Technical description and composition of the TOSHIBA 32AV607PR TV, type of panel and applicable modules. The composition of the modules.
Model: 32AV607PR
Panel: LC320WXN-SBB1 (75013857)
Inverter (backlight): 75016205
Power Supply (PSU): 715G3368-1
PWM Power: A6069H (Standby 7pin), FAN7529 (PFC), L6599D (PWM Resonant)
MOSFET Power: 20N60C3, 2SK4097
MainBoard: 715G3431 / 715G3385
IC MainBoard: CPU: MST9A885GL,
Tuner: TAFT-S710D // FQD1116ME / BM-TPV
Specifications 32AV607P
General recommendations for repairing TV LCD
Any repair of electronic equipment begins with an external inspection of the device and diagnostics of the malfunction. In this case, you should visually carefully examine all the elements of the TOSHIBA 32AV607PR TV, both internal and external. It often happens that some damage to elements or connections will help determine the correct direction in troubleshooting and localizing a defect. Ring cracks in the soldering of the leads of the heating elements, swollen electrolytic capacitors, a charred paint layer on the resistors - all this for the repairman can be a hint in the assumptions about the causes and consequences of the malfunction.
If the TV does not turn on, no indicators on its front panel are lit or blinking. Also, if the TV does not respond to the remote control and buttons, does not make any sounds or any signs of operability when turned on, there is a certain probability that the power module is defective and needs repair. Sometimes with similar manifestations a problem can only occur in the absence of processor power, but this happens much less often. When diagnosing and repairing the power supply, it is necessary first of all to check the fuse, and if it breaks, you should check the power switch and rectifier bridge diodes for avalanche (thermal) breakdown.
It should be borne in mind that in the practice of repair it is extremely rare that key transistors of the N-FET type fail for no reason that should be sought by checking other components, for example, a breakdown of the key can provoke faulty elements of the damper circuits, either dried electrolytic capacitors or dangling resistors of the primary circuit of the PSU, involved in the stabilization process. In this case, all semiconductor elements of the strapping of the PWM controller chip are subject to verification, which it is desirable to verify by replacement.
In cases where the Power Factor Corrector (PFC) is used in the power supply, troubleshooting can be a bit more complicated.
If there is no image when you turn on the TOSHIBA 32AV607PR, or it appears for a second and disappears completely, but there is sound, most likely either the backlight lamps or their power converter (inverter) are faulty. It is necessary to check the electrolytic capacitors of the filter of the secondary rectifiers in the general power supply unit.
When repairing the inverter 75016205, it is often necessary for diagnostics to turn off the protection, which, for the purpose of fire safety, turns it off in any emergency situation, for example, during a malfunction or uneven wear of the lamps, which makes it difficult to find a defect.
In such cases, special care should be taken during diagnostics, and after completion of all repair work, it is necessary to restore the circuit and the inverter protection for further safe operation of the TV.
Attention to users! Self-repair of a TOSHIBA 32AV607PR TV without the appropriate qualifications and experience can lead to its complete non-repairability!
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM / SERVICE MANUAL ------------------> Toshiba 32AV607PG. 715G3385, 715G3431,WK0901, 715G3368
1. Service Manual 70 pages on models 26AV603PG, 32AV603PG, 32AV605PB, 32AV607PG, 32AV615DB.
2. Service Manuals with Schematic Diagrams 69 pages on models 32AV607PG, 32AV605PB, 32AV615DB.

715G3431 can be used in TVs:
TOSHIBA 26AV603PR (Panel LTA260AP02 75014399), TOSHIBA 32AV603PR (Panel LC320WXN (SB)(B1) 75013857), TOSHIBA 32AV607PR (Panel LC320WXN-SBB1 (75013857)), TOSHIBA 32AV615DG (Panel LC320WXN (SB)(B1)).
PSU Advanced
According to the conditions of compliance with modern world standards for household switching power supplies, the 715G3368-1 module provides for the use of a Power Factor Correction unit. The PFC circuit is a flyback converter based on the FAN7529 PWM controller. The reactance of an electrolytic capacitor of a line filter at a frequency of 50-60 Hz is usually not more than 20-30 ohms and its charge directly from the network through open diodes could reach tens of amperes per pulse if no filtering were applied.
As a result of the PFC conversion, an increased voltage on the capacitor (about 380V) cannot directly open the rectifier diodes, on the anode of which the voltage will always be slightly less (about 300V) and then its charging current will always be limited by the elements of the PWM controller. As a result, the envelope of the high-frequency pulses of the consumed current will repeat the shape and phase of the input sinusoidal voltage. The presence of an increased voltage (+ 380V) on the network capacitor indicates the serviceability of the PFC node.
