Model: 46PFL7007T / 12 46PFL7007K / 12
Chassis / Version: QFU1.1E LA
Panel: LTA460HQ17
LED backlight: 46-LEFT LJ64-03551A
LED driver (backlight): integrated into PSU; 44.8V 960mA
PWM LED driver: 0Z9909TN x 2, LM358G
Power Supply (PSU): FSP163-4FS01 2722 171 90677
PWM Power: FSB127H (3.3V Standby. 0V in slave mode), FAN7930C (PFC), SSC9522S (PWM resonant)
MainBoard: 310431365554 3104 313 65554A
Tuner: SUT-RE214AN
Control: IR: GWA7.820.723-1 (HT), WiFi: 282206502587 1311R1C950453 D0AEEC314F4A
Specifications 46PFL7007T
General repair guidelines for TV LCD LED
Sometimes the PHILIPS 46PFL7007T TV simply does not turn on. No control lights on the front panel are lit or blinking, the TV does not respond to the remote control and does not make any sounds or any signs of life when turned on. The most likely cause of the malfunction is the failure of the FSP163-4FS01 2722 171 90677 general power supply module. If it is serviceable, you must check the standby batteries on the Main Board. Diagnostics and repair of the common power supply should always begin with a check of the mains fuse and the condition of the electrolytic capacitors of the secondary rectifier filters. Defective and swollen capacitors should be replaced with new ones. If the fuse breaks, it is advisable to check for a breakdown, first of all, all the power semiconductor elements of the converter and the diode bridge of the rectifier network, as well as the large electrolytic capacitor of the filter of the rectifier network.
It should be remembered that in the practice of repair, usually the power switches in switching power supplies (SMPS) do not fail due to their poor quality and, in such cases, it is necessary to look for the cause that led to a malfunction and provoked a breakdown of the key. Most often, the culprits of the accident are dried electrolytic capacitors or dangling resistors in the primary circuit, or the FSB127H PWM controller chip itself (3.3V Standby. 0V in slave mode), FAN7930C (PFC), SSC9522S (PWM resonant) may be faulty. It is also necessary to check all the semiconductor elements of the stabilization circuit in the primary and secondary circuits.
In cases where the PHILIPS 46PFL7007T TV has lost an image, and the sound is there and all other functions are operational, there is a possibility of a malfunction of the LED driver (converter for powering the LTA460HQ17 panel backlight LEDs). When you turn on the TV, the image may appear briefly and disappear. It must be borne in mind that with such manifestations the LEDs themselves also fail.
In case of breaks in the LED circuit, a complete disassembly of the panel is required, the LEDs are checked for an open circuit, as well as the reliability of the connections in the connectors and rations of the terminals.
It is impossible to check the line of series-connected LEDs without a special current source, and for this purpose it is not safe to use any voltage sources above 12V for them. Then it remains only to open the panel and check each LED separately. Usually, Chinese 9V-powered multimeters light up a single 3-volt LED, if you connect the probes in the forward direction, the red probe to the anode, and the black to the cathode. In dual 6-volt LEDs, the PN junction of its emergency zener diode can serve as an indicator of health. In the event of a LED malfunction, its zener diode will either be cut off or broken into short-circuit.
Motherboard 310431365554 3104 313 65554A must be checked if there is no reaction to the remote control and function buttons, the standby indicator blinks or lights up constantly. In such cases, if the converters or power regulators of the microcircuit are working, a software update may be necessary.
In cases of attempts to repair the MB board (SSB), it is necessary to check the health of its elements - FUSION240, STV6110AT, STV0903BAC, H5TQ2G63BFR-PBC, MT29F8G08ABACAWP which may require replacement with new ones. If a BGA processor is installed, there is a possibility of a violation of the soldering of the contacts of its conclusions with the board (it is diagnosed by heating).
