Model: LE37B530P7 LE37B530P7W
Chassis / Version: N65A
Panel: AX094F040E // T370HW02 V.C
T-CON: MDK 336V-0N TCON103F, 4S128, BUF12800, BD8161 // 37T04-COG
Inverter (backlight): integrated into PSU
PWM Inverter: LX6503IDW
MOSFET Inverter: STF5N52U
Trans Inverter: 3324340033EF
Power Supply (PSU): BN44-00301A Rev1.1 // BN44-00262A
PWM Power: FAN7530 (PFC), ICE3BR0665J
MainBoard: BN41-01165A BN94-02519Y // BN41-01165B
IC MainBoard: CPU: SEMS12, DRAM: K4T511630G-HCE7, SPI Flash: 25L6405DMI-12G, NTP3200, DRV603
Tuner: DNOQ403SH151A (S)
Control: BN59-00863A
Technical Specifications LE37B530P7
General repair guidelines for TV LCD
Repair of the SAMSUNG TV with the N65A chassis should begin with a fault diagnosis, which involves a careful examination of the external and internal elements of the device. Visible damage to the elements can sometimes indicate the direction of the search for the defect even before the start of the necessary measurements. Ring cracks in the soldering of the leads of the heating elements, swollen electrolytic capacitors, a charred paint layer on the resistors - all this for the repairman can be a significant clue in the assumptions about the causes and consequences of the malfunction.
Sometimes the SAMSUNG LE37B530P7 TV simply does not turn on. No control lights on the front panel are lit or blinking, the TV does not respond to the remote control and does not make any sounds or any signs of life when turned on. The most likely cause of the malfunction is the failure of the common power module BN44-00301A Rev1.1. If it is working properly, you need to check the processor batteries on the SSB (Main Board). First of all, it is necessary to replace the swollen capacitors of the rectifier filters, if any. If the mains fuse is broken in the power supply, in most cases a breakdown of the power key (s) is detected, which can be integrated with the PWM controller, or a separate field-effect transistor can be used. The rectifier bridge diodes and the electrolytic capacitor of the mains rectifier filter should also be checked.
As a rule, the keys in switching power supplies (SMPS) are reliable enough and rarely fail for no reason to be looked for by checking other components of the circuit - electrolytic capacitors, resistors and semiconductor elements of the primary circuit. The PWM chip is checked by replacing it with a known good one.
In cases where the SAMSUNG LE37B530P7 TV has lost an image, and the sound is there and all other functions are operational, there is a possibility of an inverter (converter for powering the backlight) malfunction. When you turn on the TV, the image may appear briefly and immediately disappear. It must be borne in mind that with such manifestations, the lamps themselves also fail, the malfunction of which can be detected by replacement, by connecting to the connectors for diagnostics that are known to be serviceable and suitable in power. It should be remembered that when protection is disabled in order to diagnose a malfunction, there is always a risk of failure of the inverter power elements. After repair, it is imperative to restore all standard converter protection circuits.
On the motherboard BN41-01165A BN94-02519Y, in the event of a malfunction, you should first check the operation of all the stabilizers or power converters of the microcircuits and, if necessary, update the software (software). In some cases, it is necessary to check or replace (if necessary) the elements of the MB board (SSB) - CPU: SEMS12, DRAM: K4T511630G-HCE7, SPI Flash: 25L6405DMI-12G, NTP3200, DRV603. In cases where the BGA processor is used, its malfunction is usually detected by the local heating method.
Owners and users of the SAMSUNG LE37B530P7 TV must remember that self-repair without special knowledge, skills and qualifications can be fraught with negative consequences that can lead to complete non-repairability of the device!
SCHEMATICS ----> Samsung LE32B53***, LE37B53***, LE40B53***, LE46B53*** Chassis N65A.

BN41-01165A can be used in TVs:
SAMSUNG LE32B450C4 LE32B450C4W (Panel LTF320AP06), SAMSUNG LE37B530P7 LE37B530P7W (Panel AX094F040E), SAMSUNG LE40B530P7 LE40B530P7W (Panel LTF400HA08), SAMSUNG LE46B530P7 LE46B530P7W (Panel V460H1-L06 RevC1), SAMSUNG LE32B530 LE32B530P7W (Panel LTF320HA09), SAMSUNG LE40B531 LE40B531P7W (Panel LTF400HA08) .
PSU Advanced
The power module BN44-00301A is made using a Power Factor Correction (PFC) scheme to eliminate multiple AC harmonics introduced into the power supply by the device. The PFC assembly is a Step-Up Converter based on a FAN7530 PWM controller that evenly distributes high-frequency impulses of the charging current of the electrolytic capacitor of the rectifier filter of the mains voltage over a period of 50 Hz. The current of its charge in this case will already be determined not by its reactance (usually 10-30 ohms for the network frequency), but by the elements of the converter. As a result, a change in the amplitude of the pulses (envelope) of the consumed current of the converter will repeat the shape and phase of the input sinusoidal voltage. The availability of the increased voltage (about + 380V) in the operating mode on the capacitor of the line filter indicates the serviceability of the PFC node.
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the device SAMSUNG LE37B530P7:
Installed matrix (LCD panel) AX094F040E or T370HW02 V.C.
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON) MDK.
To power the backlight, a converter is used, combined with a power supply, controlled by the LX6503IDW PWM controller. A transformer 3324340033EF is installed in the inverter converter. As power elements of the inverter, keys of the STF5N52U type are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the SAMSUNG LE37B530P7 TV are generated by the BN44-00301A power module or its analogs using FAN7530 (PFC), ICE3BR0665J microcircuits and power switches of the STF13NM60N (PFC) type.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a BN41-01165A module, using CPU chips: SEMS12, DRAM: K4T511630G-HCE7, SPI Flash: 25L6405DMI-12G, NTP3200, DRV603 and others.
The DNOQ403SH151A (S) tuner provides television reception and channel tuning.
Information from an alternative source:
SAMSUNG LE37B530P7W Chassis N65A
Panel Type (Matrix): AX094F040E
Motherboard: BN41-01165A BN94-02519Y, K4T511630G-HCE7 x2, 25L6405DMI-12G x2, NTP3200, DRV603,
T-con: MDK 336V-0N, TCON103F, 4S128, BUF12800, BD8161
PSU & Invertor: BN44-00301A Rev1.1, Tr-r: 3324340033EF x2
Remote control: BN59-00863A