Model: LE32S81B LE32S81BX
Chassis / Version: LE32S81BS / ELD
Panel: V315B1-L01 Rev. C2
Lamp backlight: 16 Lamp CCFL
T-CON: Gamma Buffer - AS15-G
Inverter (backlight): I315B1-16A
PWM Inverter: OZ964GN (20), BA1032AF (14)
MOSFET Inverter: AO4614 (8)
Trans Inverter: 4018L
Power Supply (PSU): BN44-00191A
PWM Power: MC33067P (16), FAN7530 (PFC), FSQ0165RN (Standby)
MOSFET Power: 11N60 (PFC), FQPF9N50CF
MainBoard: BN41-00878A
IC MainBoard: CPU: MT8293AE; Scaler: SDP64; SOUND: NTP-3000
Tuner: HTM-6C / 235S BN40-00099A
Control: BN59-00609A, tun BN94-01362B
Specifications LE32S81B
General repair guidelines for TV LCD
Repair of a SAMSUNG LE32S81B TV is advisable to start with a careful external examination of all its constituent elements, both internal and external. Inspection is also subject to body elements, control buttons, screen, connectors and cords. In some cases, visible external damage to the elements can suggest the direction of troubleshooting and localization of the defect before starting the necessary measurements at the control points of the nodes of electronic circuits. Experienced repairmen are often aware of the causes of the defect and the possible consequences, for example, from ring cracks in the soldering of the leads of the elements, as well as from swollen capacitors or resistors burnt to coal dust and other external indirect signs.
Malfunctions of the power module BN44-00156A or BN44-00191A can be expressed in different ways, for example, SAMSUNG LE32S81B does not turn on at all and the control lamps on its front panel do not light up and do not blink, there are no signs of operability. When repairing the power supply, it is advisable to start the diagnostics by checking the mains fuse and, in the event of a break, the cause should be sought in the power semiconductor elements of the pulsed flyback converter of the main PSU. First of all, it is necessary to check the diodes of the bridge of the rectifier of the mains voltage and the power switch of the converter, which can be installed separately on the radiator, or integrated with a PWM controller.
It should be remembered that the N-FET keys used in flyback converters rarely fail for no reason to be looked for by checking other elements of the circuit. Often the breakdown is caused by malfunctions of electrolytic capacitors or semiconductor elements in the primary circuit, or by a break in the resistors in the stabilization circuits. Chips of a PWM controller MC33067P (16 pin), A6159 (8 pin) or Q0165R (8 pin), FAN7630 (8 pin) can also cause a breakdown of the power switch of the converter.
If an active Power Factor Corrector (CMC) is used in the power module circuitry, it can sometimes become more difficult to troubleshoot. Knowledge, experience, intuition and skills in such cases have a great advantage for a successful repair.
Sometimes the SAMSUNG LE32S81B TV does not have an image, but there is sound, or the image appears and immediately disappears. In this case, there is a high probability of a malfunction of the converter of the backlight lamps, or of the lamps themselves, which can be checked by replacement. In such cases, it is necessary to verify the serviceability of all electrolytic capacitors of the filter according to the power supply of the inverter itself, including the power supply unit (power supply unit).
Often, attempts to repair the CMO I315B1-16A inverter are hampered by the fact that the fault diagnosis is complicated by the operation of its protection, which is designed to turn off the inverter in emergency conditions - when the lamps are depressurized, breaks or short circuits in high-voltage connections and other emergency situations. Lock protection to localize the defect is popular among repairmen.
When diagnosing with the protection off, special precautions must be taken, because there is a risk of failure of the power elements of the inverter. After the diagnosis, it is imperative to restore the protection circuits for the inverter to operate normally.
The motherboard BN41-00878A must be checked if there is no reaction to the remote control and function buttons, the standby indicator blinks or lights up continuously. In such cases, if the power supply circuits of the microcircuit are working properly, a software update may be necessary. Board repair and replacement of NT8293AE microcircuits are carried out with the necessary equipment, and the corresponding element base.
Attention to the owners! Attempts at self-repair of the SAMSUNG LE32S81B TV are not recommended by the manufacturer and can lead to serious negative consequences!