If the TV works normally with external devices, but does not tune into television channels, the tuner SUT-RE214AN may be malfunctioning. In such cases, first of all, you should make sure that there are supply voltages at its corresponding conclusions. It is also necessary to make sure that the tuner and processor can exchange data via the I2C bus. Sometimes the cause of the inoperability of the tuner may be a software failure.
Owners of the 46PFL7007T TV are recommended to repair only qualified specialists with experience! Self-repair attempts without the appropriate knowledge and skills can lead to serious negative consequences!
Service manual and schematic diagram ---------------> 46PFL7007T/12 Chassis QFU1.1E LA
MODELS: 40PFL7007H/12, 40PFL7007K/12, 40PFL7007T/12, 40PFL8007K/12, 40PFL8007T/12, 42PFL6907H/12, 42PFL6907K/12, 42PFL6907T/12, 46PFL7007H/12, 46PFL7007K/12, 46PFL7007T/12, 46PFL8007K/12, 46PFL8007T/12, 46PFL9707S/12, 46PFL9707T/12, 47PFL6907H/12, 47PFL6907K/12, 47PFL6907T/12, 55PFL7007H/12, 55PFL7007K/12, 55PFL7007T/12, 55PFL8007K/12, 55PFL8007T/12, 60PFL9607S/12, 60PFL9607T/12.
FIRMWARE FOR SPI -----------------> 46PFL7007T/12

310431365554 can be used in TVs:
PHILIPS 40PFL7007T/12 (Panel LTA400HL15 code 003), PHILIPS 42PFL6907T/12 (Panel LC420EUF-PEF1 code 413), PHILIPS 46PFL8007T/12 (Panel LTA460HQ17 (SMGK) B p/n: 932229485682), PHILIPS 47PFL6907T/12 (Panel LC470EUF PEF1 code 414), PHILIPS 55PFL8007T/12 (Panel LTA550HQ19 code 325 p/n: 932229486682), PHILIPS 46PFL7007T/12 46PFL7007K/12 (Panel LTA460HQ17 ), PHILIPS 40PFL8007T/12 (Panel LTA400HL15), PHILIPS 46PFL9707T/12 (Panel LK460DL), PHILIPS 55PFL7007T/12 (Panel LTA550HQ19).
PSU Advanced
The FSP163-4FS01 power supply module is made using the Power Factor Correction (PFC) scheme to eliminate multiple AC harmonics introduced into the power supply by the device. The PFC node is a Step-Up Converter based on a FAN7930C PWM controller that evenly distributes high-frequency impulses of the charging current of the electrolytic capacitor of the rectifier filter of the mains voltage over a period of 50 Hz. The current of its charge in this case will already be determined not by its reactance (usually 10-30 ohms for the network frequency), but by the elements of the converter. As a result, a change in the amplitude of the pulses (envelope) of the consumed current of the converter will repeat the shape and phase of the input sinusoidal voltage. The availability of an increased voltage (about + 380V) in the operating mode on the capacitor of the line filter indicates the serviceability of the PFC node.
The appearance of the power supply
Main features of the PHILIPS 46PFL7007T device:
Installed matrix (LED-panel) LTA460HQ17.
The matrix control uses the Timing Controller (T-CON) S240LABMB3SNBC4LV0.1.
To power the backlight LEDs, a converter is used, combined with a power supply unit, controlled by a PWM controller 0Z9909TN x 2, LM358G.
The necessary supply voltages for all nodes of the PHILIPS 46PFL7007T TV are generated by the FSP163-4FS01 power supply module or its analogs using the FSB127H (3.3V Standby. 0V microchips in slave mode), FAN7930C (PFC), SSC9522S (PWM resonant) microcircuits.
MainBoard - the main board (motherboard) is a module 310431365554, using chips FUSION240, STV6110AT, STV0903BAC, H5TQ2G63BFR-PBC, MT29F8G08ABACAWP and others.
The SUT-RE214AN tuner provides TV reception and channel tuning.