Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

In Brief: On this site you will find pictures and technical information about Service Modes, Circuit Diagrams, Firmware Update procedure, Disassemble procedure, Universal remote control set-up codes, Troubleshooting and more....

If you go into the profession, you will obtain or have access to a variety of tech tips databases HERE IT IS Master Electronics Repair !.

These are an excellent investment where the saying: 'time-is-money' rules. However, to learn, you need to develop a general troubleshooting approach - a logical, methodical, method of narrowing down the problem. A tech tip database might suggest: 'Replace C536' for a particular symptom. This is good advice for a specific problem on one model. However, what you really want to understand is why C536 was the cause and how to pinpoint the culprit in general even if you don't have a service manual or schematic and your tech tip database doesn't have an entry for your sick TV or VCR.

While schematics are nice, you won't always have them or be able to justify the purchase for a one-of repair. Therefore, in many cases, some reverse engineering will be necessary. The time will be well spent since even if you don't see another instance of the same model in your entire lifetime, you will have learned something in the process that can be applied to other equipment problems.
As always, when you get stuck, checking out a tech-tips database may quickly identify your problem and solution.In that case, you can greatly simplify your troubleshooting or at least confirm a diagnosis before ordering parts.

Happy repairing!
Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen sooner, rather than later.

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Note that if you don't find what you searched for, try it after a period of time; the site is a never ending job !

..............The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of todays funny gadgets low price has faded from memory........ . . . . . .....
Don't forget the past, the end of the world is upon us! Pretty soon it will all turn to dust!

©2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Frank Sharp - You do not have permission to copy photos and words from this blog, and any content may be never used it for auctions or commercial purposes, however feel free to post anything you see here with a courtesy link back, btw a link to the original post here , is mandatory.
All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use. NOTHING HERE IS FOR SALE !

Friday 15 March 2019




    Illustrates a loss of signal on CN5801/pins 5 or 6 (KLV-26HG2), and CN4501/ pins 5 or 6 (KLV-32M1). These two lines carry strictly RGBinformation (no HS or VS sync information). Therefore, a loss of signal on these lines causes a loss of a primary color. In this case it is a loss of primary blue and/or green, causing the reddish coloring of the picture.
   The unit will power up normally, but only a light white raster will be displayed and audio will be present. The unit remains ON and does not trigger a protection mode shutdown. Confirm the 12V on CN5801/pins 1 & 2 on the KLV-26HG2 model, and the 5V on CN4501/pins 26 – 30 on the KLV-32M1 model.
   The LVDS cable transports video and sync information from the B-board to the Logic board on the KLV-26HG2, and between BL-board and the Logic board on the KLV-32M1. The text associated with each picture describes the distortion and the possible cause.
Figures illustrate the video distortions caused by an open circuit on the LVDS cable, which carry video RGB video information.
   Illustrates a loss of signal on CN5801/pins 17 or 18 (KLV-26HG2), and CN4501/ pins 17 or 18 (KLV-32M1). These two lines also only carry RGB information (no HS or VS sync information). Therefore, a loss of signal on these lines causes a loss of a primary colour. In addition, a defect on these lines also affects the luminance. The affect is a black and-white picture with a polarizations or blooming aspect. In this case it is a loss of primary blue and/or green, causing the reddish colouring of the picture.
To all the above shown faults, re-seat the LVDS cable first and check.  If it doees not help you, replace the LVDS cable with a new one.