Model: 43LH615V ZE
Chassis / Version: LD66H
Panel: LC430DUE (FJ) (M4)
LED driver (backlight): integrated into PSU
Power Supply (PSU): EAX66793101 (1.6) EAY64229501 LGP43DI-16CH1
MainBoard: EAX66769505 (1.0)
Tuner: TDJA-G301D
Control: AKB74915324
Specifications 43LH615V
LG 43LH615V
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
In the case when the 43LH615V does not turn on, does not respond to the remote control and buttons on the front panel, does not blink lights and does not show any signs of operability, the EAX66793101 (1.6) EAY64229501 LGP43DI-16CH1 power supply module is probably defective. In the absence of swollen filter capacitors of the secondary rectifiers, the diagnostics of the power supply should begin by checking the fuse and, if it is broken, it is first necessary to check all the power semiconductor elements of the primary circuit - diodes and transistors for the possibility of an avalanche or thermal breakdown.
The reasons for the breakdown of the power switch in switching power supplies (IIPS) can be different, for example, a malfunction of semiconductor cells or electrolytic capacitors in the stabilization circuits of the primary circuit, as well as a failure in the operation of the PWM controller chip or broken resistors in its bundle.
If the LG 43LH615V TV does not have an image, but there is sound, a malfunction in the backlight circuits of the LED panel LC430DUE (FJ) (M4) is likely.
Often in the absence of backlighting, disassembling the panel is required. It is necessary to check the health of the transitions of the LEDs, as well as the reliability of the contact connections in the rulers and connectors.
To check the health in the LED circuit, it is better to use a current source with a maximum voltage of 200V. We do not recommend using any voltage sources for this purpose. You can check each LED individually with a simple Chinese multimeter (powered by 9 volts) in the P-N-junction test mode. If you connect the red probe of the multimeter to the anode of the LED, and the black to its cathode, then the 3-volt LED will light up slightly, and in the opposite direction you can detect the transition of the emergency zener diode. A zener diode PN junction indirectly indicates a LED-a
The motherboard EAX66769505 (1.0) must be checked if there is no reaction to the remote control and function buttons, the standby indicator blinks or lights up constantly. In such cases, if the converters or power regulators of the microcircuit are working, a software update may be necessary.
In the absence of tuning to the channels of on-air or cable television, you should make sure that the software is correct, as well as in accordance with the ratings of the supply voltages at the terminals of the TDJA-G301D tuner. It is also necessary to check the presence of pulses of data exchange between the tuner and the processor via the I2C bus using an oscilloscope.
Remember! Attempts to self-repair by users of the LG 43LH615V TV without the appropriate qualifications and necessary experience can lead to serious negative consequences!
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ---------------> LG 43LH615V Chassis LD66H
CHASSIS : LD66H; MODEL : 43LH60**, 43LH60**-ZA/ZB/ZF, 43LH615V, 43LH615V-ZE

The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the device LG 43LH615V:
Installed matrix (LED-panel) LC430DUE (FJ) (M4).
To power the backlight LEDs, a converter is used, combined with a power supply.
The formation of the necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the LG 43LH615V TV is carried out by the EAX66793101 power module, or its analogues.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is an EAX66769505 module.
The TDJA-G301D tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.