sure to do Auto addressing and input the address of central control.

 Split = Outdoor unit fan problem. Check Outdoor fan motor is plugged in, Electrically & Mechanically sound, if not replace motor, otherwise replace PCB. Multi V = Indoor unit EEPROM error - Replace the indoor unit PCB, and then make sure to do Auto addressing and input the address of central control.

 RAC Product: Compressor discharge sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance 237 kOhm at 20°C, 168 kOhm at 30C. Multi Fdx & Multi V text 8

 Multi V indoor unit not connected to an outdoor unit. Check comms wiring is correct, and check initialisation has been carried out correctly

RAC Product = EEPROM Sum Check Error, text 60 for help.

 RAC Product = PSC (Reactor) Error, text 27 for help.

 RAC Product = Compressor Phase Current Error

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

Inverter compressor run current high. Check compressor windings all equal 1 to 4 Ohms, Check to earth 50 MOhm minimum, check run current

Inverter compressor run current high. Check compressor windings all equal 1 to 4 Ohms . Check to earth 50 MOhm minimum, check run current

Inverter dc voltage low. Check dc voltage of capacitors 300 Vdc for 1Ph and 600 Vdc for 3Ph. If OK change outdoor inverter PCB

Splits and Multi Splits = High or low pressure trip. Low at 1 bar High at 35 bar check pressures. Multi V = High pressure trip.

Check power supply voltage to the outdoor unit is correct (1ph ?220 Vac ±10% or 3ph ?380 Vac ±10%). If OK, check fuses, if fuses are OK replace outdoor
main PCB

Inverter compressor seized. Check compressor windings all equal resistance 1 to 4 Ohms, check to earth 50 MOhm minimum, check run current and Inverter

Inverter current irregularity. Check inverter PCB, check reactor connections and its resistance is less than 1 ohm.

 Inverter dc voltage too high. Check dc voltage of capacitors 300 Vdc for 1Ph and 600 Vdc for 3Ph. If OK change outdoor inverter PCB

no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

Inverter compressor discharge temperature too high. If over 105°C, check refrigerant charge

 Excessive rise of standard compressor discharge temperature. If over 105°C check refrigerant charge

Excessive high pressure rise, over 35 bar at HP sensor. Check pressures, check coils, and filters are clean check for OFN in system pipework

 Excessive low pressure drop under 1 Bar at LP sensor. Check pressures, and check service valves open

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 Inverter ac current abnormal. Check compressor windings all equal resistance 1 to 4 Ohms, check to earth 50 MOhm minimum, check run current and inverter outputs

Inverter compressor discharge sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance 237 kOhm at 20°C and 168 kOhm at 30°C.

 Low pressure sensor fault. Check dc voltage between white and black cable on plug. Multi V: 1 Vdc = 4 bar up to 5 Vdc = 32 bar
 High pressure sensor fault. Check dc voltage between white and black cable on plug. Multi V: 1 Vdc = 8 bar up to 2.5 Vdc = 37 bar

 Outdoor unit air sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 8 kOhm at 30C and 13 kOhm at 20C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

 Outdoor unit coil sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

Outdoor unit suction sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

Compressor discharge sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 237 kOhm at 20°C and 168 kOhm at 30°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace

 Split/Multi Split = Outdoor unit discharge and air sensor both unplugged. Multi V = Outdoor unit coil sensor. Text 45 for diagnostics

Check power supply voltage to the outdoor unit is correct (1ph ?220 Vac ±10% or 3ph ?380 Vac ±10%). If OK check fuses, if fuses OK, replace outdoor main

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 Unit mismatch. Check model number of units do not exceed maximum. Multi V - also check Sub outdoor unit dipswitch settings

Communication error between inverter PCB and main outdoor unit PCB. Check wiring fuses and LEDs . If OK either inverter or main PCB defective.
 Comms error indoor to outdoor unit. Check your wiring . Split and Multi - check voltage from terminal N to 3 = 0 - 65 Vdc, Multi V - 4 Vdc terminals 3 and 4

 Reverse or open phase. Check all 3 phases are present and correct. If correct voltage appears at all three phases, swap any two to cure the fault

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

Comms error between outdoor main PCB and inverter PCB. Check wiring fuses and LEDs are lit. If OK either inverter or main PCB defective

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

Outdoor unit PCB EEPROM failure, try removing EEPROM and refitting if removable (possible contact fault), otherwise replace PCB if the EEPROM is nonremovable.