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the TOSHIBA 32AV607PR device:
Installed matrix (LCD panel) LC320WXN-SBB1 (75013857).
An inverter 75016205 is used to power the backlight.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the TOSHIBA 32AV607PR TV are generated by the 715G3368-1 power supply module or its analogs using A6069H (Standby 7pin), FAN7529 (PFC), L6599D (PWM Resonant) microcircuits and power switches of the type 20N60C3, 2SK4097.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a 715G3431 module, using CPU chips: MST9A885GL, and others.
Tuner TAFT-S710D // FQD1116ME / BM-TPV provides the reception of television programs and tuning to channels.
LCD-televizor TOSHIBA 32AV607P s ZHK-displeyem LC320WXN-SBB1, razmerom po diagonali 32" (81 sm) formata 16:9. Yarkost' svecheniya ekrana 500 kd/m² obespechena podsvetkoy fluorestsentnymi lampami CCFL(EEFL). Otnosheniye maksimal'noy yarkosti k minimal'noy (kontrastnost') sostavlyayet 1200:1. Dinamicheskaya kontrastnost' 18000:1 dostigayetsya spetsial'nym kontrolem raboty podsvetki. Vozmozhen prosmotr izobrazheniy v vysokom kachestve HD pri razreshenii 1366x768 pikseley v standarte graficheskogo razlozheniya 720p (HD Ready). Vkhodnoy vysokochastotnyy ili videosignal mozhet byt' obrabotan v analogovykh sistemakh PAL, SECAM, NTSC. Graficheskaya obrabotka i formirovaniye tsifrovogo signala proiskhodit v standartakh 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i.
Moshchnost' akusticheskoy sistemy zvuka 20 Vt (2kh10 Vt) obespechivayut dva dinamika. Ispol'zuyetsya sistema obrabotki stereosignala NICAM i funktsiya ob"yomnogo zvuchaniya Sound Surround.
Vneshniy interfeys (svyaz' s drugimi ustroystvami) podderzhivayetsya standartnymi vkhodnymi i vykhodnymi raz"yomami: antennyy vkhod (RF), AV, audio x3, komponentnyy, SCART x2, RGB, VGA, HDMI x3. Predusmotren vykhod dlya podklyucheniya naushnikov. Dlya podklyucheniya komp'yutera ili noutbuka k dannoy modeli televizora ispol'zuyetsya raz"yom VGA (D-Sub 15) na korpuse TV, dannyy interfeys podderzhivayet razresheniya: 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1360x768.
Moshchnost', potreblyayemaya televizorom v rabochem rezhime ot seti, sostavlyayet 160 Vt.
Gabaritnyye razmery: s podstavkoy 786x571x271 mm, bez podstavki 786x525x91 mm.
Massa televizora: s podstavkoy: 13.8 kg, bez podstavki: 12.3 kg.
Vnimaniye! Panel' LC320WXN-SBB1 LCD-televizora TOSHIBA 32AV607P yavlyayetsya samym dorogim yego komponentom.
Izbegayte udarov po steklu i davleniya na poverkhnost' ekrana vo izbezhaniye neobratimykh povrezhdeniy LCD-paneli!
TOSHIBA 32AV607P LCD TV with LC320WXN-SBB1 LCD display, 32 "(81 cm) diagonal size in 16: 9 format. 500 cd / m² screen brightness is provided by CCFL (EEFL) fluorescent lamps. Maximum brightness to minimum ratio (contrast) ) is 1200: 1. Dynamic contrast ratio of 18000: 1 is achieved by special control of the backlight. You can view images in high quality HD at a resolution of 1366x768 pixels in the standard for graphic decomposition 720p (HD Ready). The input high-frequency or video signal can be processed in an analog system ah PAL, SECAM, NTSC. Graphic processing and formation takes place in the digital signal standards 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i.
The power of the sound system 20 W (2x10 W) provides two speakers. It uses a NICAM stereo signal processing system and Sound Surround.
The external interface (communication with other devices) is supported by standard input and output connectors: antenna input (RF), AV, audio x3, component, SCART x2, RGB, VGA, HDMI x3. An output for connecting headphones is provided. To connect a computer or laptop to this TV model, a VGA (D-Sub 15) connector is used on the TV case, this interface supports resolutions: 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1360x768.
The power consumed by the TV in the operating mode from the network is 160 watts.
Overall dimensions: with stand 786x571x271 mm, without stand 786x525x91 mm.
TV Weight: with stand: 13.8 kg, without stand: 12.3 kg.
Attention! The TOSHIBA 32AV607P LCD TV panel LC320WXN-SBB1 is its most expensive component.
Avoid hitting the glass and exerting pressure on the screen to avoid permanent damage to the LCD panel!