0/6/12:- SCART switch control signal on A/V board.
0 = loop through (AUX to TV), 6 = play 16:9 format, 12 = play 4:3 format
1080i :- 1080 visible lines, interlaced
1080p :- 1080 visible lines, progressive scan
2CS :- 2 Carrier Stereo
480i :- 480 visible lines, interlaced
480p :- 480 visible lines, progressive scan
ACI :- Automatic Channel Installation: algorithm that installs TV channels directly from a cable network by means of a predefined TXT page
ADC :- Analogue to Digital Converter
AFC :- Automatic Frequency Control: control signal used to tune to the correct frequency
AGC:- Automatic Gain Control: algorithm that controls the video input of the feature box
AM :- Amplitude Modulation
AP :- Asia Pacific
AR :- Aspect Ratio: 4 by 3 or 16 by 9
ASD :- Automatic Standard Detection
AV :-Audio Video
B-SC1-IN :-Blue SCART1 in
B-SC2-IN :- Blue SCART2 in
B-TXT :- Blue teletext
B/G :- Monochrome TV system. Sound carrier distance is 5.5 MHz
BOCMA :-Bimos one Chip Mid-end Architecture: video and chroma decoder
C-FRONT:- Chrominance front input
CBA :- Circuit Board Assembly (or PWB)
CL :- Constant Level: audio output to connect with an external amplifier
CLUT :- Colour Look Up Table Com Pair Computer aided rePair
CSM :- Customer Service Mode
CVBS :- Composite Video Blanking and Synchronisation
CVBS-EXT :- CVBS signal from external sourc (VCR, VCD, etc.)
CVBS-INT :- CVBS signal from Tuner
CVBS-MON :- CVBS monitor signal
CVBS-TER-OUT :-CVBS terrestrial out
DAC:- Digital to Analogue Converter
DBE :- Dynamic Bass Enhancement: extra low frequency amplification
DFU :- Directions For Use: owner's manual
DNR :- Dynamic Noise Reduction
DRAM :- Dynamic RAM
DSP :- Digital Signal Processing
DST :- Dealer Service Tool: special (European) remote control designed for service technicians
DTS :- Digital Theatre Sound
DVD :- Digital Video Disc
EEPROM :- Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory
EPG :- Electronic Program Guide: system used by broadcasters to transmit TV guide information (= NexTView)
EPLD:- Electronic Programmable Device
EU :- EUrope
EXT :- EXTernal (source), entering the set by SCART or by cinches (jacks)
FBL :- Fast Blanking: DC signal accompanying RGB signals
FBL-SC1-IN :- Fast blanking signal for SCART1 in
FBL-SC2-IN :- Fast blanking signal for SCART2 in
FBL-TXT :- Fast Blanking Teletext
1080i :- 1080 visible lines, interlaced
1080p :- 1080 visible lines, progressive scan
2CS :- 2 Carrier Stereo
480i :- 480 visible lines, interlaced
480p :- 480 visible lines, progressive scan
ACI :- Automatic Channel Installation: algorithm that installs TV channels directly from a cable network by means of a predefined TXT page
ADC :- Analogue to Digital Converter
AFC :- Automatic Frequency Control: control signal used to tune to the correct frequency
AGC:- Automatic Gain Control: algorithm that controls the video input of the feature box
AM :- Amplitude Modulation
AP :- Asia Pacific
AR :- Aspect Ratio: 4 by 3 or 16 by 9
ASD :- Automatic Standard Detection
AV :-Audio Video
B-SC1-IN :-Blue SCART1 in
B-SC2-IN :- Blue SCART2 in
B-TXT :- Blue teletext
B/G :- Monochrome TV system. Sound carrier distance is 5.5 MHz
BOCMA :-Bimos one Chip Mid-end Architecture: video and chroma decoder
C-FRONT:- Chrominance front input
CBA :- Circuit Board Assembly (or PWB)
CL :- Constant Level: audio output to connect with an external amplifier
CLUT :- Colour Look Up Table Com Pair Computer aided rePair
CSM :- Customer Service Mode
CVBS :- Composite Video Blanking and Synchronisation
CVBS-EXT :- CVBS signal from external sourc (VCR, VCD, etc.)