Condenser coil over 65°C. Check coil and filters are clean and free from debris, and airflow is OK. Check system pressures for non-condesables

Inverter over 85°C. Check air flow across heat sink, check inverter tight to heatsink use thermal paste. Multi V - check inverter cooling fan

Multi F(DX) - "Cond. Pipe Sensor Temp. Low" (opposite to Error Code 61). Check Temperature/Resistance reading and replace sensor if found to be faulty. If
sensor okay, check for cause of low temperature and rectify.

no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

Outdoor unit inverter fin temperature sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 8 kOhm at 30°C and 13 kOhm at 20°C

 Outdoor Fan Motor siezed, or rotation sensing circuit failure. Check motor for mechanical and/or electrical failure, if okay replace pcb.

 Excessive discharge temperature rise 105°C Sub condenser 1 standard compressor. Check refrigerant

 Excessive discharge temperature rise 105°C Sub condenser 1 standard compressor. Check refrigerant

Excessive discharge temperature rise 105°C Sub condenser 2 standard compressor. Check refrigerant

Excessive discharge temperature rise 105°C Sub condenser 2 standard compressor. Check refrigerant

Communication error between Main and Sub outdoor units. Check comms wiring and power to all outdoor units

Communication error between outdoor main PCB and fan PCB. Check plug connections and LEDs. If OK, replace either main or fan PCB

 Outdoor unit fan motor high current. Check fans rotate freely, and are connected correctly

Outdoor unit low voltage to fan PCB. Check 300 Vdc supply, check fuses and plug connections. If OK, replace fan PCB

 Communication error between outdoor main PCB, and fan PCB. Check plug connections and LEDs. If OK replace either main or fan PCB

 Sub 1 excessive rise of high pressure. Check pressures, check for non condensables, check heat exchanger coil is free from debris

 Sub 1 reverse or open phase. Check all 3 phases are present and correct. If correct voltage appears at all three phases, swap any two to cure the fault

 Communication error between Main and Sub outdoor units. Check comms wiring and power to all outdoor units

 Main outdoor unit liquid pipe sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C

 Main outdoor unit Subcool inlet sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C

 Main outdoor unit Subcool outlet sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C

Sub 1 high pressure sensor fault. Check dc voltage between white and black cable on plug. Multi V: 1 Vdc = 8 bar up to 2.5 Vdc = 37 bar

 Sub 1 low pressure sensor fault. Check dc voltage between white and black cable on plug. Multi V: 1 Vdc = 4 bar up to 5 Vdc = 32 bar

 Sub 1 outdoor unit air sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 8 kOhm at 30°C and 13 kOhm at 20°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

 Sub 1 outdoor unit suction sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C. if not replace sensor

Sub 1 compressor 1 discharge sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance 237 kOhm at 20°C and 168 kOhm at 30°C. if not replace sensor

 Sub 1 compressor 2 discharge sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance 237 kOhm at 20°C and 168 kOhm at 30°C. if not replace sensor

 Sub 1 outdoor unit coil sensor A fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

 Sub 1 outdoor unit coil sensor B fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

 Sub 1 outdoor unit liquid pipe sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C

 Sub 1 outdoor unit Subcool inlet sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C

Sub 1 outdoor unit Subcool outlet sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C

 Sub 2 high pressure sensor fault. Check dc voltage between white and black cable on plug. Multi V: 1 Vdc = 8 bar up to 2.5 Vdc = 37 bar

Sub 2 low pressure sensor fault. Check dc voltage between white and black cable on plug. Multi V: 1 Vdc = 4 bar up to 5 Vdc = 32 bar

