Model: 32AV603PR
Panel: LC320WXN (SB) (B1) 75013857
Inverter (backlight): KLS-EE32PIH12 75016205
PWM Inverter: BD9897FS
MOSFET Inverter: FDD8447L (3)
Power Supply (PSU): 715G3368-1
PWM Power: FAN7529 (PFC), L6599D (PWM Resonant), A6069 (7), SK9813
MOSFET Power: 20N60C3, 2SK4097
MainBoard: 715G3431 / 715G3385
IC MainBoard: CPU: MST9A885GL
Tuner: TAFT-S710D
Control: CT-90326
Specifications 32AV603P
General recommendations for repairing TV LCD
It is advisable to start the diagnosis of a malfunction of the TOSHIBA 32AV603PR TV, like all others, with an external examination of possible changes, both external and internal elements. Any external damage can sometimes prompt the repairman to take further steps to determine the malfunction of the TV and localize the defect. Ring cracks in the soldering of the leads of the heating elements, swollen electrolytic capacitors, a charred paint layer on the resistors - all this for the repairman can be a hint in assumptions about the causes and consequences of the malfunction.
If the power supply module 715G3368-1 fails, the external manifestations may be different, for example, the TOSHIBA 32AV603PR does not turn on at all and there is no indication of the control lights on the front panel. The diagnostics of the power supply should always be started by checking the fuse and, if it is broken, it is first necessary to check the rectifier bridge diodes and the power switch for the likelihood of an avalanche or thermal breakdown.
If a breakdown of the power switch of the flyback converter of the power supply unit is detected, it should be remembered that it does not fail without any reasons that should be sought by checking other elements of the primary circuit - electrolytic capacitors, PWM controller FAN7529 (8) L6599D (16) A6069 (7 ) SK9813, which can only be checked by replacement, as well as other semiconductor elements (diodes, transistors, zener diodes).
When using a power factor correction unit (PFC) in the power modules, troubleshooting becomes somewhat more complicated and requires additional experience and knowledge of their operation.
If the TOSHIBA 32AV603PR has no image, but there is sound and the TV is controlled by the remote control, a malfunction in the display backlight nodes is likely. The lamps or the power converter - inverter may be faulty. Often in such cases, when you turn on the TV, an image appears and immediately disappears. First of all, it is necessary to verify the operability of the electrolytic capacitors of the rectifier filter supplying the inverter, and check the LCD lamps by connecting external and obviously serviceable for diagnosis to the connectors.
Diagnosis of the KLS-EE32PIH12 75016205 inverter can be difficult due to the protection being triggered, which is organized by the designers to prevent negative consequences or fires in emergency cases, for example, during short circuits or breaks in the lamp power supply circuit, as well as their possible leakage. To make the necessary measurements at control points or to take the necessary waveforms, repairmen have to block the protection circuits in order to be able to diagnose.
It should be remembered that in such cases there is a risk of failure of the power elements of the inverter and to take special care. After carrying out repairs, the protection circuit must be restored for further safe operation of the TV.
It should be remembered! Attempts to repair the TOSHIBA 32AV603PR TV, in the absence of the necessary qualifications and experience, are categorically not recommended and are fraught with negative consequences, up to the complete non-repairability of the device!
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM / SERVICE MANUAL ------------------> Toshiba 32AV603P
Service Manual 70 pages on models 26AV603PG, 32AV603PG, 32AV605PB, 32AV607PG, 32AV615DB

715G3431 can be used in TVs:
TOSHIBA 26AV603PR (Panel LTA260AP02 75014399), TOSHIBA 32AV603PR (Panel LC320WXN (SB)(B1) 75013857), TOSHIBA 32AV607PR (Panel LC320WXN-SBB1 (75013857)), TOSHIBA 32AV615DG (Panel LC320WXN (SB)(B1)).
PSU Advanced
In the 32AV603PR TV, the 715G3368-1 power module is installed using the PFC (Power Factor Correction) scheme acting as an active filter to eliminate the higher harmonic components of the current consumption. The boost converter based on the FAN7529 PWM controller does not allow the electrolytic capacitor of the input rectifier filter to be connected to the network directly through open diodes, when the reactance (about 15-30 ohms at a frequency of 50 Hz) determines the charge current. As a result of the conversion, the charging current of the capacitor will be determined in such a way that the envelope of the high-frequency pulses of the input current will repeat the phase and shape of the sine wave of the input voltage. The health check of the PFC unit is carried out by measuring the DC voltage on the capacitor of the rectifier network. In operating mode, it should be around 380V, in standby approximately 300V.
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the TOSHIBA 32AV603PR device:
Installed matrix (LCD panel) LC320WXN (SB) (B1) 75013857.
To power the backlight, an inverter KLS-EE32PIH12 is used, it is controlled by the BD9897FS PWM controller. As power elements of the inverter, keys of the FDD8447L type (3) are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the TOSHIBA 32AV603PR TV are generated by the power supply module 715G3368-1, or its analogs using microchips FAN7529 (PFC), L6599D (PWM Resonant), A6069 (7), SK9813 and power switches of the type 20N60C3, 2SK4097.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a 715G3431 module, using CPU chips: MST9A885GL and others.
The TAFT-S710D tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.
Information from an alternative source:
Panel Type (Matrix): LC320WXN / (SB) (B1),
Motherboard: 715G3385-1, MST9A885GL-LF, W9412G6IH-4, Tuner: TAFT-S710D
T-con: 6870C-0238B,
Invertor: KLS-EE32PIH12, BD9897FS, Tr-r: L2-EH320-09823A-KL
PSU: G3553-P01-000-003U, A6069H, FAN7529, 20N60C3, LD6599D, K4097
Remote control: CT-90326