CVBS-INT :- CVBS signal from Tuner
CVBS-MON :- CVBS monitor signal
CVBS-TER-OUT :-CVBS terrestrial out
DAC:- Digital to Analogue Converter
DBE :- Dynamic Bass Enhancement: extra low frequency amplification
DFU :- Directions For Use: owner's manual
DNR :- Dynamic Noise Reduction
DRAM :- Dynamic RAM
DSP :- Digital Signal Processing
DST :- Dealer Service Tool: special (European) remote control designed for service technicians
DTS :- Digital Theatre Sound
DVD :- Digital Video Disc
EEPROM :- Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory
EPG :- Electronic Program Guide: system used by broadcasters to transmit TV guide information (= NexTView)
EPLD:- Electronic Programmable Device
EU :- EUrope
EXT :- EXTernal (source), entering the set by SCART or by cinches (jacks)
FBL :- Fast Blanking: DC signal accompanying RGB signals
FBL-SC1-IN :- Fast blanking signal for SCART1 in
FBL-SC2-IN :- Fast blanking signal for SCART2 in
FBL-TXT :- Fast Blanking Teletext
FLASH:- FLASH memory FM Field Memory / Frequency Modulation
FMR :- FM Radio
FRC :- Frame Rate Converter
FRONT-C :- Front input chrominance (SVHS)
FRONT-DETECT:- Front input detection
FRONT-Y_CVBS :- Front input luminance or CVBS (SVHS)
G-SC1-IN :- Green SCART1 in
G-SC2-IN :- Green SCART2 in
G-TXT :- Green teletext
H H_:- sync to the module
HA :- Horizontal Acquisition: horizontal sync pulse coming out of the BOCMA
HD:- High Definition
HDMI :- High Definition Multimedia Interface
HP :-HeadPhone
I :- Monochrome TV system. Sound carrier distance is 6.0 MHz
I2C:- Integrated IC bus
I2S :- Integrated IC Sound bus
IC :- Integrated Circuit
IF :- Intermediate Frequency Interlaced Scan mode where two fields are used to form one frame. Each field contains half the number of the total amount of lines. The fields are written in "pairs", causing line flicker.
IR :- Infra Red
IRQ:- Interrupt ReQuest Last Status The settings last chosen by the customer and read and stored in RAM or in the NVM. They are called at startup of the set to configure it according the customers wishes
LATAM:- LATin AMerica
LC04 :- Philips chassis name for LCD TV 2004 project
LCD :-Liquid Crystal Display
LED :- Light Emitting Diode
LINE-DRIVE :- Line drive signal
L/L:- Monochrome TV system. Sound carrier distance is 6.5 MHz. L' is Band
I, L:- is all bands except for Band I
LS :- LoudSpeaker
LVDS:- Low Voltage Differential Signalling, data transmission system for high speed and low EMI communication. M/N Monochrome TV system. Sound carrier distance is 4.5 MHz
MOSFET :- Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MPEG :- Motion Pictures Experts Group
MSP:- Multi-standard Sound Processor: ITT sound decoder
NC :- Not Connected
NICAM:- Near Instantaneous Compounded Audio Multiplexing. This is a digital sound system, used mainly in Europe.
FMR :- FM Radio
FRC :- Frame Rate Converter
FRONT-C :- Front input chrominance (SVHS)
FRONT-DETECT:- Front input detection
FRONT-Y_CVBS :- Front input luminance or CVBS (SVHS)
G-SC1-IN :- Green SCART1 in
G-SC2-IN :- Green SCART2 in
G-TXT :- Green teletext
H H_:- sync to the module
HA :- Horizontal Acquisition: horizontal sync pulse coming out of the BOCMA
HD:- High Definition
HDMI :- High Definition Multimedia Interface
HP :-HeadPhone
I :- Monochrome TV system. Sound carrier distance is 6.0 MHz
I2C:- Integrated IC bus
I2S :- Integrated IC Sound bus
IC :- Integrated Circuit
IF :- Intermediate Frequency Interlaced Scan mode where two fields are used to form one frame. Each field contains half the number of the total amount of lines. The fields are written in "pairs", causing line flicker.
