Model: LE37A450C2
Panel: CLAA370WA03
T-CON: CPT370WA03C VTII8874, AS19-HG, TPS65161, 25F512AN, EM636165TS-7G
Inverter (backlight): CPT370WA03S 4H.V1838.491 B1
PWM Inverter: OZ964SN, LM358
MOSFET Inverter: BA7Z2F, BA2903F
Trans Inverter: 6019B805012 (GP) -02
Power Supply (PSU): BN44-00217A PSLF231501B
PWM Power: FAN7530 (PFC), STM4472, MC33067P, Q0365R
MainBoard: BN41-00983A
IC MainBoard: SEMS01, SDP72, SII9185CTU, NTP3100, 9933B, MP1583D, AP358, 74HC4052B, MAX232EC
Tuner: HTM2-6L2 / 235 BN40-00116A
Control: BN59-00685A
Technical Specifications LE37A450C2
General repair guidelines for TV LCD
SAMSUNG LE37A450C2 TV, like any other, it is advisable to start repairing with an examination of internal and external elements. Visible damage to elements can sometimes suggest directions for finding a defect even before the necessary measurements are taken. In most cases, the repairman can guess the causes of the defect and possible consequences by the characteristic signs of typical TV defects, for example, ring cracks formed in the soldering of element outputs, swollen rectifier filter capacitors, charred resistors and other circuit elements.
Malfunctions of the PSLF231501B BN44-00217A power supply module can be expressed in different ways, for example, SAMSUNG LE37A450C2 does not turn on at all and the control lamps on its front panel do not light up and do not blink, there are no signs of operability. When diagnosing and repairing the PSLF231501B BN44-00217A power supply, the fuse must first be checked, and if it is broken, the power switch and rectifier bridge diodes should be checked for avalanche (thermal) breakdown.
If a breakdown of the power switch of the flyback converter of the power supply unit is detected, it should be remembered that it does not fail without any reasons that should be sought by checking other elements of the primary circuit - electrolytic capacitors, PWM controller FAN7530, STM4472, MC33067P, Q0365R, which can be checked only by replacement, as well as other semiconductor elements (diodes, transistors, zener diodes).
If an active Power Factor Corrector (CMC) is used in the power module circuitry, it can sometimes become more difficult to troubleshoot. Knowledge, experience, intuition and skills in such cases have a great advantage for a successful repair.
If the SAMSUNG LE37A450C2 TV does not have an image, but there is sound, the malfunction should be sought in the power converter of the backlight (inverter). It is also necessary to check the serviceability of the electrolytic capacitors of the filter of the secondary rectifiers of the BP (power supply) for an overstated ESR.
Repairing the CPT370WA03S 4H.V1838.491 B1 inverter is difficult because in case of any malfunction or emergency, even if the lamps are unevenly worn, protection is triggered, which turns it off for fire safety. Diagnostics become impossible and protection needs to be disabled.
In such cases, the risk of failure of the power elements of the inverter is most likely, and special care is required during operations, and after their completion, it is necessary to restore the protection circuit for further safe operation of the TV by the owner in normal mode.
On the motherboard BN-00983A, in the event of a malfunction, you should first check the performance of all the power regulators of the microcircuits and, if necessary, update the software (software). Sophisticated MB board repair (SSB) is in some cases possible and practiced by repairmen. To do this, check and, if necessary, replace the elements SEMS01, SDP72, SII9185CTU, NTP3100, 9933B, MP1583D, AP358, 74HC4052B, MAX232EC, Tuner HTM2-6L2 / 235 (BN40-00116A).
Remember! Attempts to self-repair by users of the SAMSUNG LE37A450C2 TV without the appropriate qualifications and necessary experience can lead to serious negative consequences!
One of the typical defects of a SAMSUNG LE37A450C2 TV can occur in the CLAA370WA03 panel.
External manifestations: color distortion in the image as a negative in the image, light tones predominate. Often in such cases, the AS19-HG gamma corrector is faulty. Another indicator of this malfunction is the excessively strong heating of the AS19-HG or the deformation of its body, which in practice makes it possible to do without measuring the gradation voltage of gray.
