Model: 43UH603V
Chassis / Version: UD65S
Panel: LC430DGE (FJ) (M2)
T-CON: T-CON 6870C-0584B
LED driver (backlight): integrated into PSU
Power Supply (PSU): EAX66883501 (1.5) LGP43LIU-16CH1 PLDF-L508A 3PCR01389A
MainBoard: EAX66943504 (1.0)
Tuner: TDJM-G301D
Control: IR, Wi-Fi: WIFI MODULE
Specifications 43UH603V
LG 43UH603V
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
Possible malfunctions
- The LG 43UH603V TV does not turn on at all. The control lights do not light or flash. The TV on the remote control and the control panel buttons do not respond.
In some of these cases, the main switching power supply, the EAX66883501 module, is faulty. It is necessary to measure its output voltages, and in case of their absence (full or partial), it is necessary to check the serviceability of the power switches of the converters and rectifier diodes for the presence of a possible short circuit.
In case of breakdowns of semiconductors in the secondary circuits, the converter can usually work abnormally in the short circuit mode, and during short circuit in the power elements of the primary circuit, the mains fuse often breaks.
The breakdown of Mos-Fet keys used in pulsed sources is often caused by malfunctions of other elements, for example, in the power supply circuit of a PWM controller, in frequency-setting or damping circuits, as well as in Negative Stabilization Feedback. PWM microcircuits are usually checked by replacement with new ones, or obviously working.
- There is no image, but there is sound and reaction to the remote control. Or for a second, the image may appear immediately after switching on.
Often in such cases, there is no LED backlight. The reason can be both in the power supply of the LEDs, in their serviceability (breakdown or breakage), as well as in the violation of the contact connections of the LED strips.
When trying to detect a break in the LED lines, it should be taken into account that it is difficult to do this without disassembling the panel. For example, a current source is needed to open PN junctions connected in series.
- The TV does not enter the operating mode, does not respond to the remote control. The indicator on the front panel lights constantly or blinks.
Repair or diagnostics of the EAX66943504 motherboard should begin by checking the stabilizers and power converters needed to power the chips and matrix. If necessary, update or replace the software (software). Often, the MB (SSB) card must be replaced in case of complex malfunctions that are difficult to detect. When trying to repair, you should check its elements - CPU: LGE6551-DA, EMMC: THGBMBG5D1KBAIL, EEPROM: 24C256 and replace failed chips with new ones. Some malfunctions may be due to the use of BGA soldering technologies in modern Main Board technologies. Typically, such defects are detected by local heating of the chip.
Before changing the tuner TDJM-G301D, if it is not possible to tune to television channels, make sure that there are power supply voltages that must be measured at the corresponding terminals of the tuner and check the software for correctness. The pulses of the data exchange of the tuner with the processor can be controlled by an oscilloscope
It should be remembered! Attempts to independently repair the LG 43UH603V TV, in the absence of the necessary qualifications and experience, are categorically not recommended and are fraught with negative consequences, up to the complete non-repairability of the device!
schematic diagram -----------> LG 43UH603V Chassis UD65S

EAX66943504 can be used in TVs:
LG 43UH619V (Panel HC430DGN-SLNXG-211X), LG 49UH603V (Panel LC490DGE (FJ)(M2)), LG 43UH603V (Panel LC430DGE (FJ)(M2)), LG 43UH610V (Panel HC430DGN-SLNX5-5112).
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the device LG 43UH603V:
Installed matrix (LED-panel) LC430DGE (FJ) (M2).
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON) T-CON.
To power the backlight LEDs, a converter is used, combined with a power supply.
The formation of the necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the LG 43UH603V TV is carried out by the EAX66883501 power module, or its analogues.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is an EAX66943504 module using CPU chips: LGE6551-DA, EMMC: THGBMBG5D1KBAIL, EEPROM: 24C256 and others.
The TDJM-G301D tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.