IR :- Infra Red
IRQ:- Interrupt ReQuest Last Status The settings last chosen by the customer and read and stored in RAM or in the NVM. They are called at startup of the set to configure it according the customers wishes
LATAM:- LATin AMerica
LC04 :- Philips chassis name for LCD TV 2004 project
LCD :-Liquid Crystal Display
LED :- Light Emitting Diode
LINE-DRIVE :- Line drive signal
L/L:- Monochrome TV system. Sound carrier distance is 6.5 MHz. L' is Band
I, L:- is all bands except for Band I
LS :- LoudSpeaker
LVDS:- Low Voltage Differential Signalling, data transmission system for high speed and low EMI communication. M/N Monochrome TV system. Sound carrier distance is 4.5 MHz
MOSFET :- Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MPEG :- Motion Pictures Experts Group
MSP:- Multi-standard Sound Processor: ITT sound decoder
NC :- Not Connected
NICAM:- Near Instantaneous Compounded Audio Multiplexing. This is a digital sound system, used mainly in Europe.
NTSC :- National Television Standard Committee. Colour system used mainly in North America and Japan. Colour carrier NTSC M/N = 3.579545 MHz, NTSC 4.43 = 4.433619 MHz (this is a VCR norm, it is not transmitted off-air)
NVM :- Non Volatile Memory: IC containing TV related data (for example, options)
O/C :- Open Circuit
ON/OFF LED:- On/Off control signal for the LED
OSD :- On Screen Display
P50 :- Project 50 communication: protocol between TV and peripherals
PAL:- Phase Alternating Line. Colour system used
mainly in Western Europe (colour carrier = 4.433619 MHz) and South America
(colour carrier PAL M = 3.575612 MHz and PAL N = 3.582056 MHz)
PC:- Personal Computer
PCB :-Printed Circuit Board (or PWB)
PIG :- Picture In Graphic
PIP :-Picture In Picture
PLL :- Phase Locked Loop. Used, for example, in FST tuning systems. The customer can directly provide the desired frequency Progressive Scan Scan mode where all scan lines are displayed in one frame at the same time, creating a double vertical resolution.
PWB:- Printed Wiring Board (or PCB)
RAM :- Random Access Memory
RC :- Remote Control transmitter
RC5:- Remote Control system 5, the signal from the remote control receiver
RGB :- Red, Green, and Blue. The primary colour signals for TV. By mixing levels of R, G, and B, all colours (Y/C) are reproduced.
RGBHV :- Red, Green, Blue, Horizontal sync, and Vertical sync
ROM :- Read Only Memory
SAM : -Service Alignment Mode
SIF :- Sound Intermediate Frequency
SC : -SandCastle: two-level pulse derived from sync signals
SC1-OUT :- SCART output of the MSP audio IC
SC2-B-IN :- SCART2 Blue in
SC2-C-IN :- SCART2 chrominance in
SC2-OUT : -SCART output of the MSP audio IC
S/C :- Short Circuit
SCART :- Syndicat des Constructeurs d'Appareils Radiorecepteurs et Televisieurs
SCL :- CLock Signal on I2C bus
SD :- Standard Definition
SDA:- DAta Signal on I2C bus
SDRAM :- Synchronous DRAM
SECAM :- SEequence Couleur Avec Memoire. Colour system used mainly in France and Eastern Europe. Colour carriers = 4.406250 MHz and 4.250000 MHz SIF Sound Intermediate Frequency SMPS Switch Mode Power Supply
SND :- SouND
SNDL-SC1-IN :- Sound left SCART1 in
SNDL-SC1-OUT :- Sound left SCART1 out
SNDL-SC2-IN :- Sound left SCART2 in
SNDL-SC2-OUT :- Sound left SCART2 out
SNDR-SC1-IN :- Sound right SCART1 in
SNDR-SC1-OUT :- Sound right SCART1 out
SNDR-SC2-IN :- Sound right SCART2 out
SNDR-SC2-OUT :- Sound right SCART2 out
SNDS-VL-OUT :- Surround sound left variable level out
SNDS-VR-OUT :- Surround sound right variable level out
SOPS:- Self Oscillating Power Supply
S/PDIF :- Sony Philips Digital InterFace
SRAM:- Static RAM
SVHS :- Super Video Home System
SW :- SubWoofer / SoftWare
THD :- Total Harmonic Distortion
TXT :- TeleteXT
uP:- Microprocessor
VA :- Vertical Acquisition
VL :- Variable Level out: processed audio output toward external amplifier
PC:- Personal Computer
PCB :-Printed Circuit Board (or PWB)
PIG :- Picture In Graphic
PIP :-Picture In Picture
PLL :- Phase Locked Loop. Used, for example, in FST tuning systems. The customer can directly provide the desired frequency Progressive Scan Scan mode where all scan lines are displayed in one frame at the same time, creating a double vertical resolution.
