PHILIPS - 29PT6541/44/85 _ 30PW6341/37 _ 32,S6341/37 _ 32PT5441/37 _ 32PT6441/37 _ 32PW6341/85 _ 33PT5441/85 _ ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE
Perform all electrical adjustments under the following conditions:
- AC voltage and frequency: 120 V_ac / 60 Hz or 240 V_ac / 50 Hz (region dependent).
- Connect the set to the AC power (a.k.a. Mains voltage) via an isolation transformer with a low internal resistance.
- Allow the set to warm up for approximately 20 minutes.
- Measure the voltages and wave-forms in relation to chassis ground (with the exception of the voltages on the primary side of the power supply). Never use the cooling fins / plates as ground.
- Test probe: Ri > 10 Mohm; Ci < 2.5 pF.
- Use an isolated trimmer / screwdriver to perform the alignments.
- Activate the SAM.
- Go to the WHITE TONE sub menu.
- Set the values of NORMAL RED, GREEN and BLUE to “32”.
- Go, via the MENU key, to the normal user menu and set
- CONTRAST to “0”.
- BRIGHTNESS to minimum (OSD just visible).
- Return to the SAM via the MENU key.
- Connect the RF output of a pattern generator to the antenna input. Test pattern is a 'black' picture (blank screen on CRT without any OSD info) with a signal strength of 1 V_pp.
- Set the channel of the oscilloscope to 50 V/div and the time base to 0.2 ms (external triggering on the vertical pulse). Ground the scope at the CRT panel and connect a 10:1 probe to one of the cathodes of the picture tube socket.
- Measure the cut off pulse during first full line after the frame blanking (V_cutoff waveform”). You will see two pulses, one being the “cut off” pulse and the other being the “white drive” pulse. Choose the one with the lowest value; this is the “cut off” pulse.
- Select the cathode with the highest V_dc value for the alignment. Adjust the V_cutoff of this gun with the SCREEN potentiometer on the LOT to 160 V_dc, except for the 25/28BLD picture tube (Black Line Display, for EU only); this tube must be aligned to 140 V_dc.
- Restore BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST to normal (= 31).
Click on image.