Model: 19PFL3404 / 60
Chassis / Version: TPS2.1E LA
Panel: LC190WH1-TLC1
T-CON: T-CON: PWM RT9939, LVDS controller EDRTM-L005
Inverter (backlight): 715G3338-1
PWM Inverter: OZ9938GN
MOSFET Inverter: 4828
Power Supply (PSU): 715G3338-1
PWM Power: NCP1271A
MainBoard: 715G3280-1B
IC MainBoard: MST9A885GL-LF
Tuner: TQ9CB 1R00305
Specifications 19PFL3404
General recommendations for repairing TV LCD
Like all other televisions, it is advisable to start PHILIPS 19PFL3404 / 60 repairing with a careful inspection of both external and internal elements and modules. Often, by visible changes, it is possible to determine the further direction of troubleshooting and localization of the defect before the start of the acquisition of oscillograms and the necessary measurements. Experienced repairmen are often aware of the causes of the defect and possible consequences, for example, from ring cracks in the soldering of the leads of the elements, as well as from swollen capacitors or resistors burnt to coal dust and other external indirect signs.
If the power supply module 715G3338-1 fails, the external manifestations may be different, for example, PHILIPS 19PFL3404 / 60 does not turn on at all and there is no indication of the indicator lights on the front panel. It is advisable to start the troubleshooting of the power supply module by checking the state of the electrolytic capacitors of the rectifier filters and the mains fuse. Defective capacitors should be replaced. If the mains fuse is broken, it is necessary to check first of all the power semiconductor elements - rectifier diodes and the power switch of the P10NK80ZPF converter, which are often found in a breakdown state in such situations.
It should be remembered that the N-FET keys used in flyback converters rarely fail without their own sake without any reasons that must be sought by checking other elements of the circuit. Often the breakdown is caused by malfunctions of electrolytic capacitors or semiconductor elements in the primary circuit, or by a break in the resistors in the stabilization circuits. The 1271A PWM controller chip can also cause a breakdown of the power switch of the converter.
If the power module uses an active KKM circuit (power factor control), troubleshooting is somewhat more complicated.
If PHILIPS 19PFL3404 / 60 does not have an image, but there is sound, there is a possibility of a malfunction of the backlight or power converter. You should also make sure that the electrolytic capacitors of the secondary rectifiers of the common power supply are working.
In most cases, the diagnosis and repair of the 715G3338-1 inverter is difficult due to the organization of protection, which turns it off in emergency cases to avoid fires during short circuits or breaks in high-voltage circuits and during depressurization of lamps. Often, repairmen block the protection circuits in order to make the necessary measurements at the inverter control points to identify the causes of the defect.
Turning off the protection for diagnostic purposes, it must be remembered that in this case there is a risk of failure of the power elements of the inverter. Upon completion of the diagnosis, all regular protection circuits should be restored.
Repair or diagnostics of the motherboard should begin by checking the stabilizers or power converters of its microcircuit. If necessary, you should update the software (software). In some cases, to repair the MB (SSB) board, it may be necessary to replace the chips with new ones or obviously working ones.
Once again, we remind TV users: you should not make attempts to repair it yourself without the appropriate knowledge, experience and the necessary qualifications! Trust the repair only to professionals with sufficient experience in the field of electronic equipment repair.
Service manual and schematic diagram 19PFL3404/60 Chassis TPS2.1E LA
MODELS: 19PFL3404, 22PFL3404, 26PFL3404, 32PFL3404

715G3280-1B can be used in TVs:
PHILIPS 19PFL3404/60 (Panel LC190WH1-TLC1), PHILIPS 22PFL3404/60 (Panel LC220WXE (TP)(A1) p/n: 832226812682).
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the PHILIPS 19PFL3404 device:
Installed matrix (LCD panel) LC190WH1-TLC1.
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON) T-CON :.
To power the backlight, an inverter 715G3338-1 is used, it is controlled by the PWM controller OZ9938GN. As power elements of the inverter, keys of type 4828 are used.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the PHILIPS 19PFL3404 television are generated by the 715G3338-1 power module or its analogs using NCP1271A microcircuits and P10NK80ZPF type power switches.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a 715G3280-1B module, using MST9A885GL-LF chips and others.
The TQ9CB 1R00305 tuner provides television reception and channel tuning.
Additional technical information about the panel:
Brand: LG Display
Model: LC190WH1-TLC1
Type: a-Si TFT-LCD, Panel
Diagonal size: 18.5 inch
Resolution: 1366x768, WXGA
Display Mode: TN, Normally White, Transmissive
Active Area: 409.8x230.4 mm
Surface: Antiglare, Hard coating (3H)
Brightness: 300 cd / m²
Contrast Ratio: 1000: 1
Display Colors: 16.7M (6-bit + Hi-FRC)
Response Time: 1.1 / 3.9 (Tr / Td)
Frequency: 60Hz
Lamp Type: 2 pcs CCFL Without Driver
Signal Interface: LVDS (1 ch, 8-bit), 30 pins
Voltage: 5.0V