Sub 2 outdoor unit air sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 8 kOhm at 30°C and 13 kOhm at 20°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

Sub 2 outdoor unit suction sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C.if not replace sensor

 Sub 2 compressor 1 discharge sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance 237 kOhm at 20°C and 168kOhm at 30°C. if not replace sensor

 Sub 2 compressor 2 discharge sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance 237 kOhm at 20°C and 168kOhm at 30°C.if not replace sensor

 Sub 2 outdoor unit coil sensor A fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

Sub 2 outdoor unit coil sensor B fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

 Sub 2 outdoor unit liquid pipe sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C

 Sub 2 outdoor unit Subcool inlet sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C

 Sub 2 outdoor unit Subcool outlet sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C

 Sub 2 excessive rise of high pressure. Check pressures, check for non condensables, check heat exchanger coil is free from debris

Sub 2 reverse or open phase. Check all 3 phases are present and correct. If correct voltage appears at all three phases, swap any two to cure the fault

 Communication error between Main and Sub outdoor units. Check comms wiring and power to all outdoor units

 Sub 1 excessive rise of high pressure. Check pressures, check for non condensables, check heat exchanger coil is free from debris

Sub 1 excessive drop of low pressure. Check pressures, check for non condensables, check heat exchanger coil is free from debris

 Sub 2 excessive rise of high pressure. Check pressures, check for non condensables, check heat exchanger coil is free from debris

Sub 2 excessive drop of low pressure. Check pressures, check for non condensables, check heat exchanger coil is free from debris

 Sub 1 check power supply voltage to the outdoor unit is correct (1ph 220 Vac ±10% or 3ph 380 Vac ±10%).check fuses, if fuses OK replace outdoor main PCB

Sub 1 check power supply voltage to the outdoor unit is correct (1ph 220 Vac ±10% or 3ph 380 Vac ±10%). check fuses, if fuses OK replace outdoor main PCB

 Sub 2 check power supply voltage to the outdoor unit is correct (1ph 220 Vac ±10% or 3ph 380 Vac ±10%). check fuses, if fuses OK replace outdoor main PCB

 Sub 2 check power supply voltage to the outdoor unit is correct (1ph 220 Vac ±10% or 3ph 380 Vac ±10%). check fuses, if fuses OK replace outdoor main PCB

Faulty 4 way valve. Check solenoid coil and output from PCB. If OK, mechanical failure.

 Excessive discharge temperature rise 105°C Sub condenser 2 standard compressor. Check refrigerant

 Excessive discharge temperature rise 105°C Sub condenser 2 standard compressor. Check refrigerant

Sub 3 excessive rise of high pressure. Check pressures, check for non condensables, check heat exchanger coil is free from debris

 Sub 3 reverse or open phase. Check all 3 phases are present and correct. If correct voltage appears at all three phases, swap any two to cure the fault

Communication error between Main and Sub outdoor units. Check comms wiring and power to all outdoor units

 Sub 3 high pressure sensor fault. Check dc voltage between white and black cable on plug. Multi V: 1 Vdc = 8 bar up to 2.5 Vdc = 37 bar

 Sub 3 low pressure sensor fault. Check dc voltage between white and black cable on plug. Multi V: 1 Vdc = 4 bar up to 5 Vdc = 32 bar



Sub 3 outdoor unit air sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 8 kOhm at 30°C and 13 kOhm at 20°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

 Sub 3 outdoor unit suction sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C. if not replace sensor

Sub 3 compressor 1 discharge sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance 237 kOhm at 20°C and 168 kOhm at 30°C. if not replace sensor

Sub 3 compressor 2 discharge sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance 237 kOhm at 20°C and 168 kOhm at 30°C.if not replace sensor

Sub 3 outdoor unit coil sensor A fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

 Sub 3 outdoor unit coil sensor B fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

 Sub 3 outdoor unit liquid pipe sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C

 Sub 3 outdoor unit Subcool inlet sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C

 Sub 3 outdoor unit Subcool outlet sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C

