Model: 43LF630V ZA
Chassis / Version: LD51H
Panel: LC430EUE (FH) (M1)
LED backlight: 6922L-0145A
T-CON: 6870C-0532C - FHD DRD_non-scaning_v0.1
LED driver (backlight): integrated into PSU; 241V 180mA
Power Supply (PSU): EAX66232501 LGP43RID-15CH1 BED3C63607023100
MainBoard: EAX66207202 EBU62988413
Tuner: TDJM-G301D EBL61560001
Control: EBR79942701, WIFI: LGSBW41
Specifications 43LF630V
LG 43LF630V
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
If the LG 43LF630V does not turn on, no control lights on the front panel light up or blink, therefore, there is a very high probability of a malfunction of the power supply module EAX66232501 LGP43RID-15CH1 BED3C63607023100. In some cases, only the processor power regulator may be faulty. First of all, it is necessary to replace the swollen capacitors of the rectifier filters, if any. If the mains fuse is broken in the power supply, in most cases a breakdown of the power key (s) is detected, which can be integrated with the PWM controller, or a separate field-effect transistor can be used. The rectifier bridge diodes and the electrolytic capacitor of the mains rectifier filter should also be checked.
A breakdown of the power switch of the pulse converter is often triggered by other elements, for example, in the stabilization or control circuits of this switch, as well as by the damper elements in its drain and TPI winding.
If the LG 43LF630V does not have an image, but there is sound and the TV is controlled by the remote control, a malfunction in the backlight circuits of the LC430EUE (FH) panel (M1) is likely. LEDs or their power converter - LED driver may be faulty. Often in such cases, when you turn on the TV, an image appears and immediately disappears. First of all, it is necessary to verify the operability of the electrolytic capacitors of the rectifier filter supplying the backlight assembly.
To check the health of the LEDs and contact connections in their power circuit, the panel must be disassembled.
To open all junctions, several tens of volts or more are necessary, and it is best to use a current source for such purposes. An open in the LED lines connected in series cannot be detected using a multimeter or tester without disassembling the panel. In the open panel, it is necessary to check each LED. If your multimeter cannot open the LED transitions in forward bias, then see the presence of the PN transition of the protective zener diode by connecting the probes in the opposite direction. If the zener diode is broken or broken in short-circuit, then the LED is faulty and needs to be replaced.
Repair of the EAX66207202 EBU62988413 motherboard should begin with the diagnosis and verification of all linear stabilizers and power converters of its microcircuits. Sometimes it may be necessary to update the software (software) - flashing FLASH or EEPROM.
Often, the MB (SSB) card must be replaced in case of complex malfunctions that are difficult to detect. When trying to repair, you should check its elements and replace the failed chips with new ones. Some malfunctions may be due to the use of BGA soldering technologies in modern Main Board technologies. Typically, such defects are detected by local heating of the chip.
In the absence of tuning to the channels of on-air or cable television, you should make sure that the software is correct, as well as in accordance with the ratings of the supply voltage at the terminals of the TDJM-G301D EBL61560001 tuner. It is also necessary to check the presence of pulses of data exchange between the tuner and the processor via the I2C bus using an oscilloscope.
It should be remembered! Attempts to repair the TV LG 43LF630V, in the absence of the necessary qualifications and experience, are categorically not recommended and are fraught with negative consequences, up to the complete non-repairability of the device!
MANUAL --------------------> LG Wi-Fi Module LGSBW41

The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the device LG 43LF630V:
Installed matrix (LED-panel) LC430EUE (FH) (M1).
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON) 6870C-0532C.
To power the backlight LEDs, a converter is used, combined with a power supply.
The formation of the necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the LG 43LF630V TV is carried out by the EAX66232501 power module, or its analogues.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is an EAX66207202 module, using THGBMBG5D1KBAIL, H5TQ2G63FFR and other chips.
The TDJM-G301D EBL61560001 tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.