One of the typical defects of a SAMSUNG LE32S81B TV can occur in the V315B1-L01 Rev.C2 panel.
External manifestations: color distortion in the image as a negative in the image, light tones predominate. Usually in such cases, the AS15-G gamma corrector is faulty. Another indicator of its malfunction is an excessively strong heating, which in practice allows you to do without measuring the voltage gradations of gray.
In most cases, replacing the AS15-G solves the problem.
It should be remembered that similar symptoms can cause faults in the column drivers of the panel, which is usually indicated by interference in the form of even vertical stripes on the screen. Then, after replacing the AS15-G, the situation does not change. Drivers are in loops and cannot be replaced. In this case, it is necessary to replace the glass panel.
SCHEMATIC -----> Samsung Chassis GJA26SEU-GJA46SEU.
FOR MODELS Samsung LE26S81BX, LE26S86BD, LE32S81BX, LE32S86BD, LE37S81BX, LE40S81BX, LE40S86BD, LE46S81BX.
SCHEMATIC ---> Samsung Chassis GJA26TSA-GJA46TSA.
Мануал на модели Samsung LE26S81BHX, LE32S81BHX, LE37S81BHX, LE40S81BHX, LE46S81BHX.
PSU SCHEMATIC ---> BN44-00191A.
INVERTER SCHEMATIC ----> I315B1-16A I315B1-16A Invertor Schematic.
MODEL LE32S81B - LE32S81BX-BWT Panel: V315B1-L01 Rev.C3, T-Con V315B1-C01, Main: BN41-00878A BN94-01352B, PSU: BN44-00155A.
LE32S81BX - Panel: LTA320WT-L06, T-CON: 320WTC2LV3.7, INVERTER: HS320WV12 INV32N12A, PSU: BN44-00191A .

BN41-00878A can be used in TVs:
SAMSUNG LE26R81BX LE26R81B LE26R81BS (Panel T260XW02 V.5), SAMSUNG LE26S81BS (Panel V260B1-L04 Rev. C1), SAMSUNG LE32S81B (Panel T315XW02), SAMSUNG LE32S81B (Panel V315B1-L01381, LT01301, LT01BC, Rev. SAMSUNG LE46S81B (Panel LTA460WT-L15 0T1), SAMSUNG LE46S81B (Panel LTA460WT-L15), SAMSUNG LE23R81W (Panel T230XW01 V.1), SAMSUNG LE26R82B (Panel T260XW02 V.5), SAMSUNG LE231XB01BW1B231BWBB81B23B81B23B81B23B81B23BX1B231
PSU Advanced
The LE32S81B model uses a BN44-00191A power supply unit using the PFC (Power Factor Correction) node - an active filter of the highest harmonics of the current consumption. In fact, it is a boost converter based on the FAN7530 PWM controller, which eliminates the charge current of the electrolytic capacitor of the rectifier filter directly from the network through open diodes, when its charging current is determined by its reactance.
As a result of the operation of the converter, the envelope of the high-frequency pulses of the input current of the converter will repeat the shape and phase of the input voltage. The health of the PFC node can be indirectly judged by the presence of an increased DC voltage (about + 380V) on the capacitor of the rectifier network in operating mode.

Main features of the SAMSUNG LE32S81B device:
Installed matrix (LCD panel) V315B1-L01 Rev. C2.
The matrix control uses the Gamma Timing Controller (T-CON).
To power the backlight, an inverter I315B1-16A is used, it is controlled by the PWM controller OZ964GN (20), BA1032AF (14). The transformer 4018L is installed in the inverter converter. As power elements of the inverter, switches of the type AO4614 (8) are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the SAMSUNG LE32S81B TV are generated by the power module BN44-00191A, or its analogs using microcircuits MC33067P (16), FAN7530 (PFC), FSQ0165RN (Standby) and power switches type 11N60 (PFC), FQPF9N50CF.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a BN41-00878A module, using CPU chips: MT8293AE; Scaler: SDP64; SOUND: NTP-3000 and others.
The tuner HTM-6C / 235S BN40-00099A provides the reception of television programs and tuning to channels.