 Sub 3 excessive rise of high pressure. Check pressures, check for non condensables, check heat exchanger coil is free from debris

 Sub 3 excessive drop of low pressure. Check pressures, check for non condensables, check heat exchanger coil is free from debris

 Sub 3 check power supply voltage to the outdoor unit is correct (1ph 220 Vac ±10% or 3ph 380 Vac ±10%). check fuses, if fuses OK replace outdoor main PCB

Sub 3 check power supply voltage to the outdoor unit is correct (1ph 220 Vac ±10% or 3ph 380 Vac ±10%). check fuses, if fuses OK replace outdoor main PCB

 Main outdoor unit standard compressor not starting. Check output from main PCB, check contactor, and check wiring connections. If OK compressor faulty

 Sub 1 standard compressor 1 not starting. Check output from main PCB, check contactor, and check wiring connections. If OK compressor faulty

 Sub 1 standard compressor 2 not starting. Check output from main PCB, check contactor, and check wiring connections. If OK compressor faulty

Sub 2 standard compressor 1 not starting. Check output from main PCB, check contactor, and check wiring connections. If OK compressor faulty

 Sub 2 standard compressor 2 not starting. Check output from main PCB, check contactor, and check wiring connections. If OK compressor faulty

 Comms Error between Outdoor Unit and HR Box No1. 1. Defective connection in HR unit power supply and transmission connection 2. Wrong setting of the HR
unit Rotary switch and Dip switch 3. Defective HR unit PCB

 Comms Error between Outdoor Unit and HR Box No2. 1. Defective connection in HR unit power supply and transmission connection 2. Wrong setting of the HR unit Rotary switch and Dip switch 3. Defective HR unit PCB

 Comms Error between Outdoor Unit and HR Box No3. 1. Defective connection in HR unit power supply and transmission connection 2. Wrong setting of the HR
unit Rotary switch and Dip switch 3. Defective HR unit PCB

 Central controller wiring error. Check all comms wiring, including between controller and CNU, and IP addresses. If OK possible defective CNU

Central controller data sending error. Either defective CNU or Central controller initialisation failure

 Central controller data receiving error. Either defective CNU or Central controller initialisation failure

 Central controller. Comms cable too long or picking up external electrical noise. If OK, mismatching of controllers, or defective CNU

 Central controller data receiving time out. Either defective CNU or Central controller initialisation failure

 Central controller data sending time out. Either defective CNU or Central controller initialisation failure

 Central controller data receiving time out. Either defective CNU or Central controller initialisation failure

 Central controller data receiving error. Either comms cable picking up external electrical noise, or defective CNU

 Central controller receiving no data. Either comms cable picking up external electrical noise, or defective CNU

 Central controller incorrect address error. Check addresses match, if OK either comms cable picking up external electrical noise, or defective CNU

 Central Controller Disconnection Error, No response from Air Conditioner. Check wiring, if OK either comms cable picking up external electrical noise, defective CNU, or Interface. 
Indoor unit return air sensor fault, Open or Short. Disconnect sensor from PCB and measure resistance. 8 kOhm at 30C and 13 kOhm at 20C if not replace

 Indoor Pipe Sensor or Outdoor Sensor Assy fault, Open or Short. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. Air sensor = 10 kOhm at 25C, Pipe sensor = 5
kOhm at 25C. If not replace sensor.

 RAC Product = Heat Sink Sensor Error, Open/Short Cct or over 95C. Commercial Product = Condensate pump float switch risen. Check drain pan is empty, check pump is working OK. If no pump check blue jumper plug is inserted in socket CN Float.

 Comms Error, check your wiring, remove external pumps. Split/Multi - check volts from terminal N to 3 = 0 - 65 Vdc, Multi V - 4 Vdc terminals 3 and 4

Inverter compressor run current high. Check compressor windings all equal 1 to 4 Ohms, Check to earth 50 MOhm minimum, check run current

 Splits = Compressor Over Current (CT2), also see Code 06.