If replacing the AS19-HG does not solve the problem, similar symptoms can cause short circuits in the column drivers of the panel, which is usually indicated by noise in the form of even vertical stripes on the screen. Drivers are in loops and cannot be replaced, then it is necessary to replace glass, or the entire panel assembly.
SCHEMATICS -----> Samsung LE26A45*C**, LE32A45*C**, LE37A45*C**, LE40A45*C** Chassis GCR26SE*, GCR32SE*, GCR37SE*, GCR40SE*.

BN41-00983A can be used in TVs:
SAMSUNG LE26A451C1 (Panel T260XW02 V.L), SAMSUNG LE37A450C2 (Panel CLAA370WA03), SAMSUNG LE26A450 LE26A450C2 (Panel LTF260AP01), SAMSUNG LE32A450C2 (Panel T315XW02 V.L32WL15A1451151L1W3151L1A1UN1.
PSU Advanced
The PSLF231501B power module is implemented using a Power Factor Correction (PFC) scheme to eliminate multiple AC harmonics introduced into the power supply by the device. The PFC assembly is a Step-Up Converter based on a FAN7530 PWM controller that evenly distributes high-frequency impulses of the charging current of the electrolytic capacitor of the rectifier filter of the mains voltage over a period of 50 Hz. The current of its charge in this case will already be determined not by its reactance (usually 10-30 ohms for the network frequency), but by the elements of the converter. As a result, a change in the amplitude of the pulses (envelope) of the consumed current of the converter will repeat the shape and phase of the input sinusoidal voltage. The availability of the increased voltage (about + 380V) in the operating mode on the capacitor of the line filter indicates the serviceability of the PFC node.
Main features of the SAMSUNG LE37A450C2 device:
Installed matrix (LCD-panel) CLAA370WA03.
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON) CPT370WA03C.
To power the backlight, the inverter CPT370WA03S is used, it is controlled by the PWM controller OZ964SN, LM358. A transformer 6019B805012 (GP) -02 is installed in the inverter converter. As power elements of the inverter, keys of the type BA7Z2F, BA2903F are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the SAMSUNG LE37A450C2 TV are generated by the BN44-00217A power module or its analogs using FAN7530 (PFC), STM4472, MC33067P, Q0365R microcircuits.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a BN41-00983A module, using chips SEMS01, SDP72, SII9185CTU, NTP3100, 9933B, MP1583D, AP358, 74HC4052В, MAX232EC and others.
The tuner HTM2-6L2 / 235 BN40-00116A provides the reception of television programs and tuning to channels.
Information from an alternative source:
SAMSUNG LE37A450C2 Chassis GCR37SE
Panel Type (Matrix): CLAA370WA03
Motherboard: BN-00983A, SEMS01, SDP72, SII9185CTU, NTP3100, 9933B, MP1583DN, AP358, 74HC4052V, MAX232EC, Tuner: HTM2-6L2 / 235 BN40-00116A
T-con: CPT370WA03C, VTII8874, AS19-HG, TPS65161, 25F512AN, EM636165TS-7G
Invertor: CPT370WA03S 4H.V1838.491 B1, BA7Z2F x8, OZ964SN, BA2903F, LM358, Tr-r: 6019B805012 (GP) -02
PSU: PSLF231501B BN44-00217A, FAN7530, STM4472, MC33067P, Q0365R
Remote control: BN59-00685A
Additional technical information about the panel:
Brand: CPT
Model: CLAA370WA03
Type: a-Si TFT-LCD, Panel
Diagonal size: 37 inch
Resolution: 1366x768, WXGA
Display Mode: MVA, Normally Black, Transmissive
Active Area: 819.6x460.8 mm
Surface: Hard coating (3H), Reflection 3.0% (Max.)
Brightness: 500 cd / m²
Contrast Ratio: 1200: 1
Display Colors: 16.7M (8-bit), CIE1931 75%
Response Time: 8 (G to G)
Frequency: 60Hz
Lamp Type: 16 pcs CCFL Embedded (Inverter)
Signal Interface: LVDS (1 ch, 8-bit), 30 pins
Voltage: 12.0V