Model: 32AV605PR
Panel: LK315LA51 75014913 // LC320WXN-SBB1 (75013857)
Inverter (backlight): RDENC2590TPZA 75017556 // 75016205 6632L-0529A
MOSFET Inverter: 9962AGH (3)
Power Supply (PSU): 715G3368-1 75014960 POWER G3368-D-X-X-1-081219, ADTV82416AC8
PWM Power: A6069H (7), FAN7529 (PFC), L6599D (PWM Resonant)
MOSFET Power: 20N60C3, 2SK4097
MainBoard: 715G3385-1 75015227 (for LG) 32AV605PB, CBPFR3HBA4
IC MainBoard: Cpu: MST9A885GL-LF, Flash: MX25L3205, Eeprom: 24C32WP
Tuner: TAEF-S710D
Specifications 32AV605P
General recommendations for repairing TV LCD
Repair of the TOSHIBA 32AV605PR TV is better to start with a thorough external inspection and diagnosis of the malfunction. It is advisable to carefully examine the internal and external components. In some cases, visible external damage to the elements can suggest directions for troubleshooting and localizing the defect before starting the necessary measurements at the control points of the nodes of electronic circuits. Experienced repairmen are often aware of the causes of the defect and possible consequences, for example, from ring cracks in the soldering of the leads of the elements, as well as from swollen capacitors or resistors burnt to coal dust and other external indirect signs.
If the TOSHIBA 32AV605PR does not turn on, no control lights on the front panel light up and do not blink, therefore, there is a very high probability of a power supply module failure 715G3368-1 75014960 POWER G3368-D-X-X-1-081219, ADTV82416AC8. In this case, the diagnosis and repair of the common power supply should always be started by checking the mains fuse. If it breaks, it is advisable to check for a breakdown, first of all, all power semiconductor elements of the converter and the rectifier diode bridge of the network, as well as the large electrolytic capacitor of the filter of the network rectifier and the key transistor 20N60C3 K4097.
Power switches in flyback converters fail extremely rarely for no reason and, if they are broken, it is necessary to look for a malfunction in the stabilization circuits by checking electrolytic capacitors, semiconductor devices, and resistors in the primary circuit. The reason may be a malfunction of the PWM controller chip A6069H (7) FAN7529 (8) L6599D (16), which can only be checked by replacing it with a new or obviously working one.
It is somewhat more difficult to look for a malfunction in the converter of the power module with an active KKM (power factor corrector).
Sometimes the TOSHIBA 32AV605PR TV does not have an image, but there is sound, or the image appears and immediately disappears. In this case, there is a high probability of a malfunction of the backlight converter, or of the lamps themselves, which can be checked by replacement. In such cases, it is necessary to verify the serviceability of all electrolytic capacitors of the filter according to the power supply of the inverter itself, including in the power supply unit (power supply unit).
Often, attempts to repair an inverter RDENC2590TPZA 75017556 // 75016205 6632L-0529A are complicated by the fact that the diagnosis of a malfunction is complicated by the operation of its protection, which is designed to turn off the inverter in emergency conditions - when the lamps are depressurized, breaks or short circuits in high-voltage connections and other emergency situations. Lock protection to localize the defect is popular among repairmen.
In these cases, special care must be taken in view of the risk of failure of the power elements. After completing all repair work, it is imperative to restore the protection circuits for full and safe further operation of the TV by the user.
Repair or diagnostics of the motherboard 715G3385-1 75015227 (for LG) 32AV605PB, CBPFR3HBA4, you must start by checking the power conditioners. If necessary, you should update the software (software).
If the TV works normally from external devices, but does not tune into television channels, the TAEF-S710D tuner may be malfunctioning. In such cases, first of all, you should make sure that there are supply voltages at its corresponding terminals, as well as the power supply of varicaps (30-33V).
It should be remembered! Attempts to repair the TOSHIBA 32AV605PR TV, in the absence of the necessary qualifications and experience, are categorically not recommended and are fraught with negative consequences, up to the complete non-repairability of the device!
FIRMWARE FOR SPI FLASH -----------> 32AV605PR (Main Board - 715G3385-1)
1. Service Manual 70 pages on models 26AV603PG, 32AV603PG, 32AV605PB, 32AV607PG, 32AV615DB
2. Service Manuals with Schematic Diagrams 69 pages on models 32AV607PG, 32AV605PB, 32AV615DB

715G3385-1 can be used in TVs:
TOSHIBA 26AV605PR (Panel LTA260AP02 004), TOSHIBA 32AV605PR (Panel LK315LA51 75014913), TOSHIBA 32AV613DG (Panel LC320WXN-SBA1), TOSHIBA 37AV605P 37AV605PR (Panel LC370WXN (SB)(B1)).
PSU Advanced
The power module 715G3368-1 is made using the Power Factor Correction (PFC) scheme to eliminate multiple AC harmonics introduced by the device into the mains. The PFC assembly is a Step-Up Converter based on the FAN7529 PWM controller, which evenly distributes high-frequency pulses of the charging current of the electrolytic capacitor of the rectifier filter of the mains voltage over a period of 50 Hz. The current of its charge in this case will already be determined not by its reactance (usually 10-30 ohms for the network frequency), but by the elements of the converter. As a result, a change in the amplitude of the pulses (envelope) of the consumed current of the converter will repeat the shape and phase of the input sinusoidal voltage. The availability of an increased voltage (about + 380V) in the operating mode on the capacitor of the line filter indicates the serviceability of the PFC node.
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the TOSHIBA 32AV605PR device:
Installed matrix (LCD panel) LK315LA51 75014913 or LC320WXN-SBB1 (75013857).
The RDENC2590TPZA inverter is used to power the backlight. As power elements of the inverter, keys of the type 9962AGH (3) are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the TOSHIBA 32AV605PR TV are generated by the 715G3368-1 power module or its analogs using A6069H (7), FAN7529 (PFC), L6599D (PWM Resonant) microcircuits and power switches of the type 20N60C3, 2SK4097.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a 715G3385-1 module using Cpu microcircuits: MST9A885GL-LF, Flash: MX25L3205, Eeprom: 24C32WP and others.
The TAEF-S710D tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.