PWB:- Printed Wiring Board (or PCB)
RAM :- Random Access Memory
RC :- Remote Control transmitter
RC5:- Remote Control system 5, the signal from the remote control receiver
RGB :- Red, Green, and Blue. The primary colour signals for TV. By mixing levels of R, G, and B, all colours (Y/C) are reproduced.
RGBHV :- Red, Green, Blue, Horizontal sync, and Vertical sync
ROM :- Read Only Memory
SAM : -Service Alignment Mode
SIF :- Sound Intermediate Frequency
SC : -SandCastle: two-level pulse derived from sync signals
SC1-OUT :- SCART output of the MSP audio IC
SC2-B-IN :- SCART2 Blue in
SC2-C-IN :- SCART2 chrominance in
SC2-OUT : -SCART output of the MSP audio IC
S/C :- Short Circuit
SCART :- Syndicat des Constructeurs d'Appareils Radiorecepteurs et Televisieurs
SCL :- CLock Signal on I2C bus
SD :- Standard Definition
SDA:- DAta Signal on I2C bus
SDRAM :- Synchronous DRAM
SECAM :- SEequence Couleur Avec Memoire. Colour system used mainly in France and Eastern Europe. Colour carriers = 4.406250 MHz and 4.250000 MHz SIF Sound Intermediate Frequency SMPS Switch Mode Power Supply
SND :- SouND
SNDL-SC1-IN :- Sound left SCART1 in
SNDL-SC1-OUT :- Sound left SCART1 out
SNDL-SC2-IN :- Sound left SCART2 in
SNDL-SC2-OUT :- Sound left SCART2 out
SNDR-SC1-IN :- Sound right SCART1 in
SNDR-SC1-OUT :- Sound right SCART1 out
SNDR-SC2-IN :- Sound right SCART2 out
SNDR-SC2-OUT :- Sound right SCART2 out
SNDS-VL-OUT :- Surround sound left variable level out
SNDS-VR-OUT :- Surround sound right variable level out
SOPS:- Self Oscillating Power Supply
S/PDIF :- Sony Philips Digital InterFace
SRAM:- Static RAM
SVHS :- Super Video Home System
SW :- SubWoofer / SoftWare
THD :- Total Harmonic Distortion
TXT :- TeleteXT
uP:- Microprocessor
VA :- Vertical Acquisition
VL :- Variable Level out: processed audio output toward external amplifier
VCR :- Video Cassette Recorder
VGA :- Video Graphics Array
WD :- Watch Dog
VGA :- Video Graphics Array
WD :- Watch Dog
WYSIWYR:- What You See Is What You Record: record
selection that follows main picture and sound
XTAL :- Quartz crystal
YPbPr :- Component video (Y= Luminance, Pb/ Pr= Colour difference signals) Y/C Luminance (Y) and Chrominance (C) signal
Y-OUT:- Luminance-signal
YUV : Component video
XTAL :- Quartz crystal
YPbPr :- Component video (Y= Luminance, Pb/ Pr= Colour difference signals) Y/C Luminance (Y) and Chrominance (C) signal
Y-OUT:- Luminance-signal
YUV : Component video