Model: 43UF670V
Chassis / Version: 542L001F 4K UHD
Panel: LC430EQE (FH) (M2)
T-CON: V15 43UHD TM120 LGE Ver0.2 P / N: 6870C-0571B; TE12453MC, SW5O94A, RT5043A, 432FK
LED driver (backlight): integrated into PSU; 50V 1A
PWM LED driver: MC93F5616LB
MOSFET LED driver: 19NF20
Power Supply (PSU): EAX66205401 (1.8) - EAY63748601
PWM Power: UC2843B, NR134S
MainBoard: EAX66267106 (1,5) EBT63757303
IC MainBoard: LGE2134, MN864788, H27U1G8F2CTR, W25Q32FV, MX25L8035E, 24G256 (4G25), NTP7515
Tuner: TDJM-G301D EBL61560001
Specifications 43UF670V
LG 43UF670V
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
If the 43UF670V TV does not turn on, does not make any sounds when turned on, and also no indicators on the front panel light or blink - there is a high probability of a malfunction in the power module. In some cases, there may be a malfunction only in standby power. When repairing the power supply, it is advisable to start the diagnostics by checking the mains fuse and the electrolytic capacitors of the filters of the converter secondary rectifiers. In the event of a fuse breaking, the reason should be sought in the power semiconductor elements of the pulse converter of the main power supply. First of all, it is necessary to check the diodes of the rectifier bridge of the mains voltage and the power key (s) of the converter. The complete inoperability of the power supply unit can be caused by a short circuit in the power elements in the primary circuit, followed by an open fuse, or a short circuit in the loads.
It should be borne in mind that in the practice of repair it is extremely rare that key transistors in switching power supplies (SMPS) fail for no reason that should be sought by checking other components, for example, a breakdown of the key can provoke faulty elements of the damper circuits, or dried electrolytic capacitors or dangling primary resistors BP circuits involved in the stabilization process. In this case, all semiconductor elements of the binding of the PWM regulator chip UC2843B, NR134S, which it is desirable to check by replacement, are subject to verification.
If there is no image when you turn on the LG 43UF670V, or it appears and immediately disappears, but there is sound, most likely there is a malfunction in the backlight LED circuit of the LC430EQE (FH) (M2) panel, or in the LED node of the driver-converter of their power supply.
Often in the absence of backlighting, disassembling the panel is required. It is necessary to check the serviceability of the transitions of the LEDs, as well as the reliability of the contact connections in the rulers and connectors.
It is impossible to check the LED line for breaks without disassembling the panel with a multimeter or tester. For these purposes, it is necessary to open all series-connected PN junctions and a voltage of the order of tens of volts will be required, and ideally, a current source. Having disassembled the panel, it is necessary to check each LED separately. Chinese multimeters, as a rule, light up a single 3-volt LED in the forward direction. In the case of using dual 6-volt LEDs, the PN junction of its protective zener diode can serve as a health indicator. In faulty LEDs, the zener diode will either be cut off or broken into short-circuit.
Diagnosis and repair of the EAX66267106 (1,5) EBT63757303 motherboard usually begins with a test of the performance of the stabilizers and power converters of the module chips. In some cases, a software update is required.
Complex repair of MB (SSB) is possible only in the conditions of a service center with the necessary equipment. Checking or replacing elements LGE2134, MN864788, H27U1G8F2CTR, W25Q32FV, MX25L8035E, 24G256 (4G25), NTP7515 requires the necessary training and professional skills in repairing modules at the component level. Problems associated with the use of BGA soldering technologies can be diagnosed by warming up.
Malfunction of the TDJM-G301D EBL61560001 tuner is established after checking the software and all the supply voltages at its terminals. The data exchange of the tuner with the processor via the I2C bus can be controlled by an oscilloscope.
Attention to users! Self-repair of the LG 43UF670V TV without the appropriate qualifications and experience can lead to its complete non-repairability!
Firmware W25Q32FV, MX25L8035E, 24G256 (4G25) -------------------> LG 43UF670V, Main: EAX66267106 (1,5) EBT63757303, Panel: LC430EQE (FH)(M2)

The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the device LG 43UF670V:
Installed matrix (LED-panel) LC430EQE (FH) (M2).
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON) V15.
To power the backlight LEDs, a converter is used, combined with a power supply, controlled by the MC93F5616LB PWM controller. As power elements of the LED driver, keys of the 19NF20 type are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the LG 43UF670V TV are generated by the EAX66205401 power supply module or its analogs using UC2843B, NR134S microcircuits.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is an EAX66267106 module, using LGE2134, MN864788, H27U1G8F2CTR, W25Q32FV, MX25L8035E, 24G256 (4G25), NTP7515 and others microcircuits.
The TDJM-G301D EBL61560001 tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.