C8 RAC Indoor unit BLDC Fan problem. This is caused by the Indoor fan being locked. Check fan motor is plugged in correctly, Electrically & Mechanically sound. Check the fan motor turns freely, check the AC Voltage supplied to the fan motor, this will vary from 120 V ac at low speed to 170V AC at high speed. If no Voltage is present the the PCB is faulty, if Voltage is present the fan motor will be Faulty.

Outdoor unit fan problem. Check Outdoor fan motor is plugged in, Electrically & Mechanically sound, if not replace motor, otherwise replace PCB.

 Compressor discharge sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance 237 kOhm at 20°C, 168 kOhm at 30C.

 RAC Product = EEPROM Sum Check Error, text 60 for help.

RAC Product = PSC (Reactor) Error, text 27 for help.

 RAC Product = Compressor Phase Current Error

 Text the 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. I.e. If you see fault code CH07 on your indoor unit or R/Controller, only type 7 or 07 in your text message.

 Indoor unit return air sensor fault. Disconnect sensor from PCB and measure resistance. 8 kOhm at 30C and 13 kOhm at 20C if not replace sensor

Indoor Pipe Sensor or Outdoor Sensor Assy fault, Open or Short. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. Air sensor = 10 kOhm at 25C, Pipe sensor = 5 kOhm at 25C. If not replace sensor.

 Remote controller comms error. Check wired correctly, if so check dipswitch in RC. Set to Sg for 1 unit, or Gr for group then reset power

RAC Product = Heat Sink Sensor Error, Open/Short Cct or over 95C. Commercial Product = Condensate pump float switch risen. Check drain pan is empty, check pump is working OK. If no pump check blue jumper plug is inserted in socket CN Float.

 Comms Error, check your wiring, remove external pumps. Split/Multi - check volts from terminal N to 3 = 0 - 65 Vdc, Multi V - 4 Vdc terminals 3 and 4

 Indoor unit coil sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10C and 4 kOhm at 30C. if not replace sensor. Split = text 21

 Multi Splits and Multi V = indoor unit is set to run in a different mode from the master indoor unit. Set ALL indoor units to cooling or ALL to heating to clear.
Splits = Compressor Over Current (CT2), also see Code 06.

CH08  RAC Indoor unit BLDC Fan problem. This is caused by the Indoor fan being locked. Check fan motor is plugged in correctly, Electrically & Mechanically sound. Check the fan motor turns freely, check the AC Voltage supplied to the fan motor, this will vary from 120 V ac at low speed to 170V AC at high speed. If no Voltage is present the the PCB is faulty, if Voltage is present the fan motor will be Faulty.

 Split = Outdoor unit fan problem. Check Outdoor fan motor is plugged in, Electrically & Mechanically sound, if not replace motor, otherwise replace PCB. Multi V = indoor PCB failure. Replace PCB

 RAC Product: Compressor discharge sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance 237 kOhm at 20°C, 168 kOhm at 30C. Multi Fdx & Multi V text 8

 Multi V indoor unit not connected to an outdoor unit. Check comms wiring is correct, and check initialisation has been carried out correctly

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 Inverter compressor run current high. Check compressor windings all equal 1 to 4 OhmsCheck to earth 50 MOhm minimum, check run current

Inverter compressor run current high. Check compressor windings all equal 1 to 4 Ohms . Check to earth 50 MOhm minimum, check run current

Inverter dc voltage low. Check dc voltage of capacitors 300 Vdc for 1Ph and 600 Vdc for 3Ph. If OK change outdoor inverter PCB

 Splits and Multi Splits = High or low pressure trip. Low at 1 bar High at 35 bar check pressures. Multi V = High pressure trip.

 Check power supply voltage to the outdoor unit is correct (1ph ?220 Vac ±10% or 3ph ?380 Vac ±10%). If OK, check fuses, if fuses are OK replace outdoor
main PCB

 Inverter compressor seized. Check compressor windings all equal resistance 1 to 4 Ohms, check to earth 50 MOhm minimum, check run current and Inverter outputs

Inverter current irregularity. Check inverter PCB and reactor

 Inverter dc voltage too high. Check dc voltage of capacitors 300 Vdc for 1Ph and 600 Vdc for 3Ph. If OK change outdoor inverter PCB

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

Inverter compressor discharge temperature too high. If over 105°C, check refrigerant charge

 Excessive rise of standard compressor discharge temperature. If over 105°C check refrigerant charge

 Excessive high pressure rise, over 35 bar at HP sensor. Check pressures, check coils, and filters are clean check for OFN in system pipework

 Excessive low pressure drop under 1 Bar at LP sensor. Check pressures, and check service valves open

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 Inverter ac current abnormal. Check compressor windings all equal resistance 1 to 4 Ohms, check to earth 50 MOhm minimum, check run current and inverter outputs

 Inverter compressor discharge sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance 237 kOhm at 20C and 168 kOhm at 30C.

 Low pressure sensor fault. Check dc voltage between white and black cable on plug. Multi V: 1 Vdc = 4 bar up to 5 Vdc = 32 bar CH43 High pressure sensor fault. Check dc voltage between white and black cable on plug. Multi V: 1 Vdc = 8 bar up to 2.5 Vdc = 37 bar

 Outdoor unit air sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 8 kOhm at 30°C and 13 kOhm at 20°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

 Outdoor unit coil sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

 Outdoor unit suction sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB and measure resistance. 10 kOhm at 10°C and 4 kOhm at 30°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace sensor

 Compressor discharge sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 237 kOhm at 20°C and 168 kOhm at 30°C. If OK replace PCB, if not replace

 Split/Multi Split = Outdoor unit discharge and air sensor both unplugged. Multi V = Outdoor unit coil sensor. Text 45 for diagnostics

 Check power supply voltage to the outdoor unit is correct (1ph ?220 Vac ±10% or 3ph ?380 Vac ±10%). If OK check fuses, if fuses OK, replace outdoor main PCB

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 Unit mismatch. Check model number of units do not exceed maximum. Multi V - also check Sub outdoor unit dipswitch settings

 Communication error between inverter PCB and main outdoor unit PCB. Check wiring fuses and LEDs . If OK either inverter or main PCB defective

Comms error indoor to outdoor unit. Check your wiring . Split and Multi - check voltage from terminal N to 3 = 0 - 65 Vdc, Multi V - 4 Vdc terminals 3 and 4

 Reverse or open phase. Check all 3 phases are present and correct. If correct voltage appears at all three phases, swap any two to cure the fault

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 Comms error between outdoor main PCB and inverter PCB. Check wiring fuses and LEDs are lit. If OK either inverter or main PCB defective

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 Outdoor unit PCB EEPROM failure, try removing EEPROM and refitting if removable (possible contact fault), otherwise replace PCB if the EEPROM is nonremovable.

 Condenser coil over 65°C. Check coil and filters are clean and free from debris, and airflow is OK. Check system pressures for non-condesables

 Inverter over 85°C. Check air flow across heat sink, check inverter tight to heatsink use thermal paste. Multi V - check inverter cooling fan

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 no such fault code Text 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. If you see fault code CH07 only type 7 in your text message

 Outdoor unit inverter fin temperature sensor fault. Disconnect from PCB measure resistance. 8 kOhm at 30°C and 13 kOhm at 20°C

 Outdoor Fan Motor siezed, or rotation sensing circuit failure. Check motor for mechanical and electrical failure.

CL = Child Lock. Press Timer & Min buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds to engage/disengage function. help Text the 1, 2 or 3 digit fault code number only. I.e. If you see fault code CH07 on your indoor unit or R/Controller, only type 7 or 07 in your text message.

Condensate pump float switch risen. Check drain pan is empty, check pump is working OK. If no pump check blue jumper plug is inserted in socket CN Float.
Alternatively, Dry Contact Interface is in "OFF" condition. Check status and adjust as necessary.

 Po = Jet Cool Mode selected. To cancel press Jet Cool, Fan Speed or Set Temperature button.