Model: KDL-26U2000
Chassis / Version: SE-1
Panel: LTA260W2-L19 // T260XW02 V.6
T-CON: T260XW02 V6, MAX1951, 7642ILTZ
Inverter (backlight): V0708.361 / F E206453 INVUT260ARev09
PWM Inverter: OZ964SN (20) LM393 LM324DG BD9883AF
MOSFET Inverter: P5504EDG P2804BDG
Trans Inverter: 4001Y650008 (GP) -03
Power Supply (PSU): 1-870-685-12 A-1189-415-A G1
PWM Power: A6169 (8), MCZ3001DB (18), TDA7495S, STR-A6169
MOSFET Power: 2SK3469
MainBoard: 1-870-688-11 BDTR, 1-870-677-11 BDT
IC MainBoard: TDA9886TS, VCT6973GB3 802, 24C32WP, TDA9974AHS / 8/12, D61123F1-100, CXD1968R
Tuner: 8-597-585-00 BTP-HC401
Control: RM-ED007
Model: KDL-26U2000
Chassis / Version: SE-1
Panel: T260XM02 V6
T-CON: T260XW02 V6 BD649T35 (8x4), 3232T (5), 6AIV (5), MAX1951 (8)
Inverter (backlight): 4H.V0708.361 / F
PWM Inverter: LM393, LM324DG, 0Z964SN
MOSFET Inverter: P2804BDG, P5506EOG
Power Supply (PSU): 1-870-685-12 - A-1189-415-A
PWM Power: MCZ3001DB, STR-A6169
MOSFET Power: K3469
MainBoard: 1-870-688-13
IC MainBoard: TDA9984AHS / 8/12 (CG4536), D62-1123F1 100, G253A, VDE9M0, CXA1875AM, HY27US08281A
Tuner: 1-871-490-11 - 172783611 - A-1202-962-A
Control: RM-ED007
Technical Specifications KDL-26U2000
SONY KDL-26U2000
General recommendations for repairing TV LCD
Repair of electronic equipment usually begins with an external inspection of the device and diagnosis of the malfunction. In this case, you should visually carefully examine all the elements of the SONY KDL-26U2000 TV, both internal and external. Many visible signs make it possible to determine the future direction of troubleshooting and localization of the defect. In most cases, the repairman can guess the causes of the defect and possible consequences by the characteristic signs of typical TV defects, for example, ring cracks formed in the soldering of element leads, swollen rectifier filter capacitors, charred resistors and other circuit elements.
A1189-415-A power module malfunctions can be expressed in different ways, for example, the SONY KDL-26U2000 does not turn on at all and the control lights on its front panel do not light up and do not blink, there are no signs of operability. In this case, the diagnosis and repair of the common power supply should always be started by checking the mains fuse. When it is broken, it is advisable to check for a breakdown, first of all, all power semiconductor elements of the converter and the diode bridge of the rectifier network, as well as the large electrolytic capacitor of the filter of the rectifier network and the K3469 key transistor.
Power switches in flyback converters fail extremely rarely for no reason and, if they are broken, it is necessary to look for a malfunction in the stabilization circuits by checking electrolytic capacitors, semiconductor devices, and resistors in the primary circuit. The reason may be a malfunction of the PWM controller chip MCZ3001DB, which can only be checked by replacing with a new or obviously working one.
In cases where the Power Factor Corrector (PFC) is used in the power supply, troubleshooting can be a bit more complicated.
If the SONY KDL-26U2000 does not have an image, there is sound and the channels are switched, there is a possibility of a malfunction of the display backlight, or their power converter - inverter. Sometimes when you turn on the image appears and disappears immediately. In such cases, it is necessary to check the electrolytic capacitors of the power filter of the inverter itself, including in the secondary rectifier of the main PSU.
Diagnostics of the 4H.V0708.361 / F inverter can be difficult due to the operation of the protection, which is organized by the designers to prevent negative consequences or fires in emergency cases, for example, during short circuits or breaks in the lamp power supply circuit, as well as their possible depressurization. To make the necessary measurements at control points or to take the necessary waveforms, repairmen have to block the protection circuits in order to be able to diagnose.
It should be remembered that when the protection is turned off, there is always a risk of failure of the inverter power elements during diagnosis. After repair, it is necessary to restore all standard converter protection circuits.
Diagnosis and repair of the motherboard S6KO09AQE8JH 642064 is carried out by checking the performance of power stabilizers or updating the software (software). Sophisticated MB board repair (SSB) is in some cases possible and practiced by repairmen. To do this, check and, if necessary, replace the elements TDA9984AHS / 8/12 (CG4536), D62-1123F1 100, G253A, VDE9M0, CXA1875AM, HY27US08281ALVG541A, 7150LMFLVXT4053.
It should be remembered! Attempts to repair the SONY KDL-26U2000 TV, in the absence of the necessary qualifications and experience, are categorically not recommended and are fraught with negative consequences, up to the complete non-repairability of the device!
Service manual / schematic diagram -------------------> Sony KDL-26U2000, KDL-32U2000, KDL-40U2000 CHASSIS SE-1

1-870-688-13 can be used in TVs:
SONY KDL-15G2000 (Panel CLAA150XP07Q), SONY KDL-20S2000 (Panel V201B1-L01), SONY KDL-26U2000 (Panel T260XM02 V6).
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the device SONY KDL-26U2000:
Installed matrix (LCD panel) T260XM02 V6.
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON) T260XW02.
To power the backlight, an inverter 4H.V0708.361 is used, it is controlled by the PWM controller LM393, LM324DG, 0Z964SN. As power elements of the inverter, keys of the type P2804BDG, P5506EOG are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the SONY KDL-26U2000 TV are generated by the power module 1-870-685-12, or its analogs using MCZ3001DB, STR-A6169 microcircuits and K3469 type power switches.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a module 1-870-688-13, using chips TDA9984AHS / 8/12 (CG4536), D62-1123F1 100, G253A, VDE9M0, CXA1875AM, HY27US08281A and others.
Tuner 1-871-490-11 - 172783611 - A-1202-962-A provides the reception of television programs and tuning to channels.
Information from an alternative source:
SONY KDL-26U2000 Chassis SE-1
Panel Type (Matrix): LTA260W2-L19 (Samsung)
T-con: 260W2C4LV1.8, Invertor: INVUT260ARev09, PWM: BD9883AF
PSU: 1189-415A + ULF, STBYSTR-A6169, slave MCZ3001DB + K3469 2pcs, Sound TDA7495S Module tune 1-870-677-11, Tune 8-597-585-00 BTP-HC401, TDA9886TS Main 1-870-688-11, percent Micronas VCT6973GB3 802, eeprom 24C32WP, Video HDMI TDA9974AHS / 8/12, DVB-T Nec D61123F1-100, CXD1968R Remote